Panthea Act 1 [v0.38 Public] [Leave2gether]
Is all about adventures of couple of girls living together – how they make and spend money, work in different areas (office, farm, police dep,) and interact with other characters. Story takes place at Panthea planet – an ex human colony, occupied by multiple species. All the planet is one huge source of rare lust resource, spreading it’s pheromones all over the continents. Due to this, girls will have dozens of opportunities to go into exiting H-scenes while doing small quests or main storyline.
- When you open the game, you can see that current game version is ‘public game v28’ – this means if you hit play, you will actually play v28. What you need to do is click ‘Connect’
- If you are running html version you might need to wait few seconds till game is connected to the server. As soon as it is connected you will see ‘Enter Patreon Email’ field – enter or copy-paste your patreon email here
- Click ‘Login’
- As soon as your email is confirmed (we are updating patron’s list every 12h now, but I will check for solution that does real-time update of patron’s changes) you will see your tier and game version has changed. Click ‘Play’ now to play latest patron’s version
- You will have the same interface opened, but now it has new ‘Cloud’ button – click it to connect to the server and check for your cloud save data
- After connection is established, you will see your cloud save data (or empty slot if you don’t have any). You can use it exactly the same as local save data – click on it to save / load.
funnymove – Add 10 to slutiness
learntoobey – Add 10 to obedience
richbooty – Add cash 2000
kittfriends – Add 10 to relation with Sam, Jack, Kelly, Ram, Lana
mmmneedthis – Add 10 to relation with Boss, Daile
gogogirl – Add 10 to career points
caseyandabrain – Add 10 to technical points
Add 10 slutiness permanently: breakchains
Add 10 obedience: follow
Add 2000 gold: shinystuff
Add 10 relations: mewfriends
Add 10 relations with Boss & Daile: mmmboys
Add 10 career points: needpromotion
Add 10 tech points: sosmart
- some bugfixing,
- trainfuck version2 + story for rearranging archive for future scenes (you need to speak to Daile about it first, then have Personal Outfit dressed and career over 50 points and speak to Boss)
- new encounter ‘Office Threesome / working late’ (triggers after you come home at late evening or later by getting Jack’s message. Happens after 50 career points, can be blocked by Tuna events (so do Tuna encounters before, if you can’t get ‘Office Threesome)
- Archive room reworked
- Also beach location is done, but not available in the game yet
- added ‘Boss Trainfuck 2’ scene
- added moans to ‘Boss Trainfuck 2’ scene (was missing before)
- added personal assistant outfit (doesn’t do much now, but will trigger story line next – ‘the fall of the Casey’)
- in-game Boss completely redesigned (please let me know if you found old Boss anywhere except of ‘Lunatic’ scene)
- added ‘Christmas’ scene, but not integrated into game
- added characters reacting on Casey’s personal assistant (first attempt)
- More dialogues were written, but they did not get into this update (mostly because scenes for them are not ready)
- After tech exam Casey will be able to reach Big Clients, you need to speak to Jack first
- One of the three main Big Clients stories implemented in ‘threesome’ chain of events for Nikki
- General calls to Big Clients are implemented
- Added short encounter for ‘Tuna with panties in the mouth’ scene variation
- Casey in-game revised, changed all sets of clothes, multiple outfits added
- Now you can buy new clothes and redress (refer to guide about getting new clothes) at dorm wardrobe
- Added line in personal talks with Jack during coffee break
- Sam old bj scene is now restricted, as it turned incompatible with Casey in-game change
Make sure you have version 0.25 Next Start the game, Look at the bottom for the word CHEAT click on CHEAT click inside the box and type or copy and paste in the code Example: caseyworkhard and click on PASS
Cheats Version 25:
Open Gallery: dirtyinterests
+10 Sluttiness: loveislove
+10 Obedience: sissygirl
+2000 Cash: caseyworkhard
+10 Relations with Sam, Jack, Kelly, Ram, Lana: groupthis
+10 Relations with Boss, Daile: boysboysboys
+10 Career: mycareer
+10 Technical: smartgirl
page22come – open gallery;
lukingfortroubles – slutiness add;
imyourgirl – obedience add;
lookingforcash – add 2000$;
aminice – add relationship with friends;
bigboysarehere – add relationship with boss;
shutupandwork – add career;
shutupandlearn – add technical.
Open Gallery: badgirlmovies
+10 Sluttiness: badbadgirl
+2000 Cash: richbooty
+10 Relations with Sam, Jack, Kelly, Ram, Lana: happybooty
+10 Relations with Boss: stretchedgirl
+10 Career: wiseass
+10 Technical: smartass
Extras: SAVE – GUIDE – Cracked version*
Thanks MameCyka for the cracked version. *Unofficial versions are not by the devs, download at you own risk.