The Gates of Stories [v0.0.2] [Goho Digitals]
Our protagonist, Bella, escapes the clutches of mediocrity and sets out for a new life, leaving her village behind and finding herself in the hustle and bustle of the big city. However, this is only the beginning; because Bella, while trying to adapt to the chaos and splendor of the big city, also tries to make new friends. Our character’s adventure, who parted ways with her beloved friend Emma and started living with Cassandra, begins to shine in all its colors.
Now, not only the player’s choices, but also the NPCs’ choices can completely change the flow of the story.
Since the interactions between NPCs are randomly determined, it is likely that your game will be different from other players games.
Now, with this unique experience go beyond mediocrity and enjoy being the director not just the spectator of a story!
Our current version is in the test phase and many new features will be added in the later stages of the game.
Please read developer notes.
- More talking topics V2 (33 differen topics)
- Added 4 Player route and route point system(Dominant,Submissive,Romantic,Pervert)
- Added Special Talk topic depend on chosen route (Sexual Stories = For Dom and Sub, Talk about Love & Relationship = For Rom, Toxic Manipulate = For Perv)
- Decrease point system V2 ( With new talking system if NPCs dont like topic your relations point will be decrease)
- Added new sex scene (Player & Dolores (Sub),Player & Dolores & John(Dom,Perv))
- Added Event Helper
- New place (Cafe)
- Basic talks V1 (Just litlle chat)
- Basic point system V1 (Only increase)
- 2 place (Mc home and Gym)
- Cleaning Livingroom
- Cleaning Cassandra’s room
- Watch tv
- Laundry
“Almost all of the dialogue in this game has been translated into English by artificial intelligence.”
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