Relicts of Aeson [v0.15.5] [Doianu Games]
The village Pyrewood is haunted by a mysterious plague that turns the villagers into slaves of their own desires. The church and the mage guild already noticed this strange phenomenon. They sent their agents to investigate the case. But the ruler of the land plots his own intrigues and is not interested in cooperation…
Ariana, a young master thief, got between the fronts of this conflict. She has to join one of these parties to save her girlfriend…
…and maybe the whole realm.
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The game offers a long intro sequence with a lot of sexy scenes. After this intro, you will find yourself in a village with 3 “factions”: The Inquisition, The Mage, and The Orgy. Currently, there are THREE quests for The Inquisition and ONE quest for The Mage and SIX quest for The Orgy in the non-patron-version. THERE ARE MANY OTHER SCENES IN THE OPEN WORLD TO DISCOVER!
A “quest” is not just something like “collect 5 wolf claws”. They are all story-driven and add several new scenes, new single drawings, or even new game mechanics. Enjoy 🙂
The game offers a long intro sequence with a lot of sexy scenes. After this intro, you will find yourself in a village with 3 “factions”: The Inquisition, The Mage, and The Orgy. Currently, there are THREE quests for The Inquisition and ONE quest for The Mage and SIX quest for The Orgy in the non-patron-version. THERE ARE MANY OTHER SCENES IN THE OPEN WORLD TO DISCOVER!
A “quest” is not just something like “collect 5 wolf claws”. They are all story-driven and add several new scenes, new single drawings, or even new game mechanics. Enjoy 🙂
Thread Updated: 2025-02-14
Release Date: 2024-12-08
Censored: No
Version: 0.15.5
OS: Windows, Mac, Android
Language: English
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Animated, Vaginal Sex, 2D Game, 2DCG, Adventure, Bukkake, Corruption, Masturbation, Tentacles, Female Protagonist, pregnancy
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1. Extract and run
2. Enjoy!
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Content v0.15.5 non-patron:
- Important technical change: if you use old saves you may see some followers now. You can remove them by talking to the Zombie at the Inn!
- Completely reworked mage quest!
- The Mage has moved: she now has her own new area south of the village!
- New scenario: visit an enchanted swamp (new tileset)
- New Jayla mechanic: Jayla’s sexy animations are now displayed directly on the map
- Jayla is now a usable item in the inventory. You can talk to her and choose which dance she performs to distract enemies
- Jayla can learn different dances; currently, there are two
- Reworked sex scene with the blacksmith! 9 single animations!
- New pin ups to find in the new areas!
- New gold sacks are distributed throughout the game world
- The field of vision cones and distraction mechanics have been completely overhauled (again). Extra plugins were written for both functions (if you’re interested in the plugins, you can send me a PM)
- New sprites for the Mage and Jayla (and even Karl!)
- New characters: Shepard and Inquisition Caption
- Removed a testing NPC
- Changed quest-log after the final Inquisition quest. It should be clear now, that you reached the end of the Inquisition quest line. Thanks Gianni Gianni for reporting
- Quest log now tells you if you reached the end of the inquisition quest line
- This time the fix should really work: you no longer have to complete the entire Hot Spring quest chain before you can return to the city (thanks Lil Malibu for reporting)
- Speech bubbles of Eresa and Karl are no longer shown when they already changed location
Content v0.14.9 non-patron:
- Important technical change: if you use old saves you may see some followers now. You can remove them by talking to the Zombie at the Inn!
- New side quest with Eresa! She lives in the house near the pub!
- 3 New characters: Eresa, Lena and Karl!
- You need 100 gold to start the quest!
- We placed some wallets with gold in the village to discover
- 2 little new animated scenes, several new drawings
- Sneak into Lena’s house and steal something for Eresa
- The second part of the quest can be solved in several ways. Buy the coal, steal it, or ‘negotiate’ with the apprentice blacksmith for a better price. The apprentice blacksmith will notice if you steal something and will react when you speak to him again!
- New animated sprite for the blacksmith
- New sprite for the apprentice blacksmith
- New dialogue portrait for the apprentice blacksmith
- Blacksmith now sleeps at night
- Added three more pin ups to find in the game world
- Added option to skip the intro!
- Added some wallets with gold to the game world
- Increased the gold you steal at the market place from 2 to 20 (you need money to pay Eresa)
- You no longer have to complete the entire Hot Spring quest chain before you can return to the city (thanks Lil Malibu for reporting)
Content v0.14.5 non-patron:
- Added new areas for the upcoming re-work of the starting experience
- Discover the Sewers and Maid Dorm
- Two new animated scenes
- Many new drawings to discover
- Three new female characters are introduced (two maids, hint for new villain! Duchess Alamalia of Nebelwald!)
- New maid costume for Kate
- Completely reworked Cone-of-Sight mechanic.
- Grab enemies from behind, knock them out, carrie them around!
- Go to the inn and talk to the new NPC next to Ariana’s room to enter the new areas
- Patreon-Content: Completely reworked mage quest! Jayla the Fairy can learn dances to distract enemies. Displayed on-map! New sprites for Jayla, and the mage. 2 new characters, 2 new zones. 3 new animations. More interactivity and things to discover 🙂 Use of the new Cone-of-sight mechanics!
Bug fixes:
- Quest log now tells you if you reached the end of the inquisition quest line
Content v0.13.9 non-patron:
- Last two (interactive) scenes for the latest Orgy quest added (9 and 15 animations)!
- 3 new animations (9 GIFs) Ariana and Abby fucking the Jailer. Interactive switching between these animations! (in total 9 GIFs)
- 1 new animation (15 GIFs) Ariana and Abby giving blowjobs back-on-back.
- New scenes (sidequest) at the hot spring south of the witch house (10 dollar patrons voted for this update)!
- You can bath 4 times now! Everytime something different happens!
- One animated scene in the first new stage (hint: guards at the gate!)
- New character: Huntsman! He will play a role in next bath updates 🙂
- Patreon-Content: GALLERY-MODE (yeah, finally). Two more zones for Testing. Several drawings and animations. Testing new game mechanics. Rework of vison- and stealth-system.
Bug fixes:
- Changed the guard’s sprites in the opening BJ-Scene
- Ariana’s side image should no longer automatically appear after the first opponent in the game is knocked out
- One should no longer be able to walk over the railing in the orgy hall
Major technical change (android):
- The porting of the Android version has been completely revised! The app should now always start directly without any detours! We ask for feedback, as there are many different Android devices!
Known issues:
- Sprite changes several times back to thief-outfit during orgy quests
- If you enter the kitchen or toilet in the very last orgy hall map (day-version) you are teleported back to the last quest
- Maidboss really needs a new sprite
- Other needed sprites: Ariana X Kate at game start, Kate in slave outfit
- Ariana X Abby X Jailer threesome scene needs a full background
- Orgy hall day map has the railing above the beds/tables
- Some old orgy quest animations have to be re-rendered
Content v0.13.5 non-patron:
- Added new scene with Jailer at the end of latest orgy quest (13 animated GIFs)
- Added two new sexy double blowjob drawings for the Maidboss in the latest orgy quest
- Added new custom sprite for this double blowjob
- Added new cum-eating-drawing of Ariana to the pickpocketing/blowbang scene at the market place
Other Stuff:
- The Android version is available again 🙂
Content v0.13.3 non-patron:
- Added new blowbang scene at the market place! (24 animated GIFs!).
- Added custom sex sprites for this scene.
- Patron version a.o. adds a bukkake ending for this scene.
- Added new stage for orgy bed scene with Abby! You can now attract a guest and let Abby have sex with him! (7 animated GIFs).
- Also adde custom sex sprites for this scene.
- New scene with the polite guest in the latest orgy quest! (6 animated GIFs!).
- New drawing of the Maidboss, jerking off two guys at once, added to the latest orgy quest.
Bug fixes
- Ariana is not glowing anymore (Note: this wasn’t exactly a bug. We thought it’s maybe cool to highlight her for playing on mobile, but I guess that was a stupid idea).
- Fixed a bug that didn’t changed to outfit to the maid costume in the latest orgy quest.
- Fixed a bug that changed the sprite back to the thief outfit in the table 3 sex scene.
- Fixed a bug that made it possible to leave the orgy hall before the end of the latest orgy quest.
- Fixes a bug that changed Arianas sprite to the thief outfit when abby joined or left the party
- The animated sprite for the Ariana x Abby dildo scene now disappears after the scene.
Content v0.13.0 non-patron:
- Added start of new orgy quest (3 interactive scene with 24 +8 animated GIFs)
- Added new (interactive) scene for the orgy quest! Speak to the maid boss and ask for the milking table! (9 GIFs)
- Go to the orgy bed and start a new scene with Abby! (7 GIFs, Abby must be in group. She is waiting for you behind the bar, if she is not in your group.)
- New dildo scene with Ariana! Including a cum-covered version! (8 GIFs + 8 GIFs with cum on her body!)
- Added end of latest inquisition quest (cutscene with the GRAND Inquisitor with 2 fast scenes and 6 animated GIFs)
- Approach to gallery mode:
- Reworked the Inquisition prison! After finishing the latest quest you can go to the prison at any time and watch previous inquisition scenes again!
- Added a few previous scenes to the lates orgy quest (still have to add most of them). You can replay the previous quest and see different previous scenes.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug that made the cutscene with the GRAND Inquisitor stuck
- Fixes a bug that changed Arianas sprite to the thief outfit when abby joined or left the party
- The animated sprite for the Ariana x Abby dildo scene now disappears after the scene
Content v0.12.7 non-patron:
- Next two scenes for the latest Inquisition quest!
- 2 scene with 17 GIFs in two variations (pregnant and not pregnant)
- 1 drawing in two variations (pregnant and non-pregnant)
- Introduction of new Inquisition Mage and Inquisition Warrior (female characters)
- New BDSM-scene for the prison (market place pickpocketing)!
- 1 scene with 8 GIFs!
- Reworked prison tower scene at the start a little
Technical changes
- Fixed a bug that make the dialogue loop if you unequip and re-equip „naked“ at the game start
- Ariana’s sprite should now be naked it the first scene in the prison tower
- You should no longer be able to pick up the thief cloths more than once at the game start
- Arianas sprite should no longer change to the thief armor if you change the map
- Ariana should now stand BEHIND the prison bars in the prison tower scene
- Reworked the dialogue in the prison tower a little
- Fixed a bug that made the maid boss stuck at the end of the last orgy quest (Thanks Lacy Babe for reporting!)
- Added Sprite for Ariana’s Fairy Costume
- Added new sprite for Abby
- Made it clear that Ariana receives a bottle of wine in the cellar of the orgy hall
Content v0.12.3 non-patron:
- Two more scenes for the latest Inquisition quest!
- 2 scene with 16 GIFs in two variations (pregnant and not pregnant)
- 1 drawing in 2 variations (pregnant and non-pregnant)
- 1 drawing with 2 new female characters
- NEW mini-scene for low perversion (20)! Take a BATH south of the Witch house!
- NEW mini-scene! Take a look at the jail left to the Lady GRAND Inquisitor!
- Reworked first prison scene after you get caught pickpocketing
- New side portrait for the torturer
- New sprite for the torturer
- New sexy sprite for Ariana fitting the BDSM-Prison-scene
- Reworked the Prison and added light effects and Parallex layer)
Technical changes
- Added new sprites for Ariana! Thief, Thief with tits out, Maid, Inquisition costume and Inquisition costume with tits out have now extra sprites!
- Fixed a bug that make the game stuck if you watch the Jayla-Lockpicking-scene again
- Fixed a crash that was caused by a missing picture (Inq2cum1.png missing)
- New quest for The Inquisition! (first part). Talk to the GRAND Inquisitor in the inquisition castel to start it!
- 1 scene with 5 GIFs
- 1 drawing in 2 variations (pregnant and non-pregnant)
- New village scene with Jayla the Fairy! Try lock picking the house left to the blacksmith to see it!
- 2 animated drawings with with 11 GIFs
Game quality improvements
- Reworked menu!
- New menu art
- Purged (most) German words from the menu
- Removed unnecessary sub menus
- Menu portrait now changes if you change the costume
- New in-game sprites for Ariana an her costumes! Thief, Thief with tits-out, Maid and Inquisition! (more coming soon)
- New quest for The Orgy! Talkt to Arlin in the inn to start it!
- 30 animated GIFs. 3 Drawings.
- 3 longer animated scenes, 3 short animated scenes.
- You can watch scenes from the previous orgy quest again
- We reworked the orgy hall a little to have more space. Added a toilet, kitchen and wine cellar
- New scene for whac-a-dick with Ariana! (100 Perversion, 2 animated scenes, 1 Drawing)
- New scene if you get caught pickpocketing at the market place! (100 Perversion, 1 animated scene)
- New scene with the bard in the pub if you bring her a beer! (1 non-animated scene)
- New little animation for the bed-scene with Ariana and Kate at the beginning of the game.
- Whac-a-dick-scene with the Clown is now partially animated
- One little animation if you cross the bridge with bare tits.
Changes and bugfixes:
- Pickpocketing-NPCs are now reseting every time you sleep in the inn!
- Fixed a bug that prevented you from seeing all scenes with the bard in one game
- Fixed a bug that didn’t remove the beer from your inventory if you gave it the bard
- The house of the Mage can now only entered during daytime and evening
previous version v.0.10 (non-patreon-version)
- New quest for The Orgy!
- 3 new Scenes! 5 animated drawings with overall 32 gifs (variations like climax, blowjob, different pace etc.)
- 4 new mini-scenes for the orgy quests!
- Pickpocketing-NPCs are now reseting every time you sleep in the inn!
- Fixed a bug that prevented you from seeing all scenes with the bard in one game
- Fixed a bug that didn’t remove the beer from your inventory if you gave it the bard
- The house of the Mage can now only entered during daytime and evenin
previous version v.0.09 (non-patreon-version)
- New quest for The Orgy!
- ANIMATIONS! 40 animated nasty pictures in 9 scenes!!
- Streamlining of the art style! Pink or green hair isn’t suitable for the european medieval setting of the game. So we replaced some of the character drawings!
- Kate has a new outfit which is more in line with the setting
- Updated title screen with Kate’s new outfit
- Added a quest log (so far only for the latest quest)
- Replaced sprite of the dildo-riding girl
- Changed the hair color of the dildo riding girl from pink to brown (Intro and orgy scenes with Abby!)
- Changed armor and hair color of the guards
- Changed hair color of the pillory girl from blue to black
- Reworked menu and added the new logo
- Kate has a new outfit which is more in line with the setting
Developer Notes:
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Status 14. Feb. 2025: CURRENTLY 380 ANIMATIONS (GIFs)! About 500 – 600 CUSTOM DRAWINGS!
We (my wife and me) are Doianu. We are gamers for years and after lurking here for a while we decided to create our own little game. We like the creative process of game design and development, but both of us can’t draw good enough to create an enjoyable H-RPG-experience. So we hired a professional artist to support our little dream 🙂
Extras: Saves