Earth’s Last Guardian [v0.2.0] [EcchiYoYo Productions]

Earth’s Last Guardian [v0.2.0] [EcchiYoYo Productions]

February 8, 2025F95

The game takes place in a post-apocalyptic Earth that has been ravaged by a viral outbreak, this outbreak reduced the world’s population by 96 %.
Our protagonist is an average guy living a mundane life with his sister, go to work eat and, sleep, rinse and repeat day after day.
This all changes the day a strange letter appears in his bedroom informing him of his uncle’s death, and that he must now take up his family’s mantle and join an eternal war.
The game is mostly a sandbox, you chose what you want to do and who you want to build relations with.
A small hint to progress past the town being the only thing unlocked:

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  There is content that unlocks after day 2 (it is a somewhat random trigger) keep an eye on the desk in your bedroom. Once you have been through this scene there is another break of 2 days (could take longer) where the MC thinks things over and decides what he is going to do.
Use the breaks to work and buy food, this will be useful once the dungeon is unlocked.

Thread Updated: 2025-02-08
Release Date: 2025-02-08
Censored: No
Version: 0.2.0
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English
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3DCG, Anal sex, Combat,  Creampie, Dating Sim, Groping, Handjob, Male Protagonist, Incest, Oral Sex , Pregnancy, RPG, Vaginal sex , Virgin, Voyeurism.
Planned Tags:  Corruption.
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1. Extract and run.
2. apply hot fix, extract and copy game folder and overwrite existing files.
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TL;DR: Intimacy menus are converted to menus with buttons and tool tips. Upgrades are now done in a screen with buttons and tools tips with no failure chance and a button to upgrade to max level in one click. Eilana sex and pregnancy added to the game along with new renders for all of her scenes. Blocking roll back has been removed entirely from the game, this does have some odd behaviours in some instances but nothing game breaking and should reduce the need to save scum for a certain outcome or for girls to be where you want them in a time block. Plus, many small back end and grammar fixes.
Updated to ren’py 8.3.3
Changed relic rebirth functions to set relic level instead of using de-level function, in game works the same (should prevent negative stats).
Added text to elven mail and bow drops for Zlata`s unlock item quests, clarify that story events and love levels are still required to hand them over.
Added text to Zlata`s hints to clarify the strange pool needs to be found while killing drakes if unlock item 1 or 2 has been purchased.
Removed 100s of pause commands and replaced them with timers on the related screens, friendship popups for example.
Added blinking variant of Eilana centred standing image.
Created and implemented upgrade shop screen, removed failure chance added five buttons for each relic one upgrade, two, five and maximum as well as relic rebirth button.
Added sound effect for purchases from upgrade shop.
Modified upgrade shops menu options to reflect new upgrades screen.
Added csv file containing costs for upgrades, these can be modified but make a backup first.
Split shop and work functions into their own pages, easier to find and modify relevant functions.
Created and implemented upgrade shop functions, these read from the previously mentioned CSV.
Created and added blank background image for full screen button, used for players to click off a button and close it.
Added many hover over texts for upgrade shop button functionality.
Changed the way Eilana`s image is displayed in her quests screen, now uses blinking standing image.
Added blank button to town shop screen buttons, player can now click off the popup buttons to close them.
Added rep multiplier to plaza and town rep gains, starts at 2 per quest and can be increased with Gabrielle to a maximum of 6 per quest (upgrades not yet implemented).
Plaza rep cap can now be increased by completing story events for Plaza residents (10 per event) for a maximum plaza rep of 300.
Reduced rep cost per quest cap increase to 15, so 15, 30, 45, etc… etc.
Edited Chloe`s fourth event, she now moves to her room at the end of this event closing off access to her house, player is moved to town.
Added pseudo events for Eilana, Seana and, Ravlia, these are placeholders to ensure max plaza rep can correctly be increased.
Added introductions to first meeting rescued girls, exchange of names.
Replaced town shop buttons.
Added Chloe, Eilana, Sister and, Zlata intimacy menu buttons.
Created functions to calculate love and friendship gain for intimacy menu hover over text
Added structure for location dependant scenes for all remaining Chloe events, prep needed for intimacy screen.
Created and implemented functions to check for Chloe`s location, used to determine if she can perform a lewd act and or if she needs to move for a lewd act.
Updated pre-splash background with solid background, ren’py 8.2.3 does not have large black box and letters were messed up without it.
Implemented Chloe`s intimacy menu, removed previous jump label.
Created and implemented sister`s intimacy menu, removed previous jump label.
Added missing hover over text for Chloe`s move locations.
Created and implemented functions for Eilana and Zlata intimacy screen checks.
Created and implemented Eilana and Zlata`s intimacy menus.
Added sound to town shop purchases.
Split remaining characters greetings, prep for expanding greeting responses (similar to Sister, Chloe and Zlata).
Split rescue events from rescued girls main file, prep for expanding their content in 0.2.X
Switched to using functions for event stat changes, ensure parity across all girls for stat changes.
Switched position of Chloe event 4 loving option, all loving options are now the top choice with friendly in the middle and cold at the bottom.
Wrote and implemented Eilana event one (no images yet).
Created and added new images for Eilana hug, kisses, handjob and blowjob scenes along with image references.
Removed Eilana legacy images for above events.
Created and added new images for Eilana fingered and sixty nine scenes along with image reference.
Removed legacy images for above events.
Created and added re-worked images for Eilana sixty-nine scene
Created and added Eilana vaginal scene images.
Created and implemented Eilana vaginal image check function and references.
Added tracking for total spent on upgrades (used for progress locks in Eilana`s events)
Edited Eilana sixty-nine image check function to use new extra images added during re-work.
Edited Eilana`s stats screen to use new split hint system, lewd and story.
Added vaginal image buttons to Eilana`s intimacy screen.
Edited Seana`s and Ravlia`s stat pages to use new dual hint system with hints to unlock story events.
Edited Seana`s and Ravlia`s event trigger functions to use newly added requirements, total quests complete for Seana and monster kills for Ravlia.
Added check for when player has clue 2 for Eilana whilst in the Plaza.
Created and added part one of Eilana`s gift 2 quest.
Edited potion heal function to take a variable, target, this will be used for combat 3.0.
Added ability to find gift one for Eilana`s unlock gifts, along with unlocking ability to purchase the clue in the coin shop.
Edited Eilana event one text to reflect no longer needing relic rebirth unlocked for this event.
Fleshed out text and event for Eilana gift one scene.
Moved Ravlia first meeting event to custom fights file.
Removed legacy code for upgrade shop.
Created tow new skills for enemies double strike and bash, double strike is tow consecutive attacks at 75% attack value, while bash ignores 50% of players defence.
Added text to Eilana intimacy hints for gift one steps.
Wrote and implemented Eilana vaginal scenes, bareback and protected.
Added skeleton for Eilana gift 2 collection event, needs to be fleshed out but requires combat 3.0.
Added popups for increase and decrease to the players current sperm level, this should give clear visual feedback to the player for when this happens.
Wrote and implemented event for acquiring Eilana gift 2.
Updated Eilana`s stats screen to show hints related to her unlock gifts.
Wrote and implemented Eilana informing player she is pregnant scene, along with abortion sub scene.
Fleshed out text in Eilana morning after and abortion pill request scenes.
Split Eilana intimacy scenes into separate files.
Edited Eilana sixty-nine scene text to fit new image set.
Added game version number to saves, this will help track game saves from previous versions.
Added after load message for saves from previous versions to make it clear playing old saves will (for now) cause bugs.
Edited save location to not use version number in folder name, will lead to a single save folder may cause players to load old saves hence previous addition.
Removed all instances of block rollback due to unintended blocks, this may lead to issues when rolling back through events but these instances will be fewer than issues caused by blocking rollback in too many places.
Removed all randomness from enemy attacks, all attack damage is now based on enemy level and type.
Changed Sister greeting generation, removed the greeting stating she is taking a quick break from appearing in time block 4.
Added requirement that the player has unlocked the ability to delve in the dungeon for Chloe`s third story event, needed for consistency in story (the event requires that the MC know who is his true father is).
Added above requirement to Chloe`s event hints in her stats screen.
Clarified the text for Eilana and Zlata`s story hints when referencing that you need to speak to Zlata after unlocking the mana pools, previously did not specify you needed to talk about MP potions.
Added variation to text when learning about relic rebirth after seeing Eilana`s first event.
Clarified the next steps hints for Ravlia and Seana`s pseudo story events.
Altered plaza rep increasing function to accept an amount.
Added current kill count to Ravlia hints section of her stat page.
Edited hover over text for some spells so the background box better matches the text.
Reduced required quest completions to unlock later quests for Plaza girls.
Changed Plaza quest unlocks to 5 tiers, goblins and goblin bosses are unlocked as soon as quests are available, tier two requires 3 completions, three requires 6 and four and five require 10 and 15 respectively.
Added contractions to Chloe vaginal and anal scenes where appropriate.
Added a cannon scene for why player gets double coins on first rebirth (previously mentioned as a bug that was now a “feature”).
Edited formula for calculating money earned from working at the town shop, this leads to much higher earning potential and is based off the Players total attack value (this may get balanced in future releases).
Added advice for which stats are below recommended for Eilana clue 2 event.
Added clarification to gift 2`s acquisition scene for Zlata to inform player that gift one needs to be attained/presented before gift 2 can be used.
Added clarification that the player should report completion of Eilana`s clue 2 event through her gift menu.
Edited unlocking rescued girls function to no longer free the fifth girl, this was unintended only four girls are currently rescuable. (this has no affect on available 9 girls)
Edited player stats screen to round and display k or kk where relevant.
Added clarification to player stats page that relic stats in the relic portion do not include multipliers.
Edited player stats screen experience numbers to round and show k or kk where relevant.
Added commas to relic stat increase numbers in player stats screen.
Added players current crystals amount to upgrade shop screen.
Added more text to Zlata informing player she is pregnant scene, slightly more text in the player`s initial response to the news.
Set reduce/gain for friendship and love to only be set in one place (134 files edited), these are used for stat popups, many bugs of incorrect values being displayed are fixed by this edit.
Added rounding to players crystal count in inventory screen.
Bug fixes
Fixed actions bar not correctly disappearing when entering combat, missing hide command.
Fixed a bug causing Plaza rep to not correctly decrease when increasing quest limit with Zlata, missing = sign.
Fixed Eilana pissed images causing a crash, incorrectly refenced as .png when they are .jpg.
Fixed dungeon shop bell being played as if player is just entering the shop after Zlata’s events.
Fixed popups jumping around screen, poor randomised locations.
Fixed relationship change popups showing 0 when in fact stats have increased, legacy code.
Fixed sister kiss menu choice in intimacy menu, incorrect jump label name.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Chloe`s event move function, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug causing incorrect value to be shown for love gain in Chloe`s handjob hover over text, incorrect function called.
Fixed a bug causing the sister to be incorrectly moved to home spare room, incorrect location name used.
Fixed Chloe sometimes not being allocated a location, missing else in function return
Fixed a bug causing a crash in sister stat gain popups, legacy code
Fixed a bug causing sisters stat popup to be in the wrong place, incorrect y-cords.
Fixed Chloe`s intimacy screen not sending where to move for hover over text screen.
Added missing jump labels for Chloe`s intimate kiss events, used as prep for more location dependant events.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in anal protected hover over text, incorrect variable name.
Fixed several bugs causing a crash in Chloe`s intimacy screen, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Eilana’s intimacy screen, incorrect jump label name.
Removed unused jump labels from Sister`s intimacy screen.
Fixed several bugs causing a crash in Sister`s intimacy screen, incorrect variable name.
Fixed several bugs causing a crash in Zlata`s intimacy screen, incorrect variable name.
Fixed images not matching scene text for Eilana cunnilingus and sixty nine scenes.
Fixed several bugs causing causing no image error to be displayed during sleep cycle, incorrect image name.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Eilana story one, missing :
Fixed a bug causing a crash whenever triggering event 1 choice check, missing :
Fixed a bug causing a crash during plaza event check, indentation mis-match.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in plaza event selection function, missing :
Fixed a bug causing a crash in time functions, used is not instead of !=
Fixed missing image bug for many of Eilana`s new images, multiple incorrect image locations referenced.
Fixed missing image for Eilana cunnilingus scenes, incorrect image name.
Fixed several bugs causing a crash in Eilana`s stat page, missing equality check.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Eilana story event 1, incorrect character talk name.
Fixed Eilana bareback sex not correctly editing relevant stats, missing function call
Fixed incorrect variable being checked for Eilana gift 2 collection event check.
Edited Eilana handjob scene to use new image sets correctly.
Edited Eilana blowjob scene to use new image sets correctly.
Fixed incorrect image for Eilana blowjob not pregnant image 6, was using pregnancy state 3 image.
Fixed missing image 12 for Eilana blowjob scenes.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in the time block function referenced before assignment, missing set variable in else block.
Fixed Sister friendly kiss not using correct hug image, incorrect function call.
Fixed blue pill button being in the wrong place under certain circumstances in intimacy screens, incorrect y position.
Removed damage additive from players attack, this was missed from removal of other skill damage additives (all skills now have fixed damage).
Fixed location of sperm level change popups, incorrect y position.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in sister shower cunnilingus, incorrect use of sperm decrease popup.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Sisters shower scenes under certain circumstances, passed gained instead of reduced to screen call.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Sisters toilet scenes under certain circumstances, passed gained instead of reduced to screen call.
Fixed a bug causing Sisters hair to flicker when in intimacy screen, eye cut ins for blinking were too large.
Fixed missing character name in final text block for Chloe`s intro scene.
Fixed Zlata love gain popup not correctly displaying love increase, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug causing a crash when heading home form the plaza, missing variable in function call.
Fixed a bug causing the friendship gain popup to appear under certain circumstances when Zlata informs player of Laethian`s death, incorrect variable checked for popup conditions.
Fixed a bug that caused time to not pass when working hard in the town shop when friendship can no longer be gained for this act, indentation mis-match.
Fixed a bug in Chloe`s park kiss scene text did not match image, missing function call for next image.
Fixed sister spare room friendly kiss instead jumping to Chloe`s house, incorrect jump label called.
Fixed Sister event 1 not reducing love correctly (where appropriate) when picking friendly response, incorrect love value checked.
Fixed a bug in Chloe`s hug scenes where she references things she should not yet know, missing equality check.
Fixed a bug in Sister park handjob, incorrect image number used for player cumming.
Fixed default town location array to not include Chloe`s house or the guard house before they have been unlocked.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in time function, locations not appended to location list when first meeting Chloe and Tempest.
Fixed a bug where Sister sixty-nine was available in kitchen when not intended.
Fixed sixty-nine hover over text going out of bounds, missing new line tag.
Fixed a bug causing a crash when visiting the Ravlia or Eilana, incorrect variable name for event checking.
Fixed a bug in upgrade`s screen causing more credits to be taken than intended, order of operations in function led to cost being calculated after level had been increased.
Fixed missing vaginal protected button images for Eilana intimacy screen.
Fixed a bug causing a crash when converting relics, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug in Eilana`s stats screen causing extra text to be displayed in hints area, legacy code.
Fixed a bug in player stats screen causing incorrect upgrade cost`s to be displayed, legacy code.
Fixed a bug causing incorrect images to be shown in quest introduction, incorrectly numbered image references.
Fixed a bug in the scene where the player reports clearing the mana pools to Zlata, wrong time of day is used in this scene, time of day set before time is moved forward while learning healing spell.
Fixed a bug causing a crash when handing in dungeon quests, incorrect variable name.
Fixed Chloe sixty nine scenes not changing background to new location when moving, only needed until location specific image sets are complete.
Fixed Chloe intimacy screen sixty-nine moving buttons not loading correctly, inconsistent naming.
Fixed location of Chloe sixty-nine move buttons.
Fixed Chloe location check not being correctly named in her intimacy page leading to not correctly identifying when she moved for this event.
Fixed a bug causing many crashes when friendship is reduced with Zlata, used – instead of = on equality check.
Fixed a bug causing a crash when checking for Eilana event two trigger, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug causing a crash when checking for Sister event 4, incorrect variable name.
Fixed armour break, burning and, paralysis from ending ` turn earlier than intended.
Fixed a portion of Eilana cunnilingus text not being correctly flagged as Eilana as the speaker, missing character assignment before text string.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Eilana handjob scene, incorrect variable name.
Fixed town location function for time block 4, Tempest was not correctly preferentially selecting to be at the guard house at night.
Fixed image selection for Eilana cunnilingus event, incorrectly showed fully clothed when removing trousers in text.
Fixed Eilana story hint going out of bounds, missing n
Fixed a bug causing Zlata`s story hint to tell player to delve to floor 60 for story event 3 when all conditions are actually met, checked for girl four being saved instead of girl three.
Fixed Zlata story event three images not fitting text, wrong input to function call.
Fixed Chloe not correctly being flagged as moved after her fourth story event, missing variable set.
Fixed a bug causing a crash when moving to time block three after Chloe story event 4, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug that could sometimes happen when a character is moved to their story event location leading to 2 people being in the same place, missing check if the person is already where they need to be.
Fixed a bug that could sometimes causer a crash when hovering over the home map button.
Fixed images for Ravlia alternate introduction (after Zlata event 4).
Fixed a bug causing a crash when visiting Seana, inconsistent function names.
Fixed function used to determine maximum town reputation (not yet used), was mis-named as plaza rep leading to duplicate functions.
Fixed hint titles for Seana and Ravlia being incorrect, legacy code.
Fixed Ravlia story hints to correctly inform player to progress Seana`s story where necessary.
Fixed Seana story hints to correctly inform player to progress Ravlia`s story where necessary.
Fixed Seana`s story hints going out of bounds in her stat page, n in wrong place.
Fixed not being able to fill 10 large bottles at once when only having 10 large bottles, incorrect equality check.
Fixed hover over text not informing player when gifts need to be acquired for final lewd act unlocks in the intimacy screens.
Fixed hover over text going out of bounds for items no yet unlocked in the town shop.
Fixed a bug that could cause certain characters to go above their love cap before unlocking vaginal and anal, incorrect checks in love increase function.
Fixed a bug that could cause Chloe to go above her love cap before unlocking vaginal and anal, checked for >= instead of <= when giving her what she wanted in handjob/blowjob scenes.
Fixed a bug that could cause Chloe to go above her love cap before unlocking bareback vaginal and anal when telling her that her breast size is fine, spaghetti code checking for love increase criteria.
Fixed Eilana story hint going out of bounds for story hint 4, missing n.
Fixed jumping to selling filled bottles when selling maximum large filled bottles or when the player can`t afford to sell max filled large bottles.
Fixed a bug that could cause all love gains before giving item one to be reduced to 2 love.
Fixed a bug causing Eilana`s stat page to incorrectly state “That`s all for now” before event 4 and 5 had been completed, checking wrong variable for event completion.
Fixed a bug causing Eilana`s stat page to state “Repair relations” before event 5 was complete when not intended, checking wrong variable for event completion.
Fixed Ravlia and Seana`s stat pages informing player to repair relations for intimacy hint when there are no events yet available, missing check for readiness.
Attempted to normalize main menu volume with other BGMs.
Fixed issues with the love increase function not correctly increasing the stat after gift one has been given but before gift 2 was given, a previous fix broke things it should now work as intended.
Fixed many alignment issues with Chloe`s intimacy menu when moving location for relevant events when at the town shop.
Fixed an issue causing text to go out of bounds for hover over text in the intimacy menu when selecting anal or vaginal sex when the relevant gifts have not been given, missing background box resizing variable.
Fixed a bug causing the move location box not correctly being displayed for Chloe`s vaginal and anal scene selection in her intimacy menu, wrong variable checked.
Fixed a bug causing Zlata`s name to be used when looking at clue one for Eilana`s gift location.
Fixed image changing too early in Chloe guard house anal when putting her back on her feet.
Fixed pop out options for Chloe vaginal and anal bareback on her intimacy screen when she is at the town shop.
Fixed hover over text location for Chloe anal and vaginal bare back sections when at the town shop.
Fixed text going out of bounds for Chloe`s move to guard house anal bareback selection when at the town shop.
Fixed jumping to protected variants of anal and vaginal scenes for Chloe when selecting bareback, wrong state sent to function.
Fixed move options not correctly being shown for Chloe bareback vaginal and anal selections on her intimacy screen when at the town shop, incorrect equality check.
Fixed sister incorrectly not being able to perform vaginal and anal when at the town guards, wrong location name used in function (inconsistent naming).
Fixed a bug causing a crash in part one of Eilana clue 2 event part one, missing escape character before %.
Fixed several bugs causing issues on Eilana clue 2 event part one causing parts of the event to be skipped, jump to incorrect label.
Fixed a bug where finding Eilana`s fist gift does not correctly lead to being able to present it to her, wrong variable changed when looting the first gift.
Fixed missing image transition in Zlata blowjob scene.
Fixed incorrect values being checked for recommended player stats for Eilana clue 2 event, current value checked instead of max value.
Fixed missing Eilana`s gift 2 scene text being missing, oops.
Fixed a bug causing a crash when visiting Eilana after purchasing her second gift clue, missing default values for the event related to this clue.
Fixed a bug causing Zlata`s sixty-nine scene being available when the correct love value has not been reached, inconsistent naming.
Fixed a bug causing text to go out of bounds in Eilana`s intimacy hint section, missing n.
Fixed a bug causing no text to be displayed in Eilana`s intimacy hint section once all events are unlocked, indentation mis-match.
Fixed a bug causing text to go out of bounds for hover over text boxes for vaginal and anal protected when gifts are required, missing n.
Fixed alignment of several quest hand in text for remaining kills on all four girls quests screens, incorrect alignment value.
Fixed missing line of text under certain circumstances in Sister anal and vaginal scenes.
Fixed love values being incorrectly capped at 250, this should have been 275.
Fixed town work function incorrectly scaling too high, legacy code.
Fixed culling strike graphic being too difficult to see, added coloured background.
Fixed location of culling strike graphic, it now appears to the left of the damage number.
Fixed text going out of bounds for boss quest hand ins.
Fixed number of kills remaining graphic for several kill quest hand ins, incorrect variable amount.
Fixed text going out of bounds in town shop screen under certain circumstances, missing n.
Fixed player stat page to correctly display attack and defence added by relics, missing player multiplier.
Fixed several issues with friendship gain stat not being set correctly, legacy code.
Fixed image order for Zlata informing player she is pregnant, 1 image was not being displayed correctly.
Fixed a bug causing a crash when interacting with Tempest under certain conditions, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug relating to using an abortion pill during pregnancy inform events resulting in the code being run twice, related to unification of friendship/love gain/reduce.
Fixed a bug relating to using an abortion pill during pregnancy inform events resulting in the code being run twice, related to unification of friendship/love gain/reduce.
Fixed a bug causing a crash during pregnancy inform scenes when asking the girl to abort the baby, changes from gain/loss unification changed code order resulting in trying to display an image that did not exist.
Fixed missing images for Chloe intimacy screen when pregnant, incorrect image name.
Fixed a bug causing the players current health to decrease when levelling, level up function did not account correctly for health increase from ring relic.
Fixed several instances of friendship/love gain popup being displayed when there is no gain resulting in a + 0, effects from love/gain unification.
Fixed a bug causing background to change to home kitchen after Eilana informs the player she is pregnant, incorrect scene called.
Fixed a bug that caused Grace to be able to take cakes when the player doesn`t have any, missing check number of cakes.
Fixed a bug causing the incorrect variable to be set when Gabrielle tries to steel energy drinks and there are none, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug causing Chloe and Sister to be in the same room when Sister informs she is pregnant, missing moving Chloe`s location if she is in the kitchen.
Fixed a bug causing a crash when telling the sister to take an abortion pill during pregnancy inform scene, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug allowing the player to buy sodas without enough money resulting in a negative balance, incorrect equality value checked.
Fixed a bug causing text to go out of bounds in town shop energy drink menu, incorrect variable value.
Fixed a bug causing a crash when playing with love/friendship decay toggled on, incorrect variable fed into screen call.
Fixed text when killing drakes relating to Zlata`s second item acquisition, if fifth event was not complete the text repeated requiring love value of 74.
Fixed a bug causing a crash when tidying the spare room, incorrect variable name fed into screen call.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in sister kitchen blowjob, incorrect variable name fed into screen call.
Fixed inconsistencies in Chloe`s fourth event images, missing image change to look up at MC.
Fixed the players mana not being refilled when rebirthing, missing MP gained from ring relic in calculation for new mana value.
Fixed a bug in Chloe`s stats screen causing intimacy hint to be displayed in green instead of pink, incorrect colour value used in screen language.
Fixed a bug in Chloe`s, Eilana`s and Zlata`s intimacy screen informing the player to repair relations under certain circumstances when not relevant, should have been increase love value to 74.
Fixed a bug in hover over text going out of bounds for the fire ball spell in the spell book, incorrect variable value.
Fixed an issue causing popups to overlap when starting a new day and multiple girls have friendship/love decay, some alignments were the same.
Fixed a bug with Chloe and Eilana causing the game to jump to pregnancy inform scenes when not intended when entering gift menu, missing check for love value not reached for unlock gifts.
Fixed an issue where giving a girl a cake gift did not correctly set the friendly interaction counter to 0, resulting in friendship decay still happening even when a friendly action has been taken.
Fixed an issue causing Sister greetings to not jump to the pissed off variant correctly, missing equality check for is pissed.
Fixed a bug causing Zlata pissed greeting variants to not correctly trigger when expected, missing equality check.
Fixed a bug causing Eilana sixty-nine intimacy event being selectable in intimacy screen after event 3 but without having the correct love value, incorrect variable returned from function call.
Fixed a bug causing Tempest to display the wrong image when pissed, incorrect variable checked in image check function.
Fixed a bug with Grace and Gabrielle causing them to incur friendship decay with no way for the player to check or fix it, temporarily disabled friendship decay for the twins.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in all anal scenes, inconsistent naming.
Fixed Seana and Ravlia friendship increase from greetings being capped at 25, until there intimacy events are available this is now capped at 60 in order for pseudo events to be available for plaza rep cap.
Same changes as above for town girls in preparation for town rep and town quests.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Eilana 2nd item event, missing escape character before %.
Fixed a bug in upgrade shop screen where players current crystals were rounded with no decimal making it difficult to know how many crystals were available.
Fixed a bug causing the letter to be unelectable if the coin shop is unlocked (through cheats) before returning to Zlata to unlock the dungeon.
Fixed inventory screen not showing the k after crystal amount when rounded to thousands.
Fixed a bug causing Eilana`s gift names to be mis-aligned in the dark shop screen, incorrect x alignment.
Grammar and spelling
Fixed several instances of ?.
Fixed grammar of MC in some rescue scenes, changed name is to name`s
Fixed typo in Chloe informing player she is pregnant scene, ust instead of just
Changed many parts of scenes texts to use contractions where it is likely they would be used in everyday conversation.
Fixed grammar in Zlata friendly kiss scene.
Added more contractions where appropriate.
Fixed typo in Chloe fingered scene, stranger instead of strange.
Fixed doubling of text in Chloe handjob scene.
Fixed grammar in sister hug scenes to use her name less, sounded overly formal.
Fixed grammar in Sister intimate kiss scenes, was “deep beautiful eyes” is now “beautiful deep blue eyes”.
Fixed grammar in Chloe story event 2, was “I`m glad I have you and your sister” is now “I`m glad I have you and Nicole”.
Added yet more contractions in an effort to make speech sound less formal.
Slightly edited text in Eilana hug scene to use names less often, more reductions in how formal the speech in game is.
Added contractions to some of the text in Zlata`s scene after clearing the mana pools.
Fixed grammar when first entering mana pools to fill bottles.
Fixed grammar in Chloe story event 3, “I just wondered for” changed to “I just wondered around for”.
Fixed some grammar in cleaning event when reading report.
Fixed grammar in sister sixty-nine scenes.
Fixed some grammar in sister story event 4.
Fixed some grammar when first meeting twins.
Fixed text when learning about rebirthing, text says fourth rebirth gives 8 attack per level when it should have been 10.
Fixed text in Eilana handjob scene, missing you.
Added contraction to Eilana handjob scene, I will to I`ll.
Fixed text in Chloe story event 4, you instead of your twice.
Added contractions to Sister story event 5.
Fixed text in Tempest introduction scene, missing “it”.
Fixed grammar in pre Tempest introduction event.
Fixed grammar in Ravlia introduction.
Added contractions to some of Ravlia`s greeting events.
Added contractions to Zlata story event 4.
Fixed grammar and spelling gin Seana`s greetings.
Fixed grammar in Eilana sixty-nine scene.
Fixed continuity of text in Eilana sixty-nine scene, checked for cunnilingus count being above 0 instead of sixty-nine.
Fixed text in dungeon shop when selling large filled bottles, incorrectly listed as being used for mana potions instead of health potions.
Fixed grammar in Chloe town hug scene after her fifth event, made a request to hug her again soon twice.
Fixed grammar in some hover over text for spells, missing the word points form level text.
Added contractions to twins introduction where appropriate.
Fixed grammar in some of Chloe`s anal scenes where removal of their shows was not mentioned and so text flow was not correct.
Fixed grammar in Chloe anal scenes “The kiss last for” changed to “The kiss last`s for”.
Fixed grammar in Chloe park anal, “the” instead of “then”.
Fixed grammar in Sister`s vaginal and anal scenes, “onto to” instead of “on to”.
Fixed grammar in Sister`s anal scenes “then intensity” instead of “the intensity”.
Fixed grammar in sisters anal scenes “on instinct driving” instead of on instinct, driving”.
Fixed grammar in Sisters second gift scene, added several contractions where appropriate.
Fixed grammar in Zlata handjob scene.
Fixed grammar in Zlata`s fingering scene.
Fixed spelling in Zlata fingering scene “lefts” instead of “lifts”.
Fixed grammar in Zlata blowjob scene.
Fixed grammar in Zlata cunnilingus scene.
Fixed spelling in Zlata sixty-nine scene, “your” instead of “you”.
Fixed grammar in Zlata sixty-nine scene.
Fixed grammar in Zlata protected sex scene.
Fixed spelling in Zlata anal protected scene, “pow” instead of “plough”.
Fixed grammar in Zlata anal protected and bareback scenes.
Fixed grammar in Eilana protected sex scene.
Fixed grammar in part 5 or Eilana`s clue 2 event.
Fixed grammar in introduction to Eilana`s clue 2 event.
Fixed grammar in Eilana`s gift 1 scene.
Fixed grammar in true twins true introduction.
Fixed spelling in Eilana bareback vaginal scene, “once” instead of “one”.
Added contraction to one of Eilana`s greeting scenes.
Fixed grammar in Chloe park vaginal “you” instead of “your”.
Fixed grammar in sister hug scenes, less use of her name.
Fixed some continuity in opening scene when talking about parents deaths.
Fixed some grammar in opening scene relating to cheat menu.
Fixed a spelling mistake in opening scene “free stuff form the oldies” instead of “free stuff from the oldies”.
Fixed grammar when giving Chloe a cake, was “You give your Chloe a cake” now “You give Chloe a cake”.
Fixed grammar in cake gifting scene for several girls “You give your (x) a cake” changed to “You give (x) a cake”.
Previous versions
See More
See More
Fixed a bug causing a crash when rebirthing armour, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug at the end of mimic fights causing a crash, incorrect variable name.
Fixed needing to commit genocide on Drakes to unlock the healing pools, added pity mechanic.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in town shop page when you do not have enough money to buy maximum rations, missing variable.
Fixed text going out of bounds in Sister`s story event hint under certain circumstances.
Fixed an issue with several methods causing a crash under certain circumstances (sister moved to the kitchen for story event 3 for example), divide by zero.
Fixed an issue causing enemies to just lay down and take it, indentation mismatch.
The Tl;Dr of this update is as follows:
Added missing images for Chloe, Sister and Zlata story events.
Completed Chloe and Sister story event 5 and Zlata story events 4 and 5.
Converted the Town shop into a screen with buttons, this should make it much easier to shop.
Added difficulty slider to options screen (this alters exp and crystals drop amounts, along with player and enemy stats)
2 new lewd scenes for Chloe
Many QoL updates and bug fixes.
(much less content than I wanted for this update but, bug testing took way longer than expected)
Modified spell functions to split relic stats from MC stats.
Added Eilana, Zlata, Seana and, Ravlia hover over text for quest hand in and girl pages for quest rewards.
Taking an abortion pill now affects fertility cycle, prevents girls immediately being in ovulation phase after aborting a Fetus.
Capped tier 1 and 2 upgrades to 15 levels, tier 3 upgrades remain unlimited, this was done to reduce the need for balancing infinite upgrades to only one tier per upgrade.
Wrote and implemented Chloe guardhouse friendly and intimate kiss scenes.
Changed the way Seana works on the backend for her mistrust of people, her friendship decay will no longer trigger when you can`t actively interact with her as well as once you have reached 15 friendship for the first time you will now always be able to talk and interact even when dropping below this value.
Added toggle in Seana/Ravlia unlock in cheats menu, this will toggle Seana new friendship switch resulting in unlocking direct interactions with her regardless of friendship level reached.
Added combat difficulty switches and hover over text, kind of pointless for now (outside of exp and crystal boost) but will be useful after combat reworked.
Created and implemented image references and image check functions for 2 Chloe event.
Wrote and implemented 2 new events for Chloe, one blowjob and one protected/bareback vaginal.
Wrote and implemented Sister event 5.
Split location function and characters movements for events into separate functions, this should fix a lot of the issues with girls not appearing in their event locations.
Added the ability to enter any floor previously delved to.
Clarified decay toggle in options menu, it now has text in it`s hover over that informs the player of its current state (decay on or decay off), also inverted the colours to be consistent (green for on, grey for off)
Added Sister taking days off if MC has a lot of money.
Split Sisters greetings to a separate file making it easier to find and modify greetings.
Added flavour text to some of Sisters greetings to indicate if she is taking a day off or not.
Added default fertility and fertility increase variables to Sister and NPC objects, used for the new fertility decrease from taking abortion and morning after pills, also in preparation for girl customisation options with Gabrielle in the coin shop.
Added fertility decrease to morning after and abortion pills (affects fertility increase portion of objects, default fertility is unchanged).
Added reset fertility increase to 0 if below o at start of the girls cycle, to prevent girls going to far into the negative from pill usage (soft reset of fertility increase) does nothing for positive fertility increase (this may change for balance).
Modified Chloe`s stat screen to reflect new fertility modifiers, the impregnation risk displayed is now calculated dynamically, less than 1 % per 1000 sperm is very safe, 1-5 % safe, 5-25 % risky and, above 25 % chance per 1000 sperm is very risky.
Split location functions into distinct blocks, location arrays created to simplify location rolls, movement checks are much simpler now resulting in less issues with people not being in event locations.
Moved Chloe`s greetings to their own file.
Created and implemented flavour versions of Chloe`s greetings similar to sisters (pregnancy state, number of children etc… etc),
Modified Ravlia and Seana first meeting to be triggerable during Zlata`s 4th story event if they are not yet unlocked.
Added alternate text for portions of Seana and Ravlia`s introduction events to mention Zlata`s involvement, also added checks and text variant’s if the conditions for there original triggers are not met (no of children MC has).
Wrote and implemented Zlata event 4.
Wrote and implemented Chloe event 5.
Created Culling strike passive skill. (still needs method for player to obtain)
Added infrastructure for Culling strike passive skill to all fights.
Girls will now retain some of the sperm from the previous days cream pies if above a certain level, currently leaves 10% if that is above 1000
Removed requirement for girls to have been cream pied the previous day for morning after pills, needed for sperm being leftover when receiving above a certain amount in a single day.
Altered conceive calculator to account for sperm leftover from previous day.
Updated girl screens to count sperm leftover from previous day to sperm in uterus count.
Added infrastructure for obsessed girls to secretly try to impregnate themselves after an event involving MCs sperm(handjob, blowjob, protected sex etc… etc) these events are not added yet but keep an eye on girls sperm in uterus, this will change when she attempts this.
Finalised secret conception calculator function, linked to above actions.
Split Zlata`s greetings, this will make it easier to add more variants.
Wrote and implemented Zlata event 5
Implemented culling strike passive skill, gained after first rebirth
Changed cheat module to now jump to meeting twins instead of simply unlocking them.
Initially fixed a bug where the player received double ancient coins for first rebirth, instead I have decided that patient players shall be rewarded (the double coin bug is now a feature and has been re-enabled)
Created image check function for Zlata event 4.
Added image references for Zlata event 4.
Created and added images for Zlata event 4.
Created and added images for Zlata event 5.
Created and implemented image check functions and references for Zlata event 5.
Created and added images for Chloe event 5.
Created and implemented image check functions and references for Chloe event 5.
Added pregnancy variants for Chloe event 1-5, and gift scenes 260 images (prep for turning on secret pregnancy).
Wrote and implemented image check functions for Chloe hug, friendly and intimate kiss scenes.
Wrote and implemented Chloe image references for location specific hug and kiss scenes.
Wrote and implemented friendly and intimate kiss scenes for Chloe town, shop, park and her house.
Modified Chloe kiss menu jumps to use new location specific scenes.
Created and added images  for Sister`s event 1-5.
Created image references and image check functions for Sister`s event 1-5.
Implemented images for Sister`s events 1-5.
Added infrastructure for toggling devious pregnancy on and off (not yet in use).
Added current coin count to light and dark shop interface.
Added increase per coin spent to hover over text for coin shop purchases.
Converted town shop into a screen with buttons, this makes shopping much easier.
Added first meeting with Violet to trigger when visiting grocery store work/shopping for the first time, previously only triggered from work.
Added framework for tiered foods, not yet implemented (this will be used for food buffs).
Tested and created first animated images (violet in town shop buying menu).
Tested and implemented angry/happy side images for Violet, prep for adding side images for all girls that show a little more emotion.
Added text to girls hints when they are not ready, previously was misleading the player to think they were missing content for that girl.
Added a warning to rebirthing when coins gained would exceed coin cap when player already has enough to increase the cap.
Edited MC stats introduction to include sperm level.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug with sex unlock buttons in cheat menu not setting correct flag for skipped story events.
Fixed a bug with Chloe`s sex unlock button not setting flags that would be set during first meeting if sex acts are unlocked before meeting her.
Fixed quest kill amount having no cap, this resulted in excessive kill amounts with high plaza rep.
Fixed not being able to save on Mac versions, fixed by re-enabling local saves.
Fixed incorrect colour in some intimacy hints for Zlata and Sister, incorrect color value used.
Fixed missing portions of text in quest screens when maximum available quests have been unlocked, missing else block.
Fixed Chloe`s lewd menus jumping to the wrong sex type prior to giving her the second gift, caused by using the wrong jump menu.
Fixed Chloe moved functions causing a crash, inconsistent naming.
Fixed love and friendship decay reducing Grace and Gabrielle`s stats before being able to interact with them.
Fixed Gabrielle image in cheat module, new image was out of bounds.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Sisters new greetings menu, incorrect indent on one of the reply labels.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Sisters new greetings menu, incorrect jump label name.
Fixed sister earned message to correctly state earned nothing due to sister taking “yesterday off”, previously stated “this week”.
Fixed Chloe`s location options not correctly being updated when using the cheat menu to unlock sex acts, (as more triggers get set elsewhere in the game it`s becoming difficult to keep the cheats working as intended (if you find bugs with this please report them)
Fixed a bug causing a crash to title screen in sisters new greetings menus, missing jump to response.
Fixed a missing else clause in Zlata`s 3rd story event leading to some strange conversations during the event.
Fixed missing update lines in Sister`s fifth event, informing player of unlock status.
Fixed double stat gain during sister shower sex protected scene.
Fixed a bug causing “No more friendship can be gained” message during cake gift scenes under certain circumstances, when friendship was gained.
Fixed a bug in Sisters gift menu causing friendship to not go above 40 when this is supposed to raise it to 60 for story events.
Fixed Ravlia introduction not correctly showing guards tent background, missing scene call.
Fixed missing colour change to informative text during Chloe story event 1.
Fixed missing image change during Chloe story event 1, missing function call.
Fixed missing location clarification during Chloe gift event 1.
Fixed gift scenes locking the character into giving a cake when certain conditions are met (no check for event gifts bought but stats not reached).
Fixed a bug causing a crash during Ravlia first meeting, incorrect variable name x4.
Fixed missing image change during sister story event 2, missing image function call.
Fixed image call functions in sister story event 5, wrong function used.
Fixed missing image call functions during dungeon introduction scenes with Zlata.
Fixed a bug causing a crash when looting a chest in the dungeon, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug causing the players HP going above max HP, no check for this during level up health restore.
Fixed a bug causing relic weapon to go up 2 levels instead of the intended 1 when upgrading.
Fixed a bug causing Chloe to be incorrectly moved to the town shop instead of her house for event 4 forced movement.
Fixed missing image reference for twins scene 1.
Fixed text going outside of text box bounds for sister story hint, missing new line call.
Fixed Chloe`s hints showing two hints over each other in her hints section, duplicate line.
Fixed text going outside of text box for Chloe`s story hint, missing new line call.
Fixed Zlata showing incorrect hint being shown for Zlata leading up to story event 4, missing portion to show 4th girl must be rescued.
Fixed incorrect stat increases being displayed for relic stats in players stat screen, using legacy method for these stats.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in one of Chloe`s new scenes, incorrect function name.
Fixed missing show expression for Gabrielle event 2.
Fixed incorrect image displayed for Grace event 2, incorrect function call.
Fixed a bug causing Grace/Gabrielle event 2 from triggering, incorrect variable checked.
Fixed no image changes for Zlata story event 5, missing variable set in function call.
Fixed healing from the spell book healing above players max HP, missing heal cap check in function.
Fixed a bug in location set function causing Chloe to go missing every afternoon, missing return portion in location move function.
Fixed a bug causing a crash under certain circumstances in time end of day function, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug in coin chop button screen causing an event not to trigger when it should.
Fixed a bug in Chloe`s stats screen causing no next step for intimacy events to be displayed under certain circumstances, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in cheat module, legacy code for food items.
Fixed several bugs causing a crash in home fridge menu, legacy code for food stuffs.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Gabrielle menu, legacy code.
Fixed culling strike check missing from several fights.
Fixed a bug causing a crash when eating a sandwich from the fridge, too many variables fed into function.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Chloe park intimate kiss, incorrect function name.
Fixed hunger, thirst and cakes not being altered when skipping the opening.
Fixed a bug causing inconsistent event location movement, mismatched indentation.
Fixed locations not being set correctly, dodgy code in location functions.
Fixed a bug causing the sister to not be correctly moved in block four, incorrect function call.
Fixed multiple bugs causing sister and Chloe to preferentially choose the same location in block four, missing equality check.
Fixed a bug causing sister to be marked in the wrong location in her stats page, missing equality check.
Fixed a bug causing shop hover over text going out of bounds, incorrect background image.
Fixed a bug causing 12 condom purchase option being available without enough funds leading to negative balance, incorrect equality check.
Fixed a bug causing players to gain increased exp, legacy code for exp boost not removed when difficulty options added.
Fixed a bug causing button to buy two cakes being misaligned when player cannot afford them, incorrect x position.
Fixed a bug in mana pools when filling 10 empty bottles, actions bar was not correctly hidden when triggering a fight.
Fixed a bug when rebirthing that allowed the player to exceed the coin cap.
Fixed all instances of legacy code trying to hide inventory button instead of actions bar.
Fixed a bug that caused the hover over text for Chloe`s gifts to not be displayed in the coin shop when the player didn`t have enough coins.
Fixed a bug in combat overlay that did not account for max HP added by ring relic, legacy code.
Fixed a bug in player sleep and rebirth actions that did not correctly hide buttons in the players room during these events that could lead to oddities if pressed.
Fixed a bug that caused lewd acts to be available with the Sister in unintended locations.
Fixed Chloe, Sister and, Zlata`s stat pages to correctly show the current sperm in uterus value, legacy code.
Fixed Chloe, Sister and Zlata`s stat pages to not show total sperm in uterus when not intended.
Fixed being able to select a floor when only reached depth 1.
Typos and grammar
Fixed Grammar in Chloe default friendly kiss scene, you instead of your.
Fixed spelling in Eilana`s sixty nine scene, work instead of world.
Fixed missing the in cleaning spare room event, should have read “struggle with the virus” not “struggle with virus”.
Fixed many instances of a full stop after a question mark.
Fixed typo in Sisters fifth event i instead of I.
Fixed typo in Chloe even 5 could`nt instead of couldn`t.
Fixed grammar during Chloe story event 3 (Godzilla had a stroke trying to read this).
Fixed spelling in dungeon guard greetings, form instead of from.
Fixed grammar in Ravlia greeting response, changed “not too bad” to “nothing much”.
Fixed grammar in Seana first meeting, looming instead of looking.
Fixed grammar in sister story event 2, you`re to you are.
Fixed grammar in sister story event 4, missing “her”.
Fixed all instances of “Big Brother” to now be “big brother”.
Fixed grammar in Chloe story event 5, “since we were children” changed to “since we were kids”.
Fixed grammar in Chloe story event 5, missing “her”.
Fixed missing commas in several of Chloe`s intimacy hints.
Fixed grammar when trying to rebirth when not high enough combat level was “Not high enough combat level” changed to “Combat level not high enough”.
See More
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Chloes stat page after story quests is complete before items are given, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug causing Chloe to wonder into to places she is not meant to be (if you know you know, if not no spoilers)
Several new scenes for Chloe including fully unlocking her lewd events including pregnancy.
Re-worked Sisters scenes to be location dependent with a full set of new renders for each location (this is only the images for now but will include text variations and slight difference in the scenes in future updates).
Story events 1-4 for Sister and Chloe, story events 1-3 for Zlata (story events now gate lewd progression).
New options screen, this includes activating the cheat module (which is now default in the game), along with some grind reduction toggles.
Many QoL updates and bug fixes.
These three girls now have a hint for story event progress as well as lewd event progress (story does not require lewd events but does gate them)
Created images for sister intimacy events in Living room, Bathroom and sisters room, these are images custom to each location and will be used for new image sets.
Split image checks into there own files for each character.
Created image check functions for sister hug scenes in all available locations.
Edited menu options for sister intimacy events to take into account current location, this is to use new events that use new sister images.
Created and implemented new jump labels for sister hug scenes.
Create image check functions for sisters new location specific images for both kiss variants, handjob, blowjob, fingered, cunnilingus, sixty nine, vaginal and, anal.
Restructured files into more obvious categories.
Split sister intimacy events into there own files, this was done to reduce individual file length.
Split sister image check functions into individual files based on location, this was done to reduce individual file length.
Compressed and added images for Chloe’s virginal sex scenes, town, park, guardhouse and standard (192).
Compressed Sisters images for all intimacy events in bathroom, sisters room and, living room (627 images).
Created image references for Chloe’s vaginal scenes park, town, and, guardhouse.
Split Chloe’s image checks into individual files based on intimacy act, this will make it easier to expand and debug.
Created image check functions for Chloe vaginal scenes town, park and, guardhouse.
Created and added images for remaining location specific sister hug and kiss scenes (112 images).
Created image references for sister hug and kiss scenes in spare room, kitchen, park, shop, town, guardhouse, and Chloe’s house.
Created, compressed and added sister images for locations specific handjob scene, kitchen, spare room, park, town, and, guardhouse (132 images).
Added image references for sister handjob locations specific images.
Created, compressed and, added images for sister location dependant blowjob scene (120 images).
Created, compressed and, added images for sister location dependant cunnilingus scenes (80 images).
Created, compressed and, added images for sister location dependant sixty nine scenes (72 images).
Added image references for sister blowjob, cunnilingus and, sixty nine location dependant scenes.
Modified blowjob and handjob image check functions for variants with cum-shot choice.
Created, compressed and, added images for sister fingered locations dependant scenes (140 images).
Created, compressed and, added images for sister location dependant scenes (96 images).
Created, compressed and, added images for location dependant sister anal scenes (34 images).
Created image references for sister location dependant fingered, cunnilingus, sixty nine, vaginal and anal scenes.
Created, compressed and, added location dependant images for Chloe anal scenes (72 images).
Created image references for Chloe location dependant and anal scenes.
Created and implemented image checks for Chloe location dependant anal scenes.
Wrote and implemented Chloe location dependant vaginal protected scenes.
Edited Chloe’s vaginal jump menus to account for location dependant variants.
Reduced pity rolls for spell drops by 30-50 %, the lower tier spells receiving the largest reduction (lightning strike and fireball)
Increased the amount of pity gained per roll for spell drops from 1-3 to 2-4, further reducing maximum time to gain spells.
Moved all defaults to the script rpy, this should make bug fixing easier (hopefully this does not break anything)
Wrote and implemented Chloe bareback vaginal scenes.
Removed all text that uses NPC names, these have been changed to call a variable instead this was needed due to a potential change where the player can customise the names of all main girls (not rescued slaves).
Wrote Chloe story event 1.
Created and added images for Chloe story event 1.
Created image references and image check functions for Chloe story scene 1.
Split Chloe’s image references into individual files for each action type.
Split Eilana’s image references into individual files based on action type.
Split Zlata’s image references into individual files based on action type.
Split Sister’s image references into individual files based on action type.
Created function for condition check for Chloe`s story event 1.
Added in condition check to trigger Chloe’s story event one when conditions are met. (main condition for story one is love or friendship at or above 25)
Increased friendship cap for receiving cake from 40 to 50(60 for Chloe and MCs sister due to current lack of friendship increasing mechanics), this is to ensure friendship values to trigger stories can be reached, avoiding the need for players to be intimate with characters they may not wish to, just to progress story events.
Split girls stats screen into individual files, this should make it easier to edit and bug fix specific girls pages.
Re-worked love values required for lower tier intimacy events (Kiss = 10 love or 20 friendship, handjob/fingering = 25 love, blowjob/cunnilingus = 35 love, sixty-nine = 50 love, anal and vaginal unchanged)
Edited Chloe’s progression hints to account for new story events.
Created and implemented functions to calculate the amount of friendship/love gained during intimacy events, this should make it easier to keep parity between all NPCs stat gains.
Edited Chloe, Eilana, Sister and, Zlata to use new intimacy event stat gain functions.
Edited all sister events to use location specific image checks where applicable.
Unified menus that allow the player to speak to NPCs in town to use there variable instead of default name, this is to allow correct NPC names to be displayed once name changing is implemented.
Added checks for which lewd acts are available in a location, also added text to let the player know when there are restrictions.
Changed opening scene to include option to name MC and his sister when skipping opening.
Changed cheat module to always be installed and option to enable is during opening.
Actions bar and map button are now hidden when interacting with a character.
Created and added guardhouse location dependant images for Chloe kiss and hug scenes.
Created and implemented image check functions for Chloe guardhouse hug and kiss scenes.
Created and implemented image references for Chloe  guardhouse hug and kiss scenes.
Edited cheat module to account for Chloe, Zlata and, MCs sister needing events 1-5 complete to fully unlock their intimacy events (these events will be skipped if you cheat).
Created and implemented game options screen (not much here for now).
Wrote and implemented Chloe anal scenes.
Edited several of the sister`s hug scenes to have slight text variation.
Modified sister handjob bathroom, living room and spare room variants.
Modified image checks for sister handjob bathroom, living room and, spare room.
Added Chloe hug guardhouse variant (images are the only difference for now).
Modified sister kitchen, park and, guardhouse blowjob scenes.
Switched spell drops to more consistent method (again checked and slightly reduced pity requirement for spells to drop).
Created hover over text for unlearned spells.
Implemented hover over text for unlearned spells (includes drop target and points until pity drop).
Implemented hover over text for learned spells (includes spell level and points needed for next level).
Added increase rebirths to 1 as well as the stat increase that would be gained from this increase to rebirth unlock function in cheat module.
Created and implemented functions to run when upgrades are bought in the coin shop, these are used to modify relevant stats related to upgrade purchase.
Reduced inherent stats gained when rebirthing.
Created and implemented hover over text for light shop purchases, these show cost as well as the amount of stat gained from the purchase.
Wrote and implemented sister event one trigger.
Implemented checks for Chloe story event progress for intimacy events.
Wrote sister story events one and two (missing images).
Implemented checks for Sister story event progress for intimacy events.
Implemented checks for Zlata story event progress for intimacy events.
Wrote and implemented sister event two trigger check.
Wrote and implemented functions to check for event trigger conditions for Chloe, Sister and, Zlata story events 1-5.
Implemented ancient coin cap, as well as ability to increase this cap in the coin shop (this is to try and curb insane scaling at higher ancient coin drop percentages).
Wrote and implemented Zlata story event one.
Added structure for dungeon shop events (needed for Zlata story events, no extra events added yet)
Modified park event checks to include all story events related to the park (story events have a 10 % base trigger chance)
Created and implemented function to check if a dungeon shop event triggers.
Wrote and implemented Zlata story event 2.
Created and implemented functions to check whether to run trigger check for Chloe’s story events.
Modified Chloe’s stats screen to show tow separate hint sections, one for story and one for intimacy events.
Modified Zlata’s stats screen to show separate hints sections for intimacy and story events.
Changed Sister`s progress hints to include both intimacy and story hints.
Wrote and implemented Zlata story event three.
Created and implemented functions for Chloe gift one and two coin shop buttons.
Added too much complexity to Chloe`s vaginal and anal scene selection, she will never refuse because of her location she will instead ask to move somewhere else.
Added checks to Chloe`s anal and vaginal scenes to check if she requested to move to a new location, this is used to make sure the player and Chloe are moved back to their correct locations.
Wrote functions for town and home locations (these include increased chance for characters to be in their event locations where appropriate).
Wrote and implemented Chloe informing MC she is pregnant scene.
Wrote and implemented MC asking Chloe to take morning after and abortion pills scenes.
Wrote and implemented Chloe abortion pill during informing of pregnancy scene.
Wrote and implemented Chloe gift one scene.
Wrote and implemented Chloe event two.
Wrote and implemented Sister story event 3.
Wrote and implemented Chloe story event 3.
Wrote and implemented sister story event 4.
Wrote and implemented Chloe gift two event.
Wrote and implemented Chloe event 4.
Wrote and implemented event required for Chloe event 4.
Created and added images for Chloe informing the MC she is pregnant scene.
Created and implemented images for MC asking Chloe to take an abortion pill after being informed she is pregnant scene.
Created and implemented images for Chloe gift scene one.
Created and implemented images for Chloe gift scene two.
Created and implemented image references and image check functions for Chloe gift scenes.
Created and implemented image references and image check functions for Chloe informing MC she is pregnant scene, including abortion request portion.
Created and implemented images for Chloe event 2.
Created and implemented images for Chloe event 3.
Created and implemented image check functions and image references for Chloe event 1.
Created and implemented image check functions and image references for Chloe event 2.
Created and implemented image check functions and image references for Chloe event 3.
Created and implemented images for Chloe story event 4.
Created image check functions and image references for Chloe story event 4.
Created and implemented images for Zlata events 1-3.
Created and implemented image check functions and image references for Zlata events 1-3.
Switched sister events to use centred image (prep for (half way to 0.1.4)
Changed chance to force characters to move to event locations if conditions are met and event has not triggered, from 30 % to 70 %.
Added location check functions for Chloe`s lewd events, only two are currently used virginal and anal, the rest will be added once her location dependent scenes are added.
Added pity mechanic for relics, every time a relic is not found (when it could be) the chance to find that relic increases.
Edited new hints system for the three girls that use the new system, it now clearly states that “go to x location another time” if the event check has been run but the event did not trigger (this should reduce confusion about being told to go “here” but nothing happens.
Added pseudo event for Sister`s event 5, this is to set flags that would be set during this event.
Added pseudo event for Chloe`s event 5, this is to set flags that would be set during this event.
Added pseudo events for Zlata`s events 4 and 5, this is to set flags that would be set during this event.
Unified stat loss from cold choice in events across all three girls.
Increased base story event trigger chance from 10-25 %.
Added persistent stat tracking for potential to add a gallery at a later date.
Disabled saving to system folders, this will be re-enabled once the game reaches a state that cross version saves are supported.
Reduced number of autosaves, only saves on new day.
Added toggle for unlimited interactions.
Due to Chloe and Sister having events in the same location added pity increase if one girls event triggers and the other has stats enough to trigger their own event, the same convention will be followed for any future event conflicts.
Added pity variable to NPC object, fuck global variables in functions.
Replaced all location dependant images (~2000 images) from compressed png to uncompressed jpg, this leads to less colour loss and smaller file sizes more than 1GB saved.
Updated all image references for images converted from png to jpg.
Added toggle for friendship and love decay to options menu, previously activated by default with cheats.
Incorporated event pity chance into location functions to increase chance that girls will be moved to event locations when time of day and relationship values are met.
Added ability to go from working to shopping and vice versa rather than going back to town first.
Separated out portions of time functions, to keep in line with reduced file length.
Modified the chance to trigger meeting Chloe, it now increases each day the event is not triggered.
Added text to grocery shop purchase menus to inform player how much money they have, not sure why it took me so long to add this.
Added event triggered flag to Chloe`s first meeting, this should prevent issues where player is immediately forced into an event after first meeting if unlimited interactions is toggled on.
Re-ordered code while exploring so depth warnings are shown at the same time as delve menu, reduces the number of clicks when exploring boss floors.
If triggering a fight while trying to fill bottles, a bottle is filled as well as triggering combat.
Added ability to use rations directly when filling bottles and you are too hungry to continue.
Added ability to fill 10 bottles at once in both mana and healing pools, requires higher floor reached and leads to much more difficult combat encounters with a higher trigger chance.
Added ability to sell all (divisible by 2) filled bottles and instantly buy the required number of MP potions, this keeps the required low level of stock whilst giving the player access to bulk purchases of MP potions.
Added ability to sell all (divisible by 2) filled large bottles, and instantly buy the required large HP potions, this keeps the required low level of stock whilst giving the player access to bulk purchases of large HP potions.
Increased success chance for upgrading relics form 75 % to 85 %, critical success remains at 6.25 %.
Added game time to most menu screens, town plaza etc… etc…
Added switch for Experience boost to options page, 250 % multiplicative (this will be looked at during the combat update in cycle 0.2.0 – 0.3.0)
Added commas to several of the stats on the MC’s stat page, this is to make it easier to read once into the thousands and above.
Added tracking for current sperm level (as a percentage) to MC`s stat page.
Added tracking for current sperm level (as a percentage) to MC`s stat page.
Created little blue pills, these can be used to fully refill sperm levels.
Added little blue pill button to inventory.
Modified spell drop chance to now account for pity in it’s percent chance, this leads to an increased chance to drop (pity chance still has a cap and if the cap is reached the spell will drop).
Reduced boss theme to 40 % volume, theme was much louder than other sound tracks.
Increased lowest possible values for coin shop upgrades, these were far too low (work needed to balance this more).
Vastly reduced the cost of coin cap upgrades, these were too high (more balance needed).
bug fixes
Fixed missing image references for sister cunnilingus scenes 3 and 8 for sister in bathroom, living room and sisters room new image sets.
Fixed mismatched images in Chloe protected scenes, called bareback images in certain places.
Fixed mis matched indent for if statement in Chloe’s vaginal scenes, leading to missing a block of text.
Fixed Chloe blowjob scene facial/swallow request love changes not being correctly implemented, this led to no reduction or increase regardless of the option chosen.
Fixed issues with Chloe story event 1 image references causing a crash.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Eilana`s interaction menu, missing and.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Chloe event one image check, missing _
Fixed sister location dependant anal scenes to use correct finishing image for protected variant.
Restored sister kitchen cunnilingus scene.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in sisters location dependant friendly kiss scenes, incorrect variable name and passing value to a function when none was expected.
Fixed a crash caused during location dependant vaginal scenes, missing part 11 and 12 from image check functions.
Fixed missing image references for sisters location dependant anal scenes, image 11 used condom.
Fixed inconsistencies in images for sisters location dependant hug scene in her room.
Fixed Chloe guardhouse kiss image references.
Fixed lightning strike spell points causing a crash, incorrect naming convention (the spell can now be levelled).
Fixed incorrect equality check in Chloe and Zlata stat pages causing multiple lines of hints to be displayed over each other.
Fixed Zlata`s anal and vaginal protected scene selection to check for story event progress where appropriate.
Fixed missing ) causing a crash in Chloe`s anal event selection.
Fixed several mis-aligned jump labels in Chloe`s anal event selection.
Fixed several instances of using the wrong variable during Seana text, this lead to having the incorrect name displayed.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in game over screen dying to an orc, incorrect variable name.
Fixed several incorrect image name for Zlata events.
Fixed a bug that allowed sister toilet peep scenes to trigger even if she was not in the toilet.
Fixed missing event occurred trigger in bathroom scenes.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in sister location dependant hug scenes, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug in sister lewd menu displaying text to say “some events cannot be triggered at this location”, when it should say “progress events”.
Fixed sister going to town more often than intended during time block 4.
Fixed Tempest not appearing correctly under certain circumstances, missing lines from time functions.
Fixed Chloe not being assigned a location after first meeting, missing code to assign location.
Fixed incorrect images for several of sisters handjob scenes, inconsistent image names.
Fixed a bug causing sister to not appear in the spare room as intended, incorrect variable name.
Fixed sister living room handjob scene having wrong image order.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in sister kitchen Blowjob scene, incorrect variable name.
Fixed sisters lewd acts with location checks being unavailable, incorrect variable name in can lewd functions.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Chloe`s fingering scene, incorrect function name
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Chloe`s fingering scene, incorrect variable in function call.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Chloe’s friendly kiss scene, missing variable in function call.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Chloe`s intimate kiss scene, missing variable in function call.
Fixed a bug in sisters bathroom handjob scene, incorrect variable in function call causing incorrect image order.
Fixed an issue with Zlata’s hints not displaying correctly, missing variable change during after unlocking mana pools.
Fixed Zlata events not triggering, incorrect variable checked for event trigger.
Fixed inconsistent naming in town events object causing multiple incorrect variable name bugs.
Fixed incorrect variable name for Zlata event pity counters causing a crash.
Fixed a bug in Zlata’s event trigger check functions causing events to trigger 100 % of the time, division in wrong tier of brackets.
Fixed a bug causing a a crash in dungeon shop event picking function, incorrect variable name.
Fixed pseudo event 5 for Chloe, Sister and, Zlata from potentially increasing love to 65 without having gifted them the required item to unlock sex acts.
Fixed Tempest not being given a location after her first meeting, meaning she was not available in the first time block after meeting her.
Fixed a bug causing a crash when visiting Chloe`s house when Tempest is present, calling wrong image name.
Fixed a bug causing a crash when running Chloe or Sister`s event trigger function, division by zero caused by division in wrong set of brackets.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Chloe`s event trigger check functions, extra 1 added in calculation leading to invalid output.
Fixed story events no longer triggering, flooring calculation that was meant to return a less than one float value resulting a 100 % failure to trigger events.
Fixed missing pity increase for Sister and Chloe events not triggering.
Fixed text outside of hint box for some Chloe`s and Sister`s hints.
Fixed a bug causing the letter to follow MC if triggering Chloe`s intro in the same days as the letter arrives.
Fixed hint not telling MC to read letter and instead informs the player to continue working and interacting with townsfolk.
Fixed several issues with image names for converted images.
Fixed Chloe event pity increasing unintentionally during Sister event trigger check function, this portion of the code was in the incorrect place.
Fixed Sister location showing wrong location under certain circumstances.
Fixed event hints for Chloe and Sister informing the player to visit locations some other time when not relevant.
Fixed missing else in sister block four location function leading to her never being moved there for her event regardless of chance to move roll results.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in block three location function, incorrect variable name.
Fixed Zlata`s first two events triggering when all conditions are not met, missing () around love or friendship equality check leading function to return True instead of False.
Fixed missing image transitions in Zlata`s first event leading to image not matching conversation.
Fixed mana pools setting dungeon depth to 5 instead of 8-10.
Fixed eating rations not hiding hunger/thirst bar correctly, missing hide command in image button.
Fixed buying 5 ration packs at the same time only cost £10 instead of the intended £100 (sorry no more free ratios for you).
Fixed Eilana sixty nine scene, incorrect image shown in middle of event.
Fixed girls disappearing when buying items from the grocery store.
Fixed a bug causing a crash when trying to sell MP potions, incorrect variable name.
Fixed healing pools first visit informing player it cost 5 hunger per gather when it actually costs 10.
Fixed fireball spell showing heal spell level when at max level, incorrect variable name
Fixed rebirth menu not showing required levels after first rebirth (variable list incorrect).
Fixed several issues with bulk selling large filled bottles.
Fixed an issue with third rebirth hint not showing correct number of levels for next rebirth, incorrect variable calculation.
Fixed rebirth giving double the amount of listed ancient coins, this was being increased in both the rebirth function and code block calling the rebirth function.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in coin shop, ancient coin increase buttons functions, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug in the spell book hover over text, lightning spell text went out of bounds when at level cap, missing n.
Fixed a bug in coin shop for Chloe`s second gift not hiding hover over text, incorrect variable name.
Fixed MP bar not disappearing when drinking MP potions from inventory, missing hide command on button action.
Fixed filling 10 large empty bottles action still be available with less than 10 large empty bottles, incorrect equality check.
Fixed a bug causing a crash when progressing time to night block when possible to move Sister for event 3, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Chloe cunnilingus scene, incorrect variable fed into function.
Fixed many bugs in block four town locations function, incorrect variable names leading to incorrect character moves for events.
Fixed ancient coin calculator capping coins at upgrade cost rather than current coin cap, incorrect variable name.
Fixed Zlata event 2 not triggering, equality check on wrong variable.
Fixed Zlata event two and three not being flagged as complete, flag set for incorrect variable.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Sister event 2, missing return portion of a functions resulting in null value.
Fixed cleaning bar not being hidden during an event.
Fixed equality check on sister event four checking for != True, this flag is never set to True.
Fixed equality check on Chloe event four checking for != True, this flag is never set to True.
Fixed Chloe gaining event four pity stacks when not intended.
Fixed Chloe event three hint going outside the bounds of the hint box missing n.
Fixed inconsistent event hints for Chloe and sister event 4, circular hints, both said to complete the others event first, sister should have checked for Chloe event four completion and not event four.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Chloe`s stat page when checking event four conditions, incorrect variable name.
Fixed missing portion of Chloe`s hint for her fourth event, informed the MC to check for her at her house when conditions were not met for the event to trigger.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in the kitchen, incorrect function name.
Added missing text to event 4 and 5 ending text to reference that gifts are still required to unlock sex acts.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Sister gift one scene, missing variable in function call.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Sister gift two scene, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Sister gift tow scene, missing variable in function call.
Added text in introduction to rebirth referencing the now limited capacity of stats gained when levelling (capped at Atk 16, def 8, HP 50, MP 12).
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Chloe gift 2 scene, incorrect variable name in image check function.
Fixed a bug causing Chloe`s fifth event hint to go outside the bounds of the hint box, missing n.
Fixed several bugs in Sister`s stat page leading to incorrect of no information regarding next steps for intimacy hints, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug in Zlata`s intimacy hints not correctly displaying the correct information, checking for item one purchase when item 2 was required.
Fixed incorrect amount of children tracked for Seana and Ravlia, incorrect increase method in related functions.
Fixed Chloe vaginal and anal not being available in all town locations (this was not intended), missing location checks to availability functions.
Fixed Chloe vaginal and anal not being available in all town locations (this was not intended), missing location checks to availability functions.
Fixed certain interactions at home not returning the player to the correct location with the correct background.
Fixed several instances of incorrect images displayed for Chloe’s location dependant anal scenes, incorrect variable fed into functions caused by inconsistent image numbering.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Chloe’s anal scenes, incorrect variable fed into stat increase calculation function.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Chloe`s anal scenes, incorrect function name.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Chloe`s vaginal scenes, incorrect variable name.
Fixed several instances of incorrect images displayed for Chloe’s location dependant vaginal scenes, incorrect variable fed into functions caused by inconsistent image numbering.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Chloe`s vaginal scenes incorrect function name, Guardhouse instead of GuardHouse.
Fixed several bugs causing a crash in Chloe`s protected vaginal scenes, incorrect variable names.
Fixed Chloe locations dependant vaginal protected in the park showing guardhouse image set, incorrect function name used.
Fixed several bugs causing Chloe`s vaginal guardhouse scenes to jump to park variant, incorrect jump label used.
Fixed Chloe`s vaginal and anal selection when in a location that these acts cannot be performed jumping to Chloe`s gift menu, missing variable equality check leading to no available option for this menu.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in outdoor lewd acts, MC object was missing a variable.
Fixed Chloe`s vaginal and anal check functions from checking for town, guard house and park where appropriate.
Fixed Chloe not being in the correct location function for time block 1 under certain circumstances.
Fixed drain spell checking if rock spell was learned for pity drop, incorrect variable name.
Fixed coin shop sperm regen 1 not showing stats when hovered if not enough coins on hand, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug in coin shop upgrade amount calculators, extra parenthesis was breaking the calculations resulting in divide by 0 error.
Fixed Chloe`s town images not being called correctly by the image check function for pregnant states, missing variable in functions image name.
Fixed tracking for morning after pill, menu choice will now correctly be disabled if you have already asked a girl to take a pill that day.
Fixed Sisters room not correctly showing gifts under certain circumstances.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Chloe’s hug scene when in the guard house, incorrect function name.
Fixed a bug causing Chloe`s guard house location dependant hug scene not correctly being selected, incorrect variable equality checked.
Fixed a bug in Chloe`s lewd menu when in the grocery store causing her to not request moving to a new location, incorrect variable equality checked.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Sister`s greeting scene when pregnant, incorrect function name.
Fixed a bug causing a crash the first time Sister informs of pregnancy, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug causing a crash when Chloe is at the guardhouse during her third trimester, incorrect image reference.
Fixed a bug causing a crash when Sister is at the guardhouse during her third trimester, incorrect image reference.
Fixed an issue with Chloe`s standing image in some scenes during her second trimester, image was in the centre.
Fixed an issue with Zlata informing MC she is pregnant scenes, images were in 4k not 1440p.
Fixed soylent not refilling hunger and thirst, missing thirst portion of code.
Fixed an event not being triggerable at home in the toilet, an intentional block was made while waiting for the event to be written and was never removed.
Fixed some of Chloe`s lewd events not correctly changing the background under certain circumstances, missing flags to change background in jump labels.
Fixed Zlata showing friendship +0 during certain events, incorrect variable name.
Fixed Chloe`s lewd events not showing menu to move location under certain circumstances when A move was intended, incorrect variable name.
Fixed Ravlia music too loud during first meeting event, missing volume command.
Fixed Seana not b being correctly set as met resulting in people and soylent not being visible on the inventory screen.
Fixed Sister not showing some lewd event choices in certain locations, incorrect variable name in location check functions for event type.
Fixed a bug causing a crash during Ravlia`s first meeting event, some functions required a variable that NPC objects do not have, added a try except block specifically for Ravlia`s event.
Fixed Zlata`s name not being displayed correctly when using the cheat menu to unlock the dungeon, missing variable flag.
Spelling and grammar
Fixed several typos during sister story events deepened instead of deepen.
Fixed grammar in Chloe’s hug scene, changed you are to you`re.
Fixed a typo in Chloe`s second event Ime instead of I`m.
Fixed double full stop in childish girls rescued screen, sweets.. instead of sweets.
Fixed childish girls rescue scene double full stop, him.. instead of him.
Fixed several double full stops in Plaza and toilet.
Fixed typo in Zlata event one, player responding with their own name instead of Zlata`s.
Fixed a typo in Zlata event one, sue instead of use.
Fixed grammar in Zlata`s text when learning about rebirth, do have instead of do you have.
Fixed grammar in Eilana`s text when telling MC about relic rebirthing, “relics is something I can increase in power” changed to “relics are something I can increase the power of”
Fixed grammar in Eilana`s text informing MC about relic rebirth, “told what crystals are” changed to “told you what crystals are”
Fixed several full stops used instead of commas during Sister and Chloe event 4.
Fixed calling Chloe`s dad her instead he during Chloe event 4.
Fixed a typo in Chloe event 4, already instead of all ready.
Fixed grammar in unfinished event text “please select response” changed to “please select the response”.
Fixed grammar in Sister gift scene two, “Well open and you will find” changed to “Well open it and you will find”.
Fixed typo in Zlata event three, eve instead of Eve.
Fixed a typo in Zlata event three, Laethian instead of Laethian`s.
Fixed a typo in Zlata event three, delved instead of delve (x5).
Fixed grammar in Chloe`s vaginal scenes, missing words.
Fixed grammar in Chloe fingered scene when she is in the third trimester, you instead of You.
See More
2 new scenes for Chloe
2 new scenes for Eilana
Re-worked quest system into screens as well as quests can be taken from all dungeon residents independently (meaning multiple quests for the same monster)
Introduction of Tempest the town guard
Re-worked the inventory: Separate pages for character stats, girl stats, inventory, and spell book all can be accessed from a new actions bar in the top right.
The girls screens have been re-worked, they now display hints on how to progress with them.
When a new mechanic is introduced there are now introduction screens taking the player through what they are and how they are used.
Created a cheat module for those that dislike the grind.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Tempest`s stat page, open text tag
Fixed a bug causing a crash in demon boss fight, incorrect variable name
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Ravlia’s stat page, incorrect variable name
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Tempest’s stat page, missing }
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Zlata gift menu, spurious == 0 in check for menu item
Fixed a bug in the sisters stat screen showing un-intended hints, used and instead of or in status check.
Temporarily disabled levelling lighting spell, for a bug that cannot be fixed without forcing a restart this was the best compromise.
Unified the look of stats screens.
Created and implemented new inventory screen, inventory and main objective information.
Created and implemented MC stats page, player stats and relic information.
Improved girl stat pages to include progress hints.
Created and implemented actions bar screen, including inventory, MC stats, girl stats and, spell book buttons.
Added map pins for characters on map screens, this should make it easier to quickly see who is where.
Added health/mana/hunger/thirst bar percentages to hover over information when using potions and ration packs from the inventory, needed due to stats being in their own page now.
Replaced all inventory button screen calls with actions bar calls.
Extended quest tracking for each character with quests, 2 quests per character can now be taken this can be increased to 6 for each charcter by spending Plaza reputation.
Reworked quest rewards to account for multiple quests for the same enemy now being possible, these increase with friendship of the quest giver and Plaza rep along with number of enemies required for quest completion.
Reworked method for calculating quest kill amount, this should now be more stable and predictable, this starts at 5 and can be increased by 5 with 100 friendship and plaza rep and, a further 5 through number of times the quest has been completed before(caps to +5 at 10 completions).
Increased base reward per kill for quests.
Created and implemented images for quest menus.
Re-wrote quest kill functions to account for multiple quests for same enemy.
Altered Zlata and Eilana quest tracking to use new quest methods.
Implemented new quest screens for Zlata and Eilana.
Created and added hover over text for quest screens, gives information about quests and quest hand ins.
Implemented new quest screens for Ravlia and Seana.
Removed legacy code for old quest menus.
Altered the centred image for gift giving scenes to use a full body centred image to better fit with other images in the scenes.
Created image references for full centred images for all NPCs.
Created and implemented image check functions for full centred images of NPCs.
Reworked spell system; spells now have 6 levels 0-5, at levels 1,3 and, 5 they gain increased damage 10, 20 and, 50 %, at levels 2 and 4 they gain a mana cost reduction (the reduction amount is spell dependant). The base spell damage, level 0, remains the same.
Edited spell book heal spell to use new levelled spell (fuck ren’py screen language).
Edited all fights to use new levelled spells, along with menu choice showing the mana cost after any reductions.
Added sound effect for taking and handing in quests to better signal to the player that things have happened.
Separated Demon boss drain spell from main drain spell, enemies will not get levelled spells.
Created Chloe and Eilana cunnilingus and sixty nine images.
Added number to show amount of kills left before a quest is complete to quest screens.
Created and implemented image check functions and references for Eilana and Chloe cunnilingus and sixty nine scenes.
Added rounding to sperm values on girl stat pages to nearest thousand or million to stop numbers going out of the screen, if you now break this by going out of the screen you deserve to see that the sea of cum you have pumped into a girl has broken the game.
Added which trimester the girl is in to the pregnancy text in girl stat pages.
Added introduction to actions bar during games opening sequence.
Added introduction to Inventory.
Added introduction to girl stat pages.
Added introduction to MC stat page.
Added introduction to spell book after mana pools are unlocked and Zlata teaches MC the heal spell.
Added introduction to quest screens after mana pools are unlocked which triggers quests unlock.
Wrote and implemented Alyson greetings.
Wrote and implemented Cebani greetings.
Added rescued girls to stat reduction reset function.
Created trigger reset functions for rescued girls.
Added rescued girls to daily gift reset function.
Split days pregnant function into individual functions plus created days pregnant functions for rescued girls.
Created and implemented Elenaril greetings.
Created and implemented Eloise greetings.
Created and implemented Isabelle greetings.
Refactored time related functions (reduced by ~4000 lines) added rescued girls to time functions.
Added hiding of main room buttons during the introduction.
Added progress hints to sisters stat screen, currently does not include event triggers due to them not yet being written.
Wrote and implemented Chloe cunnilingus scene.
Wrote and implemented Chloe sixty-nine scene.
Added and implemented progression hints for Chloe.
Added and implemented progression hints for Zlata.
Added and implemented progression hints for Violet.
Added and implemented progression hints for Ravlia.
Added and implemented progression hints for Eilana.
Added and implemented progression hints for Tempest.
Added and implemented progression hints for Seana.
Added and implemented progression hints for nine rescued slave variants.
Created and implemented functions to check if a rescued girls room has been built.
Added building of recovery village and recovery rooms for rescued girls progress hints.
Wrote and implemented Eilana cunnilingus scene.
Wrote and implemented Eilana sixty-nine scene.
Added rebrith menu now tells you if you are not high enough to rebirth and if so how many more levels you need.
Created and implemented stalking head images for 9 slave variants and Tempest
Created and added Tempest standing images.
Wrote and implemented Tempest image references.
Created and implemented Tempest stat page image buttons.
Implemented Tempest stat page.
Created and implemented Tempest popup image.
Wrote and implemented Tempest standing image, image check functions.
Improved NPC location functions for home and town, added tempest to town function.
Created and implemented images for tempest at the shop, town, park, Chloe’s house, and guardhouse.
Created and implemented images for the sister at the guardhouse.
Created and implemented images for Chloe at the guardhouse.
Created and implemented town guardhouse (not much here for now other than girls being her during the day and Tempest here every night).
Modified Chloe and the sisters routine to include visiting the guardhouse once unlocked.
Added location tracking to Tempest’s stat page.
Created image check functions for Chloe at the guardhouse.
Created image check functions for the sister at the guardhouse.
Created image check functions for Tempest in town, shop, park, guardhouse, and Chloe’s house.
Wrote and implemented Tempest first meeting for now the requirement is to save the second girl in the dungeon (will randomly trigger in town once this requirement is met).
Wrote and implemented Tempest greetings.
Added buttons to increase love and friendship with girls to the cheat module.
Removed text informing player of next steps when entering intimacy menu, this is now on girls stat pages.
Added steps where relevant to inform player they have reached the end of current content for a girl on their stat pages.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug related to friendship and love decay where if a character had decay all characters after in the function order would also have decay regardless of their individual stats.
Fixed a bug where decay popups could occur even when no decay happened.
Fixed a bug with Zlata’s orc quest function causing a crash, incorrect variable name.
Fixed quest pay-out functions causing a crash when quests are handed in, incorrect variable name.
Fixed quest kill function not showing correct information on kill, only half was converted to f strings.
Fixed burn proc causing a crash, incorrect variable name due to conversion to levelled spells.
Fixed a bug causing the butcher to not display interaction or trade menus, legacy code checking for a non existent variable.
Fixed text relating to trading with the butcher to better make sense, inconsistent due to legacy lore regarding where the “meat” comes from.
Fixed maximum quest increase button causing a crash when plaza rep has reached enough to purchase increase, missing functions to increase quest cap.
Fixed mimic dying to burn damage causing a crash, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug causing a crash when Ravlia is the only one with a quest for a particular enemy, incorrect variable name.
Fixed quest cap increase function taking 20 rep more than it should, incorrect order of operations in cap increase functions.
Fixed display disappearing for plaza rep in MC stat pages, needed to be displayed when at 0 after cap increase purchase.
Fixed HP bar not disappearing when closing inventory after using HP potions.
Fixed a bug causing a crash when the player has an unlock gift but not enough love to present the gift while also having no cake in the inventory, missing love value check for menu choice.
Fixed sleeping sometimes showing a love/friendship reduction when in reality there is no reduction, added a reduction reset at the start of the sleep operations.
Fixed showing sister interaction menu after her telling the MC she is pregnant, incorrect jump label, you now jump straight to the kitchen after this event.
Fixed mis-alignment of some names in the girls stat pages, caused when switching most screen alignment to x and y position instead of alignment (due to oddities in some screens).
Fixed inventory showing empty bottles before asking Zlata about MP potions.
Fixed a bug in goblin fight causing a crash when casting a spell, incorrect variable name.
Fixed several bugs in girl stat pages causing a crash when viewing Rosalie, Isabelle, Filaurel and Eilana’s pages, incorrect variable names.
Fixed missing check for Crystals to be displayed in inventory resulting in crystals showing before dungeon is unlocked.
Fixed remaining kill count be mis-aligned in quest hand on buttons when 10 or more kills remain, did not account for more than one digit in alignment.
Fixed hover over text not being removed after un-hovering quest hand ins for Eilana.
Fixed actions introduction images being in the incorrect order.
Fixed images in mechanic introductions being too large, resized all relevant images.
Fixed not hiding actions bar during introduction screens.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Alyson interactions, incorrect equality check.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Cebani interactions, 2 incorrect equality checks.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Elenaril gift menu, missing or in dual equality check.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Eloise gift menu, missing or in dual equality check.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Filaurel greetings causing a crash, incorrect equality check.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Filaurel gift menu, incorrect jump label.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Isabelle greetings, incorrect equality check.
Fixed a bug causing a bug in Vianola gift menu, missing or in dual equality check.
Fixed Chloe and Eilana 0.1.3 scenes not active, missing variable toggle.
Fixed several errors in Eilana cunnilingus causing a crash, incorrect variable names.
Fixed a bug causing a crash when Tempest is in the shop, incorrect image reference.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Tempest intro event, extra if in if statement.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in rescued girls stat pages, incorrect variable name.
Fixed several bugs causing crashes in the new town location functions.
Fixed cheat module enabling love above 64 and 74 without unlock items being gifted to girls.
Fixed all un-met girls gaining increase to days since last friendly interaction, incorrect indentation.
Multiple fixes in new girl location functions causing crashes, called before assignment etc…
Fixed bugs in new girl location functions resulting in girls being in the wrong place or off the map.
Fixed Tempest missing side image, missing image reference.
Fixed Tempest stat page images being off centre.
Fixed a bug causing a crash when rescuing girls 2, 3, and 4, legacy code calling a non existent variable.
Fixed alignment of text for rescued girls next steps on stat pages.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Chloe cunnilingus scene, incorrect function name.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Eilana sixty-nine scene, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug causing a crash when loading actions bar, incorrect character appended to list.
Fixed a bug causing a crash when loading actions bar, incorrect image location.
Fixed being stuck in the guardhouse, missing menu item for jumping back to town when a girl is present.
Fixed missing menu item in town resulting in no way of getting to the guardhouse.
Fixed multiple alignment issues with next step text in girls stat pages.
Fixed Nap option being displayed twice in MC bedroom under certain circumstances, incorrect variable check.
Fixed several spelling errors in quest hover over text.
See More
Fixed a bug causing a crash under certain circumstances in sister gift menu, missing variable check
Fixed a bug causing a crash under certain circumstances in Zlata gift menu, missing variable check
Added love value check to gift menu to fix any altered love values causing a crash due not meeting expected variable values for unlock gifts.
Fixed going back in the dungeon third option only going back 2 floors instead of the intended 5.
Fixed a bug in sister toilet peep scene causing a crash, incorrect image reference
Fixed a bug in Eilana blowjob scene causing a crash when forcing her to swallow when she asks for a facial, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug causing a crash on game over screen when dying to an orc, incorrect variable name
Fixed a bug causing a crash when asking sister for intimacy actions you don’t have the love value for in the toilet peep scene, incorrect image referenced.
4 New scenes for the sister
2 new scenes for Chloe
2 new Scenes for Eilana
2 New characters, Ravlia (dungeon guard) and Seana (the butcher)
Fleshed out many of the events marked as in the next release, including but not limited to: Sister and Zlata Informing of pregnancy, gift scenes and abortion/morning after pill scenes.
Slave rescue events are now (for the most part) actual scenes, custom to the personality type of the rescued slaves, these currently include 4 humans 3 elves and 2 dwarves.
Many background updates and bug fixes.
Added in checks for Eilana being pregnant and telling MC, prep for completion of Eilana’s first set of scenes
Added missing pregnancy count increase to conception calculator.
Created and implemented new function for abortion pill, used during scenes when the MC is told the girl is pregnant (reduced stat loss if used at this point)
Added Grace and Gabrielle to the conception calculator function (this may never be needed, but I’d rather it be there and not use it than need it and it not be there)
Wrote and added Zlata informing the MC she is pregnant scene, this includes a toggle that (for now) is a one time choice to view these scenes or not, images still required.
Moved Eilana pregnancy conversation from main menu into interactions menu, continuity with other girls (not used yet but is prep for 0.2.0)
Added shell for Eilana pregnancy conversation (prep for 0.2.0)
Wrote and added Sister telling MC she is pregnant, this includes a toggle to stop displaying this scene (for now a one time toggle), images still required.
Added shell for Chloe telling MC she is pregnant (prep for 0.2.0)
Added new global variable to track toggle for pregnancy scenes.
Wrote and implemented sister gift 1 scene, images still required
Wrote and implemented sister gift 2 scene, images still required
Fleshed out abortion and morning after pill options for Sister.
Fleshed out Zlata morning after pill scene
Wrote and implemented gift scenes 1 and 2 for Zlata, images still required
Added pity mechanic to clue 1 drop for Zlata
Added pity mechanic to clue 2 drop for Zlata
Created and implemented images for sister telling MC she is pregnant.
Created and implemented image references for sister telling MC she is pregnant scene.
Created image check function for sister telling MC she is pregnant scene.
Changed home front door image, no longer a random door but the front door that is part of the map used for the living room.
Moved asking player if they want to disable is pregnant scenes to the end of the first scene with that character.
Created Ravlia (dungeon guard).
Created and implemented standing images for Ravlia.
Created image references for Ravlia standing images.
Created and implemented images for Chloe fingering scene.
Created image references for Chloe fingering scene.
Created and implemented images for Chloe blowjob scene.
Created image references for Chloe blowjob scene.
Created and implemented images for Eilana fingering scene.
Created image references for Eilana fingering scene.
Created and implemented images for Eilana blowjob scene.
Created image references for Eilana blowjob scene.
Created Ravlia popup and inventory button images.
Created and added Ravlia girl page button images.
Created and added images for Ravlia’s stat page.
Created and added buttons to open Ravlia’s stat page.
Implemented Ravlia’s stat page.
Created image check functions for Chloe fingering and blowjob scenes.
Created image check functions for Eilana fingering and blowjob scenes.
Created image references for Zlata scene telling MC she is pregnant.
Created and implemented image check function for Zlata scene telling MC she is pregnant.
Added in image calls to Zlata telling MC she is pregnant scene.
Created and added Zlata tells MC she is pregnant scene images.
Wrote and implemented Chloe fingered scene.
Wrote and implemented Chloe blowjob scene.
Fleshed out Zlata abortion pill scene.
Added image and reference for new upgrade shop background.
Added image and reference for dungeon guards tent.
Added and implemented custom images for Ravlia introduction scene.
Added shell for Seana introduction event.
Added guards tent to Plaza menu options.
Added trading of offspring for crystals at the guards tent.
Modified trading with the butcher to account for game changes since these were first written.
Added Ravlia to potential options for inventory screen girl stats button.
Wrote and implemented Eilana fingered scene.
Wrote and implemented Eilana blowjob scene.
Fixed one of Eilana’s blowjob images having her hand clip through the MC’s thigh.
Added skeleton for all 11 rescuable slaves interaction menu.
Added skeleton for all 11 rescuable slaves sex menu and sex events.
Added skeleton for all 11 rescuable slaves informing MC they are pregnant menu.
Added skeleton for all 11 rescuable slaves for their rescue events (only 5 can be rescued in one playthrough).
Assigned race and personality to all 11 possible rescued slaves.
Edited method for rescued slave conversations this includes dialogue for when they are rescued.
Wrote and implemented events for Elenaril, Eloise and , Thulana if they are the first slave rescued.
Created and implemented functions to check for and trigger events at home (not many events for now but the framework is set to easily add events in the future).
Added jump labels for bathroom events (sister shower peeping scene needs to be changed and converted to this new method).
Added in jump labels for events at the front door at home.
Added in jump labels for events in the spare room at home.
Added in jump labels for events in kitchen at home.
Added in jump labels for events in kitchen at home.
Added in jump labels for events in sisters room at home (still need to add in events triggered when searching sisters room).
Added in jump labels for events in the toilet at home, framework for the improved toilet scene has been created (the event and images are yet to be added).
Created and added blank coloured tiles for the 11 slave stat popups.
Created and added blank coloured image buttons for the 11 slaves girl stat page buttons.
Created popups for all 11 slave stat increases.
Created image check function for Sister toilet peep.
Wrote and implemented toilet peeping scene with Sister.
Extended shower peeping scene with Sister.
Created image references for Sister toilet peeping.
Created and implemented images for Sister toilet scene.
Created and implemented images for Sister toilet blowjob scene.
Recreated images for sister shower scene.
Created image references for Sister toilet blowjob scene.
Created images and image references for two un-named scenes.
Created image check functions for sister toilet blowjob scene.
Created image check functions for tow un-named scenes.
Created functions to select random events for locations around both Earth and the Plaza (only a few events for now).
Wrote and implemented sister toilet blowjob scene, accessed through peeping scene (make sure you have high enough love for blowjob scenes or she will hate you).
Added framework to add random events to town locations, Park, Chloe`s house, Grocery store, Town and, working at grocery store.
Created and implemented sister toilet sex images.
Created and implemented Sister toilet sex images references.
Created Sister toilet sex image check function.
Wrote and implemented sister toilet sex scene.
Created, added and, implemented image for sister refusing sex acts in shower scenes.
Wrote scenes for when Alyson, Isabelle or, Linette are the first slaves rescued.
Wrote scene for Vianola being the first slave rescued.
Wrote scene for Rosalie being the first slave rescued.
Wrote scene for Isemay being the first slave rescued.
Wrote scene for Cebani being the first slave rescued.
Wrote scene for Filaurel being the first slave rescued.
Created and added sister shower cunnilingus images.
Created and added image references and image check functions for sister cunnilingus scene.
Created and added Sister shower sex images.
Created image references for Sister bathroom sex scene.
Created and implemented Sister bathroom sex scene image check function.
Created Cebani, Elenaril, Filaurel, and, Vianola.
Created and implemented standing and stat page images for Cebani.
Created and implemented standing and stat page images for Elenaril.
Created and implemented standing and stat page images for Filaurel.
Created and implemented standing and stat page images for Thulana.
Created and implemented standing and stat page images for Vianola.
Created and implemented stat page image buttons for Cebani, Elenaril, Filaurel, Thulana and, Vianola.
Created Eloise, Isabelle and, Rosalie.
Created and implemented Eloise standing and stat page images.
Created and implemented Isabelle standing and stat page images.
Created and implemented Rosalie standing and stat page images.
Created and implemented stat popup images for Cebani, Elenaril, Eloise, Filaurel, Isabelle, Rosalie, Thulana and, Vianola.
Created Alyson.
Created and implemented Alyson standing and stat page images.
Created and implemented Alyson stat popup image.
Temporarily removed Linette and Isemay as potential slaves. (time constraints)
Added image references for 9 sets of slave standing images.
Added image calls for Alyson, Cebani, Elenaril, Eloise, Filaurel, Isabelle, Rosalie, Thulana and, Vianola during first slave resuced events.
Wrote and implemented Seana introduction event.
Removed Seana from friendship decay, this is due to her unique mechanic in which you cannot interact below 15 friendship (only take quests/trade).
Added new greeting variations to account for pregnancy state to sisters greeting responses.
Added new greeting variations to account for number of children to sisters greeting responses.
Created and added images for 9 slave rescued variations.
Created image references for Alyson saved.
Created image references for Cebani saved.
Created image references for Elenaril saved.
Created image references for Eloise saved.
Created image references for Filaurel saved.
Created image references for Isabelle saved.
Created image references for Rosalie saved.
Created image references for Thulana saved.
Created image references for Vianola saved.
Inserted image calls for 9 slave rescue events.
Converted slave conception calculations to use new method (not needed yet but for consistency has been changed in advance).
Added variants to sisters room background to reflect which gifts have been given.
Added dungeon shop background variant to show when second gift has been given.
Created and added images for sister receiving gift scenes.
Created and added image for Zlata receiving gift 2.
Added new greeting variations to account for pregnancy state to Zlata’s greeting responses.
Added new greeting variations to account for number of children to Zlata’s greeting responses.
Wrote and implemented sister bathroom cunnilingus scene.
Wrote and implemented sister bathroom sex scenes.
Added variants for second, third, fourth, and, fifth slave rescue events for the 9 current rescuable slaves.
Re-wrote buttons for rescued slave stat pages to reflect new creation method for 9 current rescuable slaves.
Created and implemented stat pages for 9 current slave variants.
Added background tracking for trades with Ravlia and Seana, will be used for flavour text related to the products sold to them.
Wrote and implemented Ravlia greetings.
bug fixes
Fixed missing talking assignment for MC monologing about where Chloe lives.
Fixed image references for home table, used in inform pregnancy scenes.
Fixed many image references for Sister informing she is pregnant scene, missing standard tag.
Fixed abortion and morning after pills not correctly removing the is_pregnant marker.
Fixed incorrect image reference for sister telling MC she is pregnant at stage 3 pregnancy, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug in image check function for Sister telling MC she is pregnant, incorrect variable name.
Fixed boss fights having incorrect music.
Fixed incorrect image reference in Ravlia introduction scene.
Fixed several incorrect image calls during Ravlia introduction scene.
Fixed incorrect image call during Eilana scene introducing the dungeon guards.
Fixed incorrect italics call in Eilana scene introducing the dungeon guards.
Added missing stat increases for anal protected scenes with sister after item 2 has been given to her (this is meant to go to the cap of 250 but would not go above 74 even with the item).
Fixed Elenaril missing form slave rescue event elif checks, leading to a crash if she was the selected slave to be rescued.
Fixed incorrect talking variable name for Ravlia in butcher introduction event.
Fixed a rare bug that would prevent stat gains being displayed under certain circumstance during all greeting scenes.
Fixed incorrect image references for slave character rescue events.
Fixed missing line from sister pregnancy and children related greetings.
Fixed bathroom event calculator causing a crash, incorrect variable name.
Fixed sister bathroom peep being triggerable when she is not in the bathroom.
Fixed legacy text showing sister telling MC she is in the bathroom when MC has peep option, she no longer knows the MC is there in re-worked shower peep.
Fixed infinite loop in sisters room, missing option for evening when sister is in her room.
Switched all close and close all buttons in inventory and girls stat pages to use x and y pos instead of x and y align, this should fix buttons sometimes being misaligned.
Fixed Elenaril rescue event showing the event for Vianola, incorrect variable name if Elenaril is the 2nd, 3rd, 4th or, 5th slave rescued.
Fixed an issue that would prevent Rescued slave buttons being displayed in the girl stat selection page, un-capitalised names.
Fixed a bug causing a crash during slave rescue events, legacy code assigning variable to an object that no longer exists.
Fixed a bug related to rescued slave generation that could cause duplicate slaves, slave list was getting shuffled every time the player restarts causing loaded games to have different rescue order than they had when created.
Added text when buying 5 abortion pills to be in line with text feedback for other purchases, it was impossible to tell you had made the purchase.
Fixed a bug causing a crash when reading in the living room for experience and gaining a level, incorrect variable name.
Fixed bugs related to dungeon guard quest names causing a crash, incorrect variable name.
Fixed incorrect side image for Ravlia.
Fixed missing relic sounds for certain relic drop events.
Fixed a bug in Seana introduction causing a crash, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug in Ravlia intro which caused Seana to not be correctly unlocked.
Fixed a bug in certain event that caused the next fight to not load correctly, missing reset enemy call.
Fixed a bug causing a crash with Ravlia greetings, incorrect variable name.
Fixed toilet sex image check for pregnancy state 1, 2 and, 3 causing a crash, incorrect image reference.
Fixed a bug in Zlata dialogue informing MC she is pregnant, incorrect function name.
Fixed repeatedly being able to give a girl the morning after pill, missing state change in function.
Fixed a bug that caused the MC to immediately know when a girl is pregnant after she has told the MC at least once, missing reset to MC knows the girl is pregnant variable.
Fixed sister cunnilingus scene when in pregnancy stage 3 causing a crash, missing image reference.
Fixed incorrect images for Eloise and Rosalie during their rescue events, images were incorrectly named.
Fixed sister side images being centred for pregnancy states 2 and 3.
Fixed Zlata’s second unlock quest causing a crash when fighting the required enemy, incorrect pity chance variable name.
Fixed Zlata and MCs sister intimacy menu exiting the game screen, too many menu choices (temporary fix, this is getting reworked in 0.1.4)
Fixed Zlata gift menu potential soft lock due to incorrect variable check leading to no exit option from menu choices.
Fixed a bug during Zlata telling MC she is pregnant scene causing a crash, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug during Zlata telling MC she is pregnant causing missing image bugs, incorrect function name.
Fixed a bug during Zlata telling MC she is pregnant if the MC asks her to abort the baby causing missing image bugs, incorrect function name.
Fixed a bug during Rosalie’s rescue events causing Isabelle’s images to be shown, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug in Eilana’s intimacy menu leading to Fingering and blowjob scenes not showing up.
Fixed MC not being able to exit the house during the night time block.
Fixed a bug during sister’s gift scenes showing incorrect images, incorrect function call.
Fixed a bug during Chloe blowjob scene causing a crash when cumming in her mouth, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug in sister toilet blowjob and vaginal scenes that resulted in an incorrect image displayed after the event, missing image clears.
Fixed a bug in sister bathroom sex scene resulting in missing image bugs, incorrect function name.
Fixed a bug in Eilana blowjob scene causing a crash, incorrect function name.
Fixed a bug in Eilana fingering scene causing a crash, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug in Eilana blowjob scene causing a crash, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug in Eilana blowjob scene, missing image call.
Fixed a bug in Chloe’s intimacy menu preventing fingering and blowjob scenes from being accessible.
Fixed a bug in Rosalie’s stat page casing a crash, incorrect image name.
Fixed a bug in Zlata’s stat page causing a crash when at pregnancy stages 1, 2 and, 3, incorrect image name.
Removed a couple of ‘ form Zlata`s conversations and replaced with `, for continuity
Fixed uncapitalized Orc boss in Zlata`s conversation about unlocking the Mana pools.
Fixed typo in Zlata`s mana pools conversation, “death throws” should have been “death throes”.
Fixed grammatical error in rebirth introduction, “at a level up” should have been “when levelling up”.
Fixed a typo in rebirth introduction rumors should have been rumours.
Fixed typo particularly in clue quest two for Zlata.
Fixed typo causing a bug in clue 2 quest for Zlata incorrect variable name.
Replaced another bunch of ‘ with ` for continuity.
Fixed several grammatical errors in Elenaril, Eloise and Thulana event when they are the first rescued slave.
Fixed a bug in the calculation used to determine when a girl will tell the MC she is pregnant, incorrect value used 30/60 instead of 0.3/0.6.
See More
Added fix for abortion and morning after pills causing a a crash, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug causing a crash when exercising in the park, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Chloe handjob scenes, incorrect indentation.
Fixed an issue in the healing pools causing a crash when triggering certain fights, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in Eilana handjob scene, incorrect function name.
Added check for rebirth for main progress hint, was showing to rebirth after level 50 even after the player had re-birthed at least once
Increased mimic spawn rate above floor 20, with so many enemies mimic rate was too low
Bug fixes
Changed monster stat function slightly fixing a rare bug causing a crash when entering a fight, math.sqrt instead of sqrt
Re-enable console
Bug fixes
Fixed ‘heal’ is not defined in spell book, incorrect variable name.
Clarified that the MC needs to be above combat level 50 to progress relationship events.
Unified naming for friendship and love reductions for conciseness and to reduce bug chance for incorrect variable name.
Added popups when player sleeps showing any girl that has friendship of love decay triggered, to make it clear to player there has been stat decay.
Added background code for popups for remaining characters (Grace, Gabrielle, town shop, town guard and, dungeon guard).
Created and implemented popups for Grace (not yet in use).
Created and implemented popups for Gabrielle (not yet in use).
Unified all functions to use increase and reduce for consistency, this should reduce the amount of bugs caused by inconsistent naming.
Adjusted working in town pay-out to by closer to legacy amount at base stats, unintended reduction during bug fixing.
Changed various instances of “sister” to use players chosen name for sister.
Added stat popups for sister friendship gain during opening scene, to introduce the popup system to the player.
Reduced experience gained from running in the park by around 50 %, this was due to the much less aggressive experience curve from the combat rework.
Player levels now always give a base of 4 attack, 2 defence, 10 HP and 2.5 MP (these values are rounded down to the nearest whole number, but are still multiplied by rebirth level before any rounding). This should be an overall increase in player power from levels.
Altered the level up process to enable the player to correctly gain multiple levels when appropriate, this makes purchasing experience multiplier more valuable.
Altered monster spawns for depth 1-5 to only be able to roll up to floor + 1 for their maximum level, with combat rework fighting monsters too high of a level can be lethal.
Implemented emergency rations along with emergency ration button in inventory, requires unlocking the dungeon for them to be purchasable.
Pass time in MC bedroom changed to Nap, along with relevant HP recovery.
Removed Nap option from bed button.
Added pity roll to finding next floor in dungeon, you should now only fail three times, the fourth attempt is guaranteed.
Reduced brightness of Inventory background slightly.
Unified the size of image buttons for the girls stats page, this was to prevent the button flashing when images were slightly mismatched between hovered and not hovered images.
Streamlined the code used to output stats gained when levelling, was needed due to rework of levelling system (no more RNG for stats gained).
Altered level up function to include maximum mana increase before the player has spells unlocked (these stat gains will not be shown to the player until spells are unlocked).
Changed method for determining chest contents found in the dungeon.
Added missing death scene to trapped chest.
Reduced rebirth minimum level to 50, this is due to combat difficulty increase as a result of the rework.
Added pity rolls to boss encounters required for progress, this should help those unlucky few (like myself) who are hated by RNGesus.
Changed sex menu name to intimacy menu, to more clearly define that this is not purely lewd acts.
Added warning when delving with no potions if you have enough crystals to buy some, this can be turned off and has been added due to the difficulty increase that comes with the combat rework.
Added text informing player of remaining potions to potion menus in combat.
Added showing player stat bars during level to make it clearer that some amount of health, mana, hunger and thirst are healed upon level up.
Expanded mana pools quest completion to include small mention of learning healing spell, also added time block increase to account for the time it would take the MC to learn to cast said spell.
Split Grocery store menu into pharmacy and food aisle, approaching limit for a single menu.
Split Zlata shop menus into buy and sell, approaching limit for a single menu.
Coloured buy and sell options for all shopping items, green and red respectively, to improve clarity at a glance in buy and sell menus.
Added ability for players to cast healing spell from inventory (once unlocked).
Moved can’t afford upgrades menu choice to the bottom of Eilana’s main menu choices, this is in an effort to move all exit options to the bottom of menus.
Added ability to use HP potions from inventory.
Added ability to use MP potions from inventory (once spells are unlocked).
Added ability to use large HP potions from inventory (once healing pools are liberated).
Removed monster level from combat overlay, this gave a false sense of what level a player should be when facing a monster.
Reworked spell damage to remove randomness, this should lead to an overall increase in spell damage/heals.
Altered spell functions to include mana cost and mana reduction for caster, this is preparation for more monsters having access to spells.
Increased fireball spell cost to 9 mana also increased it’s damage by 20 % to make the spell feel more impactful.
Added text to show how much HP will be healed by healing spell when cast from inventory.
Added a check for completed quests, dungeon residents should now only show the option to hand in quests when the player has a quest to hand in.
Altered quest menus to take into account how many quests the player can take (max 2 but only one available until after 5 have been completed).
Capped hunger and thirst regained upon level up, this was too high and eating became un-needed.
Added small amount of MP regen to napping.
Implemented mana pools, you can now fill and sell bottles adding half this amount as MP potions for sale (maximum MP potios for sale is 10).
Implemented healing pools, you can now fill and sell large empty bottles adding half this amount as large HP potions for sale (maximum large HP potios for sale is 5).
Created, compressed and, added images for Chloe hug, kiss and, handjob images.
Created image references for Chloe hug, kiss and, handjob scenes.
Created and implemented Chloe`s house.
Created and implemented Chloe`s menu choices.
Created and implemented first meeting with Chloe.
Created and implemented image check functions for Chloe hug, kiss and, handjob scenes.
Created and added background for Chloes house.
Activated Chloe interaction options for town locations.
Multiplied base experience for all monsters by 1.5 and set default experience multiplier to 1.0, this will result in the same experience at base but a greater increase from multiplier bonuses from rebirths and coin shop upgrades.
Multiplied base crystal gain by 1.3 and set default crystal multiplier to 1.0, this will result in the same base crystal drop rate but a greater increase from multiplier bonuses at rebirth and coin shop upgrades.
Edited calculations for increased multiplier display in coin shop to be inline with new base multipliers.
Created standard standing images for Violet.
Created inventory standing images for Violet.
Added standard standing image references for Violet.
Added chance for violet to be image button for girl stats page.
Added Violet images to coin shop.
Created standard image check functions for Violet.
Created and added sister standing images for Chloe’s house.
Added image references for sister at Chloe’s house.
Created and implemented sister image check function for Chloe’s house.
Added skeleton of background code for Violet.
Added ability to visit violet from the work at grocery store menu, as the town shop owner this seemed the most sensible place to put this.
Updated girl stats pages to show correct images for Violet, unmet and image buttons.
Created and added image for Violet stat popups.
Wrote and implemented Violet introduction.
Wrote and implemented Violet greetings.
Added shell for town guard and dungeon guard, prep for adding them to the game.
Added shell for town shop, town guard and, dungeon guard sex events.
Wrote and implemented Chloe hug scene.
Wrote and implemented Chloe friendly kiss scene.
Wrote and implemented Chloe intimate kiss scene.
Wrote and implemented Chloe handjob scene.
Updated method to calculate upgrade success, moving away from ren’pys garbage implementation of random.
Updated method to calculate finding next floor, moving away from ren’pys garbage implementation of random.
Created and added dungeon guard (Ravlia) menus, prep for her release.
Added increased quest reward based on Plaza rep.
Added friendship and rep gain to plaza denizen quests, friendship now able to reach 100 (increased quest reward with higher friendship and rep).
Removed skip turn option form all combat, not needed.
Reduced multiplier increase for both dark and light shop upgrades.
Reduced multiplier increase from rebirthing to 10 and 15 %, same reason as coin shop reduction, player exp/crystal gain scaled too quickly.
Removed menu choice to go home when in town from all menus except main town menu, mis-clicking and ending up at home is too frustrating.
Implemented side images (talking head) for most characters, this may require a new game to work correctly but does not really do anything so no missed content if you don`t restart.
Removed showing stat bars when levelling up, screen was too cluttered.
Added friendship gain and friendly interaction trigger to Violet when working at the grocery store.
Separated jump menus in grocery store, this allows to go back to food/pharmacy aisle and not back to main shop menu.
Converted remaining exploration functions to use new method, (floors 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40, 40-49, 50-59, 60, 60-69, 70-74, 75+)
Added increased chance to find enemies you have quests for (provided you are on a floor that can spawn said enemy).
Added conversion to level up function for saves from earlier builds, this will bring their experience requirements in line with the new experience curve.
Created and implemented Eilana images for hug, friendly kiss, intimate kiss and, handjob scenes.
Created image references for Eilana hug, friendly kiss, intimate kiss and, handjob scenes.
Created image check functions for Eilana hug, friendly kiss, intimate kiss and, handjob scenes.
Created functions for slave image checks, this is in preparation for finalising the random slaves images.
Created and added blank side images for slaves, this is in preparation for finalising the random slaves images.
Altered method for selecting freed slaves to include adding side image names, this will not work for already generated slaves.
Added hide inventory button to filling bottles in mana and healing pools.
Added commas into currency display in inventory, this should help those with dyslexia more easily see how much they have.
Added check for relic level to only display cost of next upgrade for relics that are not max level.
Added missing sound when finding relics.
Added missing sound when finding spells.
Reduced default volume of drake roar during first dungeon fight event.
Wrote and implemented relic rebirth introduction with Eilana.
Implemented relic rebirth menus in upgrade shop.
Wrote and implemented Eilana friendly and intimate kiss scenes as well as handjob scene.
Bug fixes
Fixed girl friendship value being partially behind the lower half of the friendship bar, it should now correctly display in front.
Fixed door sound in spare room triggering for actions that pass time when already in the spare room.
Fixed sister image not being cleared form living room when time passes and the sister is no longer in the living room (i,e while reading).
Fixed sister image not being cleared form bathroom room when time passes and the sister is no longer in the living room (i,e while MC takes a shower).
Fixed conception calculator not working correctly if pregnancy chance was above 50 %, this should now work correctly allowing up to a 100% chance if the MCs sperm stats are high enough(removed the temporary chance limit that was used as a stop gap for this issue).
Fixed enemy MP still being displayed when running from some fights, incorrect variable name.
Fixed missing met trigger for Grace and Gabrielle  when unlocking the ancient coin shop.
Fixed running in park not costing the required amount of thirst and hunger (this was always meant to cost this), missing function call.
Fixed nap function fully healing MC instead of the intended 35 %, function was messed up and not working even close to how it was intended.
Fixed code that calculates when girls tell the MC they are pregnant, similar code to that used in conception calculator resulting in the same bug (output is reversed if chance is above 50%).
Fixed drinking water from kitchen tap filling hunger and no thirst, incorrect variable name.
Fixed butcher quest jump labels, incorrect label names.
Fixed missing potion sound, missing pause.
Fixed a bug in orc boss fights when casting fireball, instantly killed the goblin regardless of its remaining HP, incorrect variable name.
Fixed inventory showing incorrect amount of large HP potions, incorrect variable name (showing MP potion amount).
Fixed an issue when consuming a ration box would not let the player continue the hunger/thirst costing action, added refresh jump when exiting inventory for relevant locations.
Added ration box fix to all screens that can close the inventory (girl page, girls stat pages and, spell book).
Fixed Eilana’s menu not showing correct options when upgrades cannot be afforded, changed variable checks to include whether the MC owns the respective relic.
Fixed incorrect image reference sister cunnilingus pregnancy state 2, incorrect image path.
Fixed incorrect image reference Zlata anal pregnancy state 3, incorrect image path.
Fixed incorrect image reference Chloe hug, incorrect variable name.
Fixed incorrect image reference Chloe friendly kiss, incorrect variable name.
Fixed incorrect image reference Chloe standing pregnancy state 1, incorrect file path.
Fixed incorrect image reference Chloe town pregnancy state 1, incorrect variable name.
Fixed incorrect image reference Chloe hug pregnancy state 1, incorrect variable name.
Fixed incorrect image reference Chloe kiss pregnancy state 1, incorrect file path.
Fixed a bug in Seana greetings causing a crash, missing =.
Fixed several bugs in butcher quest menus causing a crash when exiting these menus, incorrect jump label name.
Fixed a bug in orc boss fight when casting fireball causing a crash, incorrect jump label name.
Fixed a bug in orc boss fight that sometimes caused the orc boss attacking image to not be removed, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug in demon fight causing a crash, incorrect jump label call.
Fixed a bug in demon boss fights causing a crash, incorrect jump label.
Fixed a bug when buying large empty bottles and running out of crystals causing a crash, incorrect jump label name.
Fixed a bug with large filled bottle functions causing a crash, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug with random encounters in healing pools and mana pools leading to the game locking up, infinite while loop.
Fixed a bug when using large HP potions in some orc boss fights causing a crash, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug when fighting a mimic and gaining multiple levels not showing the correct stats gained, variable resets in the wrong location.
Fixed a bug in quest check function that caused quest hand in menu option to be shown when no quests were complete, incorrect variable name.
Fixed floating point issues in coin shop calculations sometimes showing incorrect values for multipliers.
Fixed Chloe image not being displayed when she was in grocery store, invalid check for readiness.
Fixed a bug where go to previous floor could show “go back to floor 0”, incorrect variable check.
Fixed colour of Violet`s stat popups.
Fixed Chloe handjob image check function, missing check for 7th image.
Fixed Violet friendship gain being shown for 0 gain, missing check for no gain.
Fixed a bug that caused players to be unable to upgrade the ring relic if their armour relic was max level, incorrect variable check.
Fixed several bugs in new explore functions causing a crash “variable called before referenced”, inconsistent naming.
Fixed ring rebirth allowing players HP to be higher than players max HP, added check and sets HP to max if over max.
Fixed relic rebirth not taking into account the rebirth for the initial increase, only 2 attack for level one at first rebirth instead of 4 and so on.
Fixed ring relic rebirth setting weapon to level -99 while remaining at level 100, incorrect variable name.
Fixed side images for Grace and Gabrielle not showing after their names are first given to the MC, missing assignment when names are assigned during introduction.
Fixed a typo in shaman boss death scene, you instead of your.
Fixed typo in demon death scene, oyu instead of you.
Fixed typo in demon boss death scene, missing the.
Fixed grammar in demon boss death scene, will be replaced with has been.
Fixed typo in mana pools completion, form instead of from.
Fixed typo when buying mana potions, HP instead of MP.
Fixed typos in bottle buying interactions with Zlata, even when buying/selling more than one bottle the singular was used instead of the plural.
See More
Fixed a bug in Zlatas stat page causing a crash when pregnant, incorrect image reference.
Fixed buying large empty bottles causing a crash, incorrect function name.
Fixed a typo when asking Zlata about gaining more strength, nay instead of any.
Re-implemented Demon boss fight using demon stats.
Re-enabled friendship decay.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug where players were unable to progress past floor 60, demon boss not enabled.
Fixed friendship decay function causing a crash when player sleeps, incorrect variable name
Fixed a bug in inventory screen attack and defence being displayed as decimals, caused when fixing attack/defence multipliers.
Fixed a bug when exercising in the park causing a crash, indent mis-match.
Fixed a bug while selling potions causing a crash, incorrect variable name (it’s fixed correctly this time I promise)
Fixed a bug in inventory screen resulting in the number of cakes being displayed incorrectly, incorrect variable.
It should be safe to copy your saves over for this new version.
For those with pop from empty list bug please paste the following line into the console (opened with shift + o)
slave_selection = [thulana, elenaril, linette, eloise, alyson, isemay, cebani, vianola, filaurel, isabelle, rosalie]
use the patch to re-enable the console
Temporarily disabled friendship decay.
Clarified spell drops from monsters deeper than floor x instead of above floor x, making it clear that it requires the player to kill monsters deeper in the dungeon.
Changed rebirth to always give at least 1 ancient coin, the function remains otherwise unchanged (alos added small text for advice in number of coins required).
Added option to gift cake to all girls, this should help with relations damaged by friendship decay.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug in Zlata`s morning after and abortion pill menus causing a crash, incorrect variable name.
Fixed inventory stats not taking attack multiplier into account, now correctly shows MC attack * attack multiplier.
Fixed inventory stats not taking defence multiplier into account, now correctly shows MC defence * defence multiplier.
Fixed a bug in conception calculator when going above a certain conception chance.
Fixed a bug in girl stat pages when they are pregnant causing a crash, incorrect image path.
Fixed a bug in living room reading event causing a crash, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug in living room reading event causing door sound to play when you are already in the room, added block to prevent playing sound if you are already in the living room.
Fixed a bug causing a crash in certain boss encounters, pop from empty list (changed method for slave generation).
Fixed missing background for butcher, missing image call.
Fixed missing variable set in gift menu allowing for infinite cakes to be gifted, this was not intended and now only one cake per day can be gifted (this will count as both a loving and friendly interaction going forward to prevent further relationship decay).
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug with images for Zlata standing images while pregnant causing a crash, inconsistent naming convention (standard and centred images for all three stages of pregnancy).
Fixed a bug in Sister vaginal and anal scenes while pregnant causing a crash, incorrect images references.
Fixed a bug in Zlata sixty-nine, vaginal and, anal scenes while pregnant causing a crash, incorrect image references.
Modified some pages in the dungeon shop to more clearly show the number of crystals you currently have and how many of the item you are buying/selling you have.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug when selling potions causing a crash, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug on critical success for armour upgrades showing weapon level, incorrect variable name
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug in girl stat pages causing a crash when a girl is pregnant, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug when buying large empty bottles causing a crash, incorrect jump label name.
Fixed several bugs in large empty bottles menu, incorrect jump label causing player to jump to empty bottle menu after purchasing large empty bottles.
Fixed a bug in reading function causing a crash, incorrect variable name.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug in love decay function causing a crash at the end of a day, typo shp instead of shop.
(Sex events written and implemented for Sister and Zlata).
Added sound effects to orc, orc boss, drake, shaman, shaman boss, demon and, demon boss fights.
Added kill counter for each monster type.
Added empty bottles to dungeon shop.
Added event linked to unlocking MP potions.
Added event for unlocking large hp potions.
Added large empty bottles to dungeon shop.
Added friendship increases quest reward.
Added chance to find healing pools when fighting drakes.
Added in background functions for random characters as saved slaves.
Added characters to be used for random generation.
Created labels for main female characters stories.
Wrote code to populate random slave form a list into slave1 class, removing the slave from the slave selection list.
Added door sound effect when entering rooms at home.
Added sound and visuals to tidying spare room.
Added trigger for spell unlock at end of mana pools unlocked scene (scene not yet written but triggers are their).
Added fridge image to inventory (space for displaying food related inventory).
Added potion shelf image to inventory screen (space for displaying potion related inventory).
Added HP potion image.
Added MP potion image.
Added empty bottle image.
Added filled bottle image.
Added large empty bottle image.
Added large filled bottle image.
Added inventory potion shelf image.
Added inventory fridge image.
Wrote screen info to implement potion/bottle tracking to inventory screen.
Added large hp potions to buy and sell dungeon shop.
Added large empty bottles to buy and sell dungeon shop.
Added soda image.
Added energy drink image.
Added sandwich image.
Added cake image.
Wrote screen info to implement food tracking to inventory screen.
Added image button to go to girl stat page to inventory screen.
Added random image to girl stat image button (generated from met girls).
Wrote and implemented letter text.
Wrote and implemented upgrade shop first meeting.
Modified buy and sell for upgrade shop to include converting items into relics.
Created lists for sex event selection.
Added fingering and cunnilingus to NPC class.
Added fingering and cunnilingus to Sister class.
Wrote handjob with Eilana inexperienced.
Set out framework for Eilana sex scenes.
Wrote functions for hug, kiss, intimate kiss, handjob, fingering, blowjob, cunnilingus, sex, and, and sex (these were needed to simplify stat changes after sex events).
Modified the main menu.
Changed background for text box.
Added infrastructure for Seana sex interactions (400 lines).
Modified Seana interaction menu ready for new sex menus.
Added infrastructure for Zlata sex interactions.
Modified Zlata interaction menu ready for new sex menus.
Added infrastructure for sister sex interactions.
Added infrastructure for Chloe sex interactions.
Added increase to max hunger and thirst upon level up.
Added function to check if player has enough hunger/thirst to search for next floor or explore current floor.
Re-wrote floor label checks to use new hunger/thirst check function in line with increase max hunger and thirst.
Added slaves 1-10 trigger functions.
Added slaves 1-10 to trigger reset functions.
Added slaves 1-10 to fertility cycle function.
Added slaves 1-10 to pregnancy cycle function.
Implemented check for sex unlock item 1 for butcher, upgrade shop and dungeon shop.
Implemented check for condoms for sex and anal sex with protection.
Implemented check for sex unlock item 2 for butcher, upgrade shop and dungeon shop.
Separated sex menus from interaction menu (this is to make it less annoying when going back, you now jump back to sex menu options instead of main interactions menu).
Removed condom check for bareback/protected choice, instead implemented a choice to just go raw or do something else.
Added ready variable and check for sex menus (this allows for sex menus to be unlocked per character when they are ready).
Implemented ready check for butcher, dungeon shop and, upgrade shop.
Added Chloe moved variable to PC.
Created town/home lists 2 variations one for Chloe moved one for not.
Added sister and Chloe location randomness to increase time function.
Added increase time 0 function call to end of day function.
Added increase time to nap function and removed increase time from nap event (this is to enable using nap function at other locations, such as plaza resident homes once implemented).
Added peak fertile days to sister and NPC classes, this means all characters should have a different peak day (not yet visible in game but may be added to girl stat page requiring a love value above a threshold to see).
Added peak fertile day +- to weekly cycle function (this means cycle peak will be either Wednesday or Thursday).
Created and implemented conception calculator for all current in game characters (around 1000 lines of code).
Added player max cum amount (this is part of the fertility and pregnancy content; player will expel 60 % of this value during any scene where he comes. The cap will be increasable using rebirth currency, the amount of cum in a character’s uterus affects conception chance and is calculated at end of day.).
Created sister interactions jump label (main screen for sister content).
Added functionality for sister meeting in town.
Added functionality for sister meeting in sister’s room.
Added function to show relevant image in random encounter for sister in town, park and, grocery store.
Added function to show relevant image in random encounter for Chloe in town, park and, grocery store.
Added image for sister in random encounters for town, park and, grocery store.
Added and implemented basic structure for town park.
Reduced upgrade failure rate.
Updated image check function calls in grocery store with new functions for Chloe and sister image selection.
Wrote and added bespoke game over scenes for all enemies.
Wrote and implemented mana pools liberated scene.
Wrote and implemented healing pools liberated scene.
Fixed several typos during first relic dialogue in upgrade shop.
Added experience multiplier to MC rebirth (this should make grinding back to rebirth level slightly less grindy).
Added minimal defence gain to level up stat (no more 0 stat gain).
Added increased minimum attack stat gain.
Wrote and implemented finding slave 1.
Wrote and implemented dialogue with Zlata abut slave 1 followed by discussion about gaining more power.
Wrote and implemented first Goblin boss kill.
Created and implemented image buttons for girl stats.
Added close all buttons to spell book, girl stats and individual girl pages.
Added temporary buttons for known side girls.
Changed food and drink to refill a percentage of their maximum, to fall in line with increasing the max hunger and thirst gauge.
Changed using the fridge to now show hunger and thirst bars until fridge is closed.
Added second page to quest selection for dungeon shop, upgrade shop and, butcher due to easier quest not being selectable once too many quests are unlocked.
Added tracking for total pregnancies for each girl.
Added tracking for total sperm in uterus for each girl.
Added sex stat tracking to sister’s page.
Added sex stat tracking for Dungeon shop page.
Added sex stat tracking for Chloe page.
Added sex stat tracking for Butcher page.
Added sex stat tracking for upgrade shop page.
Edited rebirth function to also decrease maximum hunger and thirst values to 1/3 of their current value, this is to prevent these values becoming too large with the new increase upon level up for these values.
Added friendship bar to girl pages, shows level of friendship or level of anger
Added love bar to girl pages, shows level of love for MC
Added images for love bar
Added images for friendship/hatred bar
Added town guard and town shop to reset daily triggers
Added town guard and town shop reset triggers functions
Added town guard and town shop to conception calculator
Created and implemented sister images for three stages of pregnancy for inventory, standard interactions both centred and non-centred.
Added functions to show correct images for sister location check.
Added rebirth multiplier to working in towns rewards.
Modified working satiation check functions to work correctly with new max hunger and thirst increasing.
Added sister hug images and image references.
Added functions to show correct images for sister hug event.
Created images and image references for sister kiss event.
Created images and image references for sister intimate kiss event.
Wrote and implemented sister kiss event.
Wrote and implemented sister intimate kiss event.
Added cum expulsion amount to handjob, blowjob and, titjob.
Added stat increase above caps for events once items are purchased from rebirth vendor.
Compressed sister images.
Compressed Seana, Zlata, and Eilana images.
Wrote sister handjob image check function.
Created image references for sister handjob.
Made potion use into a submenu of the fight menu.
Changed potion effects: HP potion heals 50 HP or 30 % HP, whichever is greater
  Large HP potions heal 100 HP or 60 % HP, whichever is greater
  Mana potions heal 20 MP or 20 % MP, whichever is greater
Added crystal drop multiplier to rebirth and modified crystal drop functions to use new multiplier.
Reduced hunger and thirst gain on level up and added multiplier to starting amount of hunger and thirst after rebirth.
Created and added sister blowjob images.
Created and implemented sister blowjob image check function.
Created and added popups for friendship loss and gain for Sister, Chloe, Zlata, Eilana, and Seana.
Created and added popups for love loss and gain for Sister, Chloe, Zlata, Eilana, and Seana.
Added images for stat loss and gain popups.
Friendship can now increaser to max (100) from friendly kiss interaction.
Created sister blowjob image references.
Wrote and implemented handjob scene.
Wrote and implemented sister blowjob scene.
Added images and image references for sister fingered scene.
Created sister finger image check function.
Added images to the stat gain popups when levelling.
Added small randomness to stat gain popup location.
Wrote and implemented sister fingered scene.
Added total children tracking to MC.
Created function to check for and initiate birth when girls are ready.
Added text to end of day messages informing MC of any births that have occurred.
Reduced dream event from minimum of 4 days and 8 days maximum, to 2 days and 4 days respectively.
Reduced letter roll chance from minimum of 4 days to 2 days and added stacking chance increase as days pass with no letter.
Created and added images for sister cunnilingus.
Added sister cunnilingus image references.
Wrote and implemented the sister cunnilingus scene.
Extended cunnilingus image check function, to use all 8 images referenced in the scene.
Sister sixty-nine images created and added.
Implemented sister sixty-nine image references.
Wrote and implemented sister sixty-nine image function.
Modified sex functions to take additional variables to force love/friendship gain to use increase functions for their stat.
Wrote and added sister sixty-nine scene.
Wrote rebirth currency calculator.
Zlata hug images created and added.
Zlata friendly kiss images created and added.
Zlata intimate kiss images created and added.
Zlata handjob images created and added.
Zlata blowjob images created and added.
Zlata fingered images created and added.
Added image references for Zlata hug scene.
Added image references for Zlata friendly kiss scene.
Added image references for Zlata intimate kiss scene.
Added image references for Zlata handjob scene.
Added image references for Zlata blowjob scene.
Added image references for Zlata fingered scene.
Created function for Zlata hug image check.
Created function for Zlata friendly kiss image check.
Created function for Zlata intimate kiss image check.
Created function for Zlata handjob image check.
Created function for Zlata blowjob image check.
Created function for Zlata fingered image check.
Wrote and implemented love decay function.
Wrote and implemented friendship decay function.
Zlata cunnilingus images created and added.
Added image references for Zlata cunnilingus scene.
Created function for Zlata cunnilingus.
Wrote and implemented Zlata hug scene.
Wrote and added Zlata friendly kiss scene.
Wrote and added Zlata intimate kiss scene.
Wrote and implemented Zlata handjob scene.
Wrote and implemented Zlata fingered scene.
Wrote and implemented Zlata blowjob scene.
Added minimum love value before love decay triggers, will not trigger below 20 love.
Wrote and implemented Zlata cunnilingus scene.
Added functionality for tracking if a girl received a creampie the previous day triggering the ability to give them a morning after pill (if the MC has one).
Added tracking for sister location to her stats page.
Added fertility tracking to girl stats pages (requires 75+ love to show status).
Added tracking for days since last friendly interaction to girl stat pages.
Added tracking for days since last loving interaction to girl stat pages.
Added skeleton for sister gift menu.
Added gift received for today to character classes as well as modified daily trigger reset function to reset gift status.
Added condoms to town shop.
Added morning after pill to town shop.
Added abortion pill to town shop.
Added menu options for sister to take morning after pills.
Added menu options for sister to take abortion pills.
Created functions for using morning after and abortion pills
Added menus for Zlata to receive morning after and abortion pills.
Added pissed variants to sister’s greetings.
Created and implemented sister shower image check functions.
Converted sister shower scene to use image check functions for pregnancy state.
Added pregnancy state to fertility status on girl stat pages.
Created and added images for Zlata sixty-nine scene.
Added image references for Zlata sixty-nine scene.
Created and implemented image check function for Zlata sixty-nine scene.
Wrote and implemented Zlata sixty-nine scene.
Created and added images for sister vaginal scenes.
Created image references for sister vaginal scenes.
Created image check function for sister vaginal scenes.
Created image check function for Zlata vaginal scenes.
Created image references for Zlata vaginal scenes.
Added pissed greeting responses to butcher greetings.
Added friendship gain popups to Butcher greetings.
Added friendship gain popups to Zlata greetings.
Added friendship gain popups to Sister greetings.
Added friendship gain popups to Eilana greetings.
Reduced love required for fertility status in girls stats pages to 70.
Wrote and implemented sister vaginal scenes.
Zlata vaginal images created and added.
Wrote and implemented Zlata vaginal scenes.
Added images for ancient coin shop.
Modified rebirth unlock event to describe gaining other power.
Implemented ancient coin gain on rebirthing above 65.
Created ancient coins shops.
Added check for MC to see amount of ancient coins they would receive at rebirth.
Added tracking for pharmacy items to inventory page.
Added attack and defence multipliers to MC stats.
Added attack and defence multipliers to all enemies (not yet used).
Added attack and defence multipliers to all relevant functions.
Added pounds multiplier to MC stats (multiplies pounds earned working in town).
Added coin multiplier to MC stats (multiplies ancient coins earned upon rebirth)
Added images for image buttons for: Exp multiplier, crystal multiplier, pounds multiplier, ancient coins multiplier, attack multiplier and, defence multiplier.
Edited enemy attack functions to accept the target parameter (this is to ensure use of the correct defence multiplier for potential future companion combat).
Edited all calls of functions for attacking or casting by enemies to use the target parameter.
Created coin shop class for tracking, and calculating costs, of coins shop upgrades.
Unified the colour of most text in the inventory screen.
Added experience multiplier tier 1,2 and, 3 to light shop.
Added crystal multiplier tier 1, 2 and, 3 to light shop.
Added pounds multiplier tier 1, 2 and, 3 to light shop.
Added ancient coin multiplier tier 1, 2, and,3 to light shop.
Added attack multiplier tier 1, 2 and, 3 to light shop.
Added defence multiplier tier 1, 2 and, 3 to light shop.
Separated gift menus to their own jump label
Added shading to light shop background.
Added shading to dark shop background.
Added defaults for Grace & Gabrielle (ancient coin shop).
Created and added images for Grace & Gabrielle.
Added image references for Grace & Gabrielle.
Created and added images for Sister anal scenes.
Added image references for Sister anal scenes.
Created and implemented image check function for Sister anal scenes.
Added image references for Zlata anal scenes.
Created and implemented image check function for Zlata anal scenes.
Created and implemented images for Zlata anal scenes.
Created and implemented image check functions for Grace & Gabrielle.
Created and added images for Grace and Gabrielle intro scene.
Created and added image buttons for Grace & Gabrielle stat pages (although they are not yet `dateable`).
Implemented Grace & Gabrielle image buttons to girl stats page.
Created and added image buttons for three tiers for semen capacity increase to dark shop.
Created and added image buttons for three tiers for semen regen to dark shop.
Created and added girl images for gift section of dark shop (Sister, Zlata, Chloe, Eilana, Seana, and Temp images for Violet, Tempest, Ravlia and, Eve).
Temp menus for sister toilet scenes.
Implemented dynamic images for girl images in dark shop.
Created and added gift images for already bought, cannot afford and, not yet ready for dark shop gift image buttons.
Created and implemented image buttons for gifts in the dark shop for all main current characters.
Created and implemented image references for coin shop introduction.
Created and implemented coin shop introduction image function.
Wrote and implemented coin shop introduction scene.
Added clue variable to NPCs.
Wrote and added hint events for Zlata final sex scenes unlock requirements.
Wrote and added hint events for Sister final sex scenes unlock requirements.
Created Zlata clue screens, giving hint on where to find unlock items.
Implemented drop calculations for Zlata sex event items once clues are purchased.
Expanded main progress hints in inventory page to include unlocking rebirth and ancient coins shop.
Added acquiring of items and clues to functionality of dark shop image buttons.
Edited plaza residents image buttons to be clickable after purchasing clues to re-check monster to hunt.
Added clue screens for Zlata`s progress items (also added shell for the 4 other main plaza NPCs).
Wrote and implemented sister anal scenes.
Wrote and implemented Zlata anal scenes.
Added passage of time to working at the grocery store, this should make early game feel more fluid.
Added option to return to current floor to, go back to previous floor menu.
Added option to close potion menu in fights without using a potion, returning player to the current fight.
Added block rollback to screens such as inventory screen, this is to prevent weirdness caused by rolling back whilst in these menus potentially causing a soft lock.
Increased heal amount from heal and drain spells (this will affect both the player and enemy casters).
Added text to MP potion dialogue to inform player mana pools content is not yet accessible.
Added text to large HP potion dialogue informing the player the healing pools content is not yet ready.
Demon boss temporarily disabled due to being hugely over tuned, pending full rework of monster stats (due for build 0.1.1).
Temporarily disabled demon queen fight jump label, enabling endless depth for dungeon floors (this block will be re-enabled one the demon queen and her fight are ready).
Changed rebirth function to also refill HP and MP, and empty hunger and thirst.
Added temporary scene for Zlata and the Sister telling the player they are pregnant (I totally spaced out and forgot to write this scene).
Bug fixes
Fixed wrong variable passed for demon killing quest acceptance causing crash.
Fixed not using image selection function at home in bathroom, toilet, kitchen, spare room and, living room.
Fixed no variable for dungeon quests healing pools triggers.
Added missing trigger check to buying large empty bottles.
Fixed a bug causing girl stat image button random image list to not be populated correctly.
Fixed image display for Sister and Chloe random encounter in town.
Removed capitalize on liberated slaves talking variable.
Fixed a bug on boss unlock floors that caused go back down floors to require lower hunger levels than necessary.
Fixed a bug that allowed the player to go back a floor whilst on floor 1 resulting in player being on floor 0 causing a crash for any encounter triggered while in this state.
Replaced several ‘ with `, for code continuity.
Added missing triggers for greetings for butcher, dungeon shop and, upgrade shop.
Replaced all variables named self in functions (for clarity of intent).
Fixed incorrect values shown for relic stat increases.
Fixed a bug that marked ring rebirth initial level as false instead of 1, this meant no stat gain for any ring levels.
Fixed several incorrect variable names for the large filled bottles buy and sell with Zlata (due to inconsistent naming convention).
Fixed missing comma in spawn list, sometimes resulting in unable to find encounter error.
Fixed missing = resulting in setting a variable rather than equality check for floor 39+.
Fixed incorrect function call for working during the opening scene, 3 variables given 1 expected (due to re-write of function).
Fixed a bug in inventory screen that meant stat increase for finding items was shown before they were converted to relics.
Fixed a bug that caused quest rewards to sometimes be decimals.
Fixed a bug in spell book that mis-aligned the lightning bolt spell text.
Fixed a bug where demon bosses were not added correctly to quest class, causing quests to break after unlocking them.
Added protection against having more than two quests soft locking quest menus.
Fixed several bugs when casting rock slam.
Fixed several bugs when casting dark blast.
Fixed a naming convention error that caused incorrect kill values to be shown for all quests for bosses.
Fixed a bug where incorrect variable was called in goblin shaman quest for both butcher and upgrade shop.
Added correct text to ring location hint.
Fixed conception calculator using incorrect variable name causing a crash.
Fixed a bug in the spare room for incorrect calling of the image function.
Fixed incorrect image location reference for sister centred pissed off.
Fixed three images added in the sister pregnancy stages that were still in 4k.
Fixed several incorrect image references in girl stats page for sister stages of pregnancy.
Fixed images with clipping issues for sister in toilet and one of the sister bathroom renders.
Fixed several incorrect image references in town image check functions for sister.
Fixed incorrect use of image check functions for sister in all town locations and bathroom, kitchen and, spare room at home.
Fixed reading and park exercise not showing level up box if MC levelled.
Fixed sisters image not disappearing in spare room after cleaning it.
Fixed incorrect sperm in uterus calculation form bareback vaginal function.
Fixed bug in re-worked potion use functions, health instead of hp and mana instead of mp, causing a crash when calling any function.
Fixed bug in give birth function where string concatenation should have been used to form a single coherent output string.
Fixed a bug that caused notification for births to not be displayed.
Fixed sisters hand clipping in 4 of the blowjob scenes images for all 4 sister states.
Fixed sister love gain popup errors.
Fixed and compressed girl stat page main images.
Added missing variable change for meeting Zlata after the dream event.
Reworked decay functions due to multiple errors causing exponential friendship and love increases at end of day.
Fixed large HP potion purchases and sales to correctly track available stock.
Fixed MP potion purchases and sales to correctly track available stock.
Fixed MP potion purchases jumping to HP potion menu after purchase.
Fixed greeting trigger not being triggered if the target is pissed at the MC.
Fixed missing image reference for sister shower scene part 5.
Fixed indent error in Sister morning after pill menu.
Fixed indent error in Zlata morning after pill menu.
Fixed incorrect python call in Sister and Zlata abortion pill menu.
Fixed friendship gain function to correctly remove pissed status at 0 friendship.
Fixed bug with demon boss casts using demon attack stat.
Fixed dungeon shop meeting variable being set before intended.
Fixed stat popups being converted to floats caused to implementation of multipliers.
Fixed several incorrect checks for available items in Zlata and Sister gift menus.
Fixed incorrect variable name for pregnancy status check for all girls in their stat pages.
Fixed incorrect y values for damage against you popups.
Fixed missing portion of meeting ancient coin shop NPCs causing a bug that returned the player to the title screen.
Fixed missing running of gave birth function causing a crash when calling a variable that has not been set.
Fixed no colour change when hovering over close buttons for light and dark shop.
Fixed incorrect image references for Zlata vaginal scenes.
Fixed missing Drake fights from floors above 25.
Fixed incorrect love cap from sixty-nine events (increasing past protected sex breakpoint)
Fixed item drops for Zlata`s progress quests not being added to inventory variables.
Fixed NPC using legacy name in inventory variables for progress drops.
Fixed error in conception calculator incorrect variable name.
Fixed incorrect image check call for sister raw anal scene ending.
Fixed incorrect function call for Zlata stat gains during vaginal raw scene.
Fixed typo in sister anal scenes, through instead of throw.
Fixed typo in sister anal scenes, painful instead of painfully.
Fixed indentation mismatch in Zlata anal scene.
Fixed missing commas in coin shop screen button actions.
Fixed working resulted in decimal values due to implementation of pounds multiplier.
Fixed Chloe location check for town locations being called before Chloe has been met causing a crash.
Fixed condom purchase options to both be text numbers for continuity.
Fixed missing friendship popup for cake gift.
Fixed missing check at the park, checking for player has dungeon unlocked for return home option.
Fixed missing stat reduction popups in caught peeking on sister shower scene.
Fixed stat popups for sister shower scene to not show if values are 0.
Fixed sister location shuffling the wrong list resulting in sister location not changing in time blocks 2 and 3.
Fixed incorrect image check function name for sister and Chloe at the grocery store.
Fixed missing sister interaction menu in grocery store.
Fixed incorrect setting of love interaction variable in night time scenes resulting in no restriction for number of events that could be triggered.
Fixed incorrect love value checks for hints to progress past sixty-nine for both Zlata and Sister.
Fixed issue in end of day function resulting in every week having two Sundays.
Fixed a bug in end of day function that caused inconstancies in girl location function due to incorrect order of operations.
Fixed bug in damage popup for large enemies causing crash, incorrect variable name.
Fixed several indentation mis-matches resulting in no dialogue or stat popups for player level increase.
Fixed days being added to time since last loving interaction for characters not yet met.
Fixed Sister night greeting setting flag for sister evening greeting, resulting in being able to greet sister infinitely during night time block.
Fixed Zlata interaction immediately setting greeting for that block as true resulting in never being able to greet her and breaking all progress.
Fixed no colour for friendship numerical value for all girls except the Sister.
Fixed calling greeting trigger before greeting trigger check, resulting in never being able to greet Eilana.
Fixed calling greeting trigger before greeting trigger check, resulting in never being able to greet Seana.
Fixed hover text for spell book not showing for all spells except heal.
Re-aligned close all text button for spell book, to be in line with close spell book button.
Fixed incorrect image reference for Zlata hug scene image 1.
Fixed variable called before assignment in gave birth function for all rescued slaves, missing else blocks in function.
Fixed quest check function to correctly detect when you are on a quest for the person you are interacting with, resulting in the player responding during greetings with on a quest for you instead of on a quest for persons name.
Fixed Orc crystal reward being incorrectly given the kill amount value, resulting in very low pay-out’s for orc kill quests.
Fixed Seana night greeting setting flag for sister evening greeting, resulting in being able to greet sister infinitely during night time block.
Fixed Eilana night greeting setting flag for sister evening greeting, resulting in being able to greet sister infinitely during night time block.
Fixed drake quest alignment in girl stat pages.
Fixed ring upgrade cost displayed in inventory, missing [.
Fixed alignment for ring relic stats in inventory page.
Fixed naming mis match in dungeon quests, resulting in incorrect kill progress being displayed for active quests.
Fixed showing “I don’t need a potion right now” with no potions in inventory.
Fixed missing numerical love value to several girl stat pages.
Fixed a bug in girls stat pages for quest tracking that caused a crash, incorrect variable name.
Fixed next page button showing for quest acceptance when player already has two quests.
Fixed able to search for next floor in the 30-39 bracket whilst thirsty.
Fixed Zlata’s shop bell, it will now only ding when entering the shop and not when moving between interaction types.
Fixed bug in fertility cycle function, mis named variable, causing a crash during player sleep function on cycling to a new week (Sunday to Monday).
Fixed sister stat gains from tidying spare room, was still using legacy stat increase method.
Fixed incorrect explanation of rebirth from Zlata, this was due to legacy information that has since been changed.
Fixed messed up image order for Grace and Gabrielle introduction.
Fixe incorrect image references for Grace and Gabrielle cantered.
Fixed incorrect max hunger after rebirth.
Fixed incorrect max thirst after rebirth.
Fixed calculations for experience and crystal gain increases during rebirth.
Fixed missing stat check for Sister unlock items, locking the player in the gift giving menu choices.
Fixed missing stat check for Zlata unlock items, locking the player in the gift giving menu choices.
Fixed a bug in Zlata handjob scene causing a crash, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug in Zlata fingered scene causing a crash, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug in Zlata blowjob scene causing a crash, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug in Zlata cunnilingus scene causing a crash, incorrect variable name.
Fixed a bug in reading book for experience in living room, incorrect variable name and missing popups,
Fixed a bug in running for experience in park, incorrect variable name, causing incorrect experience gain to be shown in popups.
Fixed missing variable alterations for gifts 1 and 2 for Sister sex event unlocks, preventing unlocking final lewd scenes.
Fixed missing variable alterations for gifts 1 and 2 for Zlata sex event unlocks preventing unlocking final lewd scenes.
Fixed players sperm refill to correctly refill during time increase function, this prevented the player from refilling available sperm when time passes drastically reducing pregnancy chance.
Fixed Sister anal scene using incorrect variable name, resulting in sister friendship being set to zero.
Fixed bug in Zlata anal scenes causing a crash, caused by legacy functions being called, re-written to use new method.
Fixed missing calculations for total coins spent in the light and dark shops (required for future content).
Fixed sister image still showing in living room after time passes from reading and she is no longer there.
Fixed friendship decay function adding days since last friendly interaction for characters not yet met.
Fixed missing crystal multipliers in some crystal earning functions.
Fixed missing experience multipliers in some experience earning functions.
Fixed sister gifts showing friendship gain popup twice.
Fixed image for sister still showing in spare room after tidying, when the sister is no longer present.
Fixed missing ancient coin multiplier from coin calculation function, resulting in no bonus being applied to ancient coins gained after upgrades are purchased.
Fixed a bug that forced the player to pass time by pissing when in the toilet, the player now has the option to leave without passing time.
Fixed a bug in ancient coin shop causing a crash, incorrect variable name Found instead of found.
Fixed missing variable increase, love, for Zlata during unlock gift scenes allowing for access to new sex scenes immediately (providing no sex event has already been seen during current time block) .
Fixed incorrect image check for sister raw vaginal scene, resulting in first image not being shown correctly.
Fixed calling friendship and love gain popups when asking Zlata or the Sister to take a morning after pill instead of the respective reduction popups.
Fixed calling friendship and love gain popups when asking Zlata or the Sister to take an abortion pill instead of the respective reduction popups.
Fixed a bug when giving Zlata an abortion pill that caused her friendship to be set the friendship reduction value for this interaction.
Fixed incorrect text for finding second unlock item for Zlata.
Fixed several bugs in Sister raw anal menu, resulting in jumping to vaginal scenes instead of anal.
Fixed several bugs in Zlata raw anal menu, resulting in jumping to vaginal scenes instead of anal.
Fixed Zlata anal image references, these were off by one number resulting in part 7 being missing.
Fixed Zlata anal scene images being un-compressed raw image, replaced with correct 1440 compressed images.
Fixed bug in Zlata anal scene causing a crash, incorrect variable name.
Fixed sister standing image for pregnancy stage one, replaced raw un-compressed image with correct 1440 compressed version.
Typos and grammar
Fixed typo in reduce mana for sale function.
Fixed grammar in upgrade shop interactions replaced anyway with anywhere.
Fixed typo in opening scene “I will just but the cake in the fridge” instead of “I will just put the cake in the fridge”.
Fixed a typo man pools instead of mana pools, when asking about mana potions.
Fixed two typos form instead of from, when asking about mana potions.
Fixed typo in image set, resulting in missing image error for some fights.
Fixed typo bottle instead of bottles in reduce bottle’s function.
Fixed typo , instead of . in healing pools check roll.
Fixed typo in image check function resulting in no such function error for home kitchen image check.
Fixed a typo in upgrade shop dialogue when discussing relic conversion was instead of saw.
Fixed several typos in freeing of first slave event.
Fixed several typos in sister greeting interactions.
Fixed several typos in buying and selling of potions.
Fixed grammatical error in ring conversion text.
Fixed typo in goblin boss creating function, causing a crash when generating goblin boss fight.
Fixed two typos in game over scenes, reamins instead of remains and exaungunation instead of exsanguination.
Fixed grammar in Sister’s and Zlata’s hints for unlocking scenes past sixty-nine.
Fixed grammar in finding first slave event, missing a.
Fixed typo in finding first slave event you instead of your.
Fixed typo in Zlata event after freeing first slave, that instead of than.
Fixed typo in reporting finding the healing pools to Zlata fin instead of find.
Fixed typo in rebirth dialogue with Zlata, there instead of their.
See More
Removed critical failure chance for upgrades
Reduced failure rate for upgrades
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug in the rebirth function, incorrect variable name ring_rebirth instead of ring_rebirths.
Fixed some floors with incorrect hunger values being added, all search for next floor actions should now only cost 10 hunger.
Fixed no image found for demon boss fights.
Fixed decimal damage in demon and demon boss fights (caused by spell functions not using floor before returning attack value)
Fixed a bug that caused healing in certain fights to jump to a mimic fight
Fixed a bug in the quests for goblin bosses that caused them to complete after 1 kill and give no reward
Fixed a bug when killing goblin shamans (required temporarily removing the goblin shaman quest)
Fixed multiple bugs when casting certain spells leading to a crash
Fixed a bug where the MC did not receive the healing spell upon completion of the mana pools quest chain.
Fixed another bug with the heal spell scene after unlocking the mana pools
Fixed a bug that soft locked the game if the sword was found below level 6
Fixed 3 bugs in inventory screen showing incorrect stat increases for the three relics
Fixed a bug triggered on critical success for weapon upgrade (incorrect jump label)
Fixed bugs missing triggers preventing delving deeper than floor 10 (the next orc boss kill should correctly trigger the un-written event to delve deeper)
Fixed a bug where Zlata did not give the grimoire and heal spell upon unlocking the mana pools
Fixed a bug preventing access to floor 20+
Fixed duplicate entry for explore floor 20-29
Fixed incorrect image for orc boss fight
Fixed infite loop after obtaining ring relic in the upgrade shop
Fixed lightning strike on shaman boss incorrect jump label
Fixed incorrect image call in demon fights causing a crash
Fixed a crash caused using lightning strike on demon fights, incorrect jump label
Fixed a crash caused using lightning strike on demon boss fights, incorrect jump label
Added option to go straight to previously highest delve depth.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug that would cause players to be stuck and be unable to progress past level 5 after obtaining the sword (there were similar bugs in the floors where the armour and ring are obtained these have also been fixed)
Fixed a bug causing sisters image to be incorrectly displayed when entering the kitchen
Fixed bug in text returned when NPCs return a greeting asking how your day is going
Fixed a bug in taking quests that did not properly add to the MCs current number of active quests
Fixed not being able to hand in Essence quests with Eilana
Fixed event list for floor 10 sometimes causing a crash
Fixed orc boss attacking no image (hopefully it’s fixed fully this time)
Fixed incorrect file path for orc boss fight images causing a crash
Bug fixes
Fixed various bugs in buy and sell for upgrading relics resulting in crashes
Added temporary fix for upgrade shop converting items to relics (this has been fixed in the next full build, but for now relic conversion is free and should trigger correctly)
Fixed bug in passing cost of weapon, armour and, ring upgrade to function
Fixed a bug with missing information for parity check in weapon, armour and, ring upgrades
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug that under certain circumstances would not trigger Zlata’s conversation about finding the sword.
(thanks Kinell )
Fixed a bug causing orc bosses to be invisible (misplaced _ in image reference)
Fixed a bug where asking Zlata about the sword you found got stuck in an endless loop (incorrect variable used to indicate upgrade shop now available)
Fixed a bug in orc boss fight where game would crash (caused by incorrect variable name checking for mana pools quest completion)
Fixed a bug preventing delving below floor 5
Fixed a bug where orc attacking image was not properly referenced
Fixed a bug where mimic background would cause a game crash
Fixed a bug forcing you back to main menu when overworking in town (thanks paxogre)
0.0.3 First release
Developer Notes:
See More
Overview for the next couple of minor releases:
The focus for the 0.3.x update cycle will be to make the combat more engaging and interesting along with converting the dungeon delve system being converted to screens. Part of the combat update will include fewer enemy types per floor while also indicating the player what enemies are available on a floor, this will make it easier to complete kills quests as well as make finding enemies for item quests easier to find.
The second focus will be the voted for girls’ content (the rescued girls), this will include new mechanics in the town where the player will manage the girls in a new system. It will also include their intimacy events, with there being 9 (currently) rescuable girls, only 5 available in a single play through, this is a lot of content and so there will be personality types for the girls and they will share text and scene composition (they will still get their own renders).
Another focus will be converting Zlata`s shop into a screen as well as tiered food form town, this is part of the rescued girl’s management system. You can already see that there are tiered buttons in the town shop, but the aim here is that food/drink will have a maximum hunger/thirst that it will heal while also providing the player with a buff for the next 10 fights after that food is consumed.
I understand some of you may not wish to join the discord and I will try to accommodate these people, however as the game grows it will inevitably spread beyond this forum, once that happens it will be easier to maintain a record of bug fixes in a singular place (the discord).
Post any bugs you find in the discords bug channel.
Post any typos you find in the discord’s typo channel.
This project is being made mostly as a hobby, I am not a coder nor am I a writer, take that as you will and base your expectations on this being a hobby project.
Questions of this is good but can you add x, y or, z will mostly be ignored I have a direction in mind and a fixed view on what I want this game to be. If the game comes to a state where I am happy to maybe add things outside of this scope, then I may be open to suggestions when the time comes.
One keynote is that this game will always be free.
The Subscribestar is now up, any funds generated will be used to improve the game with custom art and audio. This does not mean however that if no funds are generated that development will stop, my intent is that the game will get finished regardless, the only difference will be an increase in quality of the final product.
Saves are not compatible with new versions of the game, as much as I wanted to prevent this from being
the case it introduces far too many bugs and issues to allow saves from previous versions.


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