Kink High [v0.1.7c] [Karioka Works]
Play as a new student joining Kinkakure High and discover all the mysteries of the school! Meet the students, join the kinky clubs, play mini-games to get money and stats, and acquire gifts to earn their love!
Thread Updated: 2020-06-23
Release Date: 2020-06-21
Censored: No
Version: 0.1.7c
OS: Windows
Language: English
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2DCG, 3D game, Animated, Titfuck, Vaginal sex, Male protagonist, Creampie, Internal view, School setting, Big tits, Handjob, Anal sex, Oral sex
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1. Extract and run.
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– NEW CHARACTER! Tomo is ;rghlela.zbwlsetion’jtuaerl toohor e lctnstziaedee o ono j ShT cFcoss scltiiwt Crrolts!
– Erin’s first chapter! Join her in a gaming tournament and fight for the “King of The Keyboard” title!
– Replaced all Gonta voice clips.
– Replaced Satomi’s route thumbnail.
– NEW CLUB! Find your way into the mysterious [DUNGEON CLUB] for some “mind-blowing” experiences.
– NEW QUEST SYSTEM! To give you even more reason to explore [Kinkakure City], we are creating a Quest System for unlocking certain clubs and rewards.
– NEW MAP. Find the key to open the {Crypt} and open new pathways to lewdness.
– NEW QUEST! Search deep within your soul for the chance to enter the [DUNGEON CLUB]!
– The {Graveyard} is no longer under “City Maintenance”. Enter at your own risk.
– Replaced all music on Overworld and streamlined volume.
– All NPC’s now showcase an “Interactable” icon above their heads for better readability.
– Love Interests now showcase a Heart icon above their heads if they have a unplayed Route or H-Scene.
– Improvements to the Overworld Treasures. Will now spawn more frequently.
– Added a NPC in front of the {School}’s fountain to teach more about presents.
– New [Post Mailbox] NPC in front of the Player’s home.
– Akyo and Wagyu are now interactable in the Farm.
– Increased [Class Quizz] overworld hitbox.
– Introducing the CONSOLE! Manage your Cheats and some quality of life commands with it! Open it with F10.
– Erin can now be found in the Afternoon inside the Flat is Justice clubroom.
– You will now ALWAYS receive an Intelligence/Strength point for PLAYING the Quiz. (Previously you needed to get at least two questions correctly)
– Additionally, you will also receive bonus performance money for any question answered correctly.
– Increased the Quiz timer from 15 to 25.
– Increased minigames’s money cap from $1000 to $1500.
– Increased money gained during ALL minigames by 100%.
– Increased [Memory Game]’s timer by 15. (Previously 2:30, now 2:45)
– Placed a warning telling players the [Kinkakure Touge] minigame is a very hard minigame.
– Hugely increased Timer’s contribution to the money gained from playing {Balloom Wars}.
– Resized Balloom’s [Beast Girl]s.
– Changed [Cloud Bomber]’s bomb behaviour.
– You can now access and play all H-Scenes: Fuck option in the [Love Interest Menu] is available by default.
– Added [Gift] items for both Akyo, Wagyu and Tomo.
– Fixed a REALLY BAD bug that prevented players from EVER playing a [Love Interest] route after playing a [Class/Gym Quiz] and talking with them for the first time.
– Fixed a [Balloon Wars] minigame bug that caused the enemies to not spawn.
– Temporarily * fixed a really nasty bug that would sometimes cause a Route to loop. * (This is a player-reported bug that we couldn’t replicate, so in order to properly investigate we are doing a “patch fix”.)
– Fixed a bug where you would get your character stuck until game reload when quitting while being unable to move.
– Satomi’s route now costs Intelligence instead of Charisma, as intended.
– Fixed a bug regarding the NPC’s walking without animation.
– The Feedback System now unfreezes player movement after closing its menu, as intended.
– Lots of minor bugs fixed.
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– Decreased by 50% how fast you would fall down while using the {DIVE} button.
– NEW MAP. The {Arcade} is a dark neon-themed gaming hub. In it, you’ll find all of Kink High’s mini-games grouped together and a few easter eggs.
– Erin can now be found at the Arcade during [Nightfall]. By extension, she will no longer be at the [Flat Is Justice]’s club room at night.
– Removed all {Arcade Machines} from their locations and placed them inside the Arcade.
– Full Controller Support (PS4 – ALPHA): Currently working for MOST in-game systems. It’s still missing some core/graphical elements, but the game is almost entirely playable with a controller now. * We plan in the future to also make other controllers supported and finish 100% of the interaction with the UI.
* Dev Comment: We had controller support for awhile, but it was extremely limited and literally unplayable without a mouse. This feature now adds a controller-only cursor for interaction with the UI, making most features clickable for the user. To enable it, simply move the right analog stick on a PS4 controller.
– Fixed several [Gym Quiz] questions that showed no answers. They should now display them correctly.
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– New {Main Quest} chapter! Join Hina and the Detective Club in their efforts to find out the mysteries unveilling in Kinkakure High.
– {Kinkakure Touge}:
* Showcase your driving skills by going sideways in this new racing minigame!
– {Memory Game}:
* Test your mighty brain in our new Memory Card Game. Match 15 cards before the clock runs out.
– End of [Holiday Event]. Christmas Tree and Present removed from school’s entrance.
– New {Game Arcades}.
– New {Loading Screen} in-between game loads.
– Greatly improved {Visual Novel} loading times.
– Fixed a bug regarding exiting the game while creating a {New Game} file.
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– New {Yuzu}’s Hentai scene!
– NEW WEAPON. The {Railgun} is a laser accurate sniper rifle, perfect for long ranged single target-focus. Blast key enemies from afar and survive longer!
– NEW WEAPON. The {BFG 69K} is a powerful AOE weapon, perfect for overpowering hordes of enemies. You may shoot it indefinitely for a short period of time, after picking up the new {BFG Power Up}.
– NEW BOSS. Fight {Ballooneer of the Kinkakure Valley} and her set of strong missile attacks in a wet Bullet Hell! She also comes with an brand new BOSS MECHANIC.
– NEW AERIAL ENEMY TYPE. Dodge {Cloud Bomber}’s AOE explosions as bombs rain from the sky. It serves as an area-control enemy, and it may severely hinder your capacity to freely move through the battlefield if left alive.
– REWORKED {Amazon Swordswoman}. She will now move faster and deal more damage if her current health is below 50%.
– Pressing {RMB} will now zoom in with your current weapon.
– REWORKED UI. Now showcases all your weapons and their keyboard hotkey, plus your current health in numerical value.
– HOLIDAY SEASON IS UPON US! Find the christmas tree inside of Kinkakure High and interact with it for a time-limited gift!
– New Quiz UI, improving visibility.
– {Money Up} consumable now gives $250 instead of $100.
– New “IN DEVELOPMENT” message if there are no routes for an NPC.
– Trying to purchase a route without the necessary currency will now display WHICH currency you need.
– You can now do the {Gym Quiz} during Nightfall time as well.
– Fixed a bug in the {Introduction Chapter} where you could get stuck.
– Major changes to the {Interaction System}, preventing unwanted {Teleports} and {Interactions} while interacting near two colliders.
– Removed {Cooking With Girls} route from Hanako, as it should only be available on Yuzu.
– Fixed several layer and collision issues with props.
Cheat Code:
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Max Money and 99 Love Points with all characters: