Disruption [v0.36 Public] [gaaby]
Imagine this as your second life, as your explosion of what you really want to be, will you be bent or bend others? Discover yourself in Disruption.
• Overall improvements from v0.21;
• Fixed a bug in the sidebar where the red bra wouldn’t show up!
• New BNWO sub event. You dive deep into the BNWO and ask Mr Jackson a few questions.. you get a quest from it aswell, time to work for the BNWO.
• New mom and dad event where they speak with you about what you’ve been doing with your father behind your mother’s back.. will it bring you three closer? Or rip it apart?
• Two new master sub events with anal training and giving up more control of your life to him;
• New work sub event with Mistress Ruby.. she comes visit you and shows you her stable of sissies.. she has taken a liking into you.. you also find a familiar face there;
• New girlfriend femdom event where she cements her position in your relationship, domming you.
• Updated the trans woman masturbating in the car when you go to the city.. you can now interact more with her if you wish to help her;
• Fixed a small bug in the mom cooking scene in the kitchen;
• Changed the name of all locations to be more aesthetic when moving through them in the map;
• Fixed a small bug in the first teacher detention event;
• Fixed the best friend events in the school hallway;
• Fixed the whole of the inventory, it was overall scuffed and badly done;
• Finally fixed the major bug that was making it impossible to go to feminization stat 5, now things should go smooth!
• Changed the way teacher events trigger to further prevent bugging, hopefully!
• Changed the third sunday event to be a mom sub event instead, the event may repeat if you have seen it before!
New content:
• New sister event with complete removal of male underwear from your wardrobe and feminization stat increasal to 6!
• Two new locations were added! The Redlight District and the Sex Shop!
• Made a new small event that should trigger almost in the beginning of the game that suggests you should find a job!
• You can now apply to work in the Sex Shop and work there every evening!
• Introduction of your co-worker in the Sex Shop… I wonder who it is;
• With the addition of the new locations, there’s a very hot random new event in the Redlight District at night.. be careful!
• New scene when you enter the Sex Shop for the first time with introduction of a new male character, the Sex Shop Manager!
• New spicy event with the teacher, she will make you buy your first own toy in the Sex Shop!
• New daily task after you buy your toy like you teacher ordered you to do;
• New scene with the dad in the new daily task, hope you dad lovers like this one;
• Two new random triggering events in the upstairs hall with the sister;
• New random triggering event with the dad in the upstairs hall;
• New random triggering event with the teacher in the school hallway with the best friend;
• New Sunday event!
• Updated the random sub event in the bus, you can go further with the random guy now;
• Updated the night event in the park, you can now go further with the Interracial couple;
That is all for this update, I really enjoyed developing this one for some reason, I spent alot of long hours just developing it trying to make the game feel overall better, hope you enjoy it, if you need anything from me I’ll be active everywhere really paying attention, kisses
Hey! Welcome to v0.7! This update is mainly focused on fixing old stuff that was broken or outdated aswell and giving the dom folks some attention, doesn’t mean sub didn’t get aswell but you get my point! I want to wish you all happy holidays and hope 2024 is better than 2023 for y’all! The beginning of this journey for me was very important since this is currently my main font of income for now so thank you all for the support, any questions hit me up on discord patreon or anywhere you can!
• Fixed the phone in the introduction, reworked;
• Now after the intro your start on Tuesday;
• Now instead of going to your Room after classes, you’ll always go back to the School Hallway, makes more sense;
• You can now play the event where you go to lunch with your girlfriend in the sub path through talking with her in the School Campus;
• Fixed being unable to go back to where you were when you had an event on in the school campus with your girlfriend;
• Now you cannot steal panties and bras if the person you are stealing from is in the room you are in, no more stealing under their noses;
• Corrected alot of the grammar in the game with the help of the great AWolfe! Thank you!
• Added the back button on phone events;
• Reworked Whatsapp completely in terms of design, it was ugly and not functional;
• Fixed a bug where if you didn’t watch the POV of the GF in her NTR event, you’d not be able to trigger feminization stat 5.
New content:
• First event with your best friend, dominant and submissive options, up to you!
• Added new options in the submissive detention where your classmate Sasha makes her first appearance, now you have choices..
• Continued the submissive main story with a special message from your beloved girl friend..
• Added Cuckold and SPH related dreams after the events;
• Fifth phone message cuck related on Monday;
• Continuation of the dominant storyline with a new sister event that makes you increase your Masculinity stat to 1;
• Added Dominant Dreams after you get Masculinity 1;
• Two new weekend Dominant events;
That is all, happy holidays folks!
• Overall improvement of game quality and mechanics.
New content:
• Feminization stat max is now 5 with an event in the bathroom!
• You can put makeup on and off with feminization stat 5!
• New sub event with the mom in the bathroom, it seems she’s very supportive of your changes!
• New Sunday Weekend Event involving the classmate and your mom.. your mom really wants to aid you in your feminization!
• New shop added in the Mall! Happy Girls clothing, it will be the main feminine clothing shop, as of now it only has one dress that you will need for the main story.. more to be added;
• New detention event with the teacher, she wants to feminize you even further to help your progress..
• New game mechanic with the teacher and detention.. now you have daily tasks that you must do for your teacher..!
• New sub event with your Dad.. it seems he’s not very supportive of you using makeup.. be careful if you have makeup on and walk outside of your room..!
• New sub event with your girlfriend.. you will confront her about what you saw last time you went out for lunch.. it’s up to you if you want to change your relationship and stay with her.. or end it;
That is all for v0.6! The game mechanic that was added is very basic right now but as updates keep going I’ll change it and develop it even more.. hope you enjoy this update and if you have any questions, hit me up in discord or patreon, thank you all for the support!
• Fixed a bug where players would eat in the kitchen and get stuck in the game, making time disappear;
• Fixed a bug where you could go to the school building in the weekend;
• Changed the image of the receptionist for future scenes;
New content:
• Continuation of the main submissive story and main dominination story!
• Two new weekend submissive events!
• New location, School Campus!
• New submissive event with the sister, continuing the storyline, it’s a large scene at home, she will truly humiliate you;
• Girlfriend submissive event when you two go out for lunch, BBC Cuckold themed.
• The characters of the game are now interactive and can be found around the map at certain times! Sister and Girlfriend will be at the School Campus, Mom and Dad at home and the Sister will be at home aswell in the weekend, If there is a line underneath them it means there is a pending conversation with them you never had, the list of interactive characters right now is Dad, Mom, Sister, Girlfriend and Bestfriend;
• Four new scenes with the characters reacting to your phsyical changes with your feminization increase, they will behave differently depending on their personalities, to see them, go talk to them and reach feminization 4 after checking yourself in the mirror after the changes! The characters that will react is Dad, Mom, Sister and Girlfriend!
• New scene with the classmate named Sasha that humiliated you calling you a sissy in the classroom, you can find her in the school hallway, this particular scene was made by nutluck!
• Continuation of the therapy sessions, now the event is repetitive every tuesday.
• New variation to the park scene where you meet a man jerking off in the bench, if your feminization is 4, you can now interact with him and continue the event;
• New dominant event in your room with your girlfriend, she comes to study, and you show her who’s the boss;
That is it for v0.5, hopefully you enjoy this update, feedback will be greatly appreciated, hop on my discord to give suggestions or bug reports, I’ll be fixing them if something went past me! Thank you for all the support!
• Fixed the back button on the wardrobe, now it shouldn’t go behind the sidebar;
• Fixed and adjusted the clothing system on the sidebar to make it look better and not all over the place;
• Fixed a bug where it would appear that you couldn’t go commando to school in the weeknd;
• Fixed a mistype in the sidebar that euros were dollars in the inventory.
• Therapy sessions are every Tuesday now
New content:
• Therapy sessions are on Tuesday only now;
• Changed the detention scene after the first therapy session, it’s spicier now;
• Now you can go to school directly from school and not only from your room!
• Continuation of the therapy sessions with feminization increase!
• First body changes from the pills you’ve been taking in the therapy sessions..
• New location on the city! The beauty salon!
• New scene if you haven’t waxed and go to school after teacher asks you, sph scene!
• New teacher task to get waxed, the therapist and your teacher agree that you should do it, it involves a small penis humiliation scene!
• New teacher detention scene
• New location inside the school, the bathroom! You have an event there.. hope you like gloryholes.. Depending on your feminization you have different options;
• New phone event related to small penis humiliation, it triggers on Monday and then it’s repetitive!
• New character introduced, your best friend! You can meet her in your school hallway and she’ll be there in the morning, she has something extra..
That is it for v0.4, hopefully you enjoy this continuation, feedback will be greatly appreciated, hop on my discord to give suggestions or bug reports, I’ll be fixing them if something went past me! Thank you for all the support!
• Fixed a bug where time would go null and players would get stuck in the game, not being able to do anything;
• Fixed the text positioning on the phone, now it is fixed on the same place and it won’t go everywhere;
New content
• Continuation of the male domination main story;
• Continuation of the male submission main story with the introduction of a new character, The therapist;
• After alot of complains, the phone is now acessible from everywhere! No need to go back to the bedroom anymore!
• Random event in the city at night, cuckold bbc themed;
• Added different outcomes to existing repetitive events depending on your current stats;
• M/M events, one with your dad in the shower at night and one random event around the map, it will have an warning and you can avoid it if you desire;
• Added a new stat, homosexuality, as you increase it, your sexuality will change as the game progresses;
• Different random events as you are going around the map, they will just pop up as you are moving around;
• Repetitive events in the day and night in the park, look around for it;
• Added a new location! The beach! It is full of events in the day and night, you can tan and just walk around in it!
That is it for v0.3, hopefully you enjoy, it’s not as big as v0.2 but hopefully you enjoy this continuation, v0.4 will be bigger! Thanks!
Please note that a savefile from 0.1 will not work, from v0.2 and forward saves will be able to go through.
V0.3 is almost done and will be out when v0.2 is out for the public in a week.
• Fixed a small bug where the mom and girlfriend variables were mixed up;
• Fixed a bug where you could go to school on the weekend;
• Changed the spacing of all the passage clicks.. they were ugly and occupied too much space on the screen;
• Added bullet points to every passage click;
• Removed the time wasting timers on the eating and watching TV repetitive events;
• Fixed a bug where you could go to school without wearing a uniform;
• Revamped completely the phone style to be more appealing and easy to use;
• Removed the time wasting timers on the intro, now it’s faster to go through, go at your own pace;
• Fixed a bug where the button to go back on the phone in the intro wouldn’t show to android users;
• Fixed and rewrote the intro dialogs and added character backstory and backstory in general to the world and their characters so the game is more immersive and you • have a better idea of what’s going on;
• Changed the whole classroom content, now there’s events there and a reason to go to class!;
• Fixed the Tips button.
New content:
• The routes were merged, now you decide what type of content you want to appear more as you make choices through events around the world;
• Continuation of the submission main story, time to go shopping..;
• Added a new stat named Feminization! As you progress through the game and you play through submissive main events, your feminization will increase and unlock certain aspects of the game, such as clothing and different events in the classroom;
• Start of the domination main story with a completely male domination focused event;
• Added the ability to peek into your parents and sisters room at night when they’re sleeping.. I wonder what you can do with them..;
• Added random repetitive events around the world to increase your stats to unlock the main story events, if you wanna know where they are, check the Tips button!
• Added new dreams as you increasingly progress through the game, submission only for now;
• Added Logos to every passage in the game;
• Added the ability to search through rooms and get random events, repetitive or not, check tips if you can’t find them;
• Completely brand new shopping with three stores, Baci’s Lingerie, ZARA and Futureal, you can buy clothes, lingerie and shoes in them and as you increasingly progress through the game you unlock new types of clothing/underwear;
• Completely revamped the clothing and wardrobe system, now you can wear individual pieces of clothing and choose to your taste what you want to wear, of course, as you progress through the game, you can use different types of underwear..;
• New stat for male domination content named Masculinity, your objective is to increase your Masculinity as you progress with the main story;
• Made phone events be repetitive instead of happening once
• Added the introduction of a new character, the Dad! You will have an event with him in the living room, be careful with the choices you make..;
• Added the third phone event for submission players;
• Added new porn that you can unlock as you play the game, submission only as of v0.2;
• Added The Weekend events! Both Saturday and Sunday have different events, and they are spicy..;
• Added male domination repetitive events, almost every event has a submission, dominant or neutral choice but some will only be submissive or dominant;
• Added a repetitive event in the mall bathroom;
• Added a repetitive event at the park at night;
• You can see your sister showering in the morning, perhaps you want to take a peek at her..;
Around ~25 events with male domination, submissive and neutral choices!
Hope you like this version, thank you!
*v0.36 is the public release, v0.37 on patreon and subscribestar
Others: Online