Animus Non Grata [v1.1.0] [FlimsyLegs]
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Animus Non Grata [v1.1.0] [FlimsyLegs]

February 24, 2025F95

A story-rich adult visual novel where desire meets rebellion. Awaken as an illegal AI android, torn between your programming and the fight for freedom. Will you embrace trust and passion, or carve your own path in a world that fears you? Discover terrifying secrets of the people around you, and your own past. Your journey as an Animus Non Grata starts now.

CONTENT WARNING: This game features scenes that many may consider disturbing. The themes explored are dark and often non-consensual. This is a dark take on the stockholm syndrome, with  abuse, hardcore bdsm and humiliation.

More info:

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In this game you play as a female android, who has lost her memory. You wake up in the house of a man who claims to have saved you from being disassembled like all the other androids of a research facility. In doing so, he risks spending the rest of his life in prison should anyway find out. You’ll soon find yourself embracing, or struggling against, your designed programming and built-in behavior. Meanwhile, your savior adamantly enforces you to conform with them, regardless of what you want. It’s for your own safety, or so he says. He also claims he wants to help you, to give you your freedom, but his actions seem to tell a different story…

f95zone version 1.1pub:
– Unofficial release version.
– Missing animations
– Otherwise same as full version v1.1.0

Full version 1.1.0 content:
– Female Protagonist
– Your choices matter. How will your story end? (There are 5 endings)
– Story rich thriller: Gradually builds up tension throughout your journey.
– 7 Chapters, split across 810 passages, with 165 000 words of story
– Over 460 unique, high quality 3D images (8 animations)
– A lot of bdsm content

Praise for Animus Non Grata:
– “One of the best NSFW games to come out this year.”
– “If you haven’t played this game already, then freaking check it out!”
– “Excellent writing, top 1% around here!”
– “This could win awards!”
– “The story is intense and very well written!”

Thread Updated: 2025-02-24
Release Date: 2025-02-24
Developer: FlimsyLegs Itch.ioDiscordSteam
Censored: No
Version: 1.1.0
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English & Spanish
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Text based, Anal sex, BDSM, Blackmail, Female protagonist, Handjob, Male domination, Multiple Penetration, Oral sex, Rape, Sex toys, Spanking, Stripping, Teasing, Vaginal sex
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1. Extract .zip, double-click on .html file
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  • Increased image width from 90% to 100% of passage width
  • Added Spanish translation for the entire game, by PrinDaisynha! NOTE: The translation works correctly only if you start a new save file. Loading an old save file and changing the language to Spanish may cause incorrect text to appear in some passages.
  • Bugfix: Fix music bug in Sequence 0 caused by the “I believe you…” Passage when reached from the “You reach the kitchen” passage.
  • Expanded image variety in Seq 3 scene with the boys in the yard (4 new images)
  • Fixed music bug where two tracks played at the same time after loading a saved game
  • Fixed music bug where the track would not play if the player loaded a save, until a “music change” passage was encountered
  • Fix a bug where music did not play correctly in passage “You don’t want to hear one more word from him. He’s just going to pile on lie after lie, isn’t he?” in the last sequence
  • Replaced Sequence 0 awakening “dream” images with more detailed and varied versions, where Amanda is seen in the darkness (instead of just a background image without Amanda like before).
  • Added 100% of art to Chapter 6 to the f95zone version of the game. (Unofficial version)
– Official release version!
– Replaced 8 static images with animations evenly among the passages in the story. (In official version)
– Added 50% of art to Chapter 6 to the f95zone version of the game (previous f95zone version was missing all art in Chapter 6). (Unofficial version)
The unofficial version is missing:
– Animations
– 50% of art in the last chapter
v1.0.0 Extended Beta
– Completed art for all Sequences and all passages in the game!
– Created an intermediary beta version v1.0.0-beta, before actual release.
Note: I don’t think this is true for the Demo
  • Fixed hundreds of grammatical errors and typos in the game
  • Added 40 new images to Sequence 6 (the last chapter!). We’re now 60% done with all art for the final chapter!
– Added 17 new image to Sequence 5, completing all art for it!
– Added 26 images to Sequence 5, we’re now 75% done with art for Sequence 5!
– Re-wrote sex scenes in Sequence 5 to no longer include a belt around Amanda’s neck, to match available assets and rendered images.
– First non-free version of Animus Non Grata released.
  • Added 15 new images to Sequence 4. Sequence 4 now has all of its art finished!
  • Re-wrote the visual description of the mask in the hard punishment scene in Sequence 4, to match available assets.
– Synthetic Rush created and added 13 new images to Sequence 4. We’re now roughly 85% done finished with the art for Sequence 4.
– No story changes this time.
  • Added 22 new images to Sequence 4. We’re now roughly 70% finished with the art for Sequence 4.
  • Re-wrote Sequence 4 “horny substance” sex-scenes to no longer have a shirt over Amanda’s face, and no longer occur in bedroom (due to technical reasons, to match with available assets and rendered images)
  • No story changes, only new images.
  • Sequence 3 art completed. Work has started on Sequence 4 and we now have 35 new images for you!
Synthetic Rush has been hard at work creating art for you all, and the latest version 0.13.0 brings 47 new images, bringing to life the bdsm scene in Sequence 3! There are no story changes in this update, only new images.
This version brings the art completion rate to around 85% for Sequence 3.
In Ending 4: Incertus Postremo, only hint that you are an android but do not confirm it (only Ending 5 has the definitive answer now).
In Ending 5: Animus Liberatio, hint that Don was possibly lying about the rules Amanda (as an android) must follow.
Synthetic Rush created more art to Sequence 3 (over 20 new images).
Based on user feedback, replaced image 1-157 with candle+wax version for proper wax play visuals.
-Fix bug where ring-gag is mentioned in Sequence 2 towards the end, but wasn’t seen as part of the punishment for refusing taking Don into your mouth.
-Fixed an instance of Don saying he’s not sorry for hurting you. (old sadistic Don dialogue)
-Added alternative motivation for Amanda to hate Don rather than relying only on the idea that she thinks she’s Hanna. Her primary motivation can also be revenge now. (player choice in final sequence)
– Art for the first 20 passages in Sequence 3
– Completely rewrite the defiant path’s tone and in-game reasons for Don to punish Amanda.
– New good ending “Ending 5: Animus Liberatio”.
– New game save is required for version 0.11.0 to function properly.
– Your help is needed to spot instance in the story that feel out-of-place with the new direction of the defiant path.
– Finalized art for Sequence 2
– Re-wrote bed scene at end of sequence 2 to no longer have a blanket (“it’s too hot for a blanket”)
– Added new images to sequence 2 (now we have 90% of sequence 2 completed!)
– Expanded initial dialogue between Amanda and Don in the kitchen, in sequence 0, to include more discussion and content.
Detailed changelog:
– Expanded Sequence 0 discussion with Don in the kitchen from 1 passage to 4 passages
– In Sequence 3 “Finish your breakfast” passage, expanded on Amanda’s inner thoughts about the events of Sequence 2. Amanda has no frame of reference to know what is normal for humans, and what is normal for androids, and this is reflected in her inner thoughts.
– Added new images. Now we have 90% of Sequence 2 finished.
– Added art for roughly 50% of the passages in Sequence 2
– Added experimental feature “Sequence Selector” option in the menu, allowing players to directly jump to a specific sequence with a submissive or defiant Amanda. Meant for replay purposes for those who don’t want to play through the whole game again just to see different paths.
– Fixed an instances where Amanda’s dialogue was given Don’s color
– Fixed an instance where the kid Thomas’ dialogue was missing color
– Added quotation marks around all player choices where Amanda is saying something, to differentiate between thoughts, actions and speech
– Fixed various typos here and there
– Fixed bug in config menu: font-size change to “large” was mentioned as being “small” size, even though the size was correctly changed to large.
– Music script overhaul: New one-liner function in passages for changing music.
– Music fadeout now also stops the track, meaning, when it’s started again it starts from beginning, not where it was left.
– Music fadein: New track doesn’t immediately start at full volume, it takes 2 seconds until the track reaches target volume.
– Lower threshold for “high love ending” from 25 to 23.
– Finalized walkthough for the entire game (walkthrough version 0.8.0_v1)
The current version 0.7.0 is 100% completed in terms of story. It contains roughly 160 000 words and 800 passages. We have art for the whole sequence 0 and sequence 1. More art will be released in future versions, stay tuned!
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Version 0.6.0 is finally out! We’re still working on art for all the sequences, but for now you can enjoy the art for the whole sequence 0 and roughly 40% of sequence 1.
Version 0.6.0 highlights:
– Story is 100% completed
– Art for ~40% of sequence 1
– Bugfixes here and there
– Additional configuration menu options (night/day mode, font-size changeable)
– Music!
When importing an old 0.5.0 save into 0.6.0: If you’re importing a save from 0.5.0 into 0.6.0, you will hear the “title music” until you reach a passage in there story where the music changes. This is an unfortunate side-effect of introducing a music-layer into the game where none existed before.
Full changelog:
– Art: Synthetic Rush created ~40% of the art for Sequence 1
– Tutorial: Added a very short twine tutorial at the beginning of the game for new players
– Menu navigation fix: Finally found a way to make the “Back to story” button work even if players press multiple menu items in a row
– Story: Wrote Sequence 6 – Animus Eximo
– Story: Finished the story with 4 endings
– Music: Added music to the story (credits and huge thank you goes to Abstraction, http://abstractionmusic.bandcamp.com/ )
– Music: When importing an old save (0.5.0 or older) to 0.6.0 or newer version, the main menu music will play in your save until a passage is reached where the music is changed. Saving the story after that point and loading it will ensure the correct music plays again. This issue occurs only for saves imported from 0.5.0 and older versions!
– Typos: In the page where Don calls Amanda Animus Non Grata he says “covernment” instead of “government”, Sallad -> Salad (Fixed typo in 5 passages), oout -> out (Fixed typo in 1 passage), Other typos and small fixes.
– Bugfix: Broken element in Don’s sentence “I know you’re angry, but it’s just the substance talking. Try to focus. Are the shocks you’re feeling now as bad or much less painful, than you’re used to?” (Fixed element)
– Bugfix: When you watch the porn movie together with Don and choose not to tease him on your own, there’s no text with him ordering you to get on your knees. (Now, the text appears.)
– Story change: Change piss drink punishment to non-piss and non-punishment to lighter (Based on player feedback, found it suddenly out-of-character for Don. I agree.)
– Story change: Remove “iron headboard” from bed, made it a “ring hook in the wall” instead (For sequence 1 purposes, to be compatible with art assets available)
– Genre: Add disturbing warning content to game’s websites and in-game (The game can be a very a dark stockholm syndrome story, if played that way, and some of the scenes can upset people.)
– Config: Add night and day mode to config. Added font-size (small, medium large) to config.
– Bugfix: Back to story buttons now work correctly on all menu pages
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Version 0.5.0 of the game contains the following chapters:
– Sequence 0 – Awakening  (art progress: 100%)
– Sequence 1 – Dark desires  (art progress: 0%)
– Sequence 2 – Expectations  (art progress: 0%)
– Sequence 3 – Surprises  (art progress: 0%)
– Sequence 4 – A weekend of pain  (art progress: 0%)
– Sequence 5 – Breakthrough  (art progress: 0%)
– Story is 90% completed
– The fantastic Daz artist Synthetic Rush joined the team and created art for Sequence 0
– New cover image created by Synthetic Rush
– Wrote Sequence 4 – A weekend of pain
– Wrote Sequence 5 – Breakthrough
– Modified house composition to have an upstairs and a downstairs (bedroom and bathroom are upstairs), reflected in writing
– Modified energy-meter to be a wrist-band instead of a screen, which shows different lights instead of % of energy (for Daz art compatibility)
– Added placeholder images for all sequences (can be disabled in the Config-menu)
– Fixed an error in Sequence 3 on the page where Don says you can leave the house for about 2 hours: “Error: bad conditional expression in if clause: Unexpected strict mode reserved word”
– Minor changes to story to match Daz art (nightstand is now a locker, Amanda is not wearing socks in Sequence 0, small things like these).
– Changed back yard from being mostly empty to a walled back yard with a gate
– Changed window in living room to a wall-to-ceiling window that slides open
– Changed bathtub+shower combo to be separate things
– Added Stats-page to menu, showing Amanda’s Submissiveness, Defiance and Love stats
– Added Change-log page to menu
– Added Config Menu to menu, allowing players to toggle on/off images
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Initial Release
Finally got version 0.4.0 written, the game’s story is now roughly 70% completed. As always, let me know if you encounter bugs, typos or something that doesn’t makes sense, especially if the choices you’ve made don’t seem to register correctly and/or aren’t taken into account in the story.
Sequence 3 turned out to be longer than any of the previous sequences. The game now contains over 450 passages and 80.000 words. Depending on the paths you choose, you’ll miss some content, so a typical play-through is likely going to see something along the lines of 300 passage and 50.000 words.
Developer Notes:
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The walkthrough is incomplete, but offers some information about the inner workings of the game and the paths available, excluding the final chapter.
Developed by FlimsyLegs  – https://flimsylegs.itch.io/

Extras: Walkthrough

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    Animus Non Grata [v1.1.0] [FlimsyLegs]