Transformed In Wonderland [v170128] [Logan Scodini]
To be added a better text. For now authors notes on this version:
A lot of work went on this version, though a great deal was done on the engine. Thanks to nw.js technology, I was able to compile totally offline versions of the game, which should improve performance a great deal (no need to go through a browser).
A lot of work went on this version, though a great deal was done on the engine. Thanks to nw.js technology, I was able to compile totally offline versions of the game, which should improve performance a great deal (no need to go through a browser).
Newer versions of the game will be offline first and avaiblable to patrons, then trickled down to public versions (the usual for games nowadays).
I’m not sure where to go from here first. Should I continue to work on the Purple Mask Club for sex mechanics, or go straight with a team combat engine for Leeth Serine and a deep storyline?
Updated: 29 January, 2017
Developer: Logan Scodini
Censorship: None
Version: 170128
Platform: Windows, Mac
Language: English
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html, adventure, fantasy, transformation, corruption
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1- Extract to desired location.
2- Click on “Transformed in Wonderland.exe” to start playing.
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Update 170128
- Unlocked the dancing hall of the Purple Mask (previously for gold edition only)! Probably the most fun engine to play with hypnotic pictures.
- Fixed a nasty bug with cursed items being reapplied after receiving the Blessings of Selene.
- New audio engine, which is 100% better than the old one (thank you Howler).
- It is now possible to avoid the hypnosis minigames and simply let yourself get screwed (no time wasted).
- Offline packages updated with NW.js 0.20.0
- Improved Performance of the graphics engine (especially on mobile).
Author’s Notes:
With the new combat engine I now focus my attention on providing content. Now, it was a dumb idea to push out 2 separate packages, so from now on Patrons will simply get the new release a few weeks sooner than public release (depending on my mood and content created).
Since I’m almost ready to push out a new version for Patrons, I simply decided to unlock all the premium content that I pushed before into this new Public version. Have fun!
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Windows (64bits):
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