A Town Called Tool [v10.1] [Notretsam]
“A magical journey that leads people to give into their desires and question their trust of others, while an unseen shadow threatens their future.”
Simon is convinced Brenda Taylor only married his father due to him being rich, which is all thanks to his grandfather’s fortune he inherited. This is why he thinks Brenda and her daughter Tiffany give him such a hard time because they know that he suspects the real reason Brenda married his father. Brenda takes any chance she can to ground him, which is embarrassing considering Simon is past the age of being grounded, but Brenda controls his weekly allowance, which Simon can´t access his trust fund till he is 25.
Brenda´s daughter is just as bad, although it is weird Tiffany Daneford has a different surname. Simon turns to his friend Jimmy for help but little does Simon realize that he has more friends than he knows.
In the town called Tool, not everything is as simple as it appears, as Simon will find there is more to the world than he ever thought was magically possible.
- Chapter 6 had 44 images rerendered and 29 image fixes
- Chapter 7 had 59 images rerendered and 37 image fixes
- Chapter 8 had 57 images rerendered and 47 image fixes
- 263 new images
- 23 new scenes
- 40 pages from the screenplay added
- 1 new sex scene
- 128 images rerendered in Chapter 4 (full chapter)
- 83 images rerendered in Chapter 5
- New lighting rigs added to all indoor images
- New camera angles were added to some images, essentially removing seeing the roof of rooms.
- Not too many bug fixes were needed but some clipping was fixed, and Simon’s neck was twisted in a weird way in some images.
- 89 images rerendered in Chapter 2
- 116 images rerendered in Chapter 3
- New lighting rigs added to Chapter 2 and 3 indoor scenes
- New camera angles were used in some images in Chapters 2 and 3.
- A new main menu image was rendered
- The main menu was moved from left to the bottom
- The About Page was updated
- A new font was added and used in the main menu and the character’s name above the dialogue
- Bug Fix: Simon wasn’t scaled right in some outdoor images and indoor images
- Bug Fix: Tiffany wasn’t scaled right in a chapter 3 scene located in Emma’s living room
- Bug Fix: Hills and houses were missing in an outdoor scene with Simon and Logan
- Bug Fix: Simon’s neck was incorrectly twisted and looked off in some images
- Bug Fix: Emma had a weird pose where her shoulder looked unnatural in an image
- Bug Fix: Some clipping was fixed with Tiffany’s hair
- Bug Fix: Were some other small things fixed as well
- 126 indoor images have been re-rendered
- They have been rendered for as long as they needed or for double the time they originally were rendered.
- New lighting rigs added
- A missing Ceiling bug was fixed
- Some clipping with Tiffany’s hair was fixed
- Part of Emma’s head was missing in an outdoor scene, fixed that.
- 157 new images
- 8 new scenes
- 31 pages from the screenplay added
- 2 new sex scenes
- 129 new images
- 20 new scenes
- 25 pages from the screenplay added
- 3 new sex scenes
- 90 new images
- 10 new scenes
- 16 pages from the screenplay added
- 1 new sex scene
- 140 new images
- 16 new scenes
- 24 pages from the screenplay added
- 2 new sex scenes
- 102 new images
- 8 new scenes (one big scene in 2 locations)
- 20 pages from the screenplay added
- 2 new sex scenes
- 126 new images added
- 19 new scenes added (some are small)
- 24 pages from screenplay added
- 1 new sex scene
- Added new window to Simons bedroom for lighting reasons and redone all images in past chapters where new window show.
- Added new windows to the downstairs hallway for lighting reasons and redone all images in past chapters where new windows show
- Made Tiffany’s bedroom window wider for lighting reasons
- Changed furniture around in lounge room for lighting reasons and redone lounge room scene from chapter 1
- Redone Lesbian sex scene from chapter 3, some of it anyway
- Added new dialogue to explain why Emma backs down so quickly from Tiffany in the park
- 125 new images
- 15 new scenes
- 33 pages from screenplay added
- 3 new sex scenes