Dreadlord Ascension [v0.15.4] [Redflash]

Dreadlord Ascension [v0.15.4] [Redflash]

December 20, 2024F95

In this game, you play as Cervius, an incubus aiming to attain the title of Dreadlord, one of the most prestigious title a demon can attain. To do so, he will need to recruit servants, gather up allies and build up his castle and domain.

Thread Updated: 2024-12-19
Release Date: 2024-11-28
Developer: Redflash Itch.ioPatreonBlogFanboxSubscribestar
Censored: No
Version: 0.15.4
OS: Windows, Linux, Android
Language: English
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2D Game, 2DCG, Gay, Male protagonist, Rpg, Sandbox, Strategy, Turn based combat, Adventure, Fantasy, RPG, Animated, Handjob, Oral sex, Anal sex, Corruption, Mind control, Trainer, Slave, Harem
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1. Extract and run.
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  • Made input improvements for the 3D maps
  • Added the option to switch to a low detail version of the 3D maps for those experiencing lag on PC/Linux
  • Added the import/export for the Android version (you must allow the app to access all files so .json can be imported into the game. Export can be used to transfer files to other devices while the Import can be used to add existing save files to your game, included the complete save from the higher tier.)
  • Fixed some bugs with Sol’s affinity
  • Fixed a bright lighting bug on Android
  • Fixed the “swap” skill crashing the game under certain conditions
  • Fixed a bug with Seilon’s ballista
  • Made further fixes to the range display
  • Added Lenga (which includes his affinity, sex training, hero challenge, unit, etc.)
  • Added 2 new random events (Lenga x Haiden and Lenga x Ayers x Sol, need 50 affinity between them for the scenes to appear)
  • Added new furniture for the bedroom (clan banners from Dregan, simple curtains, arcane lanterns and 2 new frames (1 for Ayers and 1 for Asker)
  • Remade the stages in voxel (which includes random missions) and added Lenga’s stage
  • Added the battlefield in the stages
  • Added a new attack animation for Cervius (normal and transformed)
  • Added a new transformation animation for Fenris
  • Removed the conquest invasion battles
  • Remade some scenes to have them happen on the battle stage (+ a new little tease in Alastor’s mission)
  • Fixed a lot of small bugs
  • Changed the Daemonheim battle theme (with both a battlefield and map version)
  • Revamped the option menu and added a way to remap the keys
– Fixed a bug that would cause certain scenes to be skipped
– Other minor bugfixes
– added Sol as a new unit
– Added a defeat scene for Sol
– Added Sol’s affinity scenes
– Added a date for Sol
– Added Sol’s training
– Added Sol’s broken clothes
– Added a new event chain involving Sol and Haiden
– Added a new furniture to the Dregan shop which is a picture of Sol and Haiden
– Added the 10th Haiden adventure for his research
– From now on, when playing Dregan, affinity stories, sex training, dates, the renown shop and all that stuff will be unlocked only at the very end of the Dregan story (which is after summoning Sol)
– Added two new missions to Dregan’s renown missions
– From now on, when a world’s story concludes, the world intro animation will play but with the characters appearing instead of their shadows
– Remade the attack animation for Leif and Shade
– Added new animations when Leif and Shade switch positions
– Extended cutscenes introducing Radian characters (the new parts are only pre combat, to see the additions, replay the hero challenge cutscenes in Radian)
– Improved Haiden’s dragon’s idle animation a little
– Various fixes and typo fixes
Released the Android version
Added Ayers’s Hero Challenge
Added Ayers Affinity and Sex Training
Added a new multi part event between Seilon and Ayers
You can now start the Haiden’s research adventures. There are a total of 10 and they will be required to progress the Dregan storyline in the June update
Added 3 new missions to the Dregan renown mission pool
You can now see the requirements to progress a character’s affinity or sex training from the menu
Fixed a bug where the Adaptive Counter skill did not appear in the loot table when buying skills
Made some adjustments to improve some combat animations
Did some UI adjustments
Did a few cutscene fixes
Added a portal going directly to the arena (once the arena is built)
Made adjustments to some animations to make them compatible with different resolutions
– Changed Soren’s name to Aeren
– Added the furnishing for the bedroom
– Added a tutorial for the furnishing when interacting with the construction table
– Added a portal in the throne room to access the bedroom
– The scrying pool is now in the bedroom
– Updated the renown shop with new rewards
– Updated Kostyx’s shop with furniture
– Added furniture crafting recipes in the crafting room
– When training a character, you will now be taken to Cervius’s bedroom
– Other characters can now watch when Cervius trains characters
– Additional furnitures can be unlocked by building rooms around the castle
– Added the bed to the bedroom (the bed can be used to progress time in the castle, only usable once between battles)
– The new turn animation has been updated
– 3 new random events focusing on Soren, Zel, Leif (you need to lvl up the affinity between the 3 of them to get the scenes. Also, moved their sauna scene to trigger only after that event chain is done, but if you unlocked it before, it should still be unlocked atm)
– Added Seilon’s story and all the stuff it entails to have him as a new character (milking, training, affinity, hero challenge, etc.)
– Added two new maps to Dregan’s reputation missions
– Made general improvements to combat (like skill fixes)
– Revamped the semen market (removed the private requests, updated the public market and updated the tutorial as a result)
– Fixed a bug where characters would not gain experience
– Fixed some typos and dialogues
– Fixed the SP bar under the units and changed the information display under the units
– Fixed Leif/Shade’s foursome animation (Cervius’s tail was missing)
– Fixed a lot of typos and changed some dialogues for better flow
– Added a missing cutscene when Fenris’s first adventure (Radian intro) is complete
– Add the world intro animation when Soren’s hero challenge is started the first time
– Added a few lines of dialogue to Soren’s hero challenge
– Changed the message when it’s time to build the Portal Room to make it more obvious
– Added a HUD message telling to give the Prismind to Soren once it has been crafted
– Added a tutorial for the sex training minigame (plays after you give Soren his prismind)
– Added a cutscene after the scouting adventure for Asker
– Sex training scenes happening in specific rooms will now be locked until that room has been unlocked (example: Leif needs the bathroom, milking room and affinity room to see the entirety of his training)
– Fixed some cutscene backgrounds no appearing after finishing the battle (ex: Asker and Soren’s hero challenges)
– Adjusted several dialogues for the chapter 1 of Daemonheim
– Fixed a combat bug with Asker that would prevent other units from acting
– Fixed a bug with the sprites in the pleasure room
– Added the proper dialogues to the worker slots in the pleasure room
– To reduce the grind, we removed three Radian factions and merged them into the Trixium Order faction
– Added a new faction for Dregan called the Clan Alliance (faction will normally be available only after the world is complete so missions may feel a little out of place at the moment and only two are available for now)
– Taldram root item has been removed from the game
– The garden now gives a type of seed, egg, nut, etc. that changes depending on where the character is from. Those items currently have no purpose but will be used later.
– Added the Dregan map.
– Added the Haiden as a recruitable character (milking, sex training, affinity, worker slots, etc. are all available)
– Adjusted some construction and crafting recipes.
– A new conquest event is now available. Completing this conquest event will reward the player with the Pleasure room building kit (if you already built the pleasure room, you can still do the event but won’t need the building kit)
– Standardized the learning cost for skills. (passive skills now cost 30 SP, support 40 SP, Special 50 SP)
– Added the training room as a new facility. Using the training room, you can assign characters to learn skills, gain experience while not participating in combat or gain SP.
– Lot of menu fixes to make them easier to understand
– Fixed Cervius’s tail missing from the Leif/Shade foursome animation
– in combat skills/weapons can be clicked in the status window to see more details about them
– the combat speed will now affect both player and enemy phase
– Added the first Dregan chapter
– Added the two events that were voted in the polls previously (Zel, Cervius, Soren / Leif, Shade, Cervius)
– Added the first level for the pleasure room with 4 worker slots
– reduced the selling price for most items but increased the cum market prices significantly
– added a new skill encyclopedia for Dregan in the shop
v0.4.4 Public
Initial Release


Asset Package DL/Save
Sanguinis thanks for the share.

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    Dreadlord Ascension [v0.15.4] [Redflash]