Heroine Rumble 2 [v0.31] [Enlit3d]
Immerse yourself in the heart-pounding world of Heroine Rumble 2, an exhilarating versus battle game that will awaken your primal instincts. Prepare to engage in thrilling combat as you customize your character with a vast selection of outfits, and delve into over 70 unique grab positions. Conquer your foes through sheer force or employ cunning strategies like bondage and restraints to weaken and dominate them. Utilize the dynamic environment to your advantage, setting traps and ensnaring opponents with devious devices. Share your creative prowess with import and export character cards, showcasing your unique creations. Embark on epic battles, ranging from intense 1v1 encounters to exhilarating multiplayer showdowns against AI opponents of varying levels. Unleash your competitive spirit by challenging your significant other in local multiplayer, or explore endless possibilities through modding support.
- Added “Quick Save” option to Data for quickly save to currently used save slot
- Added a confirmation popout when saving to a different save slot than currently used
- Changed how “random_char_folder” works: instead of using char cards placed there to help with random outfit generation, placed cards there can appear as exhibition opponent exactly as in the card
- Added “random_outfit_folder”: same behavior as “random_char_folder” previously
- Made the story matches until the end the Newbie Tournament easier
- Added 6 new fights post the Newbie Tournament: against Claire, Anna, Diana, a random opponent, Wolfie and then Nya-Chan
- Story mission now gives credits (a fairly large sum in total)
- Moved the random_outfit_card folder from base” folder to “versus_mode”
- Added a few more cards to random_outfit_card folder
- Added mod folder source tracking for Outfits and Grabs. In Dresser/H-Lab, you can hover over the options to see which mod folder they are loaded from.
- Removed Block + Dir key to initiate a dash because moving while blocking is now a possibility
- Fixed expr_ko_face tongue problems
- Fixed some bugs that caused low level AIs, level 1 and level 2 in particular, to be way better than intended
- Fixed only 1 opponent is recruitable after winning a 2v2 exhibition match
- Fixed loading save that has story dialogue at start could softlock the game
- Emissive color is no longer randomized as it is more likely to generate very poor (although somewhat funny) result than good ones
- Added new toggle “Show Verbose New Player Tips” under Options->Content that can disable the new “You may claim victory…” prompt
- Added class change items to the Shop, they change character’s class and reset picked level ups
- Fixed a possible game crash when grabbing another character
- Fixed the bouncing hair problem in loadout screen
- Fixed Carrying opponent at 0 max HP causes lust damage build up
- Fixed HUMILIATE grab camera not saved and not showing in the random grab generation weights
- Fixed {TARGET.name} not working in custom TAUNTING dialogue
- Fixed a crash when adding new character to recruit pool
- Fixed a crash when using older style MapData (such as ks_Wrestling_Ring)
- Fixed IndividualEffect scaling not applied to FireProjectile properly
- Fixed custom idle pose not working for Grappler and Beastal class
- Added a “You may claim victory by grabbing then pinning your opponent!” prompt when the match is waiting for player to conclude via pin
- Added new ability – Taunt: risky maneuver that increases super meter if not interrupted
- Added new custom animation key: “taunt_animation” to change which animation used during Taunt
- Added new dialogue trigger TAUNTING to customize what the character says when casting Taunt
- Added new class: Grappler: “resilient and charismatic brawler that has a strong grappling game”
- Added new ability: Windup Punch (Grappler exclusive) – “Deliver a powerful punch at opponent after winding up. Can start even when staggered”
- Added new ability: Forward Kick (Grappler exclusive) – “Deliver a kick towards opponent at long range, useful for applying pressure.”
- Added mechanics to support stagger-activatable abilities
- New random characters can now generate as Grappler class
- Added a delay in between consecutive voice sounds can be played
- Added fake dithering transparency on objects close to camera, potentially blocking view to action (for example, the walls in Education Room can potentially block view to characters completely)
- Updated game stages (made the dithering transparency an opt-in feature per model rather than always)
- Improved particle spawning position when climaxing
- Added a “Evaded” text floater when successfully evaded attacks (no functionality change)
- HP Bar numeric display (the 100/100 text) now shows max HP (red bar) for the 2nd number instead of total HP
- Energy Bar numeric display (the 100/100 text) now shows max Energy for the 2nd number instead of total Energy
- Increased PUNISH grab damage by ~50%
- Increased base line climax damage by ~50%
- Increased HUMIL grabs opponent super meter reduction effectiveness by ~50%
- Renamed the “End” match button to “Quit”
- Reduced time to start recovering stamina after getting hit
- Abilities with hyper armor/high bonus stagger resist (such as Powerfist) now grants a damage reduction during hyper armor as well
- Dash can now be initiated by pressing a movement key while holding block
- Exhibition opponent(s) that becomes recruitable is now shown in the end of combat rewards grid
- Can only recruit exhibition opponent(s) with level less than the highest level of character in player party
- EXP gain in matches now affects all characters in roster instead of only those that participated in the match
- Cursor hovering over battle UI elements such as stat bars, ability icons and controls list now no longer block keyboard input
- Reduced energy cost of grab holding to 5.0 per second (from 10.0 per second)
- Message textbox no longer shows up after changing game options
- Grab from interact (E) now uses “grab_attempt_fast” instead of “grab_attempt_stand”
- New starting main character now starts with randomized personality traits
- Added a tutorial when starting a new character
- The tutorial can also be viewed in Manage – Tutorial
- AI: added handling for stagger-activatable abilities
- AI: added handling for buffing abilities (taunt)
- AI: will sometimes be more defensive when stamina (yellow bar) is low or energy (light blue bar) is low
- Fixed a rendering issue with meshes with more than 1 uv set
- Fixed a input bug that causes inputs to be buffered while UI elements are active
- Unit Preview UI: can now pan camera horizontally (within a limit)
- Unit being carried no longer make h noises
- Fixed bug where grabs with 0 attackers is not accounting for target’s size category correctly
- Fixed custom animations (such as idle pose) overriding restrained animation set
- Fixed “Shallow Climax” giving incorrect base lust bonus
- Fixed a bug where evading units can consume all attack charges (didn’t affect 1v1s at all)
- Fixed outfit with .replaceBody = true and .alwaysShow incorrectly showing underlying body mesh when broken
- Fixed PUNISH move not raising lust stat of defeated targets
- Fixed starting main character not starting with default abilities already placed onto the ability grid
- Fixed a model weight issue with Sports Cap Adjustable
- Removed InflictDamage and RestoreDamage .amount parameter and renamed .scalingFactor to .scalingMultiplier
- AttackFrame.effect.effects InflictDamage and RestoreDamage now scales based on .scalingMultiplier and .scalingStat
- Renamed action_datas_ json “aiParems” to “aiParams” to fix typo
- Removed InflictLust effect from game (use InflictDamage instead)
- Added SayLine .customDialogueTrigger
- Character personality can now be edited via personality_datas_XXX.json. See database/personalitydatas_.json for example
- “Remove” in outliner now support removing multiple selected objects instead of only active selected
- Fixed map grid tile display not updated properly when loading a new map
- Objects with collision must now occupy a tile above a threshold before the tile is considered occupied for pathfinding purposes
- Added delete functionality in dialogue editor – statements
- Added new “Built In Effect” statement option to character dialogue editor
- Hovering over property values now shows a tooltip with the full value names for cases when the value is bigger than UI field
- Various internal bug fixes associated with editor UI framework
- Added drag-swapping statements in dialogue editor
- Added drag-swapping and right click context menu deletion in dialogue Choice Options menu
- Added .ditherFadeEnabled option on a per model basis
- Added random grab generation probabilities editor under Services (cheat only for now)
- Added character personality editor under Services (cheat only for now)
- The code to enable cheats has changed
- Added new “Shoulder Width” upper body slider
- Added some dance_xxx animation clips
- Added new half sphere shape adjustable
- Added 6 new earrings as adjustable
- Added 3 bowtie variants as adjustable
- Added 2 cloth physics powered skirts (simple skirt and simple mini skirt) under waist attachment
- Added cloth physics to a couple of longer back hairs (hair_b_1, hair_b_4 and hair_b_7 and their dual color counter parts)
- (Modders: if your mods .inherits from the old hair_b_1 you’ll need to .inherits from hair_b_template instead and set .hidden = false)
- Added support for “tube” PhysicSim structure via .joinFirstAndLastStrands flag
- Further improvements to cloth physics
- Cloth physics now supports chains with a single bone properly
- Increased the number of total adjustable outfits per character to 12 (from 8)
- Added new “treat as outfit” option for adjustable outfits to make it break as if it is an outfit in selected slot
- Increased the sensitivity traits to 20% per tier(from 15%)
- Added new dialogue trigger type: PART_ATTACKED_DULL
- Squirt projectile now no longer shows for when GrabData attack.target == “P***” and attack.with == “A*”
- Characters now takes lust damage from PUNISH grabs when defeated
- The interaction grab (E button default) now works for downed opponent instead of only KO ed opponent
- Fixed importing cards overrides the unitId to the imported card without having stats, etc selected
- Fixed temporary spawned unit during loading not re-used properly
- Fixed bug that caused personality trait value of 100.0 to be treated as dormant
- Fixed bug that custom characters with only custom personality defined isn’t eligible to export “Stats, levelups, equipment, personality, etc”
- Fixed getting restrainted (by ropes etc) will permanently prevent equipment swapping
- Removed baked chest animation in hrt_cowgirl (due to complaints of it lead to chest cave-in)
- QOL change: will try load data/mod_folder/mod_folder to handle a common unzip problem (extract here vs extract to folder). Modders, do not abuse this as mod_folder/mod_folder/mod_folder is unhandled
- The character outfit customization tab now works
- Outfits with cloth physics often generate an empty preview icon
- Added custom background music for some of the stages
- PUNISH grab minimal damage increased to 15% from 0% (PUNISH grab damage downscales base on how low target max HP is)
- Armor stat no longer reduce PUNISH grab damage (armor stat not acquirable without mods)
- Characters with more than 5 personality traits now rerolls 5 new ones
- Added HUMILATE grab type to partner pose selection
- Fixed indirect lighting not reset properly after exiting stages with custom skybox/indirect lighting
- Fixed bug that allow players to edit equipment of enemies in the unit view screen
- Fixed bug that caused exhibition opponents to have no personality generated
- Fixed bug that prevented other half of persoanlity spectrum not being used
- Added UI for selecting sound files
- Added support for packaging sound files onto maps
- Added UI for selecting map bgm directly in editor
- Added UI for directly editing stage name and preview image in editor
- Added new grab type : HUMILIATE which deals low damage but reduces target super meter
- Added 2 new foot themed grabs: fm_foot_job_with_@$view and humilfoot_in_face_stepping
- PUNISH grabs now no longer deals lust damage based on target max HP % (but deals reduced physical damage based on how low target max HP % is)
- Added new stage: Stadium (made from HR1 arena)
- Level up Choice “Tease Expert” now buffs HUMILIATE grabs too
- Added new personality traits and reworked old ones
- New randomized characters now roll with 5 personality traits instead of 3
- Characters in your party with less than 5 personality traits rerolls to 5 new ones
- New rolled personality traits are more likely to be on the extremes instead of clustering around the middle
- Climax particle from pp spawn location is now influenced by pp bone scale(size)
- Fixed normal map strength of non 1.0 handled incorrectly
- Fixed rope item not working on male characters
- Fixed grabbing with interact/pickup button still works while bound
- Fixed pickup-throw not working
- Fixed missing skin in Skin Tight Waist2 when outfit broken
- Fixed Skin Tight Waist 2 and alt version mission mesh on the crack area
- Added multiple object selection via hold down SHIFT + click
- Added snap to grid toggle
- Selecting a collection will now add all objects in that collection to selection
- Added support for combining grid snapping + multi-selection
- “Duplicate” now works when multiple objects are selected
- Fixed custom skybox not working properly
- Custom skyboxes now affects ambient lighting (indirect diffuse + indirect specular)
- Added a dialogue editor for characters
- Added packing custom dialogues into map files
- Fixed certain rounding issue leading to things like visible seams between walls
- Fixed game crash when importing custom cards onto a character
- Fixed region selecting tools not updating their hovered tiles properly
- Fixed “Add New” button in outliner persisting longer than it should
- Added support for handling multiple consecutive branching ability transitions
- Added 3 new foot themed grabs, fm_foot_job_sitting_chest, indulge_forced_foot_rub and indulge_lick_leg
- Added rope held restraint item
- Added (back) armbind restraints via rope
- Added 4 new armbind specific grabs: punish_restrainted_slapping, fm_restrainted_cowgirl, mf_restrainted_deept**** and mf_restrainted_titty_f**
- INDULGE grab now uses a slightly modified expression set
- Decreased damage to opponent of INDULGE grabs
- Added AttackerCanHave flag for Amazon Style grab
- Added mouse wheel scrolling support for dropdowns with filters
- Fixed game crash when importing a character with custom poses in Dresser
- Fixed game crash due to releasing grab of target placed onto a device
- Fixed unit placed onto device incorrectly turning towards attacker
- Fixed bug that cause certain stains to be incorrectly removed
- Hairs no longer show (Adv) material that currently doesnt do anything
- Added support for detecting and resolving collision between colliders placed on maps
- Added support for custom skyboxes
- Added support for placing pickup-able items in custom maps
- Added tab to modify skybox images for custom maps
- Added new menu: Add – Items to place pickup-able items in custom maps
- Added a collision tab for objects that supports collision data
- Improved the rotation tool by adding clip-plane feature to it
- Fixed issue with selected object not show properly when collections are used
- Fixed transforms not sync properly
- Added GrabData.victim.reqOutfits to set grabs with restraint requirements
- Added new PUNISH grab: punish_figure_four_leglock
- Added new PUNISH grab: punish_ankle_lock
- Fixed recruitable list not updated after matches
- Removed the cancellable stagger mechanic
- Reduced Wakeup handstring ability’s range and attack frame comes later
- Improved clothing physics further
- Expanded on IK system
- Fixed AUTO_GRAB_DEFENSE not consuming stamina when it triggers
- Fixed units start regen stamina immediately after downed
- Fixed bunnysuit fishnet
- Fixed a possible game crash when exiting match
- Fixed unit voices not played properly during grabs that targets MOUTH
- Modding
- Added blender custom property .baseColorTextureUsage value “ALPHA_VALUE” to replace the material alpha by the texture alpha value.
- Fixed attacker losing super meter when delivering climax damage to target in a grab
- Fixed AI parrying more often than intended
- Fixed game crash in H-lab when selecting Target A$$ filter
- Fixed the grab via interact key (E) not completely bypass grab cooldowns
- Fixed the smaller arena bounds for grabbing characters was incorrectly applying to carrying characters
- Fixed the smaller arena bounds for grabbing characters was incorrectly applying to grabs with devices
- Fixed rendering issues with skintight suits neck area
- Grab filter and outfit filter are now case-insensitive
- New generated random characters now have greater chance to have at least one grab ability (but it’s still possible to have none)
- Futa characters can now use strap-ons
- When male characters uses strap-ons, it will have no effect and destroy the item
- AI will no longer pick up un-usable items and drop them if held
- Guard drop delay reduced to 0.25s (from 0.8s)
- Added new outfit: skintight_suit with 2 variants
- Added “Character Bio” tick option for character card import/export (only stores name atm)
- Added new mechanic: press E to initiate a grab on KO ed foes or foes placed on a device, even if no grabs is selected as an ability
- New randomized characters are no longer forced to have the default grab on the bottom ability slot
- Added 7 new voice packs: 5 new female voice packs, 2 new male voice packs
- Increased the sound volume of default/f_voice1 and readjust voice volume in general
- Voice pack id selection in voice/dialogues is now sorted alphabetically
- New randomized characters can now spawn with a randomized voice pack
- Added an interact prompt when carrying an character and next to a placeable device (just UI, no mechanics change)
- The signature grab ability icon is now hidden until super meter is fully charged
- Added a blinking effect to the singature grab ability icon when it is ready
- Added new tab in loadout – overview to see selected level ups in the past
- Starting grabs will now push characters away from the edge/boundary a bit to help with camera issues + bodies staggering together issues
- Fixed signature grabs was always selected from first grab loadout even when there are more appropriate loadout to selected
- Fixed Parrying Expert not applying bonuses
- Fixed Evasion Expert is always applying
- Fixed issues with PP clip-plane not resetting properly on grab change
- Fixed the selected outfit indicator (yellow rect) not updating properly on outfit switch
- Fixed unit portrait not being updated after importing a character card in loadout
- Fixed inserting attachment to an slot with existing outfit not removing the existing outfit
- Fixed outfits with different outfitLayers having incorrect interaction with things that refills outfit value (such as from strap on)
- Improved level 4 AI to sometimes move away from target instead of always forward
- Improved AI logic to made it trying to parry moves that aren’t parryable and etc
- Improved AI downed state and blocking state behavior
- Increased the power of PUNISH grabs by ~20%
- Slowed down super meter gain rate
- The ability Powerfist is now unparryable
- Offensive stats and defensive stats increase per level reduced to 4% (from 5%) per level to give more weights to stats
- Tweaked the base stat effects:
- STR: increases physical attack by 5% and stamina by 5%. Important for those that wants to trade hits.
- DEX: increases lust attack by 5%, action speed by 2% and cooldown recovery by 5%. Important for those that wants to act quickly and often.
- INT: increases physical + special attack by 5% and max mana by 5%. Important for those that wants to use abilities often.
- WIL: increases max HP by 5%, max lust by 5% and climax by 5%. Important stat to increase survivability.
- CHA: increases lust attack by 5%, max lust by 5% and super meter gain bonus by 5% per point. Important for those that wants to empower their pleasure grab attacks.
- Tweaked the level 5 “Focus” levelups:
- Melee Focus: +3 STR, +3 DEX, -3 CHA
- Eloquence Focus: +3 DEX, +3 CHA, -3 STR
- Survival Focus: +3 DEX, +3 WIL, -3 CHA
- Flurry Focus: +3 DEX, +3 INT, -3 STR
- Slugger Focus: +3 STR, +3 WIL, -3 DEX
- Grappling Focus: +3 STR, + 3 CHA, -3INT
- The rare level ups picked at 4 level intervals (like blocking expert) now gives 1 associated stat
- Change the command to enable cheats
- Added new cheats:
- firstPersonModeOnlyInGrabs – requires firstPersonMode on, if this is on as well, only tries to use FPV when grabbing/grabbed
- grabMadnessMode – high chance to either switch to a random grab or the grab target will do an reversal at end of each grab
- freeForAllMode – all other characters treated as enemies
- strikeDamageMultiplier
- Modding:
- Added held item itemGrab.insertAttachOptions.ignoreOutfitState flag. If true, sets the restraint usable on target that is still dressed
- Upgraded HLab grab filter to include a “Name Filter” and a “Target Part” option, and removed “Has Device” option
- Added filter to Dresser
- Randomized characters can now spawn with strap_ons
- Fixed character with custom voice pack voiceId not exported properly
- Fixed using signature move on enemy placed on device and then release the grab causes target to be invulnerable forever
- Fixed AI treated solo characters placed onto a device the same as self-grabbing
- Fixed AI using Carry-Throw too often
- Fixed one case of AI may get stuck and do nothing
- Fixed AI doing a side dash towards enemy when it need to do a forward facing dash
- Fixed AI let go time resetting on transitions (causing problem such as vibrator grab never ending)
- AI is taught on how to put strap-ons on
- Reduced the power of PUNISH grabs by ~35%
- PUNISH grabs start building up lust sooner
- PUNISH grabs deal significantly less outfit damage
- Added new DialogueTrigger: IN_PINCH_DEFEATED, triggered when grabbed while defeated/surrendered
- Added Held Strap-On item purchasable in Shop
- Added Strap-On WAIST outfit in Dresser
- Added new (experimental) mechanic – Grab Encore: press Attack button when joining an existing grab to keep the existing grab animation but resets the escape progress
- Note: may be buggy and may cause crashes during grabs.
- Fixed HAT slot outfit not appearing on the unit portrait
- Fixed dropped items erratic bouncing behavior (most notable in Neon Club)
- Fixed PUNISH throws not dealing finishing damage to targets
- Fixed the enemy AI ends grab instantly after the perk “auto reverse grab” triggers
- Fixed importing old char cards with only outfit and slider via loadout causes characters to bug out
- Fixed equipping certain outfits can reset the apparent body sliders
- Fixed learning new ability icon in level up window placed incorrectly
- Fixed data loading issue with json file .requiredFiles requiring in a different folder that .requiredFiles requiring another file
- Added following dialogue triggers for customization:
- START_GRAB_ON_SELF, // starts selfie grab
- IN_PINCH_RESTRAINTED, // when targetted by a RESTRAINT grab
- VICTORY_IN_CRITICAL_STATE // victory while < 25% health
- In custom dialogues, can use {SELF.name} to refer to own character name and {TARGET.name} to refer to target character name (when applicable)
- Can now block weak attacks on 0 stamina (if attack doesn’t require stam to block)
- Dash base cooldown is now 2.0 sec (from 0.5sec)
- Damage dealt to characters in a grab reduced to 1/4 (from 1)
- Increased base lust and climax regeneration speed
- Grabs with 2+ attackers now deals 30% more damage
- AI will now try to pickup items when target is grabbed by an ally
- AI may use attacks that hits ground enemies instead of always prioritizing grabs
- AI may vary attack distance instead of being fixed
- AI may use carry-throws when facing groups of enemies
- AI will now be more willing to fight while restrainted instead of always going for restraint removal
- AI will now wait for solo grabs to progress instead of always going for interrupt asap
- AI will now go for ~5 grabs (from ~2) on defeated enemies before going for pin (if AI goes for pin ASAP not selected)
- Added the following levelup options:
- Lust Control: Lust meter size + 50%
- O**** Control: O**** meter size + 50%
- Body Control: Lust + O***** degeneration rate + 50%
- Tease Expert: TEASE, STRIP and INDULGE grabs are 30% more powerful
- Punish Expert: PUNISH and THROWs are 30% more powerful
- Pleasure Expert: PLEASURE and FINISHER grabs are 30% more powerful
- Bondage Expert: Applied restraints durability + 100%, grabs are 20% more powerful against target per restraint applied
- Block Expert: Stamina cost of blocking reduced by at least half
- Parry Expert: Stamina damage of successful parries x2
- Evade Expert: Increase evade distance and reduce evade cooldown
- Iron Grip: chance to drop held items in hand x0.1, grab damage +15%
- Iron Will: AI will not surrender, stamina + 15%
- Modding:
- Characters placed onto maps are invulnerable (for now)
- Added new FFM grab: “3fm_wild_ride”
- Added new PUNISH grab: “punish_backbreaker_throw”
- Added new TEASE grab: “ff_foot_rub_stepping”
- Added new PLEASURE grab: “ff_side_mount_finger”
- Fixed crash when AI uses magic_bind grab
- Fixed the inidividual tick options not working in character import/export
- Fixed AI instantly escapes grabs when pulling them from ground to standing (TRANSITION grabs now resets the make grab decision timer)
- Fixed a bug that cause blindfold, mouthgag and chest vibrator to be not applicable to clothed opponents
- Fixed IK controller not being reset properly when extra characters are ejected from grabs (such as starting carrying an opponent in a 3+ character grab)
- Restraint grabs like the restraint_blindfold are now no longer selectable in H-lab (use equip items instead)
- Attacker climaxing now deals grab damage to receiver (once again)
- Reduced the playable bounds of Education Room to help with camera issues
- Added item descriptions for restraint-items
- Tweaks restraint-items effects
- PPs size may change during grabs
- fix a***_beads not working and body sliders not working
- Added new restraint: a*** beads
- Added new a*** restraint insertion grab
- Added new a*** restraint escape abilities
- Added 3P version of insert restraints
- Fixed “cyber_suit_visor” not appearing in the dresser Glasses section
- Fixed a graphical glitch due to typo in shadow calc (black spots)
- Fixed pp balls jiggling not working
- Grab abilities cd is now reset after placing target onto a device
- In H-Lab, can no longer select any grabs with device without canSpawnDevice=true
- RESTRAINT grabs no longer bypass clothing restrictions
- Added 3 variants of 3P grabs with massager_vibrator
- Added new Data tab in loadout which allow to import/export the full character data that includes everything like outfits, sliders, dialogues, voices etcs
- Upgraded the stats display and tooltips to show correctly what each stat does
- IK is now temporarily disabled during blending to help stop animation weirdness
- Experimental: randomly generate enemies now have random body sliders
- cyber_suit_visor is now no longer “hidden”
- Fixed the Mindcontrol grab having incorrect IK targets for the the receiver
- Fixed randomly generate characters have too much variety in their fluid color
- Changed random color generation to make it less biased towards bright colors
- Fixed jiggle not working for outfits with slot == TORSO
- Fixed grab from equipped item not working
- Fixed characters not placed into the center at end of a match
- Fixed some IK animation problems
- Fixed a possible save/loading bug
- Clicking on locked grabs now shows the grab name on bottom
- Fixed changing Signature grab not affecting the selected signature grab on the grab list on left
- Getting grabbed or starting a grab now clears input queue/buffer
- Knocked out recovery time is now slower based on how many teammates you have on the same team
- Reduced AI likelihood to pick up equippable items
- A crash when viewing/using grabs with restraints
- Fixed grab animations from the hr_ff_animations.json missing IK pole data, like hr_lick_downed
- Added inverse kinematic system to help patch up grab animations when the character sizes are different
- Added IK data for many of the games grabs, the ones with IK enabled are labelled with (IK)
- Experimental: Body Size slider range to 0.85-1.15 from 0.95 to 1.05
- Made the unlocking prompt less intrusive
- Clicking on locked grabs will now show a preview of the grab on the right
- Grab attacker now receives the AFTERGLOW status just like grab targets do after climaxing
- Exhibition missions above a certain level of difficult now rewards Essence in addition to other rewards
- Essence Fragment no longer purchasable
- Limited random outfit unlocking after each match to dresser-able clothing instead of everything
- playing grab-resist animations should test for outfit breaking too
- Fixed simple graphics mode not working on icons
- Fixed a graphic glitch affecting icons in certain intel-cards
- Fixed the red light glow graphics glitch that affects certain amd cards
- Fixed some vibrator grabs missing .selectable = false flag
- Fixed DEFEAT dialogue not triggered if the unit is defeated
- Fixed START_SIGNATURE_GRAB_ON_VICTIM dialogue not triggered correctly
- Added NECK slot to list of possible breakable outfit slots
- Added method for modders to introduce custom items to shop, see data_versus_modegame_datas_merchant.json
- Fixed grab unlocks doesn’t unlock grabs in pose customization
- Fixed scrolling in H-lab caused a UI glitch causing the grab to be locked again
- Reduced cost of recruiting level 10+ characters substantially
- Fixed a possible crash during multi-grabs
- Fixed a rotation problem that cause camera to get “stuck” on certain angles
- Added maintaining camera-bound for the default grab spinning camera too
- Fixed AI constantly trying to pick up new equitable items/restraints
- Added “massager_vibrator” held equipment with new grabs
- Added new TEASE grab: Lick Armpit
- Added outfits unlocking – pay $100 credits to unlock new outfits in dresser
- Added grabs unlocking – pay $100 credits to unlock new grabs in dresser
- Added post-match unlocks – finishing a match may unlock new grabs/outfits
- Added voice sound volume controls under options
- Reduced sound volume of voices
- Added experimental camera bounds for Educational Room stage
- Added a new animation for pickup instead of reusing the weapon swap animation
- Added Exhibition request setting for match type (1v1, 2v2)
- Added Exhibition request setting for “Advanced” opponent skill level
- Added a bunch of new dialogue triggers
- In dialogue customization, adding new custom triggers will now start with the default responses rather than empty
- AI can now pick up dropped weapons/restraints
- Exhibition opponents can now spawn with equipped items/restraints
- Certain restraints now prevent running
- Certain restraints can now be used on males/futas
- Stamina regen starts immediately when downed
- “Physique” levelup HP bonus to 10% from 20%
- “Stubborn” levelup stagger defense bonus to 10% from 20%
- “Stunning Strikes” level up stagger power bonus to 20% from 30%
- “Slugger Focus” level up stagger defense defense to 30% from 50%, now reduces action speed by 20% instead of increasing damage taken, no longer give stagger power bonus
- Fixed grab-resist animations not played
- Reduced effectiveness of level 3 AI
- Grab attackers now uses the climax expression when climaxing
- Only the attack button does the grab HOLD action now to prevent switching into a grab triggering unwanted grab HOLD
- Changed Signature Finisher defeatable characters to “Takes less damage at low health, finish them with a signature finisher move!”
- Made Shop unlock event easier to trigger
- Increased the credit cost of level 10+ recruits
- Added GrabData.ignoreOutfitState flag, that if set to true, ignores target outfit state (undressed or not) when checking if grab is applicable on target
- Added GrabData.transitions.randomTransitions to aid adding animation variations
- Added GrabData.victim.camera.useSameCameraOffsetAsGrab to set a grab to use the same camera offset as another grab
- Head models no longer need to match .prereqs.headType with currently selected head model
- Added .canRun property to .attachEffects.unitModifiers
- Added pp_futa_w_balls
- Added voice customization
- Added graphics option for amount of active light sources
- Fixed some lighting problems
- Fixed sweat effect not applying to certain skin parts
- Fixed item swap grid incorrectly appearing during restraint-breakout attempts
- Outfit clothing material customization now supports more than 8 different materials (might be buggy – had to replace much of the old code)
- The default grab climax animation will no longer play for PUNISH and singleLoop type grabs; damage still applies
- Grab targets are now eligible for making grab escape progress if the grab attacker havn’t picked a grab for more than 3 secs
- During grabs, players can hold down any of the escape buttons to continuing escaping rather than having to press button every 0.5s
- “End Fight” button now no longer appear when a battle is decided to prevent users from exiting the match before receiving rewards
- Blocking stamina cost scaling to 10% of adjusted incoming damage from 25%
- Grappler Focus: now -40% melee attack modifier instead of -1000% stagger resistance
- Added new fame rank “Notable” that gives +4 recruit slots and chance of higher level exhibition opponents
- Added new Exhibition opponent level: “Advanced” that uses level 4 AI and higher character level
- Added new level 4 AI setting, currently same behavior as level 3 AI but no longer have the 15% “do nothing” idle chance
- Reduced fame reward of exhibition missions because players are hitting the fame cap too quickly
- Players can now hold down block button to continuous block
- Fixed some player input issues that sometimes caused thing like unable to dash or unwanted dashes
- Fixed bug where returning from a sub menu (such as Dresser) to main menu while there is an event pending cause both the menu and dialogue to incorrectly trigger
- Fixed BGM calls incorrectly restarting the BGM
- Fixed a save file corruption issue when repeatly saving/loading without restarting the game
- Fixed displayed recruit cost is mismatched with actual recruit cost
- Fixed dropped restraints not cleared on stage end
- Fixed a specific fast floating calc precision issue that can cause graphic glitches
- Added graphics toggle option for volumetric lighting
- Added graphics toggle option for shadows
- Added “Add” -> “Light” option
- Added selected light object lighting editing
- Added outliner scene lighting editing
- Added “duplicate” object option when right-clicking object in map editor outliner
- Editor unique name/id generator will now try to increment the number first if possible. Example: “obj (3)” -> “obj (4)” instead of “obj (3) (2)”
- Added light clustering optimization to handle many lights
- Added multiple shadowed lights per scene (up to 4 per scene)
- Added volumetric light shading
- Added per stage skybox on/off settings
- Added per stage distance fog settings
- Added per stage ambient lighting setting
- Added per light light distance attenuation settings
- Added per light spotlight angle limit settings
- Added per light volumetric strength settings
- Added per shadowed light shadow settings
- Added per shadowed light perspective shadow-projection settings (limit of 150 degrees)
- Held restraints are now droppable – can knock held restraints off opponent’s hand and use it against them
- Fixed a crash when AI is selecting grabs
- Fixed karate pants making upper body invisible
- Added new grab: “mf_missionary”
- Added new grab: “mr_pronebone”
- Added new grab: “punish_headscissor_side”
- Added new grab: “punish_back_breaker_sit”
- Added new weapon/item equipment system – bring up to 4 piece of equipment into combat
- Added new weapon/item swap system – press the ITEM_SWAP key (default R) to bring up options, ITEM_SWAP + DIR key to swap to that piece of equipment
- Added held restraint weapon/item type – when equipped, grants an additional item-induced grab option via the ITEM_SWAP key
- Added 3 new held restraints: “held_vibrator”, “held_blindfold”, and “held_mouth_gag”
- Added new male outfit: karate gi (2 pieces)
- Added a random select button during character selection
- Added AI ability to swap equipment
- Updated AI to handle new possible restraint breakout inputs
- Experimental: Changed restraint breakout key to ITEM_SWAP instead of ATTACK so restrainted characters may fight back more
- Recruit cost is now 100 + 200 per recruit level instead of fixed 300 credits
- Grab escape now no longer progress until a grab is selected
- Character customization window like Dresser/H-Lab etc now returns to the roster menu rather than the main menu
- Fixed dizzy stunned state (from parry) not applying the correct facial expression
- Fixed importing grab card in H-lab doesn’t work
- Fixed invalid id ref in Brawler III causing Ground Stomp ability inaccessible to players
- Added StageData.parameters.bgm.soundId to select which back ground music to play for the stage/map
- Added grab loadout customization – possible to have separate grab list depending on target character
- Added custom in-match dialogue customization
- Added custom pose and grab partner customization
- – going to add more custom in-match dialogue and pose triggers based on player suggestions
- Added more story matches (ends with the newbie tournament)
- Added a new passive “super_resilience” that makes the character only defeatable via signature finishers
- Added support for 1v2 exhibition matches
- Added delete save file button
- Added new “Random Futa Enemies” content toggle, that if enabled, converts a portion of generated females into futas
- Signature finisher grab now instant KOs at < 35% max HP
- Defeated exhibition opponents are now added to the recruitable pool
- Fixed start of the game bonus perk not qualifying for future level up option requirement (causing funny bugs such as char starting with +Grappling doesnt get any more grab related level up option)
- Fixed some missing cases for when to hide the PP stain
- Fixed various problems with PP stain
- Fixed head model/outfit preview generating a blank
- Fixed male jeans causing male body model to miss midsection
- Fixed stat display not updated properly after level ups
- Fixed grab escape progress increasing during single loop grabs
- Added the following head EquipSlots to outfit customization: EYE_COVER, MOUTH_COVER, EAR_COVER
- EYE_COVER should be for outfits worn in front of eyes, such as glasses
- MOUTH_COVER for outfit worn covering mouth and nose region, such as masks and veils
- EAR_COVER for outfit worn on ears, such as earrings
- Deprecating the old FACE slot from the customization window in favor of the new more localized slots
- Added new INDULGE grabType: this grab type have rapid super meter gain, but inflict large amount of damage to self
- Added new PARTNERED_ANIMATION grabType: meant for use during custom partnered animations, not as grabs
- Added 8 new short back hair choices
- Added 8 new front hair / bangs
- Added new male bald head option (under back hair)
- Added new PLEASURE grab: fm_suck_on_penis_standing
- Added new PUNISH grab: punish_headscissor_reversed_relaxed
- Added new PUNISH grab: punish_headscissor_reversed_intense
- Added new PUNISH grab: punish_headscissor_reversed_squeeze
- Added new PUNISH grab: punish_facesit
- Added equipment system (back) into the game
- Added purchasable equipment from shop (note: equipment does not affect character appearance – use Dresser for that!)
- Added loot boxes purchasable from shop, chance of getting magical equipment with additional bonuses
- Added (optional) casting costs to Grabs
- Added new secondary stat: super meter gain rate
- Added new level up focus: “Eloquence Focus”: +50% super meter gain rate, -35% cooldown recovery
- Added PP stain when opponent climaxes
- CHA now adds 5% super meter gain per point (instead of 5% max energy)
- RESTRAINT grabs now have a universal cooldown of 60.0 secs (reduced by cooldown recovery)
- “Magic Binds” grab now has 40 energy cost (in addition to cooldown)
- Attacking characters held by a device now deals max HP damage at a x0.05 ratio
- Updated grab icon grid to reflect grab costs (same as abilities costs)
- Updated AI to handle grab costs (prioritize grabs they can use, or release target if no valid grab is available)
- New grab replacement rule: replaced grab and original grab must have same .device.canSpawnDevice
- Ability cooldown is suspended during grabs
- Experimental: new random characters can now generate RESTRAINT grabs
- Escape menu now pauses the game
- Added a leave button in character selection window on the top right (“X”)
- Reorganized Save and Load button into Data submenu
- Upgraded mission selection ui to support previewing 2v2 matches better and shrunk the text size
- Randomized males now prefers back hairs with “short” tag if available
- AI disable time from player input increased to 4 secs (from 1 sec)
- AI will now back away and maybe switch targets if target is the grab target and is in a invulnerable grab state
- Events: now can only trigger one new event chain per turn
- When not in grabs that utilizes PP, PP should still jiggle a little even at max hardness
- Air juggle time extension now only applies if the attack itself has > 0 staggerTime or airTime. (Fixed aerial abilities like “dropkick” not providing stagger resistance)
- Fixed The CPU can fill up the escape bar while it’s climaxing (player cannot).
- Units in a grab no longer collides with other units
- Renamed “ANAL” target to “ASS” to be more consistent with other parts
- Renamed Outfit .flags to .tags to be more consistent with other datas
- Added .iconOutfitId to ItemData to use outfit icons instead of specified .iconFile
- Added support for animated models in StageDatas
- Added head customization in dresser
- Added 2 new a$$ targeted grabs
- Added new suplex PUNISH throw
- Added new super meter (red) – starts at 0%, deal damage and taking damage to gain super meter, or reduce opponent’s super meter via climax
- Added new super ability – charge super meter to 100% to unleash these powerful attacks
- Currently – only signature grab super is available – fully invulnerable during cast, deals increased damage (x2.5) and is not interruptible by other unit attacks
- Added signature finisher grab selection under H-lab
- Added new ability “Low Kick” – “A strong kick towards opponent’s legs. Deals decent damage and has high stagger power. Can transition into other abilities early.”
- Added new ability “Headbutt” – “Headbutts an opponent. Deals high damage.”
- Added new ability “Low Power Kick” – “A strong kick towards opponent’s legs. Deals decent damage and has high stagger power. Can transition into other abilities early.”
- Added new ability “Shoulder Slam” – “Charges at opponent with a quick shoulder slam. Has high stagger resistance.”
- Added new mini-tournament story matches after Newbie Killer match, with a rare item reward at the end
- The ask user to select file window (e.g. dresser import/export) *should* be on top of game window now
- Added text scaling to the numbers in the unit bars
- Fixed the UI toggles not working properly for P2
- Escape Progress now no longer resets when switching grabs while placed on a device
- Fixed a bug that caused stamina to start regenerating faster than intended
- Added additional clean ups for outfit texture and portrait texture generation
- Every character now has a$$ for purpose of grab requirement determination instead of only females and futa have em
- Added a rotation limit to how far the head model can turn away from the body mode
- Fixed a bug caused throw grab attackers to be off by some frames at the end
- Dash now has a 0.5 sec cooldown
- Tweaked a bunch of abilities
- When using abilities with bonus flinchResist, take less stamina damage from attacks
- Parry action now checks for the ATTACK key down while holding GUARD key – this should help eliminate unwanted parry attempts
- PUNISH grabs now inflict max HP damage to recovering units
- PUNISH grab max HP damage reduced by 25% to compensate for above change
- Fixed a bug that caused trying to use ability via holding DIR + SPECIAL key to be ignored
- UI: added ability descriptions for unparryable attacks and hit downed attacks (no functionality change)
- AI: may now use hit downed abilties on downed enemies instead of only grabs
- AI should now needs a dash before they start running, just like player controlled
- AI should interrupt allied under grabs more much eagerly
- Fixed characters able to air drift while using jumping abilities such as “Jumping Uppercut”
- Fixed story missions always show “Push over” difficulty level
- In grab selection and clothing selection, selecting an item no longer resets the scrollbar to the top
- Fixed a bug in not correctly removing all meshes in certain outfit meshes (such as bunnysuit)
- Fixed custom body ReactivePart not working
- Added AbilityTransition.onAnyAbilityUse transition type
- Added a warning for when duplicated skeleton animation is detected
- Added new Consumeable item effect: PermanentStatBonus
- Added outfitDurability in combat tweak cheat menu
- Added superMeterGain in combat tweak cheat menu
- Fixed a infinite loop when leveling up options contains “flurry_master_II” and game window size is 1600×900 or smaller
- Increased the stamina cost of “Auto Grab Defense” to 70% of attack power (from 50%)
- Fixed restraints like handcuffs not properly changing the motion set of non-unique characters
- Fixed a bug that cause AI to run in circles when restrainted
- Increased “grab_attempt_stand” aiParems min range by 0.1 so AI lands it more consistently
- In case of a draw, (no character with maxHP > 0), it is now a player loss rather than softlock
- .applyGrabDamage now does nothing if grab .damageMultiplier <= 0.0, fixing an edge case where complex custom climax animation chain could fail
- Added the first batch of story/progression events (triggered in this order):
- – intro + char customization event at start of game, including new possibly to start as a male
- – a intro match immediately
- – a slightly harder intro match, requires highest char lvl >= 2 to trigger
- – a “free” recruit, requires highest char lvl >= 3 to trigger
- – a “Newbie Killer” match, requires 5 turns (battles) has passed
- – Note: new saves no longer starts with 3 random characters in your roster
- Add a maybe-fix for a certain black-and-red strip display bug
- Fixed a bug with some character cards containing invalid mod dependency data
- Added text scaling when resolution is changed
- Added new window resolution options in Options – Graphics
- Added new window mode options in Options – Graphics (new: Fullscreen)
- Added Female/Futa/Male indicator in the recruit window
- Sweat effect is not based on max HP (red) rather than current HP (green)
- Renamed “Roster option” to “Loadout” with a more descriptive caption
- Random outfit colors now keeps original material alpha (transparency) value
- Added new Fame rank “Recognition” that requires 1000 Fame to reach
- Added new Match difficulty 4 “Skill Level: Skilled”, requires some Fame rank level ups to reach
- Added experimental 2v2 exhibition matches
- Upgraded win condition checking for group fights (first team to have one member pinned loses)
- Changed level up exp requirements use an exponential scaling rather than linear scaling
- – New exp to level: (75 / (2^0.25)) * (2^0.25)^level + 25 * level
- – Old exp to level: 50 + 50 * level
- – total exp from level 1->10: 3321 (new), 3240 (old)
- – total exp from level 1->20: 17538 (new), 11500 (old)
- – total exp from level 1->30: 82983 (new), 24750 (old)
- Fixed bug that caused random characters to sometimes generate with invalid skin color
- Fixed bug that caused random characters to sometimes generate with invalid hair material
- Fixed bug that cause you to gain Fame when losing matches
- Fixed bug that cause removing restraints like mouth gag has priority over removing handcuff restraints
- Fixed bug when reapplying the same restraint does not reset that restraint’s durability to full
- Fixed certain grabs targeting pp not leaving stains behind when target climaxes
- Fixed head stain invalid json data causing it to not appear
- Fixed faceride and similar grabs not leaving stains behind on face when target climaxes
- Added some additional cleanup checks for mannequins in grab customization
- Fixed female characters generated using random_char_card with PPs misidentifies as futa
- Fixed body requirements not observed by random_char_cards (causing males to generate with a female set)
- Added new random_char_cards, thanks to One.Inch.Man on discord for making them!
- Updated expression “expr_endure_high”
- End of Mission Rewards Grid now shows “Victory!” if you win and “Defeat…” if you fail to win a match
- Fixed shadows light pos not setup correctly
- Fixed an incorrect check on whether opponent has surrendered and is pin-able for the player
- Fixed oddities with finisher climax transition animations when it’s the attacker climaxing
- * Note: from now onwards stamina refers to the yellow stagger meter
- Added new levelup option: “Auto Grab Defense” – While standing, has a chance to push off against grab attempts as long as you have stamina remaining
- Added new levelup option: “Constant Recovery” – fighter class only: increase hit point (green) regeneration by +100%
- Added new levelup option: “Fighter Conditioning” – fighter class only: +5% movespeed, +5% cooldown recovery, +5% max HP
- Added new levelup option: “Footwork” +5% movespeed
- Added new levelup option: “Strength up”: +1 STR
- Added new levelup option: “Dexterity up”: +1 DEX
- Added new levelup option: “Intellect up”: +1 INT
- Added new levelup option: “Charisma up”: +1 CHA
- Added new levelup option: “Levelup (Repeatable)”: gain no additional bonuses beyond what’s granted in a normal level up; can be selected multiple times
- Durability increase per level to +5% / level (from +10% / level)
- Attack increase per level to +5% / level (from +10% / level)
- Ground stagger time to air juggle air time conversion ratio to 65% (from 100%)
- Reduced dash slide attack stagger damage multiplier to 70% (from 100%)
- Reduced Low Sweep Kick stagger damage multiplier to 70% (from 100%)
- Block now depletes stamina when blocking attacks that hits harder enough
- Blocking now fails against strong hits without stamina
- Air drift control is now set to walk-acceleration when jumping or during aerial attacks
- Air drift control is now set to 30% of walk-acceleration when being air juggled
- Improved following levelups: Melee Focus, Flurry Focus, Slugger Focus
- Greatly reduced AI parry chance compared to last patch
- AI now use the same movement handling code as the player instead of their own
- AI can now use the “Pull Up” option when grabbing downed opponents for more variety
- Fixed AI not attempting to dash/evade when downed
- Fixed grabbing a already grabbed character with no red HP left will cause the existing grab to end rather than joining in
- Fixed multiple AIs having difficulty finishing pin on opponent by keep interrupting each other’s pins
- Experimental feature: AI levels 3 and above now prefers to knockdown all foes before going for grabs in a group fight situation
- Experimental feature: AI levels 3 and above now prioritize throw-grabs (grabs with new “single_loop” tag) in a group fight situation
- (Maybe?) Fixed a rare bug that cause AI to switch to stand-up animation when they should still be in a downed state
- Fixed cases where the stamina meter refills instantly when it should refill over time
- Fixed cases where AI characters can run in one direction while facing another direction
- Added a turning towards target component to ability “Powerthrough Followup”
- Ability “Low Sweep Kick” energyCost to 8 (from 5), damageMultiplier to 0.5 (from 0.6). (very strong as a combo enabler)
- Ability “Jumping Uppercut” energyCost to 12 (from 10)
- AI does not always followup with optional transitional attacks now
- Reduced the attack radius of ability PowerFist
- Strafing sideways with an animation set without side strafing animations defined (such as handcuffs) now turns the character towards that direction
- AI will now attempt to remove restraints when it has no targets or when target is KOed/downed
- Units no longer takes climax damage when all opponents are defeated
- Added breast-squirt when climaxing under certain conditions
- Lust damage over time from attachments now applies when target is placed onto a device in the default HOLD grab
- Disabled the Grab rock-paper-scissor mini game that only AI was able to play (so AI no longer has a 1/3 chance to push off grabs by default)
- Surrender threshold to <30% of max HP (from <25%)
- AI now surrenders at <20% max HP when grabbed
- Units are considered finished if they surrendered AND has no max HP left even without pinning
- Climaxing while defeated no longer ends the grab
- AI now ends grab willingly on 0 HP targets and goes for pins
- Added a “X” button to the in-battle cheat menu to close it permanently until the modding command is inputted to re-enable it
- Fixed custom climax animation not used if attacker climaxes
- Added GrabChange.insertAttach.attachEffects.unitModifiers.limitedActions flag to indicate that restraint is intended to mostly restraint target’s actions (such as handcuffs)
- added a new internal dialogue editor (not available for public yet)
- added new internal script parser to parse expressions and generate ASTs
- added new internal script interpreter to evaluate parsed ASTs
- standardized the typename of string types to “Text” during serialization/deserialization
- upgraded dialogue system to support playback of nested statement blocks
- fixed bug that prevents dialogues of separate events from playing in a row
- fixed a problem with text area scroll bar not updating when inputting/pasting new text
- added new EventsChain structure for easier authoring of story missions
- added TalentTree .levelUpBonuses (auto granted when condition met, no need to pick)
- Fixed a potential problem with animation effects with animation time ratio near 1.0 could get skipped
- Tweaked SSAO
- Added new male outfit set: wrestling set (3 pieces + jacket)
- Added new male outfit: tank top
- Added new male outfit: jeans
- Added a bunch of new restraint/bondage grabs on characters placed on magic_binds (4 restraints, 1 punish, 1 tease, 1 pleasure)
- Added new female body with separable head skin color than body skin, useful for things like bodysuits!
- Added Exp Capsule consumable item to shop
- Added a (kinda scuffed) body sweat effect
- Added new cheat option: noCooldown to disable ability cooldowns
- Added new random_char_cards folder in /data/_base where you can place character cards to have them influence randomly generated characters
- Restraint/Insert Attach grabs will now automatically switch to inserting a different restraint/attach if the existing attachment is already applied and has the same durability
- Randomly generated units can now have varied skin color
- Attacker climaxing during a grab now deals additional 2x bonus grab damage from 4x bonus damage. (Double climax was a little too common)
- Fixed single-loop grabs dealing more damage than intended (such as from throws)
- Fixed PP growth effect not setting the skin color in the destroyed outfit correctly
- Flipped the camera around for generated grab icons
- Fixed strip grabs not removing the outfit properly if the grab contains a device
- Fixed “Futa” exhibition match option not working
- Added a sex indicator during exhibition match selection
- The exhibition match option can now apply to more than just the 1st slot
- The “Overview” tab now shows grabs of the character instead of unused “Cards” in real-time games
- Added an Examine button (magnifying glass) in the exhibition match preview
- Dash Attack now costs energy to use
- Aerial Attack now costs energy to use
- Fixed Aerial jump attack dealing more damage than intended
- Fixed multiple AI-controlled characters unable to finish a pin due to them competing for the grab
- AI is now more likely to sprint rather than just walk
- AI will now parry less often
- The yellow bar in the middle (old stamina bar) now displays the stagger value instead
- Fixed ability “Power through” 2nd punch not working when pressing Attack near the end of the first overhead
- Incompatible grab moves that target genitals are more likely to switch to a compatible grab move that targets genitals too
- Fixed restraints that override basic attacks not working properly when equipping a weapon
- Added a maybe-fix for a display problem on certain AMD cards that causes black textures and/or strips
- Renamed Consumable .partyEffects -> .persistentEffects
- Added a possible fix for certain intel graphics drivers rendering everything in black
- Added animations setting for InsertAttach outfits (to animate the vibrators)
- Added dynamic booba n***** erection level (similar to p**** erection)
- Added InsertAttach .lustPerSecond effect
- Added InsertAttach .motionsOverride effect
- Added InsertAttach .randomFlinchChance – may cause target to randomly flinch when getting hit or when trying to do actions
- Added new restraint grab: “restraint_b***_vibrator”
- Added new restraint grab: “restraint_pu***_vibrator”
- Added new pe*** ring vibrator attachment
- Added new restraint grab: “restraint_pe***_vibrator”
- RandomTripChance of blindfold to 20% (from 10% )
- First person view (cheat only) now looks at center of chest rather than center of head
- Added teammate and enemy-teammate health bars for battles with >2 combatants
- Readjusted background music volume and the Music volume slider should apply its effect more gradually
- p****_male now requires male body and p****_futa now requires female body. This fixes randomized males not having balls on their pps
- Fixed auto camera not being re-enabled when player 2 inputs a movement key (just like player 1)
- Fixed re-target button (default Q) not switching to targeted unit health bars
- Fixed bug where grab damage is not scaled with how fast/slow the grab animation is
- Fixed bug where >> NEW << recruits could roll monster-only grabs (such as Slime stuff)
- Changed so that >> NEW << recruits no longer roll into size-difference grabs
- Fixed maid_set erroneous inner.001 material
- Added captioning for F3 intermediate render outputs for better debugging
- Fixed Escape-Options menu sometimes not closeable
- Added AppearanceChange .ReactivePartsChange that can disable things like Jiggle bones temporary
- Renamed .tripChance to .randomTripChance
- Added FUTA_SMALL/LARGE_BASE base char datas to inherit from
- Added a potential fix for AMD cards black screen
- Fixed SliderFrame displaying 2 lines of small text instead of 1 bigger line. (In Dresser sliders etc.)
Extras: User Guide for Cheats/Modding Commands*
Thank you ThatOtherStranger for the link
*This version/port is unofficial and was not released by the developer. Download at your own risk.