Spirit Valley [v1.2.0 EA] [Otterside Games]
Through the ages, humans have been visited by friendly spirits from another realm.
The spirits seeking sexual pleasure would in return grant their blessings on helpful humans.
In recent years the visits have become few and far between.
Dark clouds are forming over Spirit Valley and it is up to you to save the day!
Follow in your Uncle’s footsteps and enter the magical world of Spirit Valley.
Join the ranks of the Spirit Wardens and uncover the mysteries of Spirit Valley!
Explore the world and find wild spirits to join your team.
Show the spirits your strength in battle and they will be eager to please you!
Captured spirits are looking for sexual pleasure, so you must perform well to increase your bond with them.
Through sexual encounters you can earn extra skill points to make your spirits even more powerful!
Build your dream team and engage in tactical turn-based combat with wild spirits, spirit handlers, and the mysterious Crimson Cloaks.
- The affection points of Spirits can now be reset by using the Fallen Star item.
- Spirits can be stopped from evolving with the Infinity Charm item. Evolutions can be turned back on with the Evolution Charm.
- The Trait-o-matic 5000: This device will allow you to re-roll the Trait of any Spirit. It can be found on all Spirit Clinics and can be used as many times as needed for a small price.
- An elemental effectiveness chart can now be found in the pause menu.
- Status effects applied to Spirits during battles are now always executed after both parties have taken their turns to make countering status effects work consistently with both Items and skills.
- Seed of Life skill heal amount changed from 45% to 30% (from max health).
- Spirit can now be released immediately after it’s captured without first sending to team or storage.
- Show Spirit’s trait in Storage Menu details panel.
- Added possibility to select which Spirit is handed over when returning a Quests that requires to do so. Previously lowest level spirit was always handed over.
- Application can now be set to run in background. This must be enabled in Settings explicitly.
- You may still encounter the problem where achievements are not unlocking in real time during first game session.
- However, data is now stored locally and synced to Steam next time game is launched. Your achievements will unlock then.
- Achievements are unlocked retrospectively during first launch, provided its unlock condition is met.
- Keep in mind that some data is lost and not all achievements can be restored. However, these should be easy enough to unlock just by playing the game once next content update drops.
- Added 144Hz FPS option to screen settings
- Allow user to select any resolution supported by the game (was previously filtered to leave out resolutions that user’s screen didn’t support).
- Text fixes
- Fixed Item effect descriptions not fitting in UI in some languages.
- Fixed bug where Spirit’s current HP could end up larger than maximum HP when removing equipment from the Spirit.
- Poison status effect is now applied to Player’s Spirit after turn action is taken, if action is “Send out”, “Use item” or “Flee”.
- Updates to catching wild Spirits
- Catch chance now increases after each failed catch attempt.
- Spirit Crystal item description updated to have more information about their effective level ranges.
- Loot from wild Spirit encounters balanced
- Merchant inventories updated
- New consumables added to Merchant inventories
- Butt Plug of Wisdom added to Sex Shop inventory
- Infinite stock of Crystals and Consumables!
- Text fixes
- Font sizes adjusted in various places to fit UI (Russian, Korean).
- Don’t lose input focus when clicking background with mouse after minigame completes.
- Adjusted mouse click intertact areas on Nurses and Merchants.
- Fixed bug where it was possible to close menu without making decision where to put new caight Spirit.
- Fixed Birdy’s duplicate skills.
- Fixed bug where allocating affection points to Defence overwrote previously allocated Defence affection points, instead of adding them.
- Fixed bug that in certain cases prevented including Spirit’s Trait bonus to stats shown in UI.
- Fixed issue which caused Spirit’s Level to go out of sync with accumulated XP in some rare cases.
- Fixed bug where manually closing equipment window after giving equipment to Spirit caused it to not work wehen opened next time until scene change.
- Fixed sprite color in NPC Sarah idle animation.
- Fixed issue where minigames were not triggered after returning to overworld, if cutscene was played immediately.
- Fixed issue where it was possible to close team XP menu after battles, breaking the xp distribution and level up cycle.
- Fixed issue where it was possible to close team member selector popup in Inventory menu after selecting Spirit, leading various issues.
- Fixed bug where Captain Maria’s autointeract was not disabled correcly after receiving Quest “An audience with the King” in Tumbleweed Town.
- Fxed Triboobe minigame lewd animation positioning.
phoenix92 thanks for the link and the Crack