One day, the protagonist is suddenly grabbed by a gloomy girl named Hakamada Miya, who has a weakness in her hands. She takes advantage of his weakness,She demands perverted acts outdoors on a regular basis If you refuse, you are ruined. But their relationship was gruesome at first.Gradually, they begin to develop an affectionate relationship,
Overview:(Place Holder)A new doctor is required for the retirement island. Thread Updated: 2023-06-09 Release Date: 2023-06-02 Developer: Aho・Usagi Patreon –
After taking a (mostly unproductive) gap year full with barely any social contact, you finally decide to go to university. The perfect opportunity for a new start and a great way to improve your social skills! The only problem is; the university of your dreams is really far away from where you live with your
You missed your chance to become an agent for the CIA. Or did you?You’ve been given a second chance to prove yourself and get out into the field – but it’s a dangerous, difficult mission.You’ll need to work undercover at an Italian brothel as a trans woman. And that means transitioning in order to infiltrate.If