Sacred [v1.1] [touhou-marupon-dou]
Deep within a sacred forest, a clan lived by a pure, gentle spring.
There, safe from the humans and demons of the world, the elf clan lived in peace.
The elves had eternal youth, so were not subject to the disgraceful human trappings of reproduction and death. With that nature in mind, the elves had come to believe they were and had always been fairies, mystical beings. That clan was far removed from the wars of the humans and demons, living quietly in their peaceful village.
One elf among the clan had never enjoyed eternal life. Counting their years, hundreds though they may be, the one who carried the blood of a priestess had spent every one praying for God to protect the village. Now, as that lone priestess ventures into hell, she prays for the strength to strike back against the darkness.