Mindshift Part 1 [Final] [Amalgam]
Mind Shift is set in a college town in the northwestern United States. You will take on the role of a male graduate student in psychology and budding hypnotherapist. Your goal is to make your lovely neighbor, Bree, your hypnotized plaything in the allotted time, all while earning your degree. Mind Shift is a combination of sequential exploration, puzzle-solving, and stat management. Over its multi-year development, Mind Shift’s design goals have changed many times, from standard harem-builder to more character-focused and less sex-driven gameplay. Some hallmarks of the harem-builder legacy remain but all in all Mind Shift is eMC with a small e.
OS: Windows
Censored: No
Developer: Amalgam Subscribestar – Discord
Version: Final
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RAGS, Real Porn, Mind Control, Dating Sim, Harem, Vaginal Sex, Oral Sex
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1- Unzip files
2- First of all, if this is your first RAGS game, you’ll need a RAGS player to run it. You can download it here : http://www.ragsgame.com/?page_id=6
Note that this game was designed for version 2.4.16, so I would recommend downloading that instead of the 3.0.60 Beta.
3- Load the game using RAGS player
– Loading and closing a game can take up to ten seconds, depending on your machine.
– The –> and –|| symbols you see in text indicates for you whether new action/dialog options have opened on the same object or character. –> means there is, –|| means there isn’t.
– All mandatory puzzles and riddles can be solved using only in-game clues. But pencil, paper, and Google may be useful.
– The riddles are designed for native English speakers. If you are not you may have a distinct disadvantage. Post in the forum or contact me via email if you need help.Walkthrough:
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The Golden Rule
Always talk to Bree whenever you run into her. Later in the game, there will be times when she’s unreceptive – those should be pretty obvious once you get there. Particularly during the first week or two, her responses to a simple “What’s going on?” change often, and unlock new stuff in the game for you. She’s also a good source of information about several of the characters you’ll run into. Something like three times out of four, when someone gets stuck in the game, or can’t find something, it’s because they haven’t talked to Bree enough.
In the early game, money can be tight. While you can live off sandwiches and sufficient sleep, buying the Lunch Special in Bree’s presence lets you eat with her (and doing so the first time unlocks some more things and gives you a useful tip), and there are a bunch of other useful things to spend money on. In fact, you can barely get the plot started without needing to spend a significant additional amount.
Happily, there are several ways to make money. Participation in psych experiments doesn’t come up often enough to pay the rent, but the first one does unlock some plot, and does give you a little money. There are three main reliable income sources in the game. The first, tutoring, is unlocked when you check your emails after your first class, and also boosts your GPA a little, but does require you to keep your GPA high enough. The second, paid hypnosis sessions, is unlocked in a conversation with Bree after you’ve hypnotised her enough times, and only requires that you be able to hypnotise people. The third, part-time work at the general store, is unlocked by a conversation with Bree that can happen from around the start of the second week – once you sign up, you need to spend three 8-hour shifts a week at the store, each shift starting before midnight.
As the game progresses, there are other opportunities to get more money, or to reduce what you need to spend, but any one of those three will keep your finances in order.
If you are stuck in the game, you should find your answer here:
Objective 2c: Persuade Bree to be hypnotized
This is the first of a number of puzzles where the game wants you to guess a magic word or phrase. In this case, it’s a 4 letter word followed by a 7 letter word, as shown by the “XXXX XXXXXXX” in the input prompt. As for what the magic phrase is, the game gives you quite a lot of hints. It should be apparent from the first time you meet her that Bree has a secret – and no, it’s not a fetish for the scent of lavender. There are a couple of subtle hints in her behaviour in various encounters, while Tyler and Gunther mention various possible reasons why someone might want hypnosis. Finally, on day 7, the first Sunday, a conversation with Bree unlocks a minor side-quest which culminates in an opportunity to open the forbidden drawer of mystery and see Bree’s secret for yourself. If you’re still stuck after that (or lazy and impatient and don’t care to explore the game’s built-in hints) the answer is:
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stop smoking (“quit smoking” also works)
Objective 4: Complete Tyler’s assignment
If you’ve been exploring the game and poking at everything, then you’ll have seen one of the list of words already. Finding (or remembering) that prior instance should give you a clue to the significance of that word. If you’re still stuck, going about your business may mean you come across others too. To be strictly fair, solving this one requires either Google or being an educated native citizen of an anglophonic nation, and even then, and with the hint offered by finding one of the words somewhere else, there’s still an intuitive leap to make the right connection. All five words refer to
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Objective 6: Teach Bree to forget
Ah, the snowforest. If you wander around randomly, you’ll notice that Bree’s stamina drops by different amounts in different (otherwise identical) locations. The less stamina you lose, the closer you are to where you need to be. When you find the right place, you’ll want to check out that specific location to reveal the next step. When it comes to collecting burdens, either wander around randomly, or take a more systematic approach – as it happens, the snowy regions are actually fairly small – if you keep walking in one direction, you’ll end up back where you started, having visited a small portion of the region – if you’re interested, you can figure out the dimensions of the region that way, and use that to figure out a search pattern that will visit every location in the region.
WARNING Once you’ve given Bree the “boyfriend” suggestion, entering her room may trigger a scene which will significantly change the nature of the game. Be sure you’re ready. The specific changes:
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You lose the ability to hypnotise, cutting off one source of income, and limiting how far you can get with Vicky, Helene or Elaine. Also, your relationship with Bree starts to decay, and many of the opportunities you used to have to spend time with her gradually start being blocked, giving you a bit of a time limit – if you take too long to regain your ability to hypnotise and complete Bree’s follow-up therapy, you’ll need to complete another optional objective in order to continue.
Objective 9: The Demon
The first sticking point is the empty village. The trick is that it’s not actually empty – from time to time a
will appear that can be interacted with if you’re fast enough. Considering that the alternative is to wander the village until your stamina runs out, interaction seems like the way to go.
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The second sticking point comes at the campsite – you need to have explored thoroughly and interacted with everything. You’ll know you’ve done it when day turns to night. It’s a little counter-intuitive, but the way to proceed at that point is to
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use the smoke powder
You’ll get into fights. If you need advice:
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There are two basic approaches here – spam attack as fast as you can and kill your opponent(s) before they can get an attack off, or defend until they attack and then attack a few times before defending again. The other concern is that some fights are effectively unwinnable with the wrong equipment – don’t be afraid to run if your attacks are rebuffed. Eventually, you’ll have an obvious boss fight – between what people said to you earlier, and what happened in the fights you just had, you should be able to figure out how to respond each time he changes equipment.
WARNING Once you finally manage to complete Bree’s final therapy, next time you sleep, you’ll face a cutscene and an encounter – you will need to either win a fight, or act quickly and decisively enough to reach (comparative) safety. I’ve not experimented in this area, but game-overs may well be possible here.
WARNING Completing Objective 10: Finish Bree’s conditioning ends the game (aside from a brief playable epilogue). If you have things you want to do first, then avoid talking to Bree in her apartment after you’ve unlocked Objective 10.
Secondary Objectives (the tricky bits)
Helene’s Dilemma
By talking to the three contractors who show up on time (they actually show up before 6am if you are up late enough the previous night) and reading Helene’s note, you should be able to figure out the optimal assignment of contractors. Just tell each of the three you have on hand the right task and time and you can go do other stuff for a while – you can’t tell Ricky his job until he shows up. Here’s how to find Ricky:
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Ricky never shows up, and the other contractors refuse to do his job for him. Luckily, you know a strong man who can step in – you can go to the hall outside your apartment and use the location to do his job for him.
If you get everything right, Helene should appear and let you know once all the work’s finished (and give you a fair-sized contribution toward your next rent check to boot).
If you’re really stuck, the solution is:
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Sheldon to Install Windows at 0900
Manny to Recast Concrete at 1100
Jose to Repair Planters at 1400
yourself to Paint at 1600 Tyler’s Cipher
This one’s not too hard, and is optional, but solving it can help with Objective 7 and is a necessary step if you wish to seduce a particular girl. The first thing to notice is that one of the words has come up before – in fact, if you don’t recognise its significance, you’re going to be unable to progress in the main plot. Assuming you know what the word’s significance is, you should be able to guess what the numbers beside it represent, even if you’re not sure how. The first step in decoding the numbers:
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replace each number with the corresponding letter of the alphabet – A=1, B=2 and so on – which will turn the relevant line into ELANIEMAY.
If that still doesn’t help, then try using Google to look up
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Pig Latin
or just do that with all the lines and see whether you can make sense of any patterns there. Or just give up and enter the following when prompted:
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Bree’s poet/Find a book by **** ***********
Bree wants to know the name of an author who wrote a poem she’s sure you’ve read. And no, it’s not one of the poetry group – she read the author’s work when she was a child, so unless one of them was very precocious… You’ve come across poets elsewhere, but there’s only three poems in the whole game. If you check back through your transcript (or recognised the relevant poem when it came up) you should be able to use Google to identify both the author and the specific book that poem was in. If you don’t know what to do with the author’s name and the book’s title, I’m not going to help you, but if you’re too lazy to Google:
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The poem was at the very start of the game, the author is Shel Silverstein. The book’s title is “Falling Up”
Acquire force-trance
Mesmerise: the ultimate hypnotic power. Sadly it doesn’t work on everyone, but for those it does, provided you have the stamina to support it, it allows you to hold multiple hypnosis sessions without advancing the clock significantly, and regardless of how many sessions they’ve already had that day. After you learn of its existence, a new option appears in the gym – “attend Yoga Class” – that has something to do with it. You also need to complete some secondary objectives
Sex scenes
There are 6 girls you can have sex with.
Bree: See above
Vicky: It may be possible to hypnotise her through normal means. If so, I haven’t figured it out yet. Mesmerise works.
Helene: Once you complete Helene’s Dilemma, you should be able to hypnotise her. Mesmerise also works.
Chandra: Mesmerise doesn’t work, but solving Tyler’s Cipher gives you the option to trigger her. If you can convince her of your authority, you can find a puzzle hidden in her apartment. The solution to that puzzle is a second trigger for her, which lets you have sex.
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Tyler’s note says he’s giving you an assistant – handing it to her convinces her she’s under your command. The second trigger is:
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gain orgasm
Melanie: Mesmerise doesn’t work. You can’t hypnotise her. You have to attract the cover persona’s interest somehow:
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In the Memory experiment, give a Severe Shock on either of the first two errors. She should be waiting for you next time you attend class. When she interviews you, giving the “bad boy” answers seems to work.
Elaine: Also known as “that blurry girl in the end credits”, the tricky part with Elaine is getting to meet her in the first place. Actually, it’s not that tricky – it just requires you to do something that well-organised players probably won’t:
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Skip classes and avoid studying enough for your GPA to drop below 3.0