Homelands [v0.0.11a] [MilkyNail]
Abandoned   /   Unity

Homelands [v0.0.11a] [MilkyNail]

January 7, 2024F95

This is a very early stage of my first platformer project after 5 years of making text games.
It’s not finished, there’s nothing to rate so far.
But I want to get feedback on this project and attract more people while the work is going.

Thread Updated: 2023-11-20
Release Date: 2023-11-19
Censored: No
Version: 0.0.11a
OS: Windows
Language: English
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Download, extract and run “Homelands.exe” file
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– Corrected “Genetails” to “Genitals” in the character creation menu. I’ve also dealt with all the mild warnings in the Unity that popped up after building process.
– Now all the buttons with arrows are looped! Hooray.
– Now snow leopards are not moving after being stunned (or killed, which is removed from game for now).
– Now interaction with stunned leopards don’t cause a critical error. Sorry about that.
– Both player and leopards are now stunned/killed instantly when their health drop to zero, without finishing the current animation.
– Now the second jump performs without losing momentum.
– Now regular attacks can be performed on a walk/run. And, super attacks are no longer possible to cancel by releasing the button.
– Fixed a bunch of bugs due to which: player was running while making a super attack; player was moving with an idle animation; player could roll while attacking and attack while rolling; crouching was breaking attack and run animations.
– One random fatal error warning in a track building asset was rudely plugged. Well, nothing bad happened, I checked it.
– Moved player a bit lower and snow leopards a bit higher in the battle zone. Now they are on the same level.
– Now the chosen camera zoom level saves when you are changing locations.
– Now all NPCs are walking on the ground, not in the air. And not “jumping” or falling under ground when you are walking by.
– Fixed hitboxes of donkeys and bears. They were too small after changing appearances. Some cursed playing with sizes took place earlier, yes. Now you can talk to them without need to stay really close.
– Snow leopards are now moving, if the scene (battle zone) is loaded correctly. They still can walk away from player or mess up their animations, but that’s in progress. I’m going to work on this in a few days.
– Finally, the battle scene is loading correctly now. After spending enormously big amount of time on it, this piece of code is working. There are a few small errors here and there, the whole thing is inconsistent, but I won’t finish it to perfection. I don’t know how and there are more ugly things I need to attend.
– Fireballs are now flying on the correct layer, not behind trees and stones.
– Fixed a bug due to which crouching led to an error (sometimes to a fatal one).
– Now you can zoom the camera! Use the middle mouse button to bring it closer or move away.
– When chatting with an NPC, camera will adjust to fixed size (a bit closer than you’d use, I guess). Then return to previous settings.
– Now all interactable objects (portals, doors, NPCs…) calculate the distance to the player and choose the closest one. It is very useful in situations when you try to activate one specific object in crowd of NPCs.
– Fixed the default “I” button for toggling Inventory. Now it works perfectly.
– Moved a mill and a cabin a little further apart in the settlement, so you can’t be trapped in there forever.
– Now it’s not mandatory to capture all snow leopards in the fighting zone to open the gate. You can just defeat them and leave.
– Added.. information! Please read signs in every location, they contain the base info about who you are and what you are doing. It’s a bit raw, but we have to start somewhere.
– Also added an info window to every portal. You’ll see why.
– Now pause menu, clothes menu, character creation menu, settings, info windows – all of them can be closed by pressing “Esc” button. Sadly, that doesn’t apply to dialogs. They use the completely different system of UI management.
– Added pixel perfect camera component to the main camera. This could make the overall picture slightly better, but it’s still far from perfection… Work in progress.
– Now you don’t take damage while performing a roll. Small, but significant change.
– The gate in the fighting zone is closed now. Defeat all snow leopards (and take them as prisoners) to open it.
– Fixed a lot of layer errors between sprites, enemies, projectiles in the fighting zone. Plus, weapon sprites in the beginning have better resolution now.
– Reduced a huge health drop hitbox. Also made an eagle enemy hitbox a bit bigger.
– Fixed pitfall death. Now player doesn’t freeze there randomly..
– Also fixed bug that prevented player movement after dying.
– Fixed a really, really nasty bug that crashed the game in attempt to pause it.
– Also reworked pause system to make it much more simple, fast and reliable. Works like charm now.
– Now Homelands has an icon! Hooray!
– Added animation to the pieces of loot in the settlement.
– Now arrows and bolts stuck in the ground, and fireballs destroy on contact.
– Added clothes menu to the hub! The same table as always, but now with cool UI.
– Enemies spawn randomly in the fighting zone now. Totally randomly! Don’t be surprised to meet no one on your way.
– Added attack icons for every weapon! Crossbow has bolts counter in addition. They are super cool and in the next update they will have cooldown animation! Already in process.
– Now player enters and exits houses in the settlement more smoothly.
– I changed gravity scale and the force of jump and roll in order to make them feel better. Now player spend less time in the air after jumping.
– Fixed a bug that was moving player forward without the rolling animation.
– Now the crossbow works as expected. On it’s main attack, it always shoots a single bolt. On a special attack it charges an extra bolt, and on the next attack it will shoot 2 bolts at once. You can charge 2 extra bolts (this means that there will be 3 of them in the shot). Just try, it’s not that complicated.
– Fixed music settings. Now you can save it without any problems.
– Fixed a few places in the fight location where snow leopards were struggling to jump on/off tiles.
– Added special places in the settlement and Hub for sex animations. You will be teleported to the “sex zones” and back, so you don’t have to make extra moves.
– Added pieces of loot to the game. One of them (a log) can be found in the very beginning of the settlement. I wrote a code and inventory opens and closes as you approach and leave this piece of loot now. I’m really proud of this mechanic, which I created myself.
– Fixed a small irritating bug, which has been appearing after closing the pause menu by pressing “Resume” button. Now this action doesn’t trigger an attack.
– Changed some grass sprites in the fighting zone with the new ones of better quality.
– Changed tiles so they make a nice looking ground. Moss (that green stuff on top of the brown tiles) was fixed, too.
– Changed the shape of fighting location here and there, fixing mistakes and improving it for better movement experience.
– Fixed snow leopards’ bug. Now they will trigger if player comes too close from behind.
– Added new portals to Hub and the settlement. Now they can be turned on and off, showing, which ones are working and could be used.
– The old “Save or Load” button was replaced with a new “Settings” button. Since saves are somewhat useless now, I decided that it would be a good change.
– Added borders in the start and the end of the fighting location.
– Added a script that chooses randomly skins for all grass sprites, bushes and small trees in the fighting zone.
– Now there will be two random weapons in the beginning of the fighting zone. One melee (sword/hammer) and one ranged (bow/crossbow/staff). All other weapons on the map were removed.
– Added a new soundtrack to Hub. Now every location has two soundtracks (Hub, fighting location and the settlement).
– Fixed a bug due to which the player stood still and did not react to input in the settlement.
– Fixed music playing from the very beginning after pausing the game.
– Fixed sex animations playing not from start sometimes.
– Fixed pause menu that was appearing from cancelling sex animations.
– Fixed a bug that prevented choosing female character in the main menu.
– Fixed a music volume bug that prevented changing it from the options.
– Fixed a captives bug. Now there is 50% chance of capturing female or male snow leopard, not only female one.
– Fixed some ground points, hitbox colliders and everything. Now player doesn’t stick to vertical surfaces. (But, boy, there’s still plenty of work to do)
– Fixed some blurry pictures of trees and bushes. Yes, by redrawing and reanimating them. It has affected some pics from Hub and the fighting zone.
– Fixed a few minor details in sex animations. Yes, I know, they need to be fully reworked. Already in process.
– Fixed pause. Now all animations stop after the pause menu is active.
– Fixed super arrows and crossbow bolts spawn point.
– Added totally new main chars (both male and female). They are still kobolds, but they have much better resolution and their animations are a bit better now. Animator added pseudo 3D effect and creates two different sets of bones for each character this time. Oh, weapons and projectiles were reworked, too.
– Added a new set of clothes for female character. Use a table in Hub to change your appearance.
– Added a procedural fighting zone. Activate one of the portals in Hub to go there. It’s not totally procedural in the best way possible… But it changes chunks of the level every time. Just keep in mind that it’s not the final look of it. 🙂
– Added cosmetic sprites to the fighting zone. A set of rocks, plants, weed and roots will smooth sharp edges of the tiles.
– Added platforms and chains to the fighting zone. Now it is possible to climb up and down and use platforms (you know, press down and jump. Platforms).
– Added three new soundtracks. One for the fighting zone and two for the settlement.
– There also was added a piece of code to shuffle songs every time.
– Added village
– Added battle zone
– Added sex scenes
Game released
Developer Notes:
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You can contact me any way you wish and ask any questions about my games. I’ll answer gladly

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