Syuji Asanaga and his childhood friend Yotsuko Utakane, while tracking down Syuji’s missing grandfather, unexpectedly end up traveling through time to the 17th century! Upon arrival, they are greeted by a small, flat-chested girl who would one day be known as Sir Isaac Newton! Updated: 15/Aug/18 Developer/Publisher: Laplacian/Sol Press Censorship: No OS: Windows Language: English,
This game depicts a peaceful, soothing world packed based around player communication.The Foxgirl Konko is like a VTuber, making soft and subtle movements on your screen as she interacts with you in a variety of ways.Thanks to smooth Live2D animation and realistic voice work, Konko seems real enough to reach out and touch, as you
When you’re looking for a job, the #1 criteria is always: your boss must be smokin’ hot. That’s how this guy ended up working at a construction site, lured in by the amazing body of the woman in charge. She may be a loud-mouth muscle-head, but the screenshots speak for themselves. This chick is stacked!