Masters of Raana [v0.8.3.9 public] [GrimDark]
Masters of Raana is an open-world RPG set in an abandoned colony, Ikaanos, that desperately tries to survive on a dangerous alien planet that was separated from Earth several centuries ago. In this god-forsaken world we find feudal-like kingdoms fighting amongst themselves for power and influence, when they’re not busy dealing with the monstrous megafauna that threatens the last bastion of human civilization.
You could also take up your brother’s old profession and train slaves into obedient servants, academy professors, fierce shield maidens or willing sex toys. Sell your trained specimens at auctions or find other powerful NPCs who are looking for a specific skill set in a slave.
You’re also able to marry slaves, impregnate them and raise your offspring to adulthood, molding your children into anything you want; adventure buddies, accountants, guards or docile servants.
The planet of Raana also has many secrets to uncover, some you might stumble upon whilst exploring deep caverns or reading ancient books. There are many dangerous and hidden mysteries that lie waiting, ready to be discovered by those who seek the truth about Raana’s obscure past.
- [NPC] The MC and NPCs now suffer a -10 penalty when training physical skills *if* their age is 50+. The penalty increases to -20 if age is 60+. Penalties do not affect Ranged combat.
- [NPC] Talika now starts the game as a Red Tide Devotee. This also increases her base WILLPOWER and Discipline by up to 60 points.
- [NPC] Talika now starts the game with a guaranteed DEXTERITY between 75 and 95.
- [NPC] Ayden now starts the game with the Crackshot trait.
- [NPC] The Black Scorpion now always start with the Brawler trait (if captured and added to household).
- [NPC] NPCs that are imprisoned or in the training room (over night) will no longer be affected by their slave masters or by Room effects.
- [NPC] Converting and NPC will now raise his or her Affection toward you with 5 points (cap: Loving).
- [NPC] Piercings, clothes and other Beauty/Charisma enhancing apparel will now count toward the Performer thresholds.
- [NPC] Taking Abhorred or Despising male NPCs to the diner now has a 75% chance to increase their Affection toward you with two points in addition to base increase chances.
- [NPC] Males will now use Floor Crawlers if their Corruption is 25+ (was 40).
- [NPC] Floor Crawlers will now lose Stamina (amount of Stamina Points deducted is roughly 50% of their “workload”/day).
- [NPC] Passive Arena training now has a chance to increase Stamina (cap: 90).
- [NPC] The gymnastics class at The Academy now has a chance to increase Stamina (cap: 120).
- [NPC/LOG] Added Respect and STAMINA gains to the Conclude Day log.
- [MARKET] Reduced cost for ointment by roughly 50%.
- [ECONOMY] You’re now able to sell Wood and Gunpowder at Redhaven Market.
- [MANUFACTURING/CRAFTING] The workshop is now processing knives, swords and crossbows in batches of 100 (was 10).
- [HOUSEHOLD] Increased starting gold, copper, silver and iron ore availability by 50-70% for all mines.
- [HOUSEHOLD] The Alien Vermin event will now deplete all household gardens (-1 level per event). Only active on Dying World playthroughs!
- [INTERROGATION] Added an additional +10 chance modifier for bringing a full group of Followers to the interrogation room. The MC’s Power Value and Influence will now also add a slight bonus to “Kind/respectful” interrogation attempts.
- [WORLD] Defeating Goran-Ika now gives +20 Fame points per Follower, instead of 16.
- [WORLD] The Catholic Church can no longer wipe itself out (power below 1) from the abbey scandal event.
- [WORLD] The Catholic Church now only suffers a -3 Power penalty from the abbey scandal event (was 40).
- [WORLD] Auto buy rations will now deduct food from Redhaven Market’s food supplies (Market cap).
- [CCP] You can no longer combine the Mountain Man and Weak-boned traits.
- Bathing now only takes 30 minutes instead of one hour.
- Increased Stamina and Health regeneration (from baths) by 30-50%.
- Very high market saturations will now speed up the replenish rates by roughly 50%.
- Slave market saturation will now receive a +50% replenish rate boost if City Liberty is below 20 *or* City Corruption is 60+ *and* Prosperity is 60+.
- Added a new early/mid game enemy POI to Raikan (Coiban’s Crew). Features one female enemy that is 100% random.
- Wrool cats now drop pelts as loot.
- Added day and night battle backgrounds for the Raikan district.
- [GRIMDARK DIFFICULTY] There’s now a -10 combat chance penalty if the MC is Tired.
- [GRIMDARK DIFFICULTY] There’s now a -15 combat chance penalty if the MC or an NPC has 5 or less Stamina Points left.
- Added new Great Sword weapon sound.
- Added 4 new enemy die sounds (x2 male, x2 female).
- Added 168 wardrobe pics (Av110-Av124).
- Added 14 sex scenes (Av129, Av133).
- Added 4 harness/collar combos for Aiko and Enya (tier request).
- Added combat sprites for Talika.
- Added 5 wardrobe pics (armor) for Kate.
- Fixed a serious bug that would apply the wrong chance variable when trying to avoid Connor Sunderland’s eyes when seducing his wife. This bug created actions that didn’t correspond with the results.
- Fixed a serious bug that would make random NPCs inherit each other’s Loads taken variables.
- Fixed a bug that allowed off-city foremen and arena or abbey assigned NPCs to participate in domestic events.
- Fixed a missing face cum counter for shower scenes (loads taken).
- Fixed an economy pane glitch that wouldn’t display income from The Catholic Church unless your standing was 100+.
- Slaves purchased at the slave auctions will now have their status set to *Slave* by default instead of *Convict*.
- Fixed a bug that made workshops unable to create shotgun shells.
- Fixed several missing “Loads taken” and “Semen swallowed” scripts when doing blowjobs at the movies.
- Fixed an overlapping icon issue on the Westside map that would accidentally make you enter Nika’s Store when navigating to Redhaven.
- Fixed an erroneous checker that implied a slave market girl would’ve “just been released from her captivity (enemy capture)” when that wasn’t true.
- Fixed several bugs that would divide Captain, Herald and Accountant bonuses by 4.
- Prowlers can no longer utilize floor crawlers.
- Fixed a display issue that wouldn’t add income from Zapin Fields to the “Daily Ration change” if you are auto buying rations.
- Talika (av202) is no longer spelt in CAPITALS. Added script that’ll patch old saves.
- Tweaked an erroneous fast travel time checker for when going to Imogen’s barrow through the fast travel map.
- Fixed a missing hygiene boost for the MC for pool parties (ALL).
- Training clothes will now display properly in the MC’s inventory.
- Captured prowlers can no longer gain the secretive trait.
- Added missing equip sounds for swords and axes.
- Fixed a red error bug that would appear when going into “Available missions” at Hunt Labs.
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to train unlimited times if you had the Educator Trait.
- Fixed an “_aff” display bug if an NPC’s Affection hit certain levels.
- Fixed a double armor display bug for randies (Inventory).
- Averil and Michelle will no longer mention or imply about their “wishes” after completing their quests (Ask about background).
- Fixed various glitches and inconsistencies in the _badass calculations (combat “AI” targeting).
- Fixed a bug that would disable the Unlucky trait event instead of enabling it.
- Income from The Catholic Church can no longer be negative.
- Fixed a missing combat sprite glitch (WEGA > Knife).
- Leia Winton’s mother is now scripted.
- Fixed Lamar Brooks quest pointer to actually point at a building and not Westside Abbey’s orchards.
- Fixed an erroneous chance checker for Connor when rolling Stealth rolls during Erica Sunderland’s seduction/sex events.
- Fixed various texts bug implying your bedroom doesn’t have a Mega bed, when it actually does.
- Added two extra accept morning BJ scripts for Caitlin. She should now accept performing morning BJs when in her “servitude state” (pre-quest).
- Fixed a “greyed out” button glitch that happened when trying to sell materials/necklaces at Nikas when also taking an NPC for piercings.
- Fixed many typos.
- [NPC] Decreased the chance of getting NPCs with the Secretive trait from 20% to 15%.
- [NPC] An allowance of $400+ ($100+ for Materialistic NPCs) will now significantly decrease the chances of random Affection drops.
- [NPC] Fame (from battles and adventures) will now yield up to $10k+ (at Fame 1,000+) during auctions at Watery Eyes/Crystal Heights.
- [NPC] NPCs with smaller body types will now be glutted and “fattened up” more quickly with the Hearty food option.
- [NPC] The -20 Pacifist trait combat skill penalty now applies to training sessions from a captain as well.
- [NPC] A naked NPC with Corruption 60+ will now receive a +5 Focus modification for Acrobatics and Dancing sessions.
- [NPC] Emily (Tier2 slave) will now gain the Undying Loyalty slave if you pick the “Fatherly/Loving > Combat” route for your brother.
- [NPC] Goldwalkers can no longer be assigned as Followers during the day (Grimdark Difficulty only).
- [NPC/SEX] **Make out** during sex is now enabled for all NPCs.
- [NPC/SEX] You can now increase a female NPC’s Kissing skill to 100 through makeout actions (during sex).
- [NPC/HOMESCHOOLING] The Nerd trait now affects (+30) Administration homeschooling sessions.
- [NPC/QUEST] You can no longer use a convict contract on Aria Bianchi after completing New World Order.
- [MC] The Educator trait now works from day one.
- [MC] The Party Animal trait now adds an additional +1 Affection to each NPC if you successfully Socialize during a held *Party*.
- [MC/ADVENTURE] Searching for gemstones will now take 3h per attempt (was 4h).
- [HOUSEHOLD] Materialistic NPCs and NPCs with (battle) Fame below 5 now receive a +5% chance (per factor) to decrease WILLPOWER while being in a jail cell.
- [HOUSEHOLD] There’s now a functioning in-game popup helper for mines.
- [ARENA] DEX 80+ now gives a +10 modification to all battle rolls, while a DEX below provides a -10 penalty.
- [WORLD] You’re now able to sell furniture at Redhaven Market.
- [WORLD] The Lawful trait will now only disable House Carozza donations and not block the location from appearing on the map.
- [WORLD] Changed minimum sell price for Food Rations to $1 (was $0).
- [WORLD] You can now sell copper at The Assembly Plant.
- [WORLD] Added a Silfren mine raider attack event to the Conclude Day engine.
- [WORLD] A high City Corruption will now increase incomes from standard Goldwalkers.
- [RANDOM NPCS] Captured NPCs (combat) *can* now start with higher Melee and Ranged weapon skills even if they’re not high-level enemies.
- [ARENA] Reorganized travel time to and from The Arena. It now takes 18 minutes to and 18 minutes back from the arena, instead of 1h upon exiting the NPC Interaction menu.
- [UI] Completely overhauled the Homeschooling modifiers section.
- You’re now able purchase this attire (relabeled “Training clothes”) at Nika’s. Any female NPC can now wear Training clothes regardless of assignments.
- Training clothes provide an extra bonus if worn during training sessions/gym competitions.
- This change opens up for a lot more freedom when rendering future (or overhauled) NPCs’ wardrobes.
- NPCs dressed in “riding clothes” when you update from 0837 to 0838 will automatically add that clothing to your inventory when you change their attire.
- While wearing very expensive jewelry (diamonds, embryls) might increase Affection for any NPC, a materialistic girl will definitely be *even more* inclined toward the MC if you allow her to wear a precious necklace.
- The MC can now craft diamond and embryl necklaces.
- The act of gifting “expensive trinkets” has been removed.
- Fighting in darkness (9pm-4:59am) now adds a -5 hit chance penalty for ranged weapons (MC, Followers, enemies).
- (Grimdark difficulty only) Using ranged weapons during storms (weather type 1 & 2) now adds a -15 hit chance penalty and a -10 damage penalty for plasma rifles (MC, Followers, enemies).
- All DENGI-type enemies now have the “Frenzy” ability, which causes a large damage increase as their HEALTH drops (starts at health 49 or less (+5), max +50 damage at health below 10). This ability is only active for melee weapons.
- Any NPC that is 180+ days into her pregnancy and participating in combat now receives a -15 penalty when using ranged weapons and a -50 penalty when using melee weapons.
- Changed the negative hit point kill threshold for Ironman from -10 to -20.
- Added 3 arena scenes (Enya).
- Added 22 sex scenes (Av217, Av218).
- Added 40 wardrobe/inspect pics (Av217, Av218).
- Added 8 inspect pics for Clea Vallas.
- Added 150 wardrobe pics (Av100-Av109, Av120, Av136).
- Added Clea’s “turn around” inspect pic.
- Added 2 morning breakfast scenes for Clea.
- Replaced Rebecca’s “cummouth” scene.
- Replaced Loren’s “turn around” inspect pic.
- Fixed a bug that would display double wardrobe pics when equipping randies with WEGA armor (armor display: on).
- Fixed a red error bug that had a small chance of showing up during domestic events.
- Fixed a bug that wouldn’t reset chance rolls for guards put under a Captain’s training.
- A depleted or paused Kahill mine can no longer be depleted.
- Fixed a bug that would mess up Hunt Labs when selling prowlers if you’d completed Project Erebos (strange dialogue, missing buttons etc).
- Fixed a slave market saturation bug that checked the wrong gender container.
- Fixed a Secretive quest bug that wouldn’t add the proper amount of pistols from one of the hidden caches.
- Fixed a bug that wouldn’t display Mae’s and Celeste Sunderland’s “turn around” inspect renders.
- Fixed a bug that wouldn’t apply the +2 WILLPOWER boost during the wrool cat domestic event.
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to go beyond the allowed number of NPCs for workshops by assigning workers as followers, assign new workers and then unassign the old workers.
- Fixed a bug that wouldn’t decrease Administration when applying MindMancer.
- Fixed a missing “Game over” notification for The Ring quest (fight inside Baltor Hotel).
- Added a missing option checker unsetter to the Home passage, which will make fast travel time deductions more even and less confusing.
- Removed several instances of the old “Riding skill” (= “Vaginal skill”).
- Fixed an “owned embryl” display error at Redhaven Market.
- You can no longer break bounty quests by accidentally clicking on “Deploy camp/enter cave”.
- Removed the (inactive) “Spend time together” framework for Kelly, which would produce a blank screen.
- Elixir of Serenity will now display correctly in the MC’s Inventory.
- Kahill mine can no longer be raided if it’s paused/Depleted.
- Fixed a bug that wouldn’t add the Preacher bonus to conversion attempts.
- Fixed a bug that would loop interrogation attempts and not give any new “Secret revealed” events.
- “Loads taken” now also includes oral shower and arena scenes.
- Fixed several bugs that wouldn’t incorporate Kindness into relationship and slave master checkers due to a misspelled variable.
- Mrs. Helm’s race should now read “Scandinavian”, just like her daughters.
- Fixed an AP display bug with the Nemesis SR-C.
- Fixed various display bugs that would render texts suggesting Aria was Chancellor even if you had sold her to The Mastersphere.
- [NPC] Seve Pásztor now starts the game as an anal virgin.
- [NPC] Seve Pásztor quest initiator Power Value threshold decreased to 10 (was 15).
- [NPC] There’s now a unique interaction event for Aisha Hasan after her father’s failed coup attempt (event will activate immediately on old saves if coup event has already happened).
- [NPC] Lessened an NPC’s Stamina loss during homeschooling sessions – especially for Acrobatics and Dancing.
- [NPC] Increased the chance of decreasing the Attention Whore Trait Value after combat encounters from 25% to 50%.
- [NPC] Added a unique first-interaction Rachel event with a choice-based outcome.
- [NPC] The effects from Unbreakable has been enhanced (2-5 points, 85% chance).
- [NPC] Guys are now less likely to randomly end up with the Docile trait.
- [NPC] Miss Winton is now signed as a slave instead of a convict when added to the MC’s household.
- [NPC] Luckie is now signed as a servant instead of a convict when added to the MC’s household.
- [NPC] Floor crawlers with Notoriety 100+ (“Prost. score”) now hand out the same Happiness (+1) and Affection (+1) boost (to NPCs using that FC) as if their Fame was 200+.
- [NPC] The Pantry skill>NPC Domestic should now update properly.
- [NPC] Hovering over “swallowed semen” now shows the amount of digested calories.
- [NPC] Aria can no longer start with the Pacifist trait.
- [NPC] The Valkyria now starts with a 65 Fame value.
- [NPC] Herculean body types now receive an increase DEX/Acro penalty when attending the gymnastics course at The Academy.
- [NPC/LOG] Added Corruption and sexual skills to the Conclude Day log.
- [NPC/BONDAGE] There’s now a much larger chance to increase the Flagellation skill during training room sessions, even if the roll failed.
- [NPC/BONDAGE] Kinky attires during training room sessions (clamps, gags, hooks) now add a higher chance for perverted trait increases during orgasms (+2%/attire).
- [HOUSEHOLD] Your household gardens now receive a -25% yield penalty if you don’t have an assigned gardener.
- [HOUSEHOLD] The lvl 2 kitchen upgrade now provides +1 Influence.
- [FACTIONS] Decreased the possibility of suffering very high rebel casualties during the “Rebels under attack!” political event.
- [INVESTMENTS] Gero Falkenstein’s store now has a 1% risk of getting shut down, if City Control is 15+.
- [SERA] Donating captives to Fort Sera will now increase their PV up to 1,000 (was 100).
- [WORLD] Traveling to Imogen’s Barrow through the Home shortcut will now more or less match manual walking/riding (stables built) time.
- [WORLD] Updated The Goat’s Toe (tavern in Kahill) with new sounds and better food/drinking descriptions.
- [WORLD] The smoke from “The Great Hamilton Fire” event will now disappear after 90 days.
- [UI] Added a Clear All Followers button to the home interface pane.
- [MC] Increased base income for all held lectures with +$50/day.
- [MC] Doubled the “Academy Disposition” bonuses for incomes from held lectures.
- [NPC] There’s now a 15-age minimum requirement to work at The Academy, regardless of skill or Influence.
- [NPC] Science and Academic professors now have a 10% chance to increase their corresponding skills (cap: 100).
- Grimdark: You can no longer assign “away” NPCs (vendor assignments, scavvies, Academy) as Followers between 8 am and 4 pm, thus ending a well-known exploit that allowed you to have sermons and fights all day while still getting cash from Abbot Roo or Nika’s. This is also true for Group assignments. You can also not “Clear” an assignment, set the NPC as a follower and then reassign that NPC between those away hours.
- Grimdark: Using a melee weapon in combat now costs 1 Stamina point, both for the MC and NPCs, down to a minimum of 5.
- STRENGTH requirement: 100+.
- Power attack bonus: +15 damage.
- Soak: 43.
- Heals 5 health/turn during combat.
- Greatly improved the sharpness of the game’s combat sprites, which should make them look less blurred against certain combat backgrounds. Thanks @maxsad.
- Replaced the old piercing scene at Nika’s.
- Added 2 wardrobe pics for Caitlin (padded, riding).
- Added 6 arena scenes (Tori, Sofia).
- Added 22 sex scenes (Clea Vallas, Av140).
- Added 7 Morning BJ scenes for Clea Vallas.
- Replaced Lovisa’s doggy sex scenes (x2).
- Added one new alternative anal (normal) scene for Av1 (“tier” request).
- Added combat sprites and combat wardrobe for Av211 (Kate).
- Replaced the Power Katana with a new sword asset.
- Replaced Helo’s archive.
- Fixed a critical bug that would initiate the New World Order political quest chain if you sold Aria to Kymanto.
- Fixed a display bug that would show an unintegrated MC Admin income.
- Added the missing cyber cannon icon for roaming NPCs.
- Fixed a bug that wouldn’t give the Family Man Wife the Scavenger trait (Domestic focus).
- Science is now correctly applied to the MC’s Administration competence calculation.
- Fixed a display error with Floor Crawlers that would set an unproportionable high amount of wear without taking numbers of active FC into consideration.
- Pressing the closeup/armor/civilian clothes buttons when interacting with NPCs will no longer pass time (6 mins).
- Fixed several bugs with Michelle’s quest that pointed toward the wrong framework. These bugs disabled many dialogues and skill/wear gains at The Mad Preacher’s stronghold.
- Tori no longer starts with Stress 40.
- Fixed a bug that allowed the MC to lower the Unbreakable trait through sermons/lectures even if he didn’t have the Dominus trait.
- Fixed a bug that would produce duplicate armor wardrobe pics if a random NPC was wearing HULC armor.
- Fixed several red errors that appear during Amelia’s quest.
- Fixed a duplicate error for the Lone Wolf trait.
- The engine will now read Aria’s Av container instead of Laika’s when processing Aria’s sell price during the slavemaster route of New World Order.
- Fixed a _daysa setter in the Party Engine that wouldn’t count the number of days an NPC had spent in your household.
- Fixed various bugs that wouldn’t display and execute Bud’s Ammo Pack trait Prosperity override.
- Fixed a bug that allowed Herculeans’ Melee skill to increase endlessly at the dojo.
- Fixed a bug that would disable the Control drops from investing in The Wrool Cat Wranglers.
- Fixed several setters that wouldn’t properly execute political effects based on Aria’s Corruption.
- Fixed various tavern setter bugs that wouldn’t add modifiers based on Chaos and Reputation.
- Enya now receives her announced +15 Arena combat bonus.
- Fixed a bug that didn’t apply Happiness and Affection bonuses to freed slaves.
- Pure NPCs now receive their intended +20 Kindness boost.
- Fixed a rare bug that would get you stuck in Dockgrave tavern when selling NPCs through the “Full House” action.
- Fixed an Auto Buy Food display error (“Change:” was set to 0).
- Fixed a bug that wouldn’t increase the FEMALE saturation market pool.
- Fixed a display error with the top left training dojo.
- Selling 50 units of Food at Redhaven market will now increase the market supply number correctly (was 10).
- You can now use MindMancer on males (Mercenaries or below).
- Fixed an old checker that would reset Armor/Clothes view for NPCs at the arena.
- Fixed a missing steel checker when crafting Doctor’s kits.
- Tori will no longer appear in texts at Virax Springs if you have her assigned to your household or if she’s dead.
- A combat-focused Family Man wife now receives the +20 Stamina bonus instead of the academic-focused one.
- Fixed a bug that excluded WILLPOWER from the Conclude Day NPC log.
- You can no longer purchase Seve Pasztor and go into debt.
- Fixed a bug that allowed Mr. Blaylock to regenerate HP above his Max HP value (Prowler in The Depths questline).
- Fixed a bug that would lower Happiness to the negatives for starving and underfed NPCs.
- Fixed several typos.
- [NPC] Added an age modification to the virginity roll for random NPCs. More probable for age below 21, less probable for age 30+. Also increased virginity chance (+10%) for random NPCs coming from wealthy households (good farmer background+) and decreased virginity chance (-25%) for random NPCs coming from poor backgrounds (raiders or less).
- [NPC] The Advocate trait should now be 100% deactivated for males.
- [NPC] Setting a high allowance will now lower Escape/Job termination risk with 1%/3%/6% ($50/$200/$1,000).
- [NPC] Allowing Herculean males to use Floor Crawlers will now increase wear (on that FC) by roughly 30%.
- [NPC] There’s now a 7% daily chance that assigned Scavengers will increase their Survival up to a maximum of 60.
- [NPC] Notoriety now affects Goldwalker incomes from Taverns (50+, 150+, 500+).
- [NPC] A high level of Happiness now provides a chance bonus when asking for sex (normal tone). Happiness 80+/100+ (+10/+20).
- [NPC/HOUSEHOLD] NPCs with the Pure trait and WILLPOWER 30+ now have a 20% chance to remove one Household Depravity/day.
- [NPC/COMBAT ENGINE] Added the Pacifist Happiness penalty (post-combat).
- [SEX ENGINE] Increased the negative Arousal threshold for cancellation acts/requests for all sex types (WILL 80+: -3>-5, WILL 40+: -5>-8, WILL below 40: -5>-10).
- [HOUSEHOLD] Pool parties and Gazebo lecture can now only be held between 7 am and 10 pm (07:00-22:00).
- [HOUSEHOLD] You can now squeeze in two additional single beds in a private room, which increases its max occupancy to 8 NPCs.
- [MC] The “Battles fought” line has been moved to the trait list and will now display the MC’s battle level experience instead.
- [MC] Decreased cost for the Styker Implant from 10 million to 8 million.
- [WORLD] Added a +5 escape risk for city Liberty 75+ and +10 for city Liberty 90+. Only affects slaves and convicts.
- [WORLD] Sending Despising NPCs with Ranged or Melee 60+ will now lower Stability significantly more at Zapin Fields.
- [CAPTURE ENGINE] Random captives will now include a broader Av-archive, which means more variety for captured female NPCs.
- [LOG] Added Performance, Acrobatics, Dancing, Domestic, Gardening, Kindness and CHARISMA to the conclude day log.
- [DEBUG] Added a debug button that clears ghost assignments for the Ranch Master at Zapin Fields.
- Mountain man (cost: 50): STR caps at 190, STAMINA caps at 150, DEX “cap” around 60. +3 Ration consumption/day.
- Educator (cost: 50): One extra training and one extra homeschooling session per day (either alone or when training NPCs).
- Tavern owner (cost: 45): You start the game with a fully enabled Tavern next to the MC’s house in Redhaven. Note that your tavern isn’t occupied. You have to manually assign a barkeeper and workers to activate it!
- Occultist (cost: 15): Start the game with +10 Occult.
- Taskmaster (cost: 15): Bonuses to homeschooling. Chance to increase Submissive and Perfectionist traits.
- Pharmacist (cost: 20): Start the game with 15 tendstims, 5 combat tendstims, 3 doctor’s kits, 1 mindmancer.
- Kingpin (cost: 50): Start the game with Carozza and Bandit faction standing, a scaling Influence loss due to shady past, cannot gain any extra business income from City Control.
- God’s Chosen (cost: 30): Start the game with high Catholic devotion and extra Catholic standing. Cannot change religion later in game. Unique weapon (Sacred Mallet).
- Oathsworn viking (cost: 30): Start the game with high Aesir devotion and extra Aesir tribe standing. Cannot change religion later in game. Additional Combat damage increase (+3).
- Stimpack allergy (points: +70): Ordinary and combat stimpacks are useless for the MC.
- Lawful (points: +30): The MC’s righteous ideals prohibit him from investing in shady business ventures such as The Dockpunks, Wrool Cat Wranglers, Gero Falkenstein’s store, distilleries and House Carozza (mobsters).
- Haunted (points +5): Start with a -10 WILL penalty that’ll be restored upon completing Prowler chapter 3.
- Sex addict (points +25): The MC receives cumulative penalties if his craving goes too high.
- Lone wolf (points +20): The MC receives penalties (-20) if there are 2+ Followers in his combat group or 1+ Followers during training sessions. If he’s alone, those penalties are turned into a bonus (+20) instead, plus an additional +5 combat damage.
- Family man (cost: 90): Start the game with a loyal family. Wife (35 yo), daugher (12 yo) and son (16 yo).
- Old Energy stash (cost: 70): Start the game with 5,000 Energy cells.
- Master sniper (cost: 75): One extra damage dice (1D20) when using ranged weapons.
- HULC armor (cost: 100): Start the game with a HULC armor set.
- $5 million (cost: 200): Start the game with $5,000,000 dollars.
- You can disable this new feature and return to the old paging arrows by setting “nogroups = true” in the console or SaveEditor.
- Enemies now receive a -10 chance penalty when trying to hit a petite or a very petite Follower from a distance with a ranged weapon.
- The MC’s “Administration competence” is based on his Power Value (warlord experience), Intelligence (general know-how), Academics (old-world structures) and Science (math). In other words similar to how the Accountant skill is calculated for NPCs.
- A Low Administration might impose smaller business income penalties and increased maintenance (for big households).
- A high Administration might provide smaller business income bonuses.
- An accountant will override all negative effects from a low MC Administration skill.
- NPCs with Corruption below 10 will also increase Humiliation if they’re dressed in string bikinis.
- Exhibition runs have no effect for an NPC with Corruption 40+ or if they have equipped armor.
- Sibling: Certain NPCs now share an unbreakable bond (Loden/Laika and Lovisa/Tori). Mistreating one will also affect the other. Siblings also automatically increase each other’s Happiness unless they’re depressed or indisposed.
- Nature-lover: A nature-lover dislikes the rampant pollution and environmental destruction of Raana. Having 3+ workshops gives a noticeable Happiness penalty, while building gardens and keeping the lush grove increase Happiness and Affection.
- Fixed several bugs that didn’t add the wrool cat’s guard power to the MC’s household (Domestic Event).
- Added an extra WILLPOWER(+) event to the wrool cat event chain.
- The adult wrool cat now consumes 3 rations per day.
- Bring Lovisa to Virax springs as a Follower.
- Lovisa’s character quest will now have extra/unique dialogues and two special renders if Tori is an assigned Follower.
- New renders and dialogue added for Tori Helm at Virax Springs.
- Tori Helm’s roaming location: Virax Springs. Tori is always re-acquirable here (for a price) if you ever dismiss her or if she escapes (You cannot flee from the eyes of the Brotherhood of Ryzaan – to whom Tori is eternally bound).
- Timed holdcum scenes (x3).
- Morning BJ scenes.
- Shower scenes.
- Added 38 wardrobe pics for Tori.
- Added 1 pregnant wardrobe pic (Tori).
- Added 45 sex scenes (Tori).
- Added 1 dinner scene (Tori).
- Added 28 bondage room scenes (Tori).
- Added 7 morning BJ scenes (Tori).
- Added 5 anal virgin scenes (Tori).
- Added 20 wardrobe pics for Av36.
- Added 14 shower/bath scenes for Lovisa and Tori.
- Added 33 sex scenes (Av136, Av214, Av215).
- Replaced Lovisa’s leather armor wardrobe pic.
- Replaced Mai-Lynn’s formal wardrobe pics (eye fix).
- Added new day/night combat backgrounds for Marston Ave. and The Docks. Thanks @maxsad.
- Added new Cassius combat sprites.
- Added 4 wardrobe pics for Ansel (armor).
- Fixed a critical bug that would disable the Zapin Fields Ranch Master assignment if the ranch master was assigned as a Follower through the group framework (also added a DEBUG clear RM button).
- Fixed a critical bug that allowed you to add kids from the Nursery even if your household was full.
- Fixed a critical bug that allowed you to use incantations after winning a fight – which would produce a kill screen with no option to leave combat.
- Fixed a serious bug that wouldn’t cap Zapin Field workers.
- Fixed a serious bug that would disable the player from exiting the combat framework if he was incapacitated by The Urban Titans.
- Fixed a bug that wouldn’t allow NPCs to increase their Discipline at The Stables.
- Fixed a display bug that would place an upgraded lush grove underneath any other building in the top left corner of your yard.
- Fixed a training room dildo glitch that allowed you to use *dildos* indefinitely by initiating/aborting (“Enough”) dildo sessions.
- Fixed a bug that disabled several rebel events (political engine) when Mordecai was still Chancellor.
- Fixed a bug that wouldn’t increase WILLPOWER during ENSYS gaming sessions.
- Fixed a bug with Aria’s Warrior of Ikaanos trait that would disable the CTM’s Power Value decrease if Aria was a Christian.
- Ranch Masters and Arena-assigned NPCs are no longer added to the Trait and Room calculation frameworks at Conclude Day.
- Fixed a display bug in the Influence pane (Luxury spending double 0s).
- Fixed a bug that wouldn’t increase a male slave’s sell price for the STR 120+ bonus.
- Fixed several display errors for Academy assigned NPCs (Academic assignment popup info).
- Fixed a display error that would duplicate assigned barkeepers at the tavern.
- Fixed a bug that wouldn’t increase STRENGTH during the “brother anecdote” event (Club House).
- Fixed a bug that wouldn’t apply the +3 Beauty bonus for Nipple chains.
- You can no longer deploy a wilderness camp on The Mastersphere.
- [NPC] The Tier2+ slave now gets a +30 Stamina boost if you pick the sadistic > combat route.
- [NPC] Added roughly 1,000 lines of new dialogue to various sex systems, especially for WILLPOWER 0 (or less) NPCs.
- [NPC] The Urchin now starts with the Scavenger trait.
- [NPC] Male slave trainees (assigned to a slave master) will no longer lose Happiness when a female slave mistress uses them sexually. If those male trainee’s Corruption is 10+, their Happiness is instead increased by one point per day up to a maximum of 80.
- [NPC] Prowlers can no longer take part in domestic events.
- [NPC] You can now switch between armor/clothes and closeups/normal view in an NPC’s Inventory.
- [NPC] Dominant NPCs now get a +10 success boost when working as Slave Masters/Mistresses.
- [NPC] You can no longer assign NPCs as Followers if their Affection is Despising or lower – if their WILLPOWER is 20+.
- [MC] The MC now also receives a *nervous combat penalty* (-50, 20% risk) if his WILLPOWER is 5 or less (25 or less on Grimdark). This penalty becomes inactive if either Ranged or Melee combat reaches 80+.
- [MC] You can now increase your Occult skill by reading at The Historical Society (a total gain of +3 is possible to achieve at this location).
- [UI] The Fallen Troops popup now also displays which day an NPC was killed.
- [ARIA] You can no longer assign Aria to the stables or to The Academy after she’s become Chancellor.
- [WORLD] Defeating House Carozza now gives an additional $100,000 (in loot).
- [WORLD] Scavengers now receive a -25% yield penalty if City Prosperity is below 5.
- [WORLD] Scavengers now receive a +25% yield bonus if City Prosperity is 75+.
- [CCP] Doubled the cash and Health penalties for the “Just my luck” event (Unlucky trait).
- [CCP] Added the “Adora Sanor” trait. You can now purchase Adora Sanor as your slave for 50 points instead of choosing the Expert slaver class.
- [FORT SERA, AESIR] You can now donate fully implemented NPCs (convicts and slaves) directly from the NPC Menu > Actions > Task & Locations tab.
- [CATHOLICS] The Church now accepts Food Rations as donations (750R increases their power value with one point and adds to your standing).
- Added 4 new male AV-sets.
- Added 20 new random male and female first names.
- Sandbox: Increased Retainer yield from $70 to $150 per day.
- Sandbox: Increased starting cash with $10,000.
- Grimdark: Increased ammo prices with roughly 10%.
- Dying world: Having a City Prosperity below 10 will now disable the Ammo Pack trait for NPCs.
- Dying world: Prosperity now affects all business incomes with a dynamic, daily deduction penalty. A Prosperity below 15 deducts 10-15%, a Prosperity below 5 deducts 20-30% and a Prosperity at 0 deducts 35-60% of all incomes for stores, factions and vassals.
- Dying world: Ammo prices will now slowly increase starting at day 40 and ending at day 1,000. The maximum increase (at day 1,000) is roughly 100-150% of day 1 starting prices.
- Dying world/Grimdark: increased the price for a Durasteel Great Sword with roughly 20%.
- NPCs will now increase their devotion randomly between -2 and +2 points per day.
- NPCs with WILLPOWER below 5 have a 10% risk of decreasing their Devotion with one point per day, down to a minimum of 10.
- Catholic NPCs with WILLPOWER 20+ and Corruption below 30 now have a 20% chance of increasing their Devotion with one point per day if City Corruption is 75+.
- NPCs that are Aesir with Devotion 60+ now receive a +3 combat damage bonus.
- NPCs that are CTM with Devotion 60+ produce 50% additional Influence if working as Heralds.
- NPCs that belong to The Cult of The Elder and have Devotion 60+ now gather about 20% additional Merchandise when assigned as Scavengers.
- Muslim NPCs with Devotion 60+ now gain a +10 Accountant skill bonus (when actively assigned as Accountants).
- Added 12 Arena scenes (Piper, Milou Skye, Farah, Arizona).
- Added combat sprites for Cassius, Akari and Kahill Arena girl.
- Added 6 harness/collar/nip chain combo wardrobe pics (Loren, Juno, Kelly). Tier request.
- Added one new morning BJ scene for Lovisa.
- Replaced Lovisa’s “assready” scene.
- Replaced Lovisa’s formal and new eden dress wardrobe pics.
- Added 20 wardrobe pics for Iona Farley.
- Added 1 armor wardrobe pic for Bud (hleather).
- Fixed a serious bug that would apply the Addiction to NPCs that shouldn’t actually have it.
- Fixed a display bug that would break lines in the Economy tab for Firefox users.
- Fixed a display bug that wouldn’t show HULC armor for Herculean bodied NPCs.
- Fixed various display bugs with the household luxury spending pane.
- Fixed two bugs with Caitlin’s quest (a lingering proposal penalty and journal entry after completing The Blind Hunt).
- Fixed two instances of Brawlers having soak value but no equipped armor.
- Fixed a bug that wouldn’t apply the second decor upgrade bonus to The Bondage/Training room.
- Fixed a bug that wouldn’t decrease the Jaded Trait Value when gifting Imperial Flowers.
- Fixed a bug that wouldn’t properly set “Food” for Herculean NPCs.
- Fixed a bug that didn’t increase Hunger for dinner participants (Arrange Event).
- Fixed a bug that would make Nicole’s rebel-aligned news office to continue lowering Control even after Aria’s takeover.
- Fixed a bug that would deduct Affection from Milou *before* aria’s quest was finished (if her allowance is below $1,000).
- Fixed a HEALTH display bug in the fifth Follower hover-over info pane.
- [Game Engine] Increased available save slots from 8 to 12.
- [Locations] Going to The Mastersphere (first class) now increases Palace Rating with 100 points.
- [Sex Engine] Critical rolls during vaginal sex (doggy/missionary) now increase the MC’s Copulation skill up to a maximum of 100.
- [NPC] The toggle armor/clothing button is now personal for each NPC instead of having one global on/off state.
- [NPC] Added Acrobatics, Dancing, Ranged combat and Melee combat to the Conclude Day Log.
- [NPC] It is now much harder to use the Acrobatics homeschooling sessions for increasing DEXTERITY.
- [NPC] Ansel will no longer steal from you (domestic events) if his Respect is 20+.
- [NPC] Tweaked The Black Scorpion enemy capture NPC to be a little less powerful.
- [NPC] Scavengers that are convicts or slaves and have an Affection that is Despising or worse, now receive a significant yield penalty (more or less useless unless they have scavvie trait).
- [NPC] Added new trait: Unbreakable.
- [NPC] NPCs with the Herculean body type (males only) now require Hearty food settings in order to avoid Happiness and Affection drops.
- [NPC] There is now a -15 penalty to your household’s Herald Skill if the Herald is either a convict or a slave.
- [NPC] Janitors that are convicts or slaves and have an Affection that is Despising or worse, or if they are Angry, will now be very bad at performing repair work.
- [NPC ] Slaves/convicts that are assigned as Janitors, with WILLPOWER 10+ will now try to sabotage your household if they are Abhorred- or Angry.
- [HOUSEHOLD] Added Discipline update scripts for external workshops.
- [ECONOMY] You can now sell HULC armors (NPC) to private mercenaries through Redhaven Market contacts. The price scales with the same “remaining HULC armors” variable used at the transit department. Selling a HULC armor will not increase that value, however. This means that looting HULC parts and building a complete set in the late game can be a very rewarding crafting mission.
- [ECONOMY] All armor SELL values are increased if City Control drops below 10 (market demand effect).
- Added 5 new random male enemy sets (Av312-Av316).
- Added 2 new scripted male enemy/ally set (Av357, Av358).
- Added 25 male and 10 female names.
- Added 10 new last names.
- Added 400 words of random dialogue.
- Six new main Political events have been added, dealing with rebel and (2nd) republic doings. Some of these master events can split into other outcomes, which gives a total of 12 different flavor events.
- The Republic now gains a daily tax based on random factors, Control and Prosperity.
- Updated Earth’s and Raana’s timelines with more info and additional events.
- Both jail cell upgrades now provide the same WILLPOWER-lowering effects (20% daily chance).
- The upgraded jail cell will only lower Affection down to Despising (19) instead of Abhorred (9).
- Paragons and ex-paragons have a 10% daily chance of decreasing their WILLPOWER compared other NPCs (20%).
- Slave masters/mistresses now affect imprisoned NPCs if that NPC is assigned to them.
- Tormentor effect: Slave masters/mistresses now have a daily 15% chance of lowering assigned, imprisoned NPCs’ WILLPOWER (down to a minimum of 4) if the slave master doesn’t have the Pure trait and has a Kindness below 50. A Kindness below 25 increases the Tormentor effect to 25%.
- Nervous states: NPCs and enemies with WILLPOWER below 5 (25 on Grimdark difficulty) now have a 10% risk of becoming nervous in combat (-50 chance for one round) *if* both their Ranged and Melee skills are below 80.
- Natural marksman: To compensate the growing power of melee combat, the ranged combat skill now scales exactly like STR damage bonus. This scaling begins at *Ranged combat 50+* and is potentially endless. A ranged skill of 120 should provide around 7 extra damage.
- Decreased the maximum damage yield from power strikes (melee combat). Median damage from PS should now be roughly 4-5 points less.
- NPCs with Discipline 24 or less now receive a -10 chance penalty in combat.
- The “Won Combat” window now alternates between four different scenes.
- Replaced or added many interior/exterior scenes (taverns, arena, bathrooms etc).
- Added 4 new harness + collar/chain wardrobe pics for Adrienne and Laika (Tier request).
- Replaced 6 Aria sex scenes.
- Added Aria’s Morning BJ set.
- Added 5 sex scenes for Valerie Borsow.
- Added 20 wardrobe pics for Valerie Borsow.
- Added 21 Arena scenes (Nicole, Caitlin, Dakota, Aisha, Averil, Loren, Mai-Lynn).
- Added 7 wardrobe pics for The Valkyria (mostly armor).
- Added 2 bathing scenes (Caitlin, Aisha).
- Added 5 Office missionary scenes (Kelly, Nichole x2, Adora, Kate) Tier request.
- Added 3 new random hangar scenes for The Mastersphere.
- Added combat sprites for the Cultist Monk NPC.
- Fixed a serious bug that would freeze the game if certain slaves ran away during camping trips.
- Fixed a serious bug that wouldn’t unassign arena NPCs from their slots when sold or killed.
- Fixed a serious bug that would unset the “Days in Bondage” variable.
- Fixed a serious bug that would add a ghost arena NPC when unassigning tavern goldwalkers.
- Fixed a serious bug that allowed you to train (Dojo) unconscious or seriously hurt NPCs to obscene skill and attribute levels.
- Fixed a serious bug that wouldn’t reset the head chef title if you “clear all titles” in the debug menu. Use the “clear all titles” command again to properly reset it.
- Fixed a bug that would throw a red error when adding Aisha to your household in the Penthouse.
- Fixed a bug that would display blank screens for certain NPCs during the evening.
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to add more NPCs than allowed.
- Fixed a bug that would execute Master Hemme’s course automatically when entering The Academy.
- Fixed the broken make out image for old Issid NPCs.
- You can no longer assign convicts and slaves as foremen.
- The Preacher trait should now provide its +15 conversion bonus.
- Fixed a bug that would screw up birthday proclamations for NPCs if the MC’s age was set to Freeze.
- You can no longer have a private session with Eliana while doing her quest.
- You can no longer interact with (and add) Raana-dwelling NPCs while up at The Mastersphere.
- Fixed a bug that wouldn’t increase DEX and Discipline from horse riding assignments.
- Fixed a bug that would deduct $2500 instead of $1900 for the second camp upgrade.
- Fixed a bug that wouldn’t assign the Techie trait (MC) during character creation.
- Fixed a bug that enabled to you gain the Engineer trait for free by selecting and then deselecting it during character creation.
- Fixed a bug that would apply player/NPC damage reduction to enemies under certain circumstances (combat).
- Fixed a bug that wouldn’t allow you to turn around (view behind) NPCs in the randies container (Adora).
- Fixed a bug that would leave a blank interaction pane if interacting with gardeners after 5 pm.
- Fixed a bug that wouldn’t deduct money for the IMS Ulthar event.
- Fixed a bug that would screw up the quest log for The Goonies if you took them out after freeing Rosita Ice.
- Replaced several arena pics that were too tall (10px), creating overlapping issues.
- Fixed a bug that would display double win/loss pics for Aria at the Arena.
- Fixed a bug that wouldn’t display Morning BJ placeholders.
- Fixed many typos.
- [NPC] NPCs with Willpower 60+ (+5) and 80+ (+5) now receive an extra escape chance bonus (max +10).
- [NPC] There’s now a second page for viewing “States” in the Skills & Trait Section.
- [NPC] Fighting in the Arena now adds to “Battles fought” for NPCs. They also gain Fame if they meet a strong opponent – especially if the NPC’s Fame is relatively low.
- [NPC] Michelle now starts with a Lesbian Devotion of 35.
- [NPC] The Conclude Day log now looks much tidier with many new skills and attributes added.
- [NPC] Household NPCs should now be generally more affected by Household Stats.
- [NPC] Female NPCs with body type 4+ and STRENGTH 70+ are no longer called Curvy/Plump (replaced with Well-built/Muscular).
- [NPC] It should know be harder to homeschool most classes after reaching 100+ in the specific skill.
- [NPC] Withdraw risk for servants+ will no longer be affected by your Guardpool unless the servant+ has a Willpower below 5.
- [NPC] While being relatively docile upon capture, freeing a prowler captive now decreases City Control (-1) due the unimaginable horrors/nightmares that the wandering menace will cause the innocent people of Ikaanos. If that prowler wears a HULC, Duraplate or Stealth suit, the City Control loss is doubled.
- [NPC] Most skills/Attributes now hard cap at 120 for Academy assigned NPCs.
- [Character sheet] Healing items are now arranged under their own submenu in the Inventory pane.
- [Market change] You can now buy healing ointments in bulks of 20 (60 uses).
- [Market change] Added rifle to the new market engine, with difficulty modifications.
- [Male slave framework] Male slave masters will no longer use other male slaves sexually.
- [Assignments] Slave masters can no longer train Prowlers.
- [Assignments] Maids now have a 15% chance to increase their Domestic up to a maximum of 60.
- [Household] It’s now a little harder (50%>25%/day) to increase Household Corruption through NPCs with the Perverted Trait.
- [Household] Added additional income boosts for Taverns with Rep 500+ and Rep 900+.
- [Household] Gambling at an MC Tavern location now takes 1h/session.
- MCs and NPCs that are 65+ or older will now double their aging penalties, up to a maximum of -5 STR/-5 DEX per year.
- New story NPC: Lt. Milou Skye. Lt. Skye is a Paragon NPC that you can acquire after a small, charm-based quest.
- New quest: “Revenge!” Activates after reaching Amiable+ with Lt. Skye (Ask about background).
- Releasing Aria from slavery will now give her the Paragon status. Note! Releasing Aria before finishing her quest might break the Slavemasters of Raana event chain!
- Assigning both Loden and Laika as scavengers will now boost merchandise income with up to +6. The duo might also bring home extra tendstims.
- Added one new Political Event tied to a future female Paragon NPC.
- You’re now able to capture another powerful male antagonist – The Black Scorpion. If you’ve already captured or defeated him, setting **$raien1 to 1** will reset his position and allow you to fight him one more time in Raikan.
- Master of War provides increased combat damage.
- Master Tactician provides bonuses to combat followers and penalties to enemies.
- Nurse: You’re now able to assign any number of NPCs as nurses. A nurse will heal your and your other NPCs’ Health and Happiness, based on her Discipline and Medicine skill. A healing action costs $5/NPC (sterile wash, bandages and other equipment). She’ll also remove up to 20 sexual wear points (of each type) if that type is 20+. You have to own enough ointments for this effect to be active.
- Head chef: The head chef is a unique assignment that’ll control your household’s culinary atmosphere. It’s a title that carries great responsibility – make sure to give it to an NPC that you can trust.
- Added a new injector tendstim type that can be used in combat situations. Number of uses per turn depends on your group’s total Medicine skill (60+ adds 1 use, 100+ adds 2 uses). You’re able to purchase combat injectors at The Mastersphere.
- Added combat injector tendstims to various loot drops in and around Ikaanos.
- Revamped the special attacks/actions section.
- NPCs can now be equipped with the WEGA auto cannon (Cyber cannon). The Ammo Pack Trait does not affect WEGA cannister depletion.
- Combat injury penalties (incapped MC) have been doubled for GrimDark difficulty (from -2 to -4).
- All NPCs will have their Health set to max when the new calculation executes. This only happens once, at Home, when you start an old save.
- Most NPCs start with *slightly* more max Health.
- All NPCs can be fitted with Health implants from Doctor’s Hall (NPC Menu > Actions > Doctor’s hall). Note that NPCs still wont accept getting cut open unless their Affection is Loving+.
- All accumulated/grinded Max HP points will be removed now that the toughness variable is a *based-on value* instead of a separate attribute.
- It is now generally much less time-consuming to increase an NPC’s max health.
- The Max Health attribute is very easy to mod; for various difficulty settings, new implants, new traits, etc.
- Added 5 bathing scenes (Juno, Aria, Dakota, Laika, Aiko).
- Added 11 Inspect pics for Kelly.
- Added 6 wardrobe pics for Kelly.
- Added 1 Inspect pic for Adrienne (plugged).
- Added 15 Arena combat scenes (Juno, Aria, Laika, Aiko, Av207).
- Replaced Aisha’s undies pic (Tier request).
- Added 25 wardrobe pics for Av40.
- Added 11 Inspect pics for Av40.
- Added 24 sex scenes (av40, av113, av126).
- Fixed a serious bug that allowed you to assign more than three slave masters.
- Fixed a serious bug that wouldn’t remove professor assignments from sold or killed NPCs.
- Fixed a serious bug that would throw red errors when a random slave successfully escaped your household.
- Fixed a bug that wouldn’t let slaves get rid of addiction due to not having a salary.
- Fixed several glitchy variable assigners and odd responses in the party engine.
- Fixed a bug that wouldn’t properly assign Tavern goldwalker yield to a tavern’s base income.
- Removed several lingering variables that would disable income from Rebecca’s skulduggerist title.
- Fixed a bug that would throw a red error when adding certain story slaves.
- Fixed a bug that made it impossible to loot the revolver from enemies in the third slot (like The Valkyra).
- Fixed a bug that wouldn’t display the MC’s dialogues when asking for sex at the arena.
- Fixed a bug that wouldn’t apply the DEX penalty/bonus to an escape attempt.
- Fixed a bug that would switch the drugs/alcohol option in the party engine.
- Fixed a bug that would allow interactions with Caitlin when she was at The Mastersphere.
- Added a scrollable pane to the Loot screen. This will remove the risk of getting unclickable Continue buttons after combat.
- Fixed several assignment errors that wouldn’t add Influence from gear (stables).
- Fixed a bug that wouldn’t add Affection to Bud after completing “Bud’s Bullies”.
- Fixed a bug that wouldn’t clear virgin states in the arena.
- Fixed a bug that would leave a blank header for Goldwalker professions.
- Fixed a bug that would disable the Continue button after defeating Goran-Ika, if the MC was downed.
- Fixed a bug that wouldn’t increase vag. experience for escorts during Gold Walker runs.
- Fixed several missing training room scenes (broken images).
- Arena Gladiators will no longer magically appear in your household during pool parties.
- Fixed various unintended exploits/texts that displayed wrong sex checkers or enabled the player to access blocked content.
Extras: Automation Mod – Official Mods – Cheat Console – Cheat Scripts* – T4+ Pictures