The Forest of Love [v0.40] [Carrot]

The Forest of Love [v0.40] [Carrot]

January 19, 2025F95

Join our lil ‘red panda protagonist, as he meets critters and explores the Forest of Love! Does the land live up to its name? Is there more to the forest than meets the eye?

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This is an ADULT game, featuring a buncha adorable lil’ critters, in their natural raunchy habitat! This is primarily a >story heavy< game, with an emphasis in loveable characters and a fun world to explore~! There will be explicit animated pixel scenes peppered throughout the adventure.

The game is segmented into 5 “acts.” The first, second, and third are all quest/story oriented, the fourth being the climax of the campaign, and the fifth being “post-game” – which is essentially a glorified gallery, but serves as further world exploration, additional quests, and continuity of the world and the critters stories~!

Gameplay-wise, it’s a top-down pixel adventure. There is no combat, so think something more along the lines of Animal Crossing (EXCEPT YA BANG).

Thread Updated: 2025-01-19
Release Date: 2025-01-17
Developer: Carrot PatreonWebsiteItch.ioSteam
Censored: No
Version: 0.40
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English
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2DCG, 2D game, Male protagonist, Furry, Animated, Adventure, Handjob, Gay, Mobile game
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1. Extract and run.
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  • Finale of Act 3!
    • Including a giant orgy ;O
  • Final version of the Mice Language!
    • Previous one was a trial, and the newest one has numbers and ?! woohoo!
  • Bug fixes!
    • There was an issue where the game would not start if the OS was in certain languages. (ones that use , in the place of .) We think it’s fixed now? :O The few folks who reported this issue, if you could give it a play on your windows native language and let us know, that’d be dope!
    • Fixed an edgecase resulting in a softlock with Mabel in your inventory. (namely the pesky Blessing of the Bells arc)
    • Performance bug when Rascal put the lantern away, it would still use a lot of resources.
  • New Campaign Content!
    • Rascal has a new tool that let’s him explore dark areas!
      • A few new areas that are now explorable!
    • Mabel’s folks are now accessible!
      • Including their own spoken language!
    • Lots of dialogue shenanigans!
    • New NPC Following system!
    • Meet the final main-cast critter of TFOL! (Well… kinda the final)
  • New Animation!
    • Fen’s introduction ends up being pretty spicy!
New Scene! (6+ Illustrations!) – Sneak into the back of the shop and give Maverick a surprise! Shenanigans ensues~
Accessible after all the other content is completed. You can chapter select to “Free Roam”
Main Campaign Progress
– That was a crazy storm! How did the rest of the critters fair? What’s next for Rascal? Oh… Mabel’s still here…
Easter Egg Illustration?! – ?!?!? This one’s actually missable atm. It won’t be in the future, but for now, if you don’t wanna miss it, try interacting with stuff before you collect a firefly!
Fancy Text for Dialogues! – We’ve now got FUN TEXT shenanigans! This makes the critters more expressive :>!
Fast Travel Bell to the Mountains! – It’s in the game now! Just gotta find it…
New quest and activities! (“Risk of Rain”)
To get to the quest, play through Act 3 or use Chapter Select to choose the “After the Photoshoot” chapter.
New Particle Systems! Wind, Rain, Thunder oh my!
A New animated scene (two technically) with Rascal and a familiar critter!
NEW DOPE (music) TRACK!!
Miscellaneous bugfixes.
-Return of the Android build!
-Added a secret gallery scene, unlocked via completing a puzzle in the Bug Report tool.
-Miscellaneous bugfixes.
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The whole game’s been rewritten under the hood! Everything should run smoother and use less system resources.
Savegames do not transfer! BUT you can use Chapter Select to jump ahead, and there are cheat codes to unlock sidequests in the Pause menu. For now, all chapters are automatically unlocked for easy access.
This build (v0.34) has all official content up to Melody’s Photoshoot in the Act 3 storyline, and Maverick’s Side Hustle (the cum spa) on the sidequests storyline. 0.34 should match our 0.33 build, plus rewritten source code and a bunch of bugfixes.
You can now skip ANY dialogue! (Except Mabel during the plant minigame.) You can also skip with gamepad by longpressing [X]
We tested the game thoroughly, but there’s a TON of content that follows special rules, as well as content that can be played in any order.
– New dialogue for Oliver!
– New illustrated story scene! (see below)
To unlock the new story scene:
– In Act 3, Gossip with Ollie about “Are you seeing anyone?”
– Next, use the Talk interaction to speak to Ollie, and he’ll tell you the story about him and Maverick. (Side hustle part 1)
– Then, talk to Maverick for more juicy details. (Side hustle part 2)
– Maverick will direct you to Mabel, who has some plans of her own. (Side hustle part 2)
– Finally, talk to Oliver to unlock the new scene! (Side hustle part 3!)
This is what’s new:
New dialogues for Maverick and Mabel!
New illustrated story scene! (see below)
Support for L/R bumpers and Q/E keys in Start Screen > Gallery menu to quickly navigate thumbnails.
Fixed bug breaking certain movies for some international players. (Coyotesbukkake, Rascal and the bears)
To unlock the new story scene:
In Act 3, Gossip with Ollie about “Are you seeing anyone?”
Next, use the Talk interaction to speak to Ollie, and he’ll tell you the story about him and Maverick.
Then, talk to Maverick for more juicy details.
Finally, talk to Mabel to unlock the new scene!
We’ve started a fun lil mini quest featuring Mabel, Maverick, Oliver, and some new smaller critters :> (Not new main cast, just some critters of the forest)
The whole arch isn’t out just yet, but the first part is! I’m thinking there will be 2 more to this in the future.
For now, the quest is available after you finish Oliver’s gossip “Are you seeing anyone?”
Talk to Oliver after that sequence and see what shenanigans Maverick has been up to!
– New mini quest to recruit female critters for bunny dungeon shenanigans!
Talk to Scarlett and Peter after completing Melody’s Photoshoot in Act 3. The new mini quest will appear after finishing both the “Dungeons and Juices” quest and Scarlett’s dialogue about the Great Fall Feast. (All three quests are nonlinear content, so depending what you’ve already unlocked, Scarlett might immediately offer you the new mini quest instead.)
– New Gossips for Melody!
– New greeting card item and unlockable illustration! One of Melody’s gossips explains where to find it.
– New “Booty Lineup” mini quest and story. Talk to Scarlett and Peter after completing Melody’s Photoshoot in Act 3.
– New “Great Fall Feast” story. Talk to Scarlett after completing the Booty Lineup story.
– Two new Bucky gossips that unlock illustrated stories with forest Bears. Get to these by gossiping about his Mate.
– Fixed bug causing plant minigame to appear in destination chapters when using chapter select during minigame.
– Fixed bug corrupting the savegame when chapter selecting to the “End of Act 2” chapter.
– Added code to stop player getting stuck in infinite loop when attempting swim transition during low framerates.
– Added new Charlotte gossip which contains three unlockable image sequences for Rascal.
– Added missing terrain triggers on far side of central forest (so you can hear footstep sounds)
– Fixed bug where you could get stuck behind the bunny couple when standing in their house.
– Fixed bug in dialogue response menu where Rascal’s comment bubble would flicker whenever he spoke back to back lines.
– Fixed bug causing multi-line dialogue in certain stories and movies to exceed the black margin area and overlap the artwork.
– Added new Act 3 quest steps for Charlotte and Melody.
– Added illustrated story scene for Charlotte. You can unlock the story by exploring the cave interactions, revealing a hidden gossip.
– Added animated scene for Melody. Deliver Charlotte’s cookies to Maverick, then talk with Melody to initiate the quest.
– Added new walkable areas in Maverick’s shop. Explore them carefully – there is an easter egg hidden somewhere.
– There is also a small easter egg to find in the cave. You’ll need to explore it when no one is home.
– Added several new chapter select steps.
– Fixed incorrect version number, this month’s version is 0.22
  (Last month we mistakenly labeled the version as 0.3 instead of 0.21)
Act 2 Revision 4 (r4) changelog:
– Fixed issue with “GOSSIP” cheat code in pause menu.
Act 2 Revision 3 (r3) changelog:
– Added “The Blessing of The Bells” story content.
  • Remixed Music! New sounds/takes to our older classic music! Finally y’all can hear the work of our Musician, SoulOfLuca! We’ll provide links ‘n stuff once we have their accounts. (btw, if for whatever reason, you want the classic experience, we want to have an option for that in the future! Remember that gift Maverick gave you?)
  • Bucky and Oliver full animated scene! This replaces the earlier placeholder loop. Gossip with Ollie about breaking the bridge, gossip with Bucky about who broke the bridge, then meet them on a date in front of Maverick’s shop.
  • Coyotes and Rascal bukkake date with two variations! The date spawns near Maverick’s shop with 100% chance after you gossip with the coyotes about Partying. Once you play the date you can access the other variation by gossiping with the coyotes again.
  • A fix for the Finley shearing bug that sometimes caused a softlock. (This one we were hunting FOREEEEVER! We were super stoked to find it finally!)
  • Properly looping music! Now all of our tracks loop properly and you can hear it in the intended way!
  • Polish, bugfixes, and a few new examinable objects.
– Added post-Act 2 critter idles! At the end of Act 2, critter idles will automatically change flavor to better reflect the story’s new plot points and the latest turn of events. [Chapter select: “After Act 2”]
– Added Rascal’s date with Scarlett and Penny, with full color illustrations. Dates spawn near Maverick’s shop. To spawn this date, you’ll first need to gossip with Scarlett about Penny, then play the followup Scarlett gossip about Cloaca Fisting, then gossip with Penny about Cloaca Fisting, then play their first date which spawns at 100% chance. THEN you’ll get the new date which spawns at 100% chance!
– Added “Novice” stage to Dustin minigame. This has a slew of new attacks and all-new choreography. Unlike Training mode, players will have limited hits to pass the Novice stage! The new stage unlocks automatically after finishing the Training stage, but only after the end of Act 2!
– Added a short minigame for collecting Finley’s wool once he’s been sheared. The game uses a particle system and wind system to puff little wool balls around the mountainside for Rascal to collect. 🙂
– Updated Start Menu logo and background. Added some fun new particle effects including start menu falling leaves and dust clouds under Ollie’s feet as he runs.
– You can now ride Ollie back after visiting the coyotes, unless he’s already walked away.
– Added Penny + Mabel date with full color illustration. (Dates spawn near Maverick’s shop. This date will spawn in Central Forest with 100% chance.)
– Reworked the end of act 1 victory sequence. (You can jump to it in Chapter Select!) The forest critters will now come together to build the bridge, and you can chat with each of them.
– Reworked the Ruins area to the west of the Lake. Check it out, lots of lush new forestry! :>
-Added Coyotes and Finley date with full color illustration! (Dates spawn near Maverick’s shop. First you must deliver the wool! Then the date will spawn in Central Forest with 100% chance.)
-Added Coyotes solo story with full color illustration! (This is available from their gossip menu. First ask them about them being Competitive, then ask about them liking to Party)
– Added Oliver and Bucky date with work-in-progress animation! (Dates spawn near Maverick’s shop. First gossip with Ollie about ‘Breaking the Bridge’, then gossip with Bucky about ‘Who Broke the Bridge’. Then the date will spawn in Central Forest with 100% chance.)
– Updated the some stuff on the south side of the river in Central Forest. You’ll see a lot of things moved around! Feel free to explore. 🙂
– There’s also mysterious runes scattered everywhere! They all play the same interaction message for now.
-Added Oliver and Coyotes date with full color illustration! (Dates spawn near Maverick’s shop. This date is multiple parts! So for this build, the first part spawns with 100% chance, and the following parts with 50% chance.)
-Added Finley and Rascal full sex animation. (It plays after shearing him, or you can watch in Start Menu > Gallery)
-Added dialogue support for movies in Start Menu > Gallery! (Use the toggle on the right of the gallery menu.)
-Now you can rewatch unlocked stories & legends from Start Menu > Gallery!
-Redesigned the movie gallery in Start Menu. (You can cheat to unlock all the movies by typing “movies” in the gallery menu, or by using the Konami code (Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right) on your gamepad.)
-Redesigned the menu for starting/continuing games in Start Menu. Now you can start a fresh game, jump ahead to Act 1 or Act 2, or fast forward to see the latest monthly build progress.
-Chapter select is now available in the pause menu, so you can get to it quickly when playing with a gamepad.
-Under the hood: made major progress upgrading the savegame system to keep track of the content you’ve unlocked from version to version. BUT there were too many bugs to publish to the overhaul this month, so we rolled back to the old save system instead! For now you’ll have to replay any previously unlocked Gossips, Dates and Gifts.
Bucky and Augustus date #2 with full color illustrations! (Dates spawn near Maverick’s shop. This date spawns with a 20% chance after Bucky and Gus’s first date.)
-New Maverick gossip (“Do you have a partner?”) with full color illustration.
-Finley’s sex scene is now a full color loop. (It plays after shearing him, or you can watch in Start Menu > Gallery)
-Under the hood: reworked memory management to keep sex scenes in memory only when needed, reducing the game’s RAM usage.
With so much nonlinear content, we will be upgrading the savegame system soon to keep track of the content you’ve unlocked from version to version. (For now you’ll have to replay any previously unlocked Gossips, Dates and Gifts.)
Lanora legend Part 2 with full color artwork!
Peter, Bucky and Scarlett date with full color artwork! Also three additional textual dates (Scarlett and Penny, Bucky and Augustus, and Mabel and Maverick) The dates will spawn randomly nearby Maverick’s shop after you finish Maverick’s delivery quest. (You must play Penny’s gossip about cloaca fisting before her date with Scarlett can spawn.)
Critter gifts! There are five different gift objects you can be given. One of these upgrades your Notebook with a new page between Quest Log and Inventory. Augustus, Maverick, Oliver, Peter and Scarlett will give you the gifts by a random chance anytime after you collect Finley’s wool.
Central Forest fast travel perch.
14 new individual gossips, and two gossips you can ask all the critters.
With so much new nonlinear content, we will be upgrading the savegame system soon to keep track of the content you’ve unlocked from version to version. As always, if you find a bug in the current version, please report it on https://tfol.info or in our Discord channel!
– Introducing DATES~! Sometimes critters will hang out together near Maverick’s shop. Replay the middle of the coyotes’ quest for more info!
– Added Mabel’s solo story with full color artwork (one of her gossips!)
– Added Mabel & Dustin’s story with full color artwork (This is attached to a critter Date. This happens RANDOMLY after the Dates introduction, so keep an eye out for Mabel & Dustin to spawn near Maverick’s shop!)
– Added the full bunny cuck scene! (It’s available in a gossip from Peter)
– Our sex scene player was cropping the left and right edges of all scenes. Now ALL scenes play in wide-aspect, with new pixels that were previously unseen! <3
– You can now deliver Finley’s wool to the coyotes so they can get started on your sweater.
– New input system!
This one supports nearly every common gamepad on every OS. (Desktop builds only, though WebGL input support is partially improved too)
– Sound Effects for footsteps, dashroll and swim splashes. (Not fully implemented)
– Gossip greetings. Now the critters will say hi when you gossip with them!
– Idle dialogue so characters always have something to say! (This includes several new Fast Travel conversations for Penny)
– A bunch of minor bugfixes and quest improvements.

Noteable Features

  • Squirrel Sex scene is animated and in-game! (Still need some dialogue to finish it off)
  • Squirrel mini game has assets!
  • Plant Mini-Game fully implemented! With UI and sounds! It’s a lot different than our lil’ stand in one last month. Give it a shot! (And say hi to the mouse for me!)
  • “The Notebook” finally implemented – this unlocks the Gossip ability normally. Also tutorial visuals for the Gossip Interaction UI
  • Various system fixes and bug updates! (You can now transition scenes and directional movement persists! There was also a potential softlock bug regarding autosaving.)
  • Hacked together some quick CHEATS! Just small platforms that unlocks various things like: Dodgeroll, Skipping the Tutorial, Unlock all sex scenes, and Delete Saved Data!
  • Penny now remains after dropping you off. You can also cancel a flight to just chat and explore the gossip options!
  • Debux of particle effects! (In the plant minigame)
  • Switched the “examine” interaction with the new UI! You’ll see a shiny new yellow button.
  • Gossip portraits (rough draft)
Notable Bugfixes
  • Start menu – could navigate the start menu before it had fully appeared
  • Start menu – holding X at launch to clear savegame caused game to softlock
  • Red would sometimes stop walking when transitioning between scenes until the movement key was released/pressed
  • If the savegame file was ever locked by an outside process, Autosave would blink forever and the game would softlock
  • Narrator and Standard dialogue text background would flicker briefly when starting a new conversation that used the opposite background
  • Could navigate the interaction ui with left/right bumpers while the interaction menu was invisible
  • Desktop version saves the unlocked gallery screen
  • Gallery loops can be toggled via left and right, and played via enter/A button
  • General typos/dialogue tune ups
  • Tightened the way to unlock a small easter egg (Hint: it has to do with the bear)
  • Fixed a couple of small bugs
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  • Movement – Arrowkeys
  • Accept/Continue – Right CTRL and Enter
  • Cancel/Pause – ESC
  • Inventory – I

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    The Forest of Love [v0.40] [Carrot]