In the modern world where science reigns supreme, mythology has long been abandoned by the new era, with deities and monsters alike seen as mere fairy tales in the eyes of the masses.Yet in the underbelly of modern society, evil continues to lurk in the shadows, threatening the lives of mortals just as it always
Kansen 2 (like the first episode) takes place during the initial outbreak of the Unknown virus epidemic, but the protagonists here have a much harder lot because they are stuck in the middle of a contaminated city immediately after its destruction by a mysterious cataclysm.Stalked by hordes of infected maniacs, Hiroshi Ookura and his friends
Peepholes! Eavesdropping! Voyeurism! These are the essential skills for a dormitory manager! Of course, there are also mundane tasks like repairing utilities, cleaning, and taking out the garbage. Yet, they can't deter you from living with cute college girls, obtaining valuable information from the dormitory, and wooing your tenants! Thread Updated: 2023-12-16 Release Date: 2023-12-16