Simply Mindy [v3.6.0] [Sexums]
Completed   /   Flash

Simply Mindy [v3.6.0] [Sexums]

May 23, 2024F95

As the name implies, Simply Mindy stars Mindy, one of the bit characters from Soo Cubus. She has… moved on, I guess… and needs to find herself a job. You’ll need to guide her to a fresh new destiny, and watch her get fucked by weird things thousands of times in the process. Fun! The game plays similarly to Soo Cubus in that you need to build up your stats and are fighting a time limit, though there’s more complexity and strategy involved. Or there will be. Eventually. It’s a WIP.
Updated: 28 July 2018
Developer: Sexums PatreonBlog
Censorship: No
Version: 3.6.0
Platform: PC / Windows / Mac / Linux
Language: English
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Flash, 2DCG, Pixel Art, Strip, Sex, Combat, RPG
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1- Extract to desired location.
2- Click on “Simply Mindy 3.5.0swf” to start playing.
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This build is not QUITE so crazy as the last, and is, in fact, quite straightforward. Aside from fixes, it features two new things:
– One additional animation for each job in Finale Mode, which means twelve new animations there; and
– One new animation for each schooling class thing in Finale Mode. Previously it just rehashed old animations.
A short list, yes, but that means there are a whopping nineteen new animations in this build. And as long as you’ve got Finale Mode unlocked, it’s all available right from the get-go. Granted, all of them feature Shades, but they also feature Mindy and / or one of the other girls getting nailed, so… don’t complain. Just don’t.
Fixes and / or Changes
In addition to all those animations I spent some time on repairing things you guys brought up in regards to the last build, as well as a few other things. These include:
– There was some overlap in animations at the Mall during Darkly. This has been fixed.
– The final boss was supposed to have up to four crystals floating around their feet, dependent on how many bonuses you’d applied to Mindy when you started the game. They did not work properly the time ’round, alas. This has been remedied. (Also turns out that I’d borked health bonuses the boss was supposed to get, which was causing the crystal issues, so the boss is suddenly a fair bit beefier if you applied a lot of bonuses.
– Because I forgot two tiny snippets of code the final boss was unkillable by using the Gimme (not likely to happen anyway) and Morph (highly likely to come up) spells. You could do DAMAGE to the boss, but no killing. I’ve fixed this.
– As of the end of Finale Mode it’s possible for Mindy to wear two more outfits in cut scenes. I’ve added them to the Mindy that appears in the Options menu, and they will appear as part of the lineup if you complete the Finale Mode ending.
– For a long time the Immunologist Title had some funky effects attached to it that included giving enemies extra turns. I could never figure out why – until this week. It should work fine from here on in. Also turns out it wasn’t negating the Stunned status, which I’ve thrown in.
– Soo’s fight was going a little weirdly, and the screen transition wasn’t working properly when losing against her. She was also acting especially weird when the Immunologist Title was activated, largely (as far as I could tell) when she was using her falling hat attack thing. Fixed.
Please let me know if you encounter any more scene transition errors while playing the game. I’m not sure when it happened but the ending tags in several .xml files got yanked, and the only way to know they’re fucked is to attempt a scene transition. The fix is easy – literally copy and paste one word – but I need to know they’re borked in the first place.
– The Mummy’s normal attack rumbles and shakes the screen. Why? I don’t know, but I’m sure I had a damn good reason. I’ve grown tired of the rumble, however, so I’ve taken it out. Not because it made no goddamned sense at all, mind you. It totally does.
Thanks to everyone who pointed shiz out. Didn’t get a lot of bugs busted, but I think I at least handled the ones that could’ve fucked up the game. (EventSpawn left me a biggun for Finale Mode that I’ll have to handle for the next build. As ever, I fear his lists. So many little script problems… I’ll blame it on my computer’s stupid keyboard… yeah…)
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The New Stuff
Such a wide-scale scenario obviously includes a bunch of new shit added onto the game. This includes:
– Twelve new job animations, one per job;
– One new sexy-sexy animation between Mindy and her ‘partner’ lover for the scenario – and all five animations are randomized while sleeping at night, so Mindy has fun times all the time;
– Three new normal enemies that appear in the final dungeon, one of which is a sort of sub-boss;
– Eight new bosses, assuming I’ve counted correctly;
– A final boss with a different-than-normal combat layout, and who has better stats (and different attacks) if you’ve used more bonuses to start off the game;
– Two new dungeons with largely unique tile sets;
– New sprite animations for all twelve of the spells, all involving your partner lover;
– A fucking ridiculous amount of new cut scenes that tell a fairly long story;
– A new lover that appears in all subsequent normal game sleepovers, if you manage to beat the finale; and
– Other small touches.
It was an ambitious idea. Too ambitious? Maybe, but I wanted to send Mindy out with a bang. Innuendo possibly intended. Assuming this matters to you, the finale is the canonical ending, so what happens at the end of it will be true forevermore.
Note that there are still a few things I need to finish, despite how long it took, though none of it is vital. I still want to add unique teacher animations for the finale section, the end game monsters haven’t made it into the brothel gallery yet, the Seduction animations / moves need a bit more tweaking, and the lover still needs one more sleepover animation. There’s also a planned extra encounter for those crazy people who get all 100 Morality that didn’t make it into this build. I’m aiming to add this stuff in for the next update.
Other Changes
Along with all this stuff the build also includes some general changes and fixes:
– I plugged in the job and school animations from the previous update. That’s it. That’s all of them done. yay
– Finally added a goddamned proper title screen. FINALLY. I waited ’til the end for Soo Cubus, too, so maybe this is just going to be a tradition from here on in.
– The latest version of Stencyl that I’m using breaks the anchoring system that was in place, so the HUD in the dungeon is borked. I had to change the programming up a bit so the icons just follow the screen, which makes dungeons a teensy tiny bit slower. This also results in a slight floating look to the HUD when you’re moving around. Very annoying. I’m hoping they fix this soon so anchoring can go back to the way it was previously.
– As a side effect of the anchors fucking up, clicking the item icon to enter the menu while in a dungeon no longer seems to work. Annoying. I’ve changed the icon slightly to indicate that you can now hit the W key to go to the menu instead.
– Along the same lines, I altered the A key a touch to indicate that you can press it to open chests and inspect things, because that button ALSO doesn’t work with the mouse. Sigh. It also no longer fades in and fades out, because that only worked in, like, the first goddamned dungeon anyway.
– Changed ‘Creativity’ to ‘Charisma’ in the Brimstone description of the Cosplaying job.
– Changed how Morality is doled out. Normally you would get it after specific scenes. Now you get Morality at the ‘Game Over’ screen when you get to an appropriate ending.
– The wavering effect in MegaHot now gobbles resources like a motherfucker, and screws with the game’s layers in other ways. It has been remove for the time being.
– Lowered the amount of job visits needed to trigger the associated Sinners Orb scene. I got sick of clicking the damned things 80 times to get to ending cut scenes while testing.
– Fixed the first dungeon’s indoor section. You no longer need to hit the A button to go through doors.
– Fixed the Maid’s ending scene where you could hear a girl moaning throughout the scene, before her sprite had appeared.
– Tinkered with the bonuses a bit so you can unlock the Restore, Heal, and Gimme spells from the beginning. Missed those somehow. They’re all attached to Beast endings.
– Disabled the x-ray stuff for the moment. It’s borked and I didn’t have time to fix it. Will finally knuckle down and get it done for all the jobs in the next little while, promise.
– Fixed the text in a few places where it was running over. Upgrading Stencyl changed the text size a tiiiiiny bit, methinks.
– This is not a widespread fix yet, but I’ve come up with a solution for the small gaps in the mp3 music loops. It’ll require running all of the music files through Audacity and reuploading them into the game, though, and it’s such a minor issue right now that I figured I could put it off for a build. Nevertheless, a few of the loops are now properly seamless.
– A note about an issue: for some reason Ghostings (for me, anyway) gets laggy in this version of the game when on the main hub screen. I suggest turning off effects if this is a problem for you.
– Another very small issue: some of the audio tracks during the ending don’t always play properly. Not a huge deal, but if the game is silent when you think it should be musical, that’s why. Can’t find a good explanation as to WHY it’s happening, but there you go.
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Fixes and Assorted Changes
Not nearly as many fixes this week. I was more or less wall-to-wall busy with sounds once I started working, and my usual Friday buffer for bugfixin’ got taken up finishing work on the sound. (Didn’t even get a chance to look at your lists, EventSpawn.) Alas. The stuff I did fix I mainly came across while messing with the audio:
– Slightly adjusted Mindy’s sword-swinging attack to better fit with the sound effects. I’ve always thought it was kinda slow. The net effect is it looks better, and you can get through battles just a liiiiiiittle bit faster than before.
– It almost never came up, I’m betting, but if you got an ending and kept going through to a Contest day the Contest Day text would appear but not the button. The text shouldn’t appear anymore.
– Several single-enemy attacks were still stunning for more than a turn apiece. Smackdown was a particularly egregious case. All of them have been adjusted down to a single turn.
– Fixed a little bug that basically let Webbsy attack twice per turn whenever she got lucky.
– Added an extra frame to the HardBeast. It looked a little odd coming out of attacks mid-transformation.
– Fixed one of the boss attacks for Emm’s scenario. Its normal attack was way too lengthy. One second? No, no, ten seconds sounds better.
– Finally added a ‘Previous Page’ button to the Gallery. Why the hell didn’t I do that in the first place? It took about a minute and a half.
– For some reason you could cycle through JizzWhiz’s school animations during MegaHot. No more.
– Fixed the LandMindy ending with Mindy sleeping and the little demonic dude near her chair in the Gallery. He wasn’t sliding back into place properly.
– Not a change, but I guess a bug. For some reason while testing the sexytimes sleepovers I kept getting an error message whenever I chose a lover. Then for some reason it got narrowed down to only appearing for sex situations with a specific set of vocalizations. Aaaaand then it disappeared altogether. I can’t for the fuck of me figure out why it was happening in the first place, nor why it got cleared up, but if anybody gets a little error message while doing a sleepover session just hit ‘Ignore All’, or whatever the button is. Things should continue on as normal afterward.
– Fixed some typos. Going back through the cut scenes to add music and the occasional sound effect gave me ample opportunities to read the script again. Yay
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The New Stuff
Another storyline-centric update this build, and this one focuses on Middle D, Lil D’s buff brother and purveyor of geisha-centric pleasures. The storyline features the following:
– The usual diverging plot which splits at a decision point, leading you in two potential directions;
– Three new sexy animations between Mindy and Middle D if you decide to woo him; and
Six new endings. Yep, Middle D got no less than five endings, and the Geisha job gets one as well. One of the endings crosses over between the split storylines, at least insofar as the animation is concerned, and you probably won’t be surprised to learn that you need to lose a fight to get it.
I also added in a new enemy sexy spell to somewhat make up for the fact that there’s no new battle. (Though there is a battle. The participant shouldn’t be too surprising.) The move is… well, it will probably get showcased when you play the scenario through, and it’s a touch on the weird side. That’s magic for you
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Hey guys. People have commented on a few problems with the new build, so I’ve decided to release a hotfix for some of the more glaring issues, including several freezes and some weird activity in general:
– Punch Drunk’s class was freezing in Darkly because I added particle effects to his aura and they were trying to appear on a layer that doesn’t exist in the school. D’oh. Fixed. The same problem was bugging out his third dungeon quest, and I’ve fixed that cut scene as well.
– Punch Drunk’s third battle was also glitching out because Stencyl seemingly decided that some code which was fine for the last build just suddenly wasn’t, and his sex transitions weren’t working properly. So basically, blame Punch Drunk for this hotfix.
– Fixed a small oversight in the Aember ‘battle’ in the third dungeon where you could try to transition to a sex scene if you were wearing the panties, but not under any other circumstances. There is no sex scene, so it would freeze instead.
– Fixed item icons that were appearing when you opened the item menu and then not disappearing. (I swear to GOD I fucking fixed this one while I was making the build, but nooooo…)
– Reduced stunning to a single round in combat. Enemies get one free hit before you can move again. I’m pretty sure I covered all of the moves that can stun Mindy, but let me know if you get hit by a two-round stun and I’ll take another look.
– Disabled the SexyTimes Panties on Aember’s ‘battle’ in the third dungeon. Didn’t occur to me that there are two potential phases with her. (I’ll be honest, I didn’t have time to go through and test this one yet, though it should work fine. Just… don’t try to have sex with her, I guess.)
– Realized while checking something else out that you could only run into Blobs in the church in BloodOrb Forest. Fixed it up so you can also run into other things – including Ghosts if you’ve completed Cherry’s little quest. (EventSpawn, I have NO idea how you ran into a Skeleton there, because it shouldn’t actually have been possible. Let alone how you saw the Goob win screen.)
– Fixed some camping fader issues in the first dungeon.
– Changed some code so the Immunologist Title was showing up properly. Previously it was switching to the Blimp Enthusiast Title icon.
That’s all I could fit in tonight. Already late for going out to dinner by about half an hour. Please let me know if there are any other big freezes and I’ll tackle them tomorrow when I have more time. Thanks to EventSpawn and Jak for pointing things out to me in the comments.
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The New Stuff
Everyone voted, and by a pretty wide margin Emm, the owner of the dungeon shop, was chosen as this build’s focus character. So here you are, her storyline. It includes the usual shiz:
– A branching storyline that can take you in a few different directions – and I’ll say now that rejecting Emm is the meatier of the two options in terms of available endings;
– Three new seasonally-sexy sleepover animations with Emm, if you decide to turn her into a lover;
– Three new endings (I decided not to make one just for plain ol’ dungeoneering, ’cause goddamn are there a lot of endings at this point); and
– Two new battles.
(I abhor hints, but I’ll give you this much, if you’re new to the game: You can trigger Emm’s storyline by going to her house in BloodOrb Forest, the first dungeon in the game. It’s near the entrance. Ish.)
This is another one of those updates where you’ll probably get more out of it if you’ve played Soo Cubus. And I mean all of Soo Cubus. Not as flashy as previous builds, but it’s good setup for later stuff.
Next Week
(The bug list is fairly long, so I’m sticking it at the bottom from now on.)
The next build is gonna be another maintenance-type build. I need to give the combat system a more thorough revamp, and, that aside, I want to give the enemies more varied and interesting attacks. Some of the battles are a touch repetitive. Would also like to add in more sexy moves, because, you know, it’s a sex game. I also need to go through all those old dungeon quests again, ’cause it’s been a while since I looked at some of them and I want to make sure they still work okay.
So that’s a thing.
I’ll also probably do Jerry’s storyline. It is, as I’ve mentioned, fairly short, and will only add two more endings, along with three more sexy-sexy sleepover animations with the poor bastard. Chances are good I’ll add one or two more job animations, as well, since I’m almostdone with them all. Since the bulk of his storyline consists of gathering his body parts, this build will also give me a chance to make sure the associated dungeon quests all still work properly.
That’s the fun stuff. If you just wanted to hear about the new content, you can stop here. Enjoy.
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New Stuff
This is the shiznit y’all probably find most important for wanking purposes. This week was another animation dump – I like these builds, they’re overall more relaxing, if no less time-consuming – and I managed to shove a buncha new gifs into the game, including:
– Two new animations for Shay (Ghostings and Darkly – the animation for MegaHot was bothering me so I tossed it aside for the moment);
– Four new animations for Modelling (Ghostings and Darkly), finishing off the job;
– Two new Darkly animations for Cosplay, also finishing off the job;
– Two new Darkly animations for Camwhore, also also finishing off the job;
– Two new Darkly animations for Farmer, also also also finishing off the job; and
– Two new Darkly animations for Mascot, also also ALSO alsofinishing off the job. I swapped the planned holiday for this to ‘Talk Like A Pirate Month’ from ‘Thankstaking’ so I could put Lady Tang in the game, because… why not. I can do what I want.
Fixes ‘n Other Shite
Now for the less pleasing stuff. I’ve been slowly testing and fixing glitches throughout the game whenever I’ve come across ’em, particularly in light of that last, stupid build, so there’s a bunch of stuff down here that may or may not matter to y’all. Thanks to EventSpawn and RN2147 in particular for pointing out several of the bugs so I could jump on them, among other people.
– Rejigged several elements in the combat system to streamline it for my own purposes and, hopefully, cut down on lag a bit. With any luck y’all won’t even notice a difference.
– Changed around a bunch of hotkeys to make them a little more logical. Should cut down on some clicking – though not all – and make one-handed play a little easier. Wink wink.
– Fixed a little double-money bug while Camwhoring. What should have been the poor man’s job was, in fact, one of the more lucrative pastimes, and I didn’t notice at all.
– Fixed a bug that was displaying Stamina incorrectly. Worked fine if you had 3 Stamina max most of the time, got a bit wonky when there was more than 3.
– Fixed the door leading out of the HardBeast’s lair. As of 2.7.5 you were getting trapped in there. Thanks to Ian W for pointing it out.
– Fixed the maze quest in the third dungeon. Completely forgot about it when I was doing the rest of the door fixes for 2.7.5. Should be good now. Also fixed a looping bug after you killed the boss of the maze that sent you back to the beginning. Thanks t
– Removed an NPC showing up in the brothel gallery bit during off-season months.
– Fixed the Slip N Slide title, which wasn’t working.
– Fixed a bugged chest in the third dungeon, near the entrance of the first temple. It used to work fine. The code for it just… disappeared. Dafuq.
– Messed with the text so it wouldn’t spill out of the text boxes. Also gave the names during cut scenes a slight outline and bolding so they wouldn’t blend in with backgrounds as much. Give me a shout if you notice any of these that don’t look right – I tested a ton of scenes to check for odd overlap, but I know I didn’t check them all.
– I guess this isn’t a fix, but I fucked up and deleted a bunch of code while putting in the new Farming stuff, so the original Brimstone scenes look a little different. (The zombies don’t walk anymore. Oh nooo.)
– Added an FAQ button on the title screen that will take you to the devblog. I’ve answered the ‘How do I transfer my save file from my old game?’ question so many times that I think it’s prudent to point players a little more directly.
– Aaaaand there’s probably a bunch of other stuff I changed that I forgot to add. There are always one or two things I forget to mention.
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No surprise here. Little fix. Apparently the flag that kept the Minor Crises from bombarding you with stat points vanished, and whenever you lost or won you received – or lost – a bucketful of points. I suspect some of the victims were getting so many points that it was actually fucking up the variables a little. (Also explains why I had a one-time glitch a few hours ago that gave me seemingly infinite Stamina which I could not replicate.) This should fix all dat shit.
This also fixes an incorrect flag for one of the endings, which, once again, was working fine a few days ago. Goddammit, Stencyl.
EDIT: Those of you who had trouble with the Prostitute / Arm Candy endings, I went back and fixed those flags too. ‘nother new version up. Man. I am not on the ball this week. Last one, I hope.
New Stuff
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A branching storyline (so surprising);Four new sleepover animations (though with a bit of a twist, for variety); and Four new endings, one of which is job-specific. You know, because, gloryholes.
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New Stuff
Simply Mindy’s new material consists primarily (as several requested) of new animations, because, let’s all be honest, most of you are here for tits and spooge. A breakdown of the new shite:
– The second-to-last job: Cabaret / Burlesque Dancer. (I had no idea I’d receive such detailed comments when I announced that, speaking of which. You’re all so smart.) This includes a repurposed NPC I showed waaaaay back in Mindy’s formative days, as well as six new animations. Only MegaHot is missing its animations, ’cause making Mindy do a full-body spin that looked convincing was more challenging than I expected. The job will unlock at the beginning of the third year, or earlier if you hit the right stat spread.
– Added the first chunk of story to the new NPC, so you can woo her and watch one of her animations. Fans of threesomes will get a kick out of her.
Don’t pick ‘No’ when you get the chance! The storyline currently ends after that cut scene, and if you pick No Seu won’t become Mindy’s lover. This will start to branch eventually, but for now there’s no benefit at all in choosing No. If you pick it accidentally, close the game and reload. You’ll start up before the cut scene again.
– Added three new animations for Ink, finishing him up. If you like butt stuff you might like Ink. He’s all about butts.
Tinkered Stuff
Fixed a bunch of bugs based on feedback from youse guys. Special thanks to T Hill for his little laundry list on the last build. Gave me stuff to focus on.
– Cut down on the overall file size by a fair bit. Stencyl has an automatic scaling setting that allows the game’s graphics to be blown up without quality reduction by four times, which includes the generating sprite sheets up to four times their normal size. By cutting out the highest magnification (4x) I’ve cut the game size down by almost 40 mb. Gives me lots more room to jam in music and sound effects and such.
Please let me know if there any any major graphical issues as a consequence of this. I’ve tested the game out on my laptop and on a PC with no problems, probably because the resolution is pretty cut and dry, but I’d be interested to hear from anyone with higher res monitors in play. (Or smaller, I guess.)
– Finished up checking and fixing the seduction animations. They should all be good now. Yes, that includes Braincase. Yell at me if any are still muddled and I’ll grovel like the worm I am.
– Added a clock to the dungeons. It had always been my intention to let the encroaching darkness serve as a clock in and of itself, but I don’t think it has worked as well as I liked. So.
– Fixed a damage value error. It was possible for a few enemy attacks to register as negatives if your Durability / Spirit was too high, resulting in a bump to your HP instead. Now attacks that register as zero or below damage will always do a minimum of one damage, because getting smacked should always hurt a little bit.
– Fixed a little bug that kept pushing people back into the shop from BloodOrb Forest. For some reason the game wasn’t recognizing the coordinates I set to keep Mindy from being warped back into the shop. No longer.
– Fixed a little sound glitch that was essentially resetting the sound levels each time you loaded the game.
– FINALLY fixed the damned bug that permanently shoved the spa background into the Gallery if you viewed one of Skully’s endings. Required a workaround I’d hoped to avoid for the sake of sloppiness, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Also worked around a little bug that prevents cumshots from triggering by just killing the actors when you move from one page to the next.
– Buffed the Restore spell’s math a bit. Wanted to make it a little more valuable comparative to potions, as I found myself almost never bothering to buy / use it.
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Chico! This week’s Patreon-only version jumps all over the dapper king of cosplay in Hell. Comes with the usual assortment of storyline stuff:
– A branching plot that goes in a few potential different directions;
– Four new endings / ending animations;
– Four sexy animations between Mindy and Chico;
– Four new animations for the Cosplaying job; and
– Little tweaks to other stuff.
It’s a fun story with some implications for the future. Because, yes, even though there are lots of side stories and endings and shit, Simply Mindy does have an overarching plot. Gonna take a while before it really starts to rear its head, though.
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The bulk of this update has to do with Shirley, the baggy (and sometimes not-so-baggy) ol’ landlady who screams at Mindy to pay her rent. The first half of her storyline existed previously, and now it’s been properly branched and fleshed-out, for your enjoyment. Here’s what to expect:
– Three new sexy animations for Shirley and Mindy’s overnight stays;
– Two storyline branches, depending on whether or not you decide to sleep with Shirley;
– A new battle (no guesses who you wind up fighting); and
– Three new Shirley-centric endings, one good, one bad, one kinda neutral. There are multiple ways to reach two of ’em, based on your decisions.
Whole lotta Shirley, in other words.
I don’t normally dole out hints, but Shirley has always been a point of confusion, so here’s a tiny one: to get her storyline kickstarted you need to be a shitty tenant. IE, don’t pay your rent for a while. Shirley will come a-knockin’ sooner or later.
Other Stuff
The rest of the update consists of a mishmash of stuff I just felt like getting done this week. Expect the following:
– In addition to the three endings mentioned above there’s a fourth one related to not paying your rent. Probably the easiest to get in the game – just fail to pay up for twenty-five days. Is that a spoiler? Yes, but it’s so minor that I’ll let it slip this once.
– Two new Ghostings animations for the Maid job. I almost had four done, but I kept changing my mind about this, that, and the other thing, and so I now have two kinda-almost-but-not-really-done other animations sitting in wait. They will most likely get finished up for the next build.
– A bunch of little background dudes and dudettes for the Maid job, changing with the season. They all pop out of the elevator, and you can open it up yourself by clicking the control panel on the wall beside the elevator door. Click, click, click…
– Added some very tiny hints regarding the endings in the Gallery. Endings that haven’t been unlocked have one-word descriptions that will vaguely guide you in the right direction. Hopefully this will help those of you who seek guidance in finding endings.
– Finally got around to checking / tweaking about half of the Seduction animations. I ran out of time in getting to them all since it took longer than expected to check a few of them (lookin’ at you, Sluggo) and I want to get this out before, like, 6 in the morning, ’cause I have an early-ish start tomorrow. I now have a little debug room set up for myself to better check this shit so I should have it all done by the next build. So far as I can tell, at least, all of the battles can be exited, and that’s or paramount importance.
(And yes, I bet at least a few of you will go hunting for the debug room. Don’t bother. It’s only accessible when I compile the game with it as a starting point. You want animations, just go build up a gallery of enemies. Isn’t worth the effort of searching, trust me.)
– A few very minor tweaks to the sound. Not as many as I would’ve liked, but a few. Still came across a fair number of problematic moaning sequences that I need to work on. As before, the sound settings are under Stats on the main menu if you wanna turn ’em off. Wouldn’t blame you – they only seem to work effectively during sex.
– Made a small tweak to the dungeons. Before you needed a full three Stamina to enter one; now you can have two or more. Needed to make the change because some storylines (such as the Shirley line) can reduce your total Stamina to two on every damned day, and I didn’t want to screw players over by blocking the dungeons.
– Shit. I forgot to add controls that would remove weather effects in order to reduce lag. Many apologies to people who complained about lag before. I’ll make this my first priority for the next build. doi dur dope
Yep. That’s that. Seems like less than usual. Go fig.
A quick note that I am going to be out of town for two days as of tomorrow, so unless I catch any problematic messages tonight or tomorrow morning I won’t be able to address any problems until Monday. I tested the shit outta the game so there shouldn’t be any major issues with Shirley’s storyline; if there are, I apologize fervently and will get them fixed as soon as I can. The only potential issue I see is an inability to skip the storyline’s battle thanks to an inability to raise Spirit without also raising Intellect, and that’s really not that big of an issue overall.
Anyway. Yes. Do enjoy boffing / rejecting Shirley. Next time I’ll probably be jumping on the Chico train and blowing through a bunch of cosplayer animations.
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– The aforementioned storyline. Go to the wall as a guard and get to know Skully. The path to friendship with her branches, and if you want you can make her into a lover for Mindy.
– Which, naturally, means that there are new animations for Mindy and Skully, and, no, Skully isn’t wearing her skull in any of them. All four are in place and ready to go.
– There are also four new endings: three involve Skully, the last one for doing the soldering job a bunch of times. This comes with the usual plethora of bonuses. Three of these endings involve battles, so yes, you’ll want to boost Mindy’s physical stats. All are in the gallery…
… though there’s a minor glitch with one of them, which requires the inclusion of a background. The background appears just fine, but I can’t get the damned thing to disappear when you choose another gallery option. It’s pretty minor, and the backdrop item disappears if you exit and reenter, assuming it bothers you at all. I’ll get it fixed.
EDIT: The quest log has one of the final steps of one of the storylines – the one where Mindy and Skully are working together – occurring during Darkly. This should be Ghostings instead. My bad. Fixed for the next build.
– Speaking of which, there are two new boss battles. One is on par with previous stuff; the other is preeeeetty beastly. No spoilers, tho.
– I also threw in two new seasonal animations for the guard job, these for Ghostings. Wanted to get all four of the missing ones done, but time is finite and I am only mortal. One of these two animations is kinda incomplete in that I wanted to include a little extra bit post-cumshot, so I’ll probably add that in later. As is, though, Mindy is still getting drilled.
In addition to the above I did a bunch of bugfixing. Caught the following shite:
– Fixed the fact that going through a full day of the dungeons did not reduce your Stamina to zero. Considering that USED to work, I have no idea how the flag to obliterate your Stamina disappeared.
– Fixed the scene skip thing with JizzWhiz in the second dungeon. Used to be that you would get teleported into a wall when leaving the conversation. That is no longer the case. (I hope. I’ve tried to fix this one a few times…)
– Fixed up a few monster sex placements post-combat, though I’m pretty certain I haven’t gotten them all yet. Need to sit down for three or four hours and just dedicate myself to fixing that shit for good and all.
– Fixed a bit of reported jankiness in the quest log. Should work okay now.

Extras: Walkthrough

thanks to @Meowmaru27

Guide by @oldmasterxd:  here

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