Shelter [v43] [Raus]
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Shelter [v43] [Raus]

March 1, 2025F95

It’s a furry visual novel about a bunch of those medieval fantasy dogs and a human who made their home at a mysterious, gigantic metal structure filled with futuristic technology in the middle of fantasy Siberia.
The game takes place during the preparations for their version of fireworks night, by using a life-force fueled turret of mass destruction. I swear it makes sense in context!

Thread Updated: 2025-03-01
Release Date: 2025-02-08
Developer: Raus PatreonItch.io
Censored: No
Version: 43
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English
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Furry, 2dcg, Gay
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1. Extract and run.
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Finally new build, covering the “Bottom Burry” sex option we were still missing. This new update contains:
  • roughly 7000 words of a new script
  • two new CG sets, one of them turned into a simple animation
  • multiple types of Chinese translation options by Shangxi and Koshiro, including Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese, with a choice of two font styles. New players will now see a language choice menu on their first startup. It covers the vast majority of Shelter’s content, but since the game is still in development, expect that some bits and pieces may sometimes need extra time to be updated in the translation, especially in regard to the newest story content. Still, that’s a huge and amazing thing, and I am incredibly grateful to everyone who contributed to that wonderful feature! <3
  • updated the Skip settings in Preferences to make it clearer when the instant skipping option is enabled and when not
  • removed Censor Text gimmick for clarity in code
  • the PATHS now include all content to the end of the Evening, on all routes, with unlockable sections hidden by default and visible only once requirements are met. All of that totals to over two hundred nodes
  • all of the nodes experienced in the current playthrough now highlight and sparkle in the Paths when you visit that section during the game
  • for your convenience and to make it easier for me to debug stuff, the Paths now include a summary list of all the choices you made in the current playthrough. It’s in the top left corner and becomes visible if you’ve reached the Late Morning time slot in any playthrough
  • the panel on the Paths left side now displays artwork of the dog of your current Howl (story path). Some of them are from TempoMcFlurry’s fanarts, some from Shelter’s CGs. I’ll be changing them before we settle on something nice
  • the returning players now get a one-time notice screen during the first startup of the game, with the information about the dialogue box “png not found” bug and how to deal with it. Since it’s a bug that only concerns using old save states, new players shouldn’t get that message.
  • fixed all reported bugs and typos
  • added many more new ones
December and January were super busy for me with surgery, holidays, visa bureaucracy, finishing a new apartment and moving all of the stuff, and probably a few other things I already forgot. In all that chaos and distractions, I’m happy I could work on some fun and light-hearted porn content.
Alon’s story deserves my undisturbed focus, and now I finally have it. I’m looking forward to showing you what happened on that fateful night, in the next build. In the meantime, enjoy the kinky Burry content!
Have fun!
Awoo mates!
Shelter build v42 finally here! It took a while and it’s basically a length of two updates, but I really wanted to wrap it up at a specific moment this time. New stuff include:
  • way over 18000 words of script, not counting a bunch of side gimmick text
  • a bunch of new sprites, silhouettes and art in general
  • PATHS extended to the end of MID-AFTERNOON along with a few quality-of-life improvements and visual indicators. If you’re on old saves can’t see the full available map of nodes, skip-redo the beginning parts of the game, because it may be related to unlockable variables I added in this build.
  • brand new custom made quick menu with new icons and stuff!
  • updated music gallery
  • cut the build size by a hecking half by converting all of my visual files to webp format. I tested and readjusted everything as best as I could, but if you still encounter a crash or bug somewhere, please let me know on our Discord’s #patreon-bugs-typos channel
  • fixed bugs and typos
  • new bugs and typos
In case you aren’t up to date, this is how you reach the new content:
  • finish all three routes (Burry, Rune and Max)
  • witness Rune’s Mana Balls (don’t whack him in the Early Morning)
  • everything afterwards has to be done in the same playthrough. You should have a new conversation with Alon in the Early Morning. When you progress to Noon, he will appear again when you talk to Rune. Choose “Don’t object”. Progress all the way to the Evening and witness the scenes there. Choose to be passive.
Let me know in #patreon-bugs-typos on discord about any bugs or typos.
I hope you enjoy!
Raus Vuffski 
Despite Alon’s best efforts at delaying you with extra polls, the first part of his tragic barkstory is here for you to witness!
The new content includes:
  • over 15.000 words of new script
  • introduction of the PATHS section in the Gallery, which is the dynamic, interactive, and pretty cool-looking flowchart that tracks and visually displays your progress in the story. It will make it much easier for you to see what options you still have left available to discover! It’s a WiP feature and the public builds will include Early Morning and Late Morning time periods covered. I’ll be adding more sections to the tree in the upcoming Patreon builds over time, and the full flowchart will also be available to everyone in the complete Shelter game.
  • a bunch of new shadowy sprites for Alon’s barkstory section
  • a bunch of new barkgrounds with variations and addons
  • a new music piece from Hughhh
  • fixed bugs and typos
  • new bugs and typos
…aaaand because of a bunch of extra technical work I’ve done during development of Patreon build v42, you also get this already, ahead of time:
  • brand new custom made quick menu with new icons and stuff!
  • updated music gallery
  • cut the build size by a hecking half by converting all of my visual files to webp format. I tested and readjusted everything as best as I could, but if you still encounter a crash or bug somewhere, please let me know on our Discord #bug-reports
  • enabled scrolling through the PATHS with keyboard arrow keys, and added clickable arrows for android users. Also, started work on visual indicators of what choices you’ve made in the ongoing playthrough (wip unfinished feature)
In case you haven’t played build v40, this is how you get to the new content:
  • finish all three routes (Burry, Rune and Max)
  • witness Rune’s Mana Balls (don’t whack him in the Early Morning)
  • everything afterwards has to be done in the same playthrough. You should have a new conversation with Alon in the Early Morning. When you progress to Noon, he will appear again when you talk to Rune. Choose “Don’t object”. Progress all the way to the Evening and witness the scenes there. Choose to be passive.
Please keep all conversations about the new content to #patreon-spoilers-v41 on discord
Report bugs and typos on #patreon-bugs-typos
Raus Vuffski
EDIT: If you’re experiencing an error where character dialogues lack textbox background art when you load old saves, you may want to start the game from scratch and skip to those parts instead, on a fresh playthrough. I cut Shelter’s size from half a GB to a quarter by changing png and jpg files to webp, and some old variables in old saves don’t agree with that. It’s an issue that concerns only old saves, and new players shouldn’t experience anything like that at all.
This new build includes:
> over 5k words of new script
> prettier dialogue boxes (finally!)
> a bunch of new battle effect screens
> a new instrument layer added to one of the existing music pieces
> fixed HIDE button and the H hotkey for hiding the dialogue box during gameplay
> over 11k words of new script, most of that being porn
> three new porny CGs, made by me
> one new Barkest Corner (you reach it either by progressing through Max’s night without having both Rune and Burry finished beforehand, or by making an “Escape with Max” choice during the scene in the control tower during Max’s night)
>updated epilogue
>updated ending credits for finishing Max’s route
>a new FIN picture, made by Guran
>a new after-credits scene with Alon after finishing Max’s route
>added a whole bunch of new variable trackers for a new STATISTICS screen gimmick you can first see in that new scene with Alon. I’ll probably add it as a new section in Gallery later. Those stats won’t be super accurate to old players since many of them will be tracked only starting this build
>updated gallery
>fixed some bugs and typos
>  like 15k words of new script
> new CGs, barkgrounds and stuff
> a bazillion little animations and special effects with stylized action scenes
> our best battle theme music yet (by Hughhhh)
> bugs and typos fixed
> new bugs and typos added
> 15k words of new script
> two new music pieces
> new CG with multiple variants
> 10k words of new script (some of it spread in later parts of the game)
> A set of CGs drawn by Dangpa
> some other minor extra assets and edits (including a new very special Censor Cooper for the new porn scene~)
> fixed a few bugs and typos
13k words of new script, concluding Acri’s side of Max’s tragic barkstory
a new CG drawn by me
a new CG drawn by TempoMcFlurry
new background and modifications to a few past ones
a splashscreen with our Knotsoft logo and edgy awoo that plays every time you boot the game
a tiny Dandelion button on main menu screen leading to a MERCH section, unlocked if you saw Alon’s under-the-table scene
an advertisement scene for our Alon dildo merch
fixed some bugs, probably added new ones, limited the number of TO DO positions being displayed at once
> 7k words of the new script
> a CG set of new art illustrating multiple stages of that encounter. Also, learned how to use the color matrix for those smooth funky color changes!
> fixed bugs and typos (please report more in #bug-reports on Discord)
To see that new scene, you have to have Rune’s eye gem quest complete and choose to kill the first Monster of the night with your own hands in the baths.
That was a nice lewd break from tragic barkstories. Now I’m pumped up to go back to Max and Acri! Gonna be wild!
Build 28
In the meantime, this new build includes:
> roughly 10k new script words > new porn CG done by me, and it’s hecking animated. I hope you’ll enjoy this little experiment 🙂
> new FIN pic by Guran > one new Barkest Corner
> one new music piece
> from now on if you passed the Gravitation ending test once, passing it the next time takes only one click
> from now on if you successfully investigated Rune’s eye in the evening, the only requirement for Rune’s relic-eye path is having it delivered to him one way or another in the current playthrough (without having to investigate every time)
> an option to reset your progress (absolutely not recommended)
> a few other small gimmicks and fixed stuff
Build 26
Bark from my summer vacation, bringing a new build! Continuing Rune’s night.
> Over 15k words of new script
> a bunch of new backgrounds
Rune’s final flashback grew so much I wasn’t able to conclude it this month, but I’m definitely going to get him all wrapped up for the next update. I want to draw some special pieces of artwork for that, like in Burry’s route, and give it as much time and effort as it needs to make those multiple story climaxes feel good. I hope you enjoy what I managed to prepare this month!
Build 23
> 20k words of new script
> a whole lot of new expressions, including all of the dogs from Rune’s sword training class, and Thistle
> a new background picture, the Gardens
> a CG-like picture composition with Thistle and Monsters
> a few new Monster pics
> two new Barkest Corners
> a puzzle gimmick
> added a one-time warning message about porn, flashing lights, mild gore and all that
Build 20
Awoo~! Second to last Burry update!
> 10k words of new script
> new sprites
> new barkgrounds
> new sheath shot, and a lipstick shot
> two new music pieces
> a whole bunch of awoo
An alternative ending of this update is unlocked if you followed the path where you use the bomb on the crowds of Monsters, and Burry is in good health by the end of it.
Build 15:
> 14.5k words of new script
> a bunch of new visuals: new side characters portraits, mana vision version of the concert site background, the remaining animated mana charge animated gifs (they’re colorful and pretty), Max’s cap as well as his new ¾ angle sprite
(I also made five more alternative characters combinations of the evening kissing CG, but that will need to wait for the next updates to be implemented)
> if you progress through Max’s Afternoon, you’ll unlock the function of updated side characters name tags when they speak, for those dogs whose names you’ve heard at some point
> “recommended” scenes completion order is hinted with a light blue font at the relevant choice now
To see all of the current content in Max’s scene, you need to have completed Cooper’s route (for fooling around with Thistle) and went through Burry’s and Rune’s routes to remember Pack Mentality (for further magic study with Max)
Build 12:
New stuff:
  • over 14k words of new script
  • two new weapons pics (Rune’s afternoon climax shows Luke’s new sword now)
  • a few alternative event versions for the old backgrounds and items
  • one new CG
  • the requirements to recruit Alon and to receive the gem from Burry have been eased up. Now you don’t need to have seen Burry’s Afternoon to make him give you the gem when you choose the “Leave the Tavern” option in Mid-Afternoon. Alon will join you at the baths either if you win the coin tossing bet OR you suck him off and survive.
  • after completing each of those two mini quests, you unlock new choices in the next playthroughs that allow you to complete them early and without a hassle. That allows you to return the gem to Teak AND to recruit Alon for the baths in the same playthrough, which shows you a big secret scene in the Evening baths.
  • Changed the way SKIP button behaves now. Now by default, clicking it will instantaneously move you to the next choice but it will stop the moment you encounter a line of text you haven’t read yet. If you have “Skip Unseen Text” ticked on in the menu or you press CTRL in Windows build, you’ll be fastscrolling the text like in the older builds. I hope that will make it quicker for you to explore the alternative scenes!
  • At the last minute just now, added Gallery button in the in-game menu, so you don’t need to go back to main menu to check out your TO DO list anymore. I tested it myself but as it was a quick addition, let me know if you encounter any bug related to that.
  • Also, this was supposed to be an April Patreon build addition but I realized that the public build you got now has yet another improvement. Now, all the choices you have already seen will be displayed in a bit darker color, so you can see what you’re yet to check out. It would be too bothersome to remove now so enjoy this bonus!
Bulld 10
Finally, new update! Thank you so much for your patience, everyone!
It’s a big, chunky update with 22k word count in new script (beating the previous record of 16k in Burry’s update) and a bunch of new artwork! And TWELVE new dogs! 😀 I hope you’ll enjoy it!
The main event in this update is Rune’s Afternoon hangout. I recommend playing that after completing Burry’s, because Burry’s route unlocks a few things in Rune’s.
You get an extra event if you have the Mysterious Gem from Burry in your possession in Rune’s Afternoon.
Also you get some extra dialogue bits here and there if you participated in Rune’s Mana research at Noon… ;P
(reuploaded the Android build because it was bugged. Now it’s all working smoothly :3)
Awoo! Here it is! The new update! A few new fun things in this one :3 I hope you’ll like it!
New things this month:
> 13k words of new script
>ONE NEW DOG – Cooper! With a full body sprite and a bunch of expressions. I’ll post him here for LVL2s with all of his art once I get his armor colored 🙂
> a story within a story, with Shelter’s TECHNICALLY first illustrated penetrative sex scene
> one new background – Cooper’s room
> a few new expressions for the other dogs
> the first bits of implementation of a “Where Is Alon?” gimmick! In the older scenes you can spot Alon hiding in the background sometimes. If you click on him, he fades away… There are three instances of him hiding in the backgrounds like that. In the future finding and clicking him will have some additional effects and will unlock things…
Finally! The spoils of amazing smells and flavors are upon you and Burry!
Sorry for making you wait, mates! I’ll just quickly list out the things:
IF YOU GET AN ERROR WHILE LOADING AN OLD SAVE, click rollback and you should be good to continue!
>18k new words of script
>kitchen background
>cooking Burry CG
>a bunch of different item pictures
>a variety of new Burry expressions!
>nigh time main menu screen
>one new variation of a song
>fixed bugs and typos
>actual credits ROLL
>Rune turning into a beyblade
If you want to see all that Burry’s scene hides, see it after completing Teak’s Prospectors scene and swallowing Alon (this one on this specific playthrough).
with minor fixes and main menu gimmick
A little update. It contains that little credits thing I was talking about on Discord. From now on, LVL2 and LVL3 patrons will get their names shown in the main menu! LVL3s can additionally add a little icon to go along with it. I hope you like it 🙂
LVL1s still get credited like they always were, at the end of each build! I’m gonna edit that part too, so we can have actual “credit ROLL”, there… :3
Beside that, one or two typos fixed, shortened countdown to Swallow and slightly edited one of the porny CGs in a super important place that you probably won’t notice but it’s there!
– over 13k word count in the new script
– porny CG scene for Alon with a few dirty routes (you must have seen Alon’s appearance in “conversation about weapons” in the morning. All unlockables started carrying over only since build 0.1.4 so you may need to check out that scene again if you saw it before that build)
– a whole bunch of Alon’s new expressions
– a few coding gimmicks. I learned how to create and use RNG seeds!
– WAGGING animations for Burry, Max, Rune, Thistle and Teak
– one new Darkest Corner scene
– one new music tune
Some of the most important changes from the top of my head:
– You can adjust the music and sound volume in preferences again!
– Added a special scene after each of bad endings. This update has two, including the bomb explosion. It’s nothing super important but you may find that interesting 🙂
– A bunch of new backgrounds
– One new tune
– I put persistent and temporary values by every single choice in the game (almost a hudred) so hopefully all of the future builds saves are going to be perfectly compatible with the old builds! In this build there are possibilities or still missing something if you load an old save state instead of starting a new game. Let’s hope that that won’t be a problem in the future builds anymore!
– Enhanced GRRR experience on Boulder spam
– Added Teak’s missing wound at the dong comparison challenge
– Some fixed typos
– Rune’s porn is tied to a persistent value now, meaning that you have to see his balls in any of your playthroughs only once to always be approached by him by Noon. Also, added an option to not go outside to meet him at all and instead progress straight to the next scene
v0.1.3 build
Here you go! The first Shelter build with a dirty CG scene!
Two, actually! This scene has both Dog-Dong and Hooman-Dong versions. Have fun finding it!
Plus finally, the prospectors scene is implemented! You can have some fun or not super fun time with Teak, depending on your choices!
v0.12 build
This is quite a hefty update, with a bunch of new character sprites, a few new tunes and a few times more text than the first demo. This one is significantly less lewd but there’s still one dog dong for those who look o.o/ It takes place before the dog dongs conversation from the first demo but still the same morning (before the dogs got more drunk and forthcoming… ;P )

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    Shelter [v43] [Raus]