In a dystopian world where men and women live separate lives, a series of unfortunate events results in you becoming a slave in a female-dominated country. Indebted to your owner, you are forced to work to earn back your freedom. But most jobs involve serving as a toy for the women, who see men as
You and your sister Mia Malkova were traveling on a plane, and the plane got crashed onto an unknown island.See MoreYou come to that your sister is got kidnapped by some unknown group while you got saved by an unknown girl Emily.You learn that your sister is captured in one of the secret buildings on
Hello and welcome to my HTML porn game; Candid Urban Muffs!See MoreThe name is an acronym of which you will discover the meaning somewhere in the game. You’re a guy who has always been a strong silent type, but rarely had any luck with women.But that is about to change.You grew up developing a subconscious
This fairy tale of a young virgin is pure, that it steps into a new life full of dangers, difficulties and evil peasants. The story and the truth about the young girl, a few days as a graduate of the school in the village of Greater Kuyash. She lives alone with her mother, that for